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Set A: General Topics

1. Cryptocurrency: A Revolution or a Risk?

 For: Cryptocurrency offers financial inclusion and decentralized
 Against: Cryptocurrency poses risks of fraud, volatility, and
regulatory concerns.
2. The Metaverse: Redefining Virtual Interaction
 For: The metaverse enhances connectivity and opens new
 Against: The metaverse may lead to social isolation and ethical
3. Remote Work: The Future Standard or a Passing Trend?
 For: Remote work promotes flexibility, work-life balance, and
access to global talent.
 Against: Remote work hinders collaboration, company culture,
and team dynamics.
4. Sustainability in Fashion: A Necessity, not a Choice
 For: Sustainable fashion reduces environmental impact and
promotes ethical practices.
 Against: Implementing sustainable practices in fashion is
economically challenging.
5. Digital Privacy in the Age of Surveillance
 For: Protecting digital privacy is crucial for individual rights and
 Against: Sacrificing some privacy is necessary for national security
and public safety.
Set B: General Topics
6. Health Tech: Revolutionizing Healthcare or Ethical Quandaries?
 For: Health tech innovations improve accessibility, diagnosis, and
 Against: Health tech raises concerns about data security,
overreliance, and inequality.
7. Remote Learning: Bridging Gaps or Widening Disparities?
 For: Remote learning increases access to education and flexibility.
 Against: Remote learning exacerbates educational inequalities and
lacks personal interaction.
8. NFTs: Transforming Art or a Bubble Waiting to Burst?
 For: NFTs empower artists, create new revenue streams, and
enhance ownership.
 Against: NFTs may contribute to environmental issues and
speculative bubbles.
9. 5G Connectivity: Catalyst for Innovation or Unnecessary Hype?
 For: 5G enables faster connectivity, smart cities, and advances in
 Against: The immediate need for 5G is questionable, and health
concerns persist.
10.The Influence of social media on Political Movements
 For: Social media empowers grassroots movements and facilitates global
 Against: Social media can spread misinformation, polarization, and
undermine traditional structures.
Set C: General Topics
11.The Rise of E-commerce: Convenience or Local Business Erosion?
 For: E-commerce provides convenience, accessibility, and global market
 Against: E-commerce threatens local businesses, fosters monopolies,
and diminishes community ties.
12.Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare: Precision or Ethical Dilemmas?
 For: AI improves medical diagnoses, treatment plans, and patient care.
 Against: AI in healthcare raises concerns about biases, privacy, and job
13.Cryptocurrency in Mainstream Finance: Disruption or Speculation?
 For: Cryptocurrency disrupts traditional finance, fosters financial
inclusion, and decentralizes power.
 Against: Cryptocurrency may destabilize financial systems and is prone to
speculation and fraud.
14.Quantum Computing: A Leap in Technological Evolution or Security
 For: Quantum computing advances computation speed, solving complex
 Against: Quantum computing poses security threats to current
encryption methods.
15.AI in Content Creation: Creative Revolution or Threat to Authenticity?
 For: AI enhances content creation efficiency, enabling new forms of
 Against: AI-generated content risks undermining human creativity,
originality, and authenticity.

Set A: Entertainment Topics

1. Social Media Influencers: Authentic Content Creators or Marketing
 For: Social media influencers provide authentic perspectives and
valuable content.
 Against: Influencers are often driven by brand sponsorships,
diluting authenticity.
2. Streaming Wars: Quality Content or Oversaturation?
 For: Streaming services offer diverse and quality content choices
for consumers.
 Against: The saturation of streaming platforms leads to content
overload and diminishes originality.
3. The Impact of TikTok on Pop Culture
 For: TikTok democratizes content creation, setting new trends and
influencing music and dance.
 Against: TikTok perpetuates short attention spans, superficial
content, and privacy concerns.
4. Reboots and Remakes: Nostalgia or Lack of Originality?
 For: Reboots provide a fresh take on beloved stories and capitalize
on nostalgia.
 Against: Over-reliance on reboots hinders original storytelling and
creative innovation.
5. The Role of Celebrities in Political Activism
 For: Celebrities using their platform for activism raises awareness
and drives positive change.
 Against: Celebrities should stick to entertainment and not use
their influence for political agendas.
Set B: Entertainment Topics
6. Inclusivity in Film and Television: Progress or Tokenism?
 For: Increased representation promotes diversity and inclusivity in
 Against: Token diversity can lead to shallow portrayals and does
not address systemic issues.
7. Music Streaming: Liberation or Exploitation for Artists?
 For: Streaming platforms democratize music access and help
emerging artists reach global audiences.
 Against: Musicians receive meagre payouts from streaming,
impacting their livelihood.
8. Impact of Celebrity Culture on Mental Health
 For: Celebrities sharing mental health struggles reduces stigma
and encourages dialogue.
 Against: Celebrity culture exacerbates societal mental health
issues and creates unrealistic standards.
9. The Influence of Fan Campaigns on TV and Film
 For: Fan campaigns show the power of audience engagement and
can revive beloved shows.
 Against: Catering to fan demands can compromise artistic integrity
and storytelling.
10.Video Game Adaptations: Enhancing or Diluting the Gaming
 For: Video game adaptations introduce gaming culture to a wider
audience and expand the narrative.
 Against: Film/TV adaptations often fail to capture the essence of the
gaming experience and disappoint fans.
Set C: Entertainment Topics
11.The Ethics of Deepfake Technology in Film and TV
 For: Deepfake technology offers new creative possibilities and cost-
effective solutions.
 Against: Deepfakes raise ethical concerns, including misinformation and
potential misuse.
12.The Impact of Celebrity Endorsements on Consumer Behaviour
 For: Celebrity endorsements increase brand visibility and influence
consumer choices positively.
 Against: Celebrity endorsements can be disingenuous, and consumers
may be misled.
13.The Future of Virtual Concerts: A Revolution or a Temporary Trend?
 For: Virtual concerts provide accessibility, reduce environmental impact,
and innovate the live music experience.
 Against: Virtual concerts lack the energy and spontaneity of live events
and may not be sustainable.
14.Gaming as an Art Form: Recognition or Misunderstood?
 For: Video games are a legitimate form of art, combining storytelling and
interactive experiences.
 Against: Gaming is often dismissed as mere entertainment and not
recognized as a true art form.
15.The Impact of Cancel Culture on Entertainment Industries
 For: Cancel culture holds individuals accountable and fosters a safer
 Against: Cancel culture stifles free expression, encourages a culture of
fear, and lacks due process.

Set A: Sports Topics

 Athlete Mental Health: Breaking the Stigma in Sports
 For: Acknowledging mental health issues in athletes promotes well-being
and performance.
 Against: Publicizing mental health struggles may add pressure and
distract from the game.
 eSports: A Legitimate Sport or Digital Distraction?
 For: eSports require skill, strategy, and dedication, deserving recognition
as a legitimate sport.
 Against: eSports lack physicality and traditional sporting elements,
diminishing their sports status.
 Athlete Activism: Responsibility or Distraction?
 For: Athletes using their platform for social issues is a responsible use of
 Against: Athletes should focus on their sport and not involve themselves
in political or social matters.
 The Role of Technology in Refereeing Decisions
 For: Technology ensures fair play and minimizes human errors in
 Against: Overreliance on technology disrupts the flow of the game and
can lead to controversy.
 Impact of Athlete Endorsements on Sports Culture
 For: Athlete endorsements promote brands and contribute to sports
 Against: Athlete endorsements can create unrealistic expectations and
overshadow the essence of the sport.
 Set B: Sports Topics
 Gender Equality in Sports: Bridging the Gap
 For: Promoting equal opportunities and pay in sports is essential for the
growth of women's sports.
 Against: Biological differences justify discrepancies in opportunities and
pay between male and female athletes.
 Youth Sports Specialization: Excellence or Burnout?
 For: Specialization enhances skill development and competitiveness in
youth sports.
 Against: Early specialization leads to burnout, overuse injuries, and limits
overall athletic development.
 Sports Betting: Excitement or Ethical Concern?
 For: Legalized sports betting adds excitement and revenue to the sports
 Against: Sports betting raises ethical concerns, including match-fixing
and addiction risks.
 The Impact of Fan Engagement on Sports Events
 For: Fan engagement enhances the overall sports experience and fosters
a sense of community.
 Against: Overemphasis on fan engagement may distract from the
essence of the sport and compromise player focus.
 Athlete Sponsorship: Empowerment or Exploitation?
 For: Sponsorship deals empower athletes financially and elevate their
personal brands.
 Against: Athlete sponsorship can lead to conflicts of interest and
compromise the integrity of the sport.
 Set C: Sports Topics
 The Role of Politics in International Sports Events
 For: Politics and sports are intertwined, providing a platform for raising
awareness and affecting change.
 Against: Political influence in sports events detracts from the spirit of fair
 The Ethics of Performance-Enhancing Drugs in Sports
 For: Strict drug regulations ensure fair play and maintain the integrity of
 Against: Some performance-enhancing drugs may have health benefits
and should be allowed under supervision.
 Impact of social media on Athlete Behaviour and Accountability
 For: Social media allows athletes to connect with fans and exercise
freedom of expression.
 Against: Athlete behaviour on social media can be divisive, damaging
their image and the reputation of the sport.
 The Debate Between Traditional and Emerging Sports
 For: Traditional sports hold cultural significance and should be preserved.
 Against: Emerging sports represent societal evolution and deserve
recognition and support.
 The Future of Sports Fan Attendance: In-Person vs. Virtual Experience
 For: In-person attendance fosters a unique atmosphere and camaraderie
among fans.
 Against: Virtual experiences offer convenience and accessibility,
transforming the fan experience.
Set A: Ethical Dilemmas Topics
1. AI in Criminal Justice: Predictive Policing or Biased Judgment?
 For: AI aids in crime prevention and resource optimization.
 Against: Predictive policing perpetuates biases and unjustly
targets marginalized communities.
2. Genetic Editing for Designer Babies: Medical Progress or Ethical
 For: Genetic editing can eliminate hereditary diseases and
enhance human capabilities.
 Against: Designer babies raise concerns about playing with nature,
eugenics, and societal inequality.
3. Corporate Social Responsibility: Genuine Commitment or PR Strategy?
 For: CSR initiatives demonstrate a company's commitment to
social and environmental responsibility.
 Against: CSR can be a mere PR move, diverting attention from
unethical practices within a company.
4. The Right to be Forgotten: Privacy vs. Freedom of Information
 For: Individuals have the right to control their online presence and
protect their privacy.
 Against: The right to be forgotten may compromise access to
important information and historical records.
5. Online Surveillance for National Security: Necessity or Erosion of Civil
 For: Surveillance safeguards against security threats and terrorism.
 Against: Mass surveillance infringes on privacy rights and can lead
to abuse of power.
Set B: Ethical Dilemmas Topics
6. Autonomous Weapons: Ethical Use in Warfare or Uncontrollable
 For: Autonomous weapons can reduce human casualties and make
strategic decisions.
 Against: Deploying autonomous weapons poses risks of
uncontrollable actions and moral implications.
7. AI Algorithms in Hiring: Streamlining or Perpetuating Bias?
 For: AI algorithms remove human biases in hiring decisions and
enhance efficiency.
 Against: AI algorithms may inherit and perpetuate existing biases
in the hiring process.
8. Privacy vs. Public Health: Contact Tracing Dilemma During Pandemics
 For: Contact tracing is crucial for public health and controlling the
spread of diseases.
 Against: Mass surveillance for contact tracing raises concerns
about individual privacy and surveillance overreach.
9. Compulsory Vaccination: Public Health Priority or Individual Freedom?
 For: Compulsory vaccination protects the broader community and
prevents outbreaks.
 Against: Mandating vaccination infringes on personal autonomy
and medical choice.
10.The Morality of Animal Testing in Scientific Research
 For: Animal testing is necessary for medical and scientific
 Against: Animal testing raises ethical concerns about cruelty and
the moral status of animals.
Set C: Ethical Dilemmas Topics
11.Surrogacy: Empowerment or Exploitation of Women's Bodies?
 For: Surrogacy provides a path to parenthood for individuals
unable to conceive.
 Against: Surrogacy exploits vulnerable women and commodifies
the reproductive process.
12.AI in Education: Enhancing Learning or Widening Educational
 For: AI personalizes education, catering to individual learning
 Against: AI exacerbates educational inequality and lacks the
human touch essential for learning.
13.Crispr Gene Editing: Curing Diseases or Playing God?
 For: Crispr gene editing has the potential to eliminate genetic
 Against: Crispr raises ethical concerns about unintended
consequences, designer babies, and playing with genetic codes.
14.The Ethics of Paid Surveys and Data Collection
 For: Paying individuals for their data compensates them for their
time and information.
 Against: Paid surveys can exploit users' personal information and
compromise privacy.
15.Climate Change Responsibility: Individual Actions or Systemic Change?
 For: Individuals have a moral responsibility to adopt sustainable
 Against: The focus should be on systemic change and corporate
accountability to combat climate change.

Set A: Politics Topics

1. Social Media Regulation: Balancing Free Speech and Preventing
 For: Regulation ensures the responsible use of social media and
prevents the spread of misinformation.
 Against: Regulation may infringe on free speech rights and enable
2. Global Vaccine Distribution: Equity vs. National Interests
 For: Ensuring global vaccine distribution promotes health equity
and mitigates the pandemic.
 Against: Prioritizing national interests in vaccine distribution is
necessary for domestic health and economic stability.
3. Cybersecurity: National Security Concerns vs. Individual Privacy
 For: Strengthening cybersecurity protects national interests and
prevents cyber threats.
 Against: Enhanced cybersecurity measures can compromise
individual privacy and civil liberties.
4. The Role of Big Tech in Politics: Empowerment or Manipulation?
 For: Big Tech empowers political discourse and enhances civic
 Against: Big Tech exerts undue influence, manipulates
information, and poses threats to democracy.
5. Immigration Policies: Security Measures vs. Humanitarian
 For: Stringent immigration policies enhance national security and
control population influx.
 Against: Prioritizing humanitarian considerations in immigration
policies fosters compassion and inclusivity.
Set B: Politics Topics
6. Climate Change Policies: Urgency vs. Economic Impact
 For: Urgent climate change policies are necessary to address
environmental crises.
 Against: Rapid policies may have adverse economic effects,
impacting industries and jobs.
7. Democracy vs. Authoritarianism: Global Perspectives on Governance
 For: Democracy fosters individual freedoms, representation, and
 Against: Authoritarian regimes provide stability and efficient
8. Political Polarization: Threat to Democracy or Expression of Diverse
 For: Addressing political polarization is crucial to maintaining a
healthy democracy.
 Against: Political polarization reflects diverse perspectives and
freedom of expression.
9. Universal Basic Income: Addressing Economic Disparities or
Encouraging Dependency?
 For: UBI reduces economic disparities and provides financial
 Against: UBI may lead to dependency on the state and discourage
workforce participation.
10.Human Rights in International Relations: Principles vs. National
 For: Prioritizing human rights in international relations upholds
moral standards.
 Against: National interests should take precedence over universal
human rights in foreign policy.
Set C: Politics Topics
11.Electoral College: Democratic Representation or Systemic Flaw?
 For: The Electoral College ensures fair representation across
diverse regions.
 Against: The Electoral College system may lead to the unfair
distribution of political power.
12.The Role of Women in Politics: Progress or Persistent Gender Bias?
 For: Increasing women's representation in politics is essential for
diversity and gender equality.
 Against: Political disparities reflect individual choices rather than
systemic bias.
13.Free Speech on College Campuses: Ensuring Open Dialogue or Curbing
Hate Speech?
 For: Protecting free speech fosters open dialogue and diverse
perspectives on campuses.
 Against: Curbing hate speech on campuses is necessary to create a
safe and inclusive environment.
14.Media Independence: Safeguarding Democracy or Propagating Bias?
 For: Independent media is essential for holding power accountable
and fostering informed citizens.
 Against: Media independence can lead to biased reporting and
15.Racial and Ethnic Representation in Government: Addressing Inequities
or Tokenism?
 For: Increasing diversity in government addresses historical
inequities and promotes inclusive governance.
 Against: Prioritizing racial and ethnic representation may lead to
tokenism and compromise merit-based selection.
Certainly! Here are three sets of five trending topics each for the Economy
Set A: Economy Topics
1. Cryptocurrency and the Future of Finance: Innovation or Instability?
 For: Cryptocurrency offers decentralized financial systems,
reducing reliance on traditional banking.
 Against: Cryptocurrency's volatility poses risks to financial stability
and regulatory control.
2. The Gig Economy: Flexible Workforce or Exploitation?
 For: The gig economy provides flexibility and opportunities for
 Against: Gig work may lead to job insecurity, lack of benefits, and
3. Sustainable Investing: Ethical Growth or Financial Hype?
 For: Sustainable investing aligns financial goals with environmental
and social responsibility.
 Against: The focus on sustainable investing may be driven by
trends rather than genuine impact.
4. Global Supply Chain Challenges: Resilience or Overreliance?
 For: Global supply chains enhance efficiency and access to diverse
 Against: Overreliance on global supply chains can lead to
vulnerabilities and disruptions.
5. The Rise of Remote Work: Economic Impact and Future Trends
 For: Remote work boosts productivity and opens access to a global
talent pool.
 Against: Remote work may hinder collaboration, innovation, and
local economies.
Set B: Economy Topics
6. Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs): Revolutionizing Currency or
Privacy Concerns?
 For: CBDCs streamline transactions, reduce fraud, and enhance
financial inclusion.
 Against: CBDCs raise concerns about privacy, surveillance, and the
potential for government overreach.
7. Inflation Concerns: Transitory or Long-Term Economic Challenge?
 For: Transitory inflation is a natural part of economic recovery and
 Against: Prolonged inflation can erode purchasing power and lead
to economic instability.
8. Corporate Taxation: Fair Share or Stifling Economic Growth?
 For: Increasing corporate taxes ensures corporations contribute to
societal needs.
 Against: High corporate taxes may hinder investment, job creation,
and economic growth.
9. Digital Transformation: Economic Opportunities or Job Displacement?
 For: Digital transformation creates new economic opportunities
and enhances efficiency.
 Against: Automation and digitalization may lead to job
displacement and income inequality.
10.The Impact of Artificial Intelligence on the Job Market
 For: AI enhances productivity, creates new industries, and
generates high-skilled jobs.
 Against: AI poses a threat to jobs, particularly in routine and
manual tasks, leading to unemployment.
Set C: Economy Topics
11.The Economics of Climate Change: Balancing Environmental
Stewardship and Economic Growth
 For: Addressing climate change fosters sustainable economic
development and resilience.
 Against: Stringent environmental policies may stifle economic
growth and competitiveness.
12.Income Inequality: Economic Growth with Social Consequences
 For: Reducing income inequality promotes social stability and
sustainable economic growth.
 Against: Income inequality is a natural outcome of market
dynamics and spurs economic competition.
13.The Future of Retail: E-commerce Dominance or Brick-and-Mortar
 For: E-commerce is the future of retail, offering convenience and
global market access.
 Against: Traditional retail has enduring value, providing a tangible
shopping experience, and supporting local economies.
14.The Role of Artificial Intelligence in Financial Services: Innovation or
 For: AI in finance streamlines operations, enhances risk
management, and improves customer experiences.
 Against: AI poses risks in financial decision-making, algorithmic
biases, and potential systemic failures.
15.The Economics of Space Exploration: Investment or Misallocation of
 For: Investing in space exploration stimulates technological
innovation and economic growth.
 Against: Resources spent on space exploration could be better
allocated to addressing Earthbound challenges.

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