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Present simple Past simple
I watch TV He said he watched TV

Present continuous Past continuous

I am watching TV He said he was watching TV

Present perfect simple Past perfect simple

I have watched TV He said he had watched TV
Past simple Past perfect simple
I watched TV He said he had watched TV

Past continuous Past perfect continuous

I was watching TV He said he had been watching TV

Past perfect simple Past perfect simple

I have watched TV He said he had watched TV
REPORTED SPEECH - Future & Modals
Will Would
I will watch TV He said he would watch TV

Am/is/are going to Was/were going to

I am going to watch TV He said he was going to watch TV

Can Could
I can watch TV He said he could watch TV

Must Have to

I must watch TV He said he had to watch TV

REPORTED SPEECH - say & tell
● Say and tell are reporting verbs with same meaning but different use:

say (+that) + reported speech tell + indirect object (+that) + reported speech
The policeman said (that) they arrested the
burglar The policeman told me that they had arrested
the burglar

We don’t use say for reported orders or instructions.

We use tell + object (+not) + to + infinitive instead.
REPORTED SPEECH - reporting verbs
● Some other verbs:

verb + that clause verb + object + to + verb + to + infinitive verb + gerund


declare invite agree apologise (for)

explain tell promise suggest
say order offer
suggest warn refuse
insist remind decide
recommend advise

He declared that he He told her to sit down She offered to pay for She apologized for
loved her the tickets being late
REPORTED SPEECH - pronouns & possessive adjectives
● We must change words referred to who the speaker is talking about:

Direct speech Reported speech Direct speech Reported speech

I She/he My Her/his
We They Your My/her/his/our/their
You I/she/he/we/they Our Their
They They
She She
He He
REPORTED SPEECH - time expressions
● We must change words referred to when he or she is speaking:

Direct speech Reported speech

Time expressions

Now Then/at the moment

Today That day
Tonight That night
This (morning/week/month/year) That (morning/week/month/year)
Yesterday The day before
Last (week/month/year) The (week/month/year) before
(Two days/a year) ago (Two days/a year) earlier
Tomorrow The next/following day
Next week The next/following (week)
REPORTED SPEECH - place expressions
● We must change words referred to where the speaker is:

Direct speech Reported speech

Place expressions

This That
These Those
Here There

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