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Joanna Denny


February 16th, 2021

Prof. Sytsma

Parent Brief

Micah is a student who strives in a one-on-one setting but struggles with controlling his

behavior and has a short attention span when in the classroom setting. When in the class Micah

struggles with making friendships or even interacting with other students due to his

temperament. Self-regulation is non apparent, and there are also struggles with insecure

attachment issues.

There are many concerns regarding Micah’s behaviors and interactions. His temperament,

lack of self-regulation, and insecure attachment issues are concerns. Insecure attachment issues

would account for his difficulty in forming relationships (Good Therapy, 2019). This would

account for Micah having a difficult time forming relationships with peers and keeping those

relationships. Micah thrives in a one-on-one setting but has many difficulties with his behaviors

which is concerning in itself because we want Micah to be able to be in a classroom setting.

Micah attributes to classroom behaviors to everyone else rather than himself. The classroom has

become harming to both Micah and other students. With him not being able to see that his

temperament is the leading factor to all the frustration in class is concerning as well because he

does not know or pay attention to his own feelings or frustrations. This is what leads to the lack

of self-regulation because he is unaware of when he needs to self-regulate or to take a break.

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In order to address Micah’s temperament and attribution to classroom frustrations, social

skills would be a good start. As his educator I can address socialization agents but by providing

social skills, Micah would be able to make greater improvements in those areas with the

additional social skill services provided by a special education teacher (Ormrod, 2014).

Instructional support that would help Micah could be a behavior check list for a positive

reinforcement to show Micah what his goals are in order to achieve things that he wants such as

treasure box, additional iPad time, or more. Goals on the check list would be self-regulation,

following directions, and peer interactions. Micah could also benefit from a social skill story that

is specific to him and his behaviors. Micah would be allowed to sit near me during instruction

time. He would also have his own take a break basket where he would be able to pick the sensory

items in. Micah would benefit from having additional support services that would happen in the

classroom such as another teacher or paraprofessional coming in at different time throughout the

day to be able to work alongside him. The extra support would start with 30 minutes of reading

and math support.

Micah would need social skills because it would teach him how to interact with other

people. It would teach him ways to self-regulate and how to talk with peers. Social skills will

teach Micah how to recognize when information coming in is a problem or not and will help him

with his reactions to different situations (Morin, N/A). The positive reinforcement checklist

would allow for me to track his behavior concerns as well as providing you with that

documentation as well. It could also serve to show if Micah needed to move to additional

supports through Special Education. The additional support that another teacher or

paraprofessional would provide in class would allow Micah to have one-on-one support where

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he thrives, but it would still be in the classroom, so he would still be getting the instruction with

his peers as well as the peer interaction that he needs.

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Arnold, J. B., & Dodge, H. W. (1994). Room for all. The American School Board Journal,

181(10), 22-26.

Black, J. A., & English, F. W. (1986). What they don’t tell you in schools of education about

school administration. Lancaster, PA: Technomic.

Daresh, J. C. (2004). Beginning the assistant principalship: A practical guide for new school

administrators. Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin.

King, M., & Blumer, I. (2000). A good start. Phi Delta Kappan, 81(5), 356-360.

USA swimming. (n.d.). Retrieved August 24, 2004, from

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