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NIT -11.

Hyoscymine,an alkaloid obtained from Atropa belladonna


Readily racemises to atropine with ethanolic alkali, atropine is (+)Hyoscymine

.B) Readily disintegrate into atropine with acid solution, atropine is (-)Hyoscymine.C) Readily rearranges
into atropine with alkali solution , atropine is(+)HyoscymineD) Readily racemises to atropine with ethan
olic alkali, atropine is (+)Hyoscymine.


Reserpine is derived from-A)SqualeneB)Homoserine

Tryptophan and tryptamine



Rauwolfia serpantina can be distinguished from other adulterants /substitute of rauwolfia serpinta
byA)Presence of starch graiunB)Calcium oxalate crystalC)Presence of trichomes D)scleroids4. Precursor
for the biosynthesis of tropane alkaloidA)LucineB)Lysine


D)Tyrocine5. Dragandroff reagent will no give + test for A)EmetineB)Morfine



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6. Cholchicine is boisynthecally synthesis from

Tyrocine and phenyl alanine

B)Tryptophane and phenyl alanineC)Ornithine and tryptophaneD)Ornithine and phenyl alanine7. The
diagnostic character for the microscopical identification of kurchi bark A)Fibre with wide shape pits

Horse shoe shaped stone cell

C)Sclerid containing calcium oxalateD)Straitefied cork 8. Aconitine belongs to the group of A)Steroidal

Terpenoidal alkaloids

C)Indole alkaloid alkaloidsD)Quinoli8ne alkaloids9. What is dragandroff reagentA)

Pot bismuth iodide

B)Pot iodideC)Bismuth iodideD)none10. The alkaloid which inhibit the cholensterase ,under goes
hydrolysis in solutionto give methyl carbamic acid and

11. The main const. in the dried ripe seed of cholchicum leutium and cholicumautumnale is derived

Tyrosine,phenyl alanine and dihydroxy phenyl alanine

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B)Tryptophane and tryptamineC)OrnithineD)lycine12. What is the biopsynthetic precursor for the

synthesis of ergot alkaloidsA)Phenyl alnineB)TryptophaneC)Tryptamine


13. Cholcine is used for A)Cancer


C)HypercholestemiaD)Hypertension14. Which of the following is known as Zinseng of

indiaA)Penax zingseng

Withnia somnifera

C)Ocimum sanctumD)none15. Alkaloid derived from ornithine areA)

Cocain and hyoscymine

B)Cholchicine and emetineC)Cocain and emetineD)Coacain and emetine16. Cocain alkaloid derived from
Coca leavesA)Increasing nor edreline synthesisB)Inhibiting mono amino oxidaseC)Inhibiting atechol o-
methyle transferase


Inhibiting nor edrelin reuptake

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17. Dragondroff’s test is used for the detection of ,


B) TanninsC )Triterpenoids D) Glycosides18. Wagner’s test is used for ,


B) GlycosidesC )Both alkaloids and glycosides D)terpenoids19 Molisch reagent isA )Β-naphthol B) α-

Alcoholic α-naphthol

D) Alkaline α-naphthol20. Selewanoff’s test is used for ,


B) AlkaloidsC )Glycoside D) Tannins21. Glucose osazone is present as ,A )White crystal


Yello powder

C) Green-Blue Powder D) None22. Hydrolysable tannins has base unit as,

Gallic acid

B) PloroglucinolC )Flavones D) Chromic acid23. Phenazone has,A )Analgesic activity B) Antipyretic activity


D) None24. Chlorogenic acid with aq. Ammonia solution in the presence of air,giveA )Yellow color

Green color product

C )Blue color product D) White color product25. Gold beater’s test is used for the detection
of.,A )Alkaloids B) Glycosides


D) Steroids26. Barford’s test is used for the detection of ,

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A )Glycosides B) Steroids


D) Triterpenoids27. Tyrosine is synthesize byA )Mevalonic acid pathway

Shikimic acid pathway

C )Oxidative phosphorylation D) None28. In the synthesis of tetracycline , malonamide is used in place


Acetyle co A

B )Aceto acetic ester C )Acetoacetyle co A D) Malonyl co A29. Shikimic acid has

3 hydroxyl group

B)2 hydroxyl groupC)4 hydroxyl group D)6 hydroxyl group30. Anthanilic acid is an intermediate in the
synthesis of A)Phenyl alanine


C)Tryptophane D) Prephenic acid31. 3,3-Dimethyl allyl pyrophosphate is combined with 3-

isopentenyl pyrophosphate, to giveA) C-20 unit B)C-15 unit

C -10 unit

D) C-30 unit32. Prephenic acid is an intermediate in,A )Mevalonic acid pathway


Shikimic acid pathway

C) TCA cycle D) None33. Carotenoids are ,A)C -10 unit B) C -15 unitC)C -20 unit34. Amino acids with


35. Coose the correct key intermediate for the synthesis of C

- C units ,which serveas the precursor for the biosynthesis of amino acids

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Shikimic acidB

)Didydro quinic acidC)Mevalonic acidD)Pyruvic acid36. What const, is present in the petroleum ether or
benzene extractA)

Plant sterols

B)Tropane alkaloidsC)SesqiterpenoidsD)purines37. The Enfleurage process is used for the extraction of,

Essential oil

B)ResinsC)GlycosidesD)Fixed oil
38. Thalleoquin test contain reagents:A)Bromine water + Few drops of ammonia

Potassium permanganate + Few drops of ammoniaC

Bromine water + Nitric acidD

Bromine water + Sodium hydroxide

39. Thalleoquin test is used for identification of :

A) AtropineB) Vincristine

C) Quinine

D) Strychnine

40. Acid value is

defined as:A) Number of milligram of potassium hydroxide required to neutralize onegram of fat or

B) Number of gram of potassium hydroxide required to neutralize one gram of fat or oil.C

Number of Kilogram of potassium hydroxide required to neutralize onegram of fat or oilD

Number of ml of potassium hydroxide (5N) required to neutralize one gramof fat or oil41.Is Known as
father of medicine?A)Aristotle B) Dioscorides

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D) Galen
42.Ergot contains large number of indole alkaloids, which are thederivatives of :A) Lysergic acid

B) Benzoic acidC) Cinnamic acidD) Meconic acid

43.Ergot powder gives blue color with :A.P-dimethylaminobenzaldehyde


44.Van-Urk’s reagent chemically is :



B.Benzoic acid+Cinnamic acidC.P-dimethylbenzoic acidD.Cinnamaldehyde

45.Ergometrine gives fluorescence in water :

A) Yellow B) GreenC) Red

D) Blue46.Modified Borntroger test is positive for drug:A) Aloe

B) SennaC) DigitalisD) Senna pod

47.Which is not used as an adulterant for clove?

A) Mother clove B) Blown cloveC) Clove stalk

D) Pale clove


Millons test is for ,

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Amino acids
B )CarbohydratesC )Cellulose D)Volatile oils

49.In kiung’s isobarbaloin test, Curacao aloes shows colour :

A) Yellow B) Blue

C) Wine red

D) Green


In klung’s isobarbaloin test, Socotrine and Zanziber aloes show colour:

A) Red B) Faint yellowC) GreenD

) No colouration51.Alcoholic extract of aloe under UV light gives colour:

A) BlueB) Red

C) Deep brown

D) Pink


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1. The basic nucleus in flavonoids is,

A)Chromone B)Benzo -gama-pyron


D) None

2. Anthone is,
A) Dibenzo-gama-pyroneB) Benzo cromoneC )Methyl phenyl chromone

Both A and B3. The role of sugar in digitoxin structure is ,

A)For partitioning of drug B )kinetic of action of drugC )to controle the activity of drug

both A and B4. Diosgenin contain ,

A )5 membered tetrahydro furan ring B) 6 membered tetrahydro pyran ringC )6 membered

tetrahydro furan ring

Both A and B5. Sinigrin from Black mustered is a,

A )C-Glycoside B )O-GlycosideC )N-Glycoside

S-Glycoside6. Millons test is for ,A

Amino acids

B )CarbohydratesC )Cellulose D)Volatile oils

7. Prunasin is a cyanogenetic compounds synthesis from,

A )Tyrosine

Phenyl alanine

C )Tryptophane D)valine
8. Cascarosides is aA


B)O-GlycosideC )N-Glycoside D) S-Glycoside

9. Salokowski test is for,

A )Seroids B)TriterpenoidsC )Carbohydrates

Both A and B10. Saturation of lactone ring in hecogenin cause,

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Abolishment of pharmacological activity

B )No effect on activityC )Increase in pharmacological activityD) None

11. Volatile oils are extracted using

;A )Sohxlet apparatus B )Percolator

Clavenger apparatus

D) all the above

12. Prunacin and Dhurrin are synthesized by,

A) Phenyl alanine B) Tyrosine


Phenyl alanine and tyrosine respectivaly

D )Valine and isoleucine respectivaly

13. The basic nucleus in flavonoids is,

A )Chromone B)Benzo -gama-pyron



14. The basic nucleus in flavonoids is,

A )Chromone B )Benzo -gama-pyron



15. Alkaloids are ,

A )Sugar bases B )Phosphorous bases

Nitrogenous bases

D)All the above

16. Endocrocine is

A )Alkaloid B) Steroid




17. Anthone is,

A )Dibenzo-gama-pyrone B) Benzo cromoneC )Methyl phenyl chromone

Both A and B18. The role of sugar in digitoxin structure is ,

A )For partitioning of drug B )kinetic of action of drug

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C )To controle the activity of drug

Both A and B19. Cascarosides is aA


B )O-GlycosideC )N-Glycoside D)S-Glycoside

20. Prunasin is a cyanogenetic compounds synthesis from

,A) Tyrosine

Phenyl alanine
C )Tryptophane D) Valine

21. Stas-otta process is used for extraction of :A) Glycosides

B) AlkaloidsC) TerpenoidsD) Resins

22. Senna mainly contains :A) O-glycosides

B) N-glycosidesC) C-glycosidesD) S-glycosides

23.Senna leaf if under the class of glycoside

:A) CardiacB) Cyanogenic

C) Anthracene

D) Saponin

24.Which drug is under the chemical class of cyanogentic glycoside?A) Bitter almond

B) Black mustardC) DigitalisD) Rhubarb


Drug under the class of isothiocyanate glycosides :A) Black mustard

B) SenegaC) ThevetiaD) Aloe

26.Shatavari is under the chemical class of glycoside:

A) Sterol

B) Saponin

C) CyanogenticD) Isothiocyanate

27.Drug is not under the class of cardiac glycoside :

A) digitalisB) Thevetia

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C) Indian squill

D) Bitter almond28.The drug showing cardio tonic activity:A) Thevetia

B) CochinealC) Rhubarb D) Aloe

29.Which drug is used as diuretic?

A) QuillaiaB) SenegaC) GinsengD

) Gokhru30.The drug used as nerve tonic :A) Brahmi

B) MordicaC) GinsengD) Senega

31.The family of Gokhru :

A) LiliaceaeB) Cucurbitaceae

C) Zygophyllaceae

D) Araliaceae

32.Borntrager test is used for one of the following drugs:A) Senna

B) AloeC) DigitalisD) Stropanthus

33.In kiung’s isobarbaloin test, Curacao aloes shows colour :

A) Yellow B) Blue

C) Wine red

D) Green34.

In klung’s isobarbaloin test, Socotrine and Zanziber aloes showcolour:

A) Red B) Faint yellowC) GreenD

) No colouration35.Alcoholic extract of aloe under UV light gives colour:

A) BlueB) Red

C) Deep brown

D) Pink

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36.The substitute for aloes :

A) Cape aloes B) Socotrine aloesC) Curacao aloes D

) Natal aloes37.The biological source for cape aloes :

A) Curacao aloesB) Socotrine aloes

C) Aloe ferrox

D) Zanziber aloes

38.Saponin glycoside shows one of the following property:

A) LaxativeB) Anticonvulsant

C) Foaming

D) Astringent

39.Out of the following, one is not the example of Cardinolide:

A) DigitoxinB) DigoxinC) GitoxigeninD

) Scillarin A40.The biological source for Dioscoria:A) dioscoria deltoid

B) dioscoria floribundaC) dioscoria villosaD) Dioscorea compositae

41.Yam is the synonym of the drug:

A) Stropanthus B

) Dioscoria

C) Safed musaliD) Liquorice

42.Dioscoria is used in the treatment of :

A) UlcerB) Cancer

C) Rheumatic arthritis

D) Kidney stone

43.______________ Is not the synonym of Liquorice.

A) GlycyrrhizaB) Liquorice rootC) Mulethi

D) Yam44.Liquorice belongs to family :

A) Liliaceae B) TriterpenoidC) Loganaceae

D) Leguminosae

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45.Glycyrrhizinic acid on hydrolysis gives :A) Glycyrrhetic acid

B) GlycyrrhizinC) LiquiritinD) Isoliquiritin

46.Liquorice is used in the treatment of :

A) Conjuctivitis

B) Peptic ulcer

C) AllergyD) Skin disease

47.When glycyrrhiza is treated with 80% sulphuric acid, then it showscolour:A) Yellow

B) RedC) GreenD) Violet

48.Rhubarb is cultivated mainly in which state of India:A) J and K

B) Madhya PradeshC) MaharashtraD) Bengal

49.Rhubarb when treated with alkali, shows red colour due to presence
of :A) Anthroquionoe glycoside

B) Cardiac glycosideC) sapogenin glycosideD) Cyanogenic glycoside

50.Keller kiliani test is positive for:A) Digitoxose

B) GitoxoseC) digitoxigeninD) gitoxigenin

51.Presence of star spots is the characteristic of drug:

A) CascaraB) SennaC) Aloe

D) Rhubarb52.Botanical source of Arjuna bark:

A) Terminalis tamentosaB) Polygala chinesisC) Poligala erioptera

D) Terminalis arjuna53.Presence of aleurone grain is the characteristic of the drug:

A) Belladonna

B) Nux vomica

C) HyoscyamusD) Vinca

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54.Drug with the presence of plasmodesma:A) Nux vomica

B) RauwolfiaC) Vinca roseaD) Phsysostigma

55.Digitalis leaves should be dried at temperature below:

A) 20 CB) 30 CC) 40 C

D) 60 C56.Vein-islet no. is Indian senna is in the range of :

A) 10.5 to 12.5B) 13.5 to 16.5C) 16.5 to 18.0D) 19.5 to 22.5

57.Stomatal Index in Indian senna is in the range of:

A) 17 to 20B) 20 to 23C) 23 to 26D) 26 to 29

58.Palisade ratio in Alexandrian senna is :A) 7

B) 10C) 13D) 16

59.Vein- islet no. in Alexandrian senna is in the range of:

A) 10 to 15.5B) 16 to 20.5

C) 25 to 29.5

D) 20 to 24.5

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1.Protoalkaloids are also called as :A) Amino alkaloid

B) Pseudo alkaloidC) True alkaloidD) Extra alkaloid

2.True alkaloids are always present in plants as:

A) Salts of inorganic acidB

) Salts of organic acid

C) Salts of me conic acidD) Salts of benzoic acid

3.the example of pseudoalkaloid :A) Caffeine

B) HygrineC) ArecolineD) Lobeline

4.Which drug is not under the chemical class of indole?

A) QuinidineB) Quinine

C) Atropine

D) camptothecin

5.The ring structure present in strychnine :A) Indole

B) PyrroleC) PyridineD) Piperidine

6.Drug is an example of amino alkaloid :

A) Ephedrine

B) Aconine

C) CaffeineD) Theophylline

7.Deadly Nightshade is the synonym of the drug :

A) DaturaB

) Belladonna

C) CinchonaD) Coca
8.Family of the Vinka :

A) Rubiaceae B) Solanaceae

C) Apocyanaceae

D) Erythroxylaceae

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9.Which is not the use of argot?

A) OxytocinB) Prevent post partum hemorrhageC) Migraine

D) Laxative10.Nux vomica is not used as:

A) CNS stimulantB) bitter stomachicC) TonicD) Expectorant

11.Which is not the use of Stramonium ?

A) AnticholinergicB) Mydriatic

C) Antiadrenergic

D) Control of Motion sickness

12.Which is not the chemical constituent naturally obtained from Opium?

A) MorphineB) CodeineC) Narcotine

D) Heroine13.Which is the active chemical constituent obtained from Ipecac ?A) Cephaeline

B) BerberineC) HydrastineD) Tropane

14.‘Thorn apple’ is the synonym for the drug:

A) BelladonnaB) CinchonaC) DaturaD

) Stramonium15.Which drug is not belonging to family Apocyanaceae ?

A) VincaB) rauwolfiaC) KurchiD

) Gloriosa16.Which is not the biological source of Cinchona ?

A) Cinchona calisayaB) cinchona officinalisC) Cinchona succirubraD

) Cinchona indica17.Which ergot alkaloid is water-soluble ?

A) Ergotamine B) Ergosine

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C) Ergocristine

D) Ergometrine18.Ergometrine alkaloid shows :A) Laevo

B) DextroC) Racemic mixtureD) Trans

19.Ergometrine shows configuration :

A) Laevo B

) Dextro

C) Racemic Mixture D) trans

20.Which forms of the ergot alkaloids are especially important?A) Laevo

B) DextroC) cisD) trans

21.How many pairs of alkaloid are present Ergot ?

A) Five B) Four C) Three

D) Six


‘Crow fig’ is the synonym for the drug:


Strychnous nux vomica

B) Rauwolfia sepentinaC) Rauwolfia densifloraD) Rauwolfia vometoria

23.Stychnous nux vomica belongs to family :

A) ScrophulareaceaeB) LiliaceaeC) ApocyanaceaeD

) Loganiaceae24.One of the following microscopic characters not associated withNux Vomica is :

A.Epidermis consist of lignified trichomesB.Epidermis is followed by layer of collapsible

cellsC.Endosperm shows presence of plasmodesma

D.Calcium oxalate crystal and starch grain are present25.Lignified trichomes is characteristic of drug :

A) Catharanthus B) Cassia angustifolia

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C) Strychnous nux vomica

D) Digitalis purpurea

26.When the transverse section of nux vomica is treated with ammoniumvanadate and sulphuric acid,
the endospermic cells show purple colour,due to presence of :A) Strychnine

B) BrucineC) a-CoubrineD) B-coubrine

27.When the transverse section of nux vomica is treated with nitric acid, itshows yellow colour due to
presence of :

A) Strychnine

B) Brucine

C) a-CoubrineD) B-coubrine28.

Biological source of nux vomica is :A) Strycnous nux vomica

B) Strychnous potatorumC) Strychnous nux blandaD) strychnous wallichiana

29. The important chemical constituents of rauwolfia is :A) Reserpine

B) ResercinnamineC) AjamalicineD) Desperidine

30.Reserpine, when treated with solution of vanillin in acetic acid showscolourA) Red

B) GreenC) BlueD) Pink

31.Diacetyl derivative of morphine is :

A) Codeine

B) Heroin

C) PapaverineD) Thebaine

32.The opium alkaloids are present in plant as salt of :

A) Benzoic acidB) Tartaric acid

C) Meconic acid

D) Acetic acid

33.Opium when dissolved in water and filtrate is treated with ferricchloride solution,
it shows____________colour :

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A) Reddish purple

B) GreenC) Yellow D) Orange

34.Which compound is showing the most potent analgesic property?A) Heroin

B) MorphineC) CodeineD) Papaverine

35.Trukish opium is commonly known as:

A) Chemist opium B

) Druggist opium

C) Chinese opiumD) Chemist and druggist

36.Cephaelis Ipecacuanha belongs to family:

) Rubiaceae

B) LiliacaceaeC) ApocyanaceaeD) Rutaceae

37.Which is not the characteristic feature of alkaloid ?


Complex molecular structure and nitrogen in themoleculeB.Basic in natureC.Biosynthetically derived

D.Acidic in nature only38.Jesuit’s bark is synonym of :

A) Coca leavesB) Ipecacuanha

C) Cinchona

D) Calumba

39.Which alkaloid is not present in cinchona bark?

A) QuinidineB) Quinine

C) Quinovin

D) Cinchonin

40.Which species of cinchona contains highest percentage alkaloid ?A) cinchona succirubra

B) Cinchona officinalisC) Cinchona calisayaD) Cinchona ledgeriana

41.Which is not the prominent chemical constituent in Ipecac?

A) Emetine B) Pyschotrine

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C) Cephaeline

D) Cinchonine42.The pharmacological action of Ipecac:

A) Stimulant

B) Emetic

C) SedativeD) Hypnotic

43.Papaverine, narcotine and narceine is under the chemical class:

A) QuinolineB) Benzyl isoquinoline

C) Isoquinoline

D) Benzophenone

44.Papaverine shows pharmacological activity:A) Spasmolytic

B) EmeticC) AntitussiveD) Antipyretic

45.In UV light Ergot shows fluorescence :

A) YellowB) Blue

C) Red

D) Violet

46.Adulterants of rauwolfia serpentine are distinguished on the basis of :A) Presence of sclernchyma

B) Absence of sclerenchymaC) Presence of parenchymaD) Absence of parenchyma

47.Glycoside present in stychnous nux vomica :

A) Strychnine B) BrucineC) Ajmaline

D) Loganine48.Major pharmacological action of Ephedrine :

A) Kidney failureB) Anti-inflammatoryC) Heart failureD

) Bronchial asthma49.Morphine contains main nucleus :A) Phenanthrene

B) AnthraceneC) NaphthaleneD) Naphthacene

50.The characteristic not associated with alkaloids:

A.They all contain nitrogen

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B.Most of non-volatile alkaloids are solid

C.All the alkaloid contains sulphur

D.They are physiologically active

Unit-41.Hemiterpenes has the molecular formulaA)C5H8




3. SesquiterpenesA



5. Menthol is a




6.Limonene is a



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7. The most common sources of essential oils used as antiseptics are:




All8. Thymol is used as antiseptics and when compare with phenol,A)

10 times more potent than phenolB)5 times more potent than phenol


Same as phenolD)

20 times more potent than phenol9. Essential oils from the




species and verbenaare reputed to,A)Decrease or eliminate gastrointestinal spasms

B)Anti malarial


Anti diabetecD)None

10. Tetrahydrocannabinol (Cannabis sativa) has,A)

Anti malarial propertiesB)Anti diabetec properties

C)Psychotropic properties


11. Sesquiterpene Lactones: are particularly characteristics of A)








Hemigossypol and related aldehydes together with the dimeric gossypolare


HemiterpeneB) Monoterpene


D) Diterpene

13. Gossypol is of considerable pharmaceutical interest in that in humans, itfunctions as,


InsecticidalB)anti-infertility agent

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14. Grindelia (Grindelia robusta Nutt.) is a Diterpenic Plants used intherapeutical fields AsA)

In the formulation of expectorants;B)In the formulation of cough sedatives


In the formulation of antispasmodicsD)

All15. Diterpenic Plants of potential interest is Taxus baccata L. contain Taxolwhich is a :A)

Hemiterpene B)Monoterpene


Diterpene16. 15. Diterpenic Plants of potential interest is Taxus baccata L. containTaxol which is
a :A)Anticancer drug

B)Anti diabetec


Anti spasmodicD)None

17. Examples of sesquiterpenes are:


farnesenes, B)farnesol.


geraniol, D)

a and b18. Examples of diterpenes areA)




All19.Tetraterpenes has the molecular formula,A)C15H24






20.Ginkgolidesis a ,A)

HemiterpeneB) Monoterpene



Diterpene21. As growth regulators; sesqui-terpenoids (abscisins) areA)Growth inhibitors

B)Growth promoters



22.As growth regulators di-terpenoids (gibberellins) are

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A)Growth inhibitors

B)Growth promoters


ono-terpenoids are

A) Open chain monoterpenoids, acyclicB) Cyclohexanes monoterpenoids, mono- & bicyclicC)

Cyclopentases, iridoids=monoterpene lactones





Open chain monoterpenoids, acyclicB)

Cyclohexanes monoterpenoids, mono- & bicyclic


Cyclopentases, iridoids=monoterpene lactones



25. Pinane and Fenchane are come under,


Open chain monoterpenoids, acyclicB)

Cyclohexanes monoterpenoids, bicyclicC)

Cyclopentases, iridoids=monoterpene lactones




Chrysanthemic acid is the example of ,A)

Open chain monoterpenoids, acyclic


Cyclohexanes monoterpenoids, bicyclic


Cyclopentases, iridoids=monoterpene lactones

D) Irregular monoterpenoids27.Artemisia ketoneA)

Open chain monoterpenoids, acyclic


Cyclohexanes monoterpenoids, bicyclic

Cyclopentases, iridoids=monoterpene lactones

D) Irregular monoterpenoids

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28. Terpenoids are normally extracted from plant tissues with

A) Petroleum etherB)ChloroformC)Diethyl etherD)


29. Terpenoids are normally extracted from plant tissues and are,


Mostly Colourless(except carotenoids)

B)Mostly red Colour C)Mostly Blue Colour (except carotenoids)D)All

30. Terpenes made up of :

A) CalciereneB) PseudoprieneC) Neoprene

D) Isoprene31.Molecular formula for isoprene unit is:

A) C8 H8B) C3 H8

C) C5 H8

D) C6 H6

Ans: cExample of alcohol volatile oil:A) Peppermint

B) CinnamonC) Lemon peelD) Orange peel

32.Which is not an example of ester volatile oil?

A) GaultheriaB) Lavender C) Muster

D) Cinnamon33.Drug is not an example of phenol volatile oil:

A) Clove

B) Anise

C) CreosoteD) Thyme

34.The major terpenoid in clove oil:

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A) Eugenol

B) SantalolC) AnetholD) Menthol

35.Triterpenes contain number of isoprene units:

A) FourB) Five

C) Six

D) Seven

36.Diterpenes contain number of isoprene units:

A) Three

B) Four

C) Five D) Six

37.Monoterpenes contain number of isoprene units:

A) OneB) Three

C) Two

D) Four

38.Lemon grass oil is obtained from :A) Cymbopogon flexuousus

B) Cinnamonum camphoraC) Eucalyptus globulesD) Chenopodium ambrosioides

39.Beta ionine is starting material for synthesis of:

A) Vitamin K B) Vitamin B1

C) Vitamin A

D) Vitamin D

40.Cymbopogon flexuousus belongs to family:A) Graminnae

B) LiliaceaeC) LegumniosaeD) Loganaceae

41.Synonym for peppermint oil is:A) Mentha oil

B) Oleum terbinthaeC) EucalyptusD) Chenoposan

42.Peppermint oil contains chiefly:A) I-menthol

B) d-mentholC) CitralD) Cineole

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43.Cardamom belongs to family:

A) LiliaceaeB) LoganaceaeC) Apocyanaceae

D) Zingiberaceae44.Allepy variety of cardamom has approx. size:

A) 4 to 10 mmB) 2 to 4 mm

C) 8 to 20 mm

D) 6 to 12 mm

45.The chief active constituent of fennel:

A) CarvoneB) BorneolC) Dill-Apiole

D) Fenchone46.Biological source for Nutmeg:

A) foeniculum vulgareB) Coriandrum sativum

C) Myristica fragrans

D) Elettaria cardamom
47.Nutmeg belongs to family:

A) LuraceaeB) Umbelliferae

C) Myristicaceae

D) Zingiberaceae

48.Drug, which does not, belong to family umbelliferae:

A) Caraway B) Coriander C) Ajowan

D) Cardamom49.Nutmeg contains percentage of volatile oil:A) 5 to 16%

B) 10 to 20 %C) 15 to 25%D) 20 to 30 %

50.Fennel contains percentage of volatile oil:A) 3 to 7 %

B) 7 to 10%C) 10 to 13 % D) 13 to 155

51.Nutmeg should contain volatile oil not less than:

A) 1 % w/vB) 2% w/vC) 3 % w/v

D) 5 % w/v52.Volatile oil in Coriander should not less than:A) 0.3%

B) 3.0%C) 3.3%D) 4.4%

53.Cardamon contains volatile oil not less than:

A) 1% B) 0.4 %C) 2.0%

D) 4.0 %54.Peppermint oil contains important terpenoid:

A) GeraniolB) Anethol

C) Menthol

D) Eugenol

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55.The clove oil contains important terpenoid:A) Eugenol

B) AnetholC) MentholD) Cineol

56.Fennel contains type of stomata:

A) DiacyticB) ActinocyticC) Anisocytic

D) Anomocytic57.Exhuasted fennel is identified by absence of :A) Fenchone

B) AnetholC) CarvoneD) Cineol

58.Which variety of fennel contains least percentage of volatile oil content?A) Indian

B) SaxonyC) French sweetD) Japanese

59.The fat of nutmeg is known as:

A) GheeB) Nutmeg oil

C) Nutmeg butter

D) Nutmeg protein

60.Cinnamom bark does not contain:

A) CinnamaldehydeB) Tannins

C) Coumarin

D) Benzaldehyde

61.The biological source of cinnamon:

A) Cinnamomum zeylanicumB) Cinnamomum cassia blume

C) Cinnamomum burmanii

D) Cinnamomum loireirii

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62.Biological source of Garlic is:A) Allium sativum

B) Pinus roxburghiiC) Thymus vulgarisD) Santalum album

63.______ is not the use of Allium sativum.

A) CarminativeB) AphrodisiacC) Atherosclerosis

D) Antiulcer64.The family of Ocimum sanctum:A) Labiatae

B) LiliaceaeC) LauraceaeD) Loganaceae

65.‘Holy basil’ is the synonym for drug:

A) Alpinia officinarumB) Allium sativumC) Nardostachys jatamonum

D) Ocium sanctum66.Alkaloid present in Black pepper is:

A) CaryophylleneB) CinnamaldehydeC) 1-phellandrene

D) Piperine67.Drug which does not belong to family Umbelliferae:

A) CuminB) Anise

C) Lavender oil

D) Celery

68.The percentage of clove oil in clove should not be less than:A) 15%

B) 10%C) 5%D) 1%

69.Does not occur in clove:A) Starch

B) Volatile oilC) TanninsD) Resins

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70.When transverse section of clove is treated with potassium hydroxidesolution, it gives:

A)STRONG odor of volatile oilB)H2 S gas is evolvedC)CO2 is evolved

D)Needle shaped crystals of potassium eugeonate71.Clove oil is used in the manufacturing of :

A) Salicylic acid

B) Vanillin
C) Cinnamic acidD) Benzoic acid

72.Clove stalk contains approximate percentage of volatile oil:A) 5%

B) 10%C) 15%D) 20%

73.Oil which does not belong to alcohol class:

A) NutmegB) Sandalwood

C) Lemon grass

D) Lavender

74.The oil, which is not belonging to aldehyde class:A) Dill oil

B) Cinnamon oilC) Lemon grass oilD) Lemon oil

75.The oil, which is having counter irritant property:

A) Thyme

B) Turpentine oil

C) PeppermintD) Orange oil

76.Fennel contains percentage of volatile oil:

A) 10 to 20%B) 20 to 30%C) 30 to 40%

D) 65 to 70%UNIT 5

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1) Taxol/Paclitaxel — A chemical discovered inthe Pacific Yew tree (

Taxus brevifolia

) is used as,A)Anti-cancer

B)anti diabetecC)anti ulcer


2) Vinblastine — A chemical discovered in theMadagascar periwinkle in the 1950s. Vinblastine is used


B)anti diabetecC)anti ulcer



3) Vincristine is used as,A)Anti-cancer

B)anti diabetecC)anti ulcer



4) Topotecan — An analog (synthesized chemical) of a plant alkaloiddiscovered in the Chinese tree


Camptotheca acuminata

, for thetreatment of ,A)

childhood leukemiasB)ovarianC)small cell lung cancers

D)Both B and C

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5) Irinotecan — Another chemical analog which has been developed fromanother plant alkaloid
discovered in the same tree,

Camptotheca acuminata

,for the treatment of ,A)metastatic colorectal cancer

B)childhood leukemiasC)ovarian


small cell lung cancers

6) Etoposide — A semisynthetic derivative of a plant chemical,pipodophyllotoxin, discovered in
the Mayapple plant family (

Podophyllum peltatum

) is used as ,A)Anti-cancer

B)anti diabetecC)anti ulcer



7) Teniposide — Another semisynthetic derivative of a plant chemicaldiscovered in the Mayapple

plant ,family (

Podophyllum peltatum

) is used asA)Anti-cancer

B)anti diabetecC)anti ulcer



8) ·9AC (9-aminocamptothecin)is used as,A)Anti-cancer

B)anti diabetecC)anti ulcer



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9)Camptothecin obtained from

Camptotheca acuminate is used as


B)anti diabetecC)anti ulcer



10)Colchiceine amide obtained from

Colchicum autumnale


B)anti diabetecC)anti ulcer



11)Colchicine obtained from

Colchicum autumnale is used as


B)anti diabetecC)anti ulcer



12)Demecolcine obtain from

Colchicum autumnale is used as


B)anti diabetecC)anti ulcer



13)Irinote Anticancer obtained from

Camptotheca acuminatais used as

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B)anti diabetecC)anti ulcer



14)Lapachol obtained from

Tabebuia sp used as


B)anti diabetecC)anti ulcer



15)Monocrotaline A obtained from

Crotalaria sessiliflora,is used as,

A)Topical Anti-cancer

B)anti diabetecC)anti ulcer



16)Pachycarpine obtained from

Sophora pschycarpa is used as,


anti diabetecB)anti ulcer C)

OxytocicD)None17)Topotecan obtained from

Camptotheca acuminate ,used as


anti diabetec
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B)anti ulcer C)

anti cancerD)None

18)Annona squamosa is used as,


B)anti ulcer C)anti cancerD)None

19 Areca catechu(


is used as,


B)anti ulcer C)anti cancerD)None

20)Butea monosperma

palasa is used as,A)Hypoglycemic

B)anti ulcer C)anti cancerD)None

21) Camellia sinensis(

Tea) is used as,


B)anti ulcer C)anti cancerD)None

22)Capparis deciduas is used as,


B)anti ulcer C)anti cancerD)None

23)Caesalpinia bonducella(
Sagarghota, Fevernut) is used as,A)Hypoglycemic

B)anti ulcer C)anti cancerD)None

24)Coccinia indica (

Bimb or Kanturi) is used as,


B)anti ulcer C)anti cancerD)None

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