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Okay, it's just you and me, at a secret spot in Analomink .

The moon is full, and radiates

warm, sensual light on our bodies as we disappear into the weeds after we park. I have a quilt
and pillow in one hand, and you have a bottle of chilled wine and two glasses in one of yours. I
reach out and, without looking down, your hand finds mine, and the tingling begins. Each of us
feels it instantly in our crotches, and the heat begins to cascade through our bodies.
I lead you into the woods, and I show you the secret spot- a wharf that extends into a
pond. The air is warm and thick, but the breeze is cooling and steady- a perfect summer night to
begin our passion play. I set the blanket carefully down on the hard concrete wharf, and lay the
pillow at one end. We sit, Indian-style, facing each other, our knees gently touching. You open,
and pour the wine and we toast each other, and listen to the gentle waves of the pond lapping at
the shore for a few moments, as we gaze into each other's eyes. Our souls revealed, we feel
the beauty and passion of what we know is to come. We enjoy a few glasses of wine, just
content to be.
After a while of silent eye play I take your hand as I stand, and help you up as well. A
long, tender embrace ensues, each of us caressing the other's back and ass. The closeness
makes us dizzy, and our breathing intensifies. I gently suck at your neck and ears, and you
squirm in delight as you dig your nails into my firm ass. I respond by scooping your ass into my
hands and a finger lightly traces the seam of your jeans, across you moaning pussy and back
out. My hand goes around your waist then and as I get to the top of your jeans, my hand slides
gently in between your panties and your warm, soft flesh. We are ignited, on fire. I bend slightly
down, and kiss your covered breasts, my hand sliding out of your jeans and up into the back of
your shirt. I loosen the straps of your bra, and massage your back urgently, firmly, but not quite
rough. Not yet.
I begin to kneel in front of you, kissing your belly, and stop for just an instant to bite at
the button of your jeans. You drawl in a deep breath, as your pussy goes wet. On my knees
now, I again caress your sweet ass, and blow hot air onto your pussy through your jeans. Your
knees buckle in anticipation as I unbutton then unzip your jeans, and slowly slide them down
below your knees. The aroma of your skin mixes with the nectar from your box, and I am
instantly hard as a rock. My eyes glaze over, as the hunger infiltrates my very being. I am
transformed into a loving, pleasure machine.
I slide your panties to the side, and offer a gentle lick across the side of your pussy. You
involuntarily quiver, and your ass tightens as the wave of ecstasy courses through your veins.
Your hands upon my shoulders for support, you lift a leg, and I gently remove your shoe and lick
the flesh between your toes. I hear you moan, and I do the same with the other leg. I can smell
the wetness that is now dripping from your pussy as I take off first one leg of the jeans, then the
other, while also removing your panties. I burry my nose in your crotch and drawl in a long,
sensual breathe of you musk. I am now an animal, primal and instinctual as I rise and remove
your top and bra in one flowing motion.
Your luscious breasts glow in the soft moonlight, and I see that your nipples are as hard
as my cock. I begin to first caress them, and then suck on them. After loving your breasts, my
tongue slides into your belly button, savoring each cell of your skin as I lick your body side to
side, top to bottom- throwing in random kisses where each will have maximum effect and I lap
tiny circles around your belly button, teasing it as if it was your pussy. You kiss the top of my
head and you coo my name in deep, whispery tones.
I take your hand, and guide you gently to the waiting blanket and pillow. Back at your
neck, I begin anew on the other side, and you grab my head forcefully and pull my tongue to
yours. We lock in the passionate embrace of kissing, and the darting sucking tongues work us
both to fever pitch. You imagine that you can feel me inside you- you ACHE to have me there,
but you already know I have other wicked plans for that wonderful opening of skin between your
legs. I let my tongue glide down your body, lingering here and there for effect, again circling
your belly button lustfully.
I intentionally skip your patch, and instead begin to kiss your toes, sucking on one here
and there, and trace the contour of each leg with it-stopping both times at your crotch to lick and
squeeze all the flesh around your begging pussy. You raise your knees in the air and I know I
must tease you no more.

I begin to rub my nose across the opening of your pussy, and it drips again for me. As my nose
is stroking your clit firmly, my tongue darts out and penetrates the outer lips, and I slurp
passionately the wetness that is already forming like dew on the grass. The taste of you is
intoxicating, more so than the wine. I let my tongue stiffen and run it across your clit as well.
You hear a slight sucking noise as my wet finger slides gently deep inside you, feeling every
contour of you inner pussy walls. I find the spot I seek, and begin to perform the Tiger Tantric,
two of my fingers inside you and supporting the outer walls of your vagina as I pull up and out in
a ‘come here’ motion, my other hand firmly holding your pelvic bone as I work the magic and
bring you to a place you’ve never been before.
The rapid movements of my fingers cause you to tense and squirm. You squeal in delight as
your pussy quivers and aches in ecstasy as the speed of my fingers increases, stimulating a
spot on you rarely touched before, if ever. Your eyes roll back in your head and your legs
tighten. You push against my hand holding your pelvis as you involuntarily shudder and, at the
precise moment you can take no more, I let my fingers fall out of you and I stroke your clit
rapidly. Your orgasm pours out of you as you howl in delight.

I change my positioning to your right side, facing your feet, and, without moving my
demanding finger; I allow my tongue to finally enter into you. The taste of you makes me wilder
still, as I drill deeper and deeper for your sweet nectar. You feel my chin rubbing hard on your
clit as I continue my oral assault on your insides. I position my hands at your hips, and my
fingers scoop under your ass and raise and tilt your pelvis to reach deeper inside you. You
unbutton my jeans and try to get a hold on me. But I resist by sticking my thumb inside you and
work it in and out as I continue to lap away at your pussy. The dual assault works, and you
abandon my jeans.
My thumb works its way inside you as I concentrate my tongue on your clit. Big broad licks, like
a child with an ice cream cone. My tongue goes down around the sides of my thumb, collecting
every sweet drop. As you dig your nails in my back, I know that I am pleasing you well. I begin
to lick tiny, delicate circles around first your clit, and then your entire pussy, allowing my thumb
to slow its pace before removing it. You drawl in a massive breath and your body shudders as
the waves of orgasm engulf you. I do not let a precious drop be wasted. I drink deeply again and
again from you.
As you catch your breath, I rise to begin to undress myself. The stiffness of my cock only makes
the task slightly difficult. There is hunger and lust in my veins, an urgency to be inside you. I
slide both garments off as one. As I remove my t-shirt your hand finds my cock and you begin to
pull it, leading me home. As I climb atop you, I first tease you a bit. I rub my cock across your
belly, and into the fold of your cleavage, letting it swell ever tighter in anticipation.

Your nails dig deep into the flesh of my ass as the teasing makes you ever wetter. The desire to
feel me inside you has become manic. I respond at last to your moans and nails and slide my
body back down yours and grind my member hard against your box before allowing it to slip off
of you. I make a few small circles with the head before easing it inside you, gently positioning for
the first stroke to lubricate me with your juices. As I enter you, I push roughly at the end of my
stroke and my pelvis slams into your cum soaked pussy. You scream in delight as I continue to
slowly, methodically thrust and force the end stroke over and over, gaining speed with each
I allow my piston to just barely remain inside you as I tease you with a slowing pace, still forcing
the final inches. Your body rocks to the assault and you begin to slowly move up the quilt. After
a few moments of this teasing, you are once again in frenzy as I take each of your smooth, sexy
legs and place them over my shoulders, allowing me the perfect access to your tantric love-
spot. And then I begin to force myself deep inside you in rapid strokes. Your hips are tilted just
slightly and your legs squeeze at my neck as I wear away the spot that brought you your first
squirting orgasm only moments ago.
The head of my shaft destroys your g-spot over and over, and you find it harder to breathe as
your pussy swells and engorges, building for yet another tidal wave of orgasmic flooding. It
takes very little effort really. In a matter of moments, you squeeze my neck again and your nails
dig deep into the flesh of my ass as you try to force me deeper inside you. When that flood
finally comes, the force of it is so great that you force me out of you and drench my stomach
with love juice. You are so spent with sweat and orgasm, that your body heaves and shakes
and I climb off of you and lay by your side, holding your hand tenderly as you try to catch your
breath and your wits. Tears of joy begin to well in your eyes and they begin to focus a bit.

I lay there beside you, holding your hand and twirling your hair between the fingers of my other
hand and we say nothing. What could be said after such an experience? Several minutes pass
and a smile is plastered on your face. I blush slightly. You squeeze my hand and I know you
have returned.

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