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Topic: The effects of Social Media in the Learning of Grade 10 Students

Good afternoon everyone, according to some studies, Social media is undeniably
distracting than beneficial to Grade 10 students and other levels. The temptation we
feel whenever we scroll through the endless feeds, the uncontrollably notifications,
popularity of apps like TikTok, Facebook, X, Instagram, and YouTube make it difficult
to students to focus on their studies.

According to the Science Direct, Past studies have found that students who spend
more time on social media sites likely to demonstrate poor academic performance.
This is because they spend more time chatting online and making friends on social
media sites instead of reading books or use social media for more useful contents or
info that they can benefits in their studies.

The COVID-19 era has undoubtedly brought about an increase in social media use as
people turn to technology for connection and entertainment while staying at home.
It’s crucial to recognize both the potential benefits and harms of social media usage
among students, as we strive to foster a healthier digital environment for there well

Past studies have demonstrated the adverse effects of compulsive social media use
on physical and mental health, including cardio-metabolic health, sleep patterns,
self-esteem, overall well-being, and functioning, particularly among adolescents.
However, multiple studies have found a strong link between heavy social media and
an increased risk for depression, anxiety, loneliness, self-harm, and even suicidal
thoughts. Social media may promote negative experiences such as: Inadequacy
about your life or appearance.These negative effects include cyberbullying, the
spread of misinformation, addiction, the decline in face-to-face communication,
social isolation, polarization, and echo chambers, cyber stalking and harassment, a
decrease in privacy, and comparison and envy


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