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Syllabus for Annual Examination (2023-24)

CLASS – 7th
English – I - Ch. 10 – From a Railway Carriage, Ch. 11 – The Dog who walked through Fire, Ch. 12 – Neeraj
Chopra, Ch. 13 – The Daffodils, Ch. 14 – the Olive Ridley Turtle, Ch. 15 – The Adventure of Blue
English – II - Ch. 13 – Conjunctions, Ch. 14 – Present Tense, Ch. 15 – Past Tense, Ch. 16 – Future Tense,
Ch. 17 – Active & Passive Voice, Ch. 18 – Direct and Indirect Speech
Synonyms 41 to 46, Antonyms 61 to 74, Homophones 11 to 12
Writing Section – Letter writing, Notice writing, Poster making
Reading Section – Unseen Passage
fgUnh & I & ikB & 11 ouksa dk egRo] IkkB & 12 cw<+h dkdh] ikB & 13 ckyyhyk] IkkB & 14 vijkftrk]
ikB & 15 u;s esgeku] IkkB & 16 dye vkt mudh t; cksy] IkkB & 17 Hkwy dk ,glkl]
ikB & 18 dIrku lkgc] ikB & 19 Js’B dkSu\] ikB & 20 iap ijes”ojA
fgUnh & II & IkkB & 13 loZuke] ikB & 14 fo”ks’k.k] ikB & 15 fØ;k] ikB & 16 dky] ikB & 17 vfodkjh “kCn]
ikB & 18 fuikr] ikB & 19 in ifjp;] ikB & 20 okD;] ikB & 21 lkekU; v”kqf);k¡] ikB & 24
fojke fpg~u] ikB & 22 eqgkojs] ikB & 5 “kCn HkaMkj & ,dkFkZd izrhr gksus okys “kCn] vusdkFkZd
“kCn] vifBr x|ka”k] vifBr i|ka”k] i=] vuqPNsn ys[kuA
Maths - Ch. 7 – Comparing Quantities, Ch. 8 – Lines and Angles, Ch. 9 – Triangles, Ch. 10 – Congruence,
Ch. 11 – Practical Geometry, Ch. 14 – Perimeter and Area Ch. 15 – Data Handling
Science - Ch. 10 – Animal Fibre, Ch. 11 – Heat, Ch. 12 – Time and Motion, Ch. 13 – Light, Ch. 14 – Electric
Current and its Effects, Ch. 15 – Soil, Ch. 16 – Forest, Ch. 18 – Water, Ch. 19 – Waste Water
Social Science - History – Ch. 6 – Economy in Medieval India, Ch. 7 – Tribal and Nomadic Societies, Ch. 8 – New
Forms of Religious Beliefs, Ch. 9 – Regional Cultures, Ch. 10 – Changing Political Structure of
Geography – Ch. 6 – Natural Vegetation and Wildlife, Ch. 7 – Human Environment-Settlement,
Transport and Communication, Ch. 8 – Human Environment Interactions-Tropical and
Subtropical Regions, Ch. 9 – Life in Temperate Grass lands, Ch. 10 – Life in the Deserts.
Civics – Ch. 6 – Media and Our Society, Ch. 7 – The Advertisement Industry in India,
Ch. 8 – Markets, Ch. 9 – Manufacturing Process in Textile Industry and Map Work.
LkaLd`r & ikB & 10 /ksuq%] ikB & 11 ikS’kdkRo ;qDr% Qye~] ikB & 12 Jh jke dFkk] ikB & 13
uhfr izcks/k] ikB & 14 jk’Vªh;% ioZ% x.kra= fnol%] ikB & 15 fo’.kq “kekZ ^f”k{k;fr*] ikB & 16 ukfLr
ekr`leks% xq:%] ikB & 17 xhrksins”k%] “yksd] “kCn:i&*gfj*] fuca/k & Hkkjrh; laLd`fr] lR;eso t;rs]
vifBr x|ka”k
G.K. - Page No. – 45 to 75
Computer - Ch. 8 – Advance Statements in Q Basic
Ch. 9 – Introduction to HTML
Ch. 10 – Social Networking
Ch. 11 – Viruses and Antiviruses
Ch. 12 – Coding with Python Turtle
Ch. 13 – Code with Python Turtle Control Statements.
Art - Colour – Flower, Butterfly, Tree, Fruit Basket, Rose, Bunch of Baloon with Girl/Boy
Shade – Shapes, Duck, Cup plate, Hut, Bucket, Landscape.

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