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A Bailment is the delivery of goods by one person to another for some purpose,
upon a contract that they shall when the purpose is completed be returned or
otherwise disposed off according to the directions of the person delivering them.
Bailor: The person delivering the goods
Bailee: The person to whom the goods are being delivered.

Essentials of Bailment:
1. Contract
2. Delivery of goods
3. Specific purpose
4. Return of goods

Duties of Bailor: (rights of bailee)

 Disclose the faults in the goods bailed
 Repay the necessary exps
 Indemnify the bailee
 Receive back the goods

Duties of Bailee (rights of bailor)

 To take reasonable care of the goods
 Not to make unauthorized use of the goods
 Not to mix bail goods with own goods
 To return the goods back

Duty of one person=right of another person

Kinds of bailment
1. Bailment on the basis of reward
a) Gratuitous bailment: is a bailment contract where no consideration passes
between bailor and bailee. Eg A lends his horse to B for his riding without
any charge.
b) Non gratuitous bailment: it is a contract of bailment where some
consideration passes between the bailor and the bailee .eg Y hires a horse
from X.

2. Bailment on the basis of benefit

a) Bailment for the exclusive benefit of the bailor: eg giving anything for
B) Bailment for the exclusive benefit of the bailee: eg A lends his horse to B
for his riding without any charge.
c) Bailment for mutual benefit of bailor and bailee: eg Y hires a horse from X.

Termination of bailment
1. Expiry of time period
2. Achievement of objectives
3. Inconsistent use of goods
4. Death of bailor or bailee
5. Termination by bailor

The bailment of goods as security for payment of a debt or performance of a
promise is called PLEDGE. (PAWN)

Pawnor/pledgor: the person by whom the goods are delivered as security for
payment of a debt or performance of a promise is called the pawnor or pledgor
Pawnee/pledgee:the person to whom the goods are delivered as security for
payment of a debt or performance of a promise is called a pawnee/pledgee.
Essential features of a valid pledge
1. Delivery of possession
2. Contract
3. Security
4. Upon the condition being fulfilled the goods have to be returned

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