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Delhi Public School, Noida

EVS Revision WT-2 (Term II)

Simple Machines
Name _________________________ Roll No. _______ Date ____________

Q1. Tick ( ) the correct option:

a) The idea of a lever is based on _____________.
i) effort or force ii) load iii) fulcrum iv) all of these
b) The type of lever used when we are removing hair with tweezers
i) class I ii) class II iii) class III iv) none of these.
Q2. Fill in the blanks:
a) Greater the distance between the effort and the __________, easier it becomes to move a load.
b) ___________ is a tool with many parts that reduces our effort in doing a task.
Q3. Give one word answer:
a) It helps the mechanic to lift the heavy car up, using less effort.
b) The part of the lever that does not move.
Q4. Correct the underlined word and rewrite the sentence:
a) When a long plank or pole is used to lift a large load, it is called a lever.
b) Scissors are class III lever as it has fulcrum between the load and effort.
Q5. Circle the odd one out and also give reason for your answer:
a) See-saw plier scissors nut cracker
Q6. Give reason for the following:
a) It is possible to lift a heavy weight boy on see saw by any light weight boy. Justify
Q7. Answer the following questions:
a) What is a lever? Explain the components of lever.
b) Which kind of lever is a fishing rod? Explain.
Q8. Image based question:
iii ii
a) Identify the given image (iv) and label its different components.

i) ___________________________
ii) ___________________________
iii) ___________________________ i
v) Give two more example of this class of lever.
iv. _____________________
Q9.Value based question
Technological advances have given birth to complex machines which help us do even difficult
task easily. These complex machines are a combination of different simple machines. List some
values that you learn from these advanced machines.
EVS Revision WT-2 (Term II) Mapping the world
Q1. Tick ( ) the correct option:
a) Symbols are _____________ drawn on a map to show certain information
i) letters ii) shapes iii) pictures iv) all of these
b) The earliest map were made by ________________
i)Indians ii) Chinese iii) Babylonians iv) Red Indians
Q2. Fill in the blanks:
a) There are total _____________ longitudes and ___________ latitudes.
b) _______________ is believed to be the inventor of Globe.
c) A _______________ map gives us the details of any one aspect or theme of a country.
Q3. Give one word answer:
a) The 0 degree meridian is also known as ____________________________
b) The people who prepare/draw maps are known as ____________________________
c) The largest continent ____________________________
d) The ocean between Africa and America ____________________________
Q4. Correct the underlined word and rewrite the sentence:
a) The legend represents water bodies, plains, mountains etc.
b) Pink colour is used to show forest areas on a physical map.
Q5. Circle the odd one out and also give reason for your answer:
a) Mountains plains deserts cities
a) East west north north east
Q6. Give reason for the following:
a) It is not possible to show the accurate shapes of continents and oceans on the maps. Justify
b) The lines of latitudes also called parallels. Why?
c) It is important to use same set of symbols, colours and method of naming direction. Why?
Q7. Answer the following questions:
a) Why is a map scale required? Explain scale of a map.
b) What is a map key or a legend?
c) Write the difference between latitudes and longitudes.
d) Define axis of the earth. What is the significance of it?
e) Differentiate between maps and globes.
Q8. Identify and label the given diagrams: Q9. Shades the boxes with standard colours
used to depict the following:
Coastal regions and
Sea , oceans, lakes,
Q9 Draw the standard symbols to depict the following in a map
a) International boundary b) Capital of a state c) Railways d) bridge

Q10. Image based question:

a)Identify and label the important lines shown in the
b) What are these lines known as?
c) Name the continents that are cut across by the line (iv).
d) Name the important line that passes through India
_______________ .

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