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Criteria Points Description

Conceptualization 5 Clear and engaging theme integrating both Nervous and

Endocrine Systems.
Game Board/Layout 5 Visually appealing representation of the nervous and endocrine
systems; clearly defined spaces.
Components 5 Quality of materials used (e.g., cards, game markers);
creativity in the design of obstacles/challenges.
Accessibility 5 Easy-to-understand instructions; inclusive design suitable for
the target audience.
Accuracy 5 Questions and challenges accurately represent key concepts of
the Nervous and Endocrine Systems.
Engagement 5 Game mechanics captivate and maintain players' interest;
opportunities for strategic thinking.
Interactivity 5 Players actively involved in answering questions or completing
challenges; promotes teamwork.
Flow 5 Smooth progression from start to finish; balanced pacing,
avoiding excessive delays or rushes.
Replay Value 5 Elements encourage replaying without diminishing educational
value; varied outcomes based on choices.
Total Points 30

You are to show the application of what you have learned

G GOAL about the coordination of the Nervous and Endocrine system
through a game.

You are a Science Club office who is tasked to launch a

project called “Neuro-Endo Quest”

A AUDIENCE Grade 10 students of Baguio Patriotic High School

Your school annually celebrates Science Week. This year’s

theme is focused on appreciating and acknowledging the
uniqueness of our body systems in maintaining equilibrium
and homeostasis in daily activities.
 Create and play an interactive game based of what you have
P PRODUCT/PERFORMANCE learned in the coordination of the Nervous and Endocrine
Your product must manifest the following characteristics
(varies according to class decisions for rating in the rubric)

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