JR. PHY Additional Questions

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Additional -VSA-Q * $.R. EDUCATIONAL ACADEMY ORTANT V8 tions (Additional VgA @ What is gravitational force ? ‘A: Itis the force of mutal attraction between two bodies by virtue of their masses 2) Name two Indian born physicists who have been awarded Nobel prize in Physics ? A: i)C.VRaman ii) Subramanium Chandrashekar 3) Name the scientist who discovered x - rays ? A: W.K. Roentgen 4) Name the famous scientist who discovered the law of gravitation ? A: Issac Newton 5) How many times is the strong nuclear fore stronger than the electromagnetic force ? A: 100 times 6. The velocity v of a particle depends on time tas v = At’+Bt+C where vis in m/s and tis in second ? what are the units of A,B and C ? D-M-Foamula Unit of VV ms : ve ae A: Unit of A= Dane Sia ms = At unitofv— ms” veRtE >a R= Unit of B= unit oft Sire =ms unit of C = unit of v = ms" 7. Define second in terms of cesium - 133 vibrations ? ‘A: One second is defined as the duration of a 192, 631, 770 vibrations corresponding to the transition between two hyperfine levels of cesium - 133 atom in the ground state How many significant figures are there in 1)750 2) 0.00320 A: 1)750 has two significant figures : 7.5 2) 0.00320 has three significant figures in a) 0.007m_ b) 2.67 x 10% kg 9. Write the number of significant figures in each of the following measurements : a)1.67 x 10”"kg b) 0.270 cm A: a) Three: 1,6,7 b) Three : 2,7,0 10. Why does a tennis ball bounce higher on hills than in plain 2 A: Maximum hight attained by a projectile |» What is ment by B- decay and what force at nee Ay BSE aang negative charged particle FP eles tvon and nuctear forces are tnvelved- As the value of g is less on hills than on plains, So a tennis bounce higher on hills than on plains 11, We beat a blanket with stick to A: When we beat a blanket with a stick, it comes into motion. But the dust particles continue to be restdue to inertia and get detached from the blanket 12, 13. 14, 15. 16. 1% 18, 19. 20. 21. A + Inaccordance with Newton’s third law, the seat will press the child inward, providing the necessary centripetal In a tug of war, the team that pushes harder against the found wins why ? ‘The team that pushes harder against ground gets greater reactional force and this leads them to win Why does a child in a merry - go - round press the side of his deat radially out ward ? force Is the rocket in flight on example of projectile 2 No, because it is propelled by combustion of fuel and does not move under the effect of gravity along State the two factors on which the modulus of elastic depends ? ‘The modulus of elasticity depends upon i) Nature of material and ii) Type of stress used in producing the strain ‘Among solids, liquids and gases which possess the greatest bulk of modulus ? Solids Write copper, steel, glass and rubber in the order of increasing co-efficient of elasticity 7 Rubber < glass < copper < steel Which is more elastei__ water or air 2 Water is more elastei than air. Air can be easity compressed while water is in compressible and bulk ‘modulus is reciprocal of compressibility Why is mercury used in barometers ? Mercury is used in barometers due to the following Reason : i) It does not stick to the walls of thye barometric tube. ii) I's density in high, So the length of the tube used is conveniently small il) l's vapour pressure is quite small. Why is it easier to swim in sea water than in river water 2 The sea water has many salts dissolved in it. So the density of sea water is greater than that of river water. Consequently, the sea water exerts greater up thrust on the swimmer than the river water. Hence itis easier to swim in sea water than in river water. | What is the effect of temperature on the viscosity of liquids and gases ? The viscosity of liquids decreases with rise in temperature while that gases increases with an increase in temperature ; Hotter liquids move faster than colder ones . Why ? The visocity or the internal force of frictionim of aliquid decreases with the increase in temperature. Hence hotter liquids move faster than colder ones. Why should the lubricant oil be of high viscosity ? Lubricant oil is used to reduce the dry friction between various machine parts. Due to high viscosity, lubricant oil sticks to the machinem parts and cannot be squeezed out during the working of the machine 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34, 35, 36. 37. Why two stream lines cannot cross each other ? 'f two stream lines cross each other, there will be two directions of flow at the point of intersection which is impossible . What happens when the velocity of a liquied becomes greater than its critical velocity 2. + The flow of liquid changes from streamline to turbulent Roofs of the huts are blown up during stormy days why ? 2 The velocity of the windm is high above the roof, So the pressure is low in accordance with (Bemouli’s Principle) But the pressure below the roof is the atmospheric pressure which is high. So the roof is blown up An aeroplane runs for some distance on the runway before taking off. why ? Surface tension decreases with the increase of temperature. Lesser the surface tension. more uis the wething (and hence the washing) power of water. Name two partical applicational of pascal's law ? Hydraulei press and hydaulei brakes Define buoyancy ? When a body is immerrsed in abhind, it experiences a thrust. This effect ic called buoyancy. What is a manometer ? Manometer is a swice used to measure the pressure of a gas enclosed ina vessel State Stoke's law ? According to stroke’s law the viscous drag on a small body of radius (r) moving with uniform velocity (v) through aviscous medium of viscosity(n) is given by F = 6xhrv Write the dimensional formula of Reynold’s number 2) >What ts hydrostatic paradox ? ‘Anssthe pressure eeerted bya Iiguid golumy depends only on the height of the Ltguid column and not on the shaped and base area of the containing vessel . The dimensional formula of raynold's number is DOV LMEALT" _ ME'T" _ O mere . With), MEP > MET? 1 What is the fundamental principal on which Bernoulli’s theorem is Based ? Law of conservation of energy State Bernoulli's theorem ? State that the sum of pressure energy kinetic energy and potential energy per unit volume of an in compressible non - viscous fluid in a stream lined irrotational flow remains constant along a stream line. What are the factors on which the angle of contact depends ? The angle of contact depends on i) Nature of the solid and liquid in contact. ji) Cleanliness of the surface in contact ili) Medium above the free surface of liquid iv) temperature of the liquid What is capillarity The phenomenon of rise oF fail of a liquid in a capillar with respect to the surroundings is called capillarity By which phenomenon the water rises from roots leaves of plants ? Capillary action 38. Why are gas thermometers are more sensitive than mercury thermometers ? A: The cofficient of expansion of a gas is very large as compased to the cofficient of expansion ‘of mercury for the same temperature range, a gas wouldm under go a much larger change in volume as compared to mercury 39. Do all solids expand on heating ? If not give and example ? A: No camphor contracts on heating 40. Is the temperature cofficient always positive ? No, temperature cofficient ot is positive for metals and alloys and negative for semo conductors & insulators 41. Why is invar used in making a clock pendulum ? Invar which is an alloy of nickel and steel, has exheamly small temperature cofficient of expansion and so the length of a pendulum made of invar does not change appreciabely during sumemr and winter seasons and hence the clock gives almost correct time. 42. A match stick can be lighted by rubbing it against a rough surface. Why ? When match stick is lighted against the rough surface workm is done against friction. This work done appears as heat and lights up the match stick 43. The coolant used in a nuclear reactor should have high specific heat ? Why ? The purpose of a coolant is absorb maximum heat with least rise in its own temperature. This is possible only if specific heat is high because Q = meAT. For a given value of ‘m’ and ‘Q’' the rise in temperature AT will be small if Cis large. This will prevent different parts of the nuclear reactor from getting too hot. 44. What is the normal temperature of a human body ? Az 98.4°F (or) 37°C 45. What is the temperature at which celsius and Fahrenhit scale give the same reading ? 2 Aes Fr32 bt CHF ox a eS ye A: -40°C =-40°F 100 Eee Be esas Eee 2 9% 56 46. What is an ideal gas ? Give its main characterstics 9/80 qi Bea. (oo x =-4o A: Anideal g 's is one which obeys the gas laws at all values of temperature and pressure. Its main characterstic are: i) The size of the molecules is negligibly small ii) There is no force of attraction or replusion amongst its molecules. 47. When a gas is heated, its temperature increases.Explain it on the basic of kinetic theory of gases ? When a gas is heated , the root mean square velocity of its molecules increases. As vu, avF , so the temperature of the gas increases On which factors does the average kinetic ener, temperature volume The average K.E. of a gas molecules depends on} propotional to it 49. Whats the value of Rin S.l. units? A: [Q=8.314J mol'k? ‘gy of gas molecules depend . Nature of the gas ly on the absolute temperature of the gas and is directly 0. What is Bothzmanns constant? Giveit's value? Kp >. = 1-38x10 79? Fic? Name two factors on which the degrees of freedom of a gas depend? Degree of freedom of a g depend on 'a:_ i) Atoricity of the gas molecules ii) Shape of the molecules ii) Temperature of the gas 52) State the law of equipartion of energy of a dynamic system ? ‘A: Law of equipartition of energy: Its states that in any dynamical system in thermal equilibrium , the energy is equally distributed amongst i's various degree of freedom and the energy is associated with eath degree of freedom per molecule is 1/2 K,T, where K, is Boltzmann's constant anf T is the absolute temperature of the system. 53) Hot liquids are flows faster than cold liquids . why? A: The viscosity of hotter liquids is less than the viscosity of colder liquids. Hence hotter liquids flows faster than colder liquids. le on Ice ? 54) How skating is possi A: Skating is possible on ice due to formation of water below the skates due to excess pressure and water acts as lubricant. —> what is negelation Due to Regelation (or) Refrezeing the Refareezing [orf resobidificotion 54) Why water droplets wet the glass surface but not a lotus leaf ? A: Incase of water and glass angle of constant s less than 908 #cute Angles, but in case of water and lotus leaf, the angle of contact is greater than 90° (obtuse angle) 55) What is thermal expansion? A: Change in dimension means increase in dimensions of a body (length,area,volume and shape) due to increase in its temperature is called thermal expansion. 56)What is Gauge pressure? ‘A: The pressure difference between hydrostatic (actual) pressure and atmospheric pressure is called gauge pressure Gauge pressure 57. What is strem line (or) laminar flow 2 A: If every particle of fluid follows exactly the path of its previous or preceding particle and has the same velocity as that of its previous one when cross the point. Then that flow is called stremline flow. The tangent drawn on to the stream line at any point gives the direction of velocity of fluid at that point. 58. What is the working principle of Bansenburner, perfum,sprayers,Agriculture sprayers,painting uses filter pumps and aspirators ? A: Bernoulli's theorem 59. Why canafgare constructed in ‘V' shape ? ‘A: Cana’s are constructed in ‘V’ shape because the water in cana’s flow in the flow in the form layers. The area of constant between the layers decreases from top to bottom of the cana’s. So that viscous force between the layers decreases and more flow occurs at the top 60. On what factors angle of contact depends 7. ‘A: i) The nature of liquid - solid pair. ii) The medium above the free surface of the liquid iil) The tempearture 61. What is the effect angle of inclination un angle of contact? ‘A: Angle of contact is independent of angle of inclination 62. Define velocity gradient and give its units? ‘A: Change in velocity per unit distance is caslled velocity gradient Av, m/sec S.l unit: > = — sees am 63. On what factors viscous force in fluid depends? ‘A: Nature of the faluid, surface area of the layers in contact, velocity gradient. 64. What is the effect of temperature on the surface tensions of water ? A: Surface tension of water decreases with increases of temperature 65. Define tripple point of water 2 [A: Tripple point is a point in the phase diagram representing a particular pressure and temperature at which the solid, liquid and vapour can c¢-exist (or) co-ordinates Temperature =273.16k Pressure = 613.1pa (or) 4.58mm of Hg (0) The temperature and pressure point at which three states of water co-exist is called tripple point of water. Tripple point of water 273.16k,4.58/mm of a Hg 66) What are the theoretical and practical valus of poisson’s rato? | A: Theorectical limits of =-1t00.5 Practical limits = 0 to 0.5, 67) Whatis the effect of temperature on angle of contact? ‘A: If angle of contact decrases with increaseing temperature 68) What is the effect of temperature on surface tension? A: If surface tension of liquid is decrease with increaseing temperature > Whot is the device used to Measure the blood paeccae Of wre SPhygmomanometer human Picyauslnat is theamal pana thoamal fonce a Cteing On Unit Sun. x as F face neo due ta linear EXPan sin z ay OF 200. " > What is Joules Lawl the a mount 2, ie + Mechanical hlonte done on the | @Y Proportional to Hp SYStem is Abour’ | unt 0} Heat Prodkscect Im SYS tex, / Paessure exeated by liguid Cobik nigee heigat"h' | Renee Seb Hi P_ Sa VI

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