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Thermal Science and Engineering Progress

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Algorithm for sizing parabolic-trough solar collectors

Fernanda I. Nascimento a, Elí W. Zavaleta-Aguilar a, *, José R. Simões-Moreira b
São Paulo State University (Unesp), Campus of Itapeva, Itapeva 18409-010, SP, Brazil
SISEA, Renewable and Alternative Energy Systems Lab., Escola Politécnica at University of São Paulo, São Paulo 05508-900, SP, Brazil


Keywords: This work aims at developing a working algorithm to evaluate the necessary parabolic-trough solar collectors
Solar energy (PTCs) sizing for any application, basically, as a function of the thermal load and the demanded operating
Parabolic trough collector temperature. Energy balance and heat transfer accurate estimations were applied to the PTC parts resulting in a
set of non-linear equations, which were solved by a commercial software. Result analyses showed that a
maximum relative error of 5.9% in PTCs lengthwise sizing and 6.1% in the thermal efficiency were achieved
when compared to available data in the literature (experimental and theoretical ones), demonstrating that the
algorithm is suitable for dimensioning both evacuated and not evacuated PTCs. Also, the PTC geometry and
thermal efficiency sensitivity were analyzed as a function of relevant parameters, showing the required PTC
length increased and the thermal efficiency decreased as either the following parameters were reduced: the direct
solar irradiation, the PTC width, the receiver absorptivity and the heat transfer fluid (HTF) mass flow rate (in
laminar and transitional flow regime) or the following parameters were increased: the receiver emissivity, the
useful heat and the HTF outlet temperature. Also, three commercial thermal fluids were analyzed along with
pressurized water. It was shown that water had a superior performance up to an outlet temperature of 300 ◦ C. For
temperatures above 400 ◦ C, the required PTC length increased rapidly. The use of an evacuated receiver can
reduce the PTC length between 9% up to 160% depending on the analyzed variable.

concentrating solar power, solar chemistry, solar desalination, solar

cooling [2], pasteurization, evaporation, sterilization [3], and oil pro­
1. Introduction duction [4]. Applications in solar industrial heating processes are in
initial development stage but it has enormous potential for use at tem­
Parabolic trough solar collectors are heat transfer devices constituted peratures up to 350 ◦ C [5]. Industrial sector uses 74% (85 EJ) of the
of a parabolic structure coated with a highly reflective material that energy in heating, being 90% of it provided by burning fossil fuels [3].
reflects the direct solar radiation to a focal line where a thermal radia­ PTCs have intermediate concentration rates (10-85) and are mostly
tion receiver (also called absorber) is located. The receiver consists of a employed in applications requiring temperatures from 60 to 400◦ C [6].
metallic tube externally coated with a selective material that absorbs the Historically, one of the first high scale PTC to power a water pump
incident concentrated solar radiation, and, therefore, it is heated up and driven by a 100 HP steam machine for irrigation purposes was built by
the heat is transferred to a heat transfer fluid that flows inside the Shuman in Egypt in 1913 [7].
metallic tube. In typical design assemblies, the metallic tube is encom­ Dudley et al. [8] evaluated the PTC performance installed in a solar
passed by a clear glass tube and the annular space is evacuated to get rid thermal power plant. In their work, they performed the thermal
the convective heat losses. PTCs generally have a one-direction solar modeling to evaluate, per PTC length unit, heat losses and receiver heat
tracking mechanism system, where the PTC cylindrical axis can be ori­ gain with and without a glass covering tube and with and without
ented in an east-west direction, tracking the sun from north to south, or vacuum in the annular space between the glass tube and the absorber.
in a north-south direction, tracking the sun from east to west [1], Kalogirou et al. [9] evaluated some optimal values of PTC parameters
bestowing a one-degree of freedom. Parabolic trough solar collectors (collector aperture, rim angle, and receiver diameter). Sauceda et al.
constitute a mature commercial solar thermal technology available on [10], performed a numerical simulation to design a PTC for an
both small-and large-scale for solar thermal power plant and industrial ammonia-water GAX (generator-absorber heat-exchange) absorption
vapor production as well as for heating applications. They are used in

* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (E.W. Zavaleta-Aguilar).
Received 4 December 2020; Received in revised form 2 April 2021; Accepted 8 April 2021
Available online 16 April 2021
2451-9049/© 2021 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
F.I. Nascimento et al. Thermal Science and Engineering Progress 24 (2021) 100932

Nomenclature β volume expansion coefficient at constant pressure [1/K]

γ intercept factor [–]
A collector opening area [m2] ε total hemispheric emissivity [–]
cp average HTF specific heat at constant pressure [J/kgK] η PTC thermal efficiency [–]
D diameter [m] ηopt optical efficiency [–]
f parabola focal distance [m] θ incidence angle [◦ ]
f friction factor [–] μ dynamic viscosity [kg/ms]
g gravity [m/s2] v kinematic viscosity [m2/s]
h convection heat transfer coefficient [W/m2K] ρ density [kg/m3]
I incident direct solar radiation [W/m2] ρ Reflectivity [–]
k thermal conductivity [W/mK] σ Stefan-Boltzmann constant [W/m2K4]
K incidence angle modifier [–] τ transmissivity [–]
L PTC length [m] ϕr rim angle [◦ ]
Lc Rayleigh number length scale [m]
ṁ HTF mass flow rate [kg/s] Subscripts
( ) 1 into the HTF
Nu Nusselt number [–] Nu = hLk s , Ls relative to the geometry 2, 3, 4, 5 receiver and glass cover surfaces
P pressure [Pa] 6 around the glass cover
( ) 7 sky
Pr Prandtl number [–] Pr = αν
abs absorbed
Q̇ heat transfer rate [W] calc calculated
( )
cond conduction
Ra Rayleigh number [–] Ra = α s , Ls relative to the conv convection
geometry eff effective
( ) i inlet
Re Reynolds number [–] Re = VLν s , Ls relative to the o outlet
geometry rad radiation
S receiver radiation absorbed per collector opening area [W/ u useful
T temperature [◦ C] or [K]
GUI graphical user interface
V velocity [m/s]
HTF heat transfer fluid
W PTC width [m]
IST Industrial Solar Technology
Greek Symbols PTC Parabolic trough solar collector
α total hemispheric absorptivity [–] SEGS solar electric generating system
α thermal diffusivity [m2/s]

refrigeration cycle. Woldemichael et al. [11], created a GUI (graphical include thermoelectric generators (Seebeck effect) with global effi­
user interface) software where efficiency, geometric design parameters, ciencies ~ 3% which can be improved by cooling the cold plate side with
and heat loss were evaluated. Other studies [1,12,13,14,15,16,17] car­ air or water thermosiphon [19], also, in concentrated photovoltaic
ried out PTC’s efficiency assessment and parametric studies. Recent systems cooled by PCM - phase change materials [20].
works include the use of heat transfer nanofluids (such as Ag/H2O, New projects or retrofit of thermal processes based on PTC for in­
Al2O2/H2O) which can increase the thermal efficiency by up to 90% dustrial heating and electrical generation require PTC sizing. This work
[18]. Alternative applications of solar parabolic trough concentrator aims to develop a parabolic trough solar collector algorithm to calculate

Fig. 1. Schematic of the parabolic trough solar collector cross-section.

F.I. Nascimento et al. Thermal Science and Engineering Progress 24 (2021) 100932

the required geometry for any specific thermal application as a function Relevant PTC geometric parameters are shown in Fig. 2. Ideally,
of the demanded thermal load, operating temperature, optical materials when direct solar radiation (in a conical shape with the subtended angle
and thermophysical fluid properties, among others. The algorithm is of 0.53◦ [21]) parallel to the parabola’s axis, impacts on a reflector
validated by experimental and analytical results of other works. After point, it is reflected with equal angulation. The reflected radiation
validation, it is analyzed the sensitivity of PTC geometry as a function of produces an optical image equivalent to a tube with a diameter D3,calc .
relevant operational parameters, building materials, and fluid The PTC reflector aperture (W), the parabola focal distance (f), and the
properties. rim angle (ϕr ) are related to the receiver diameter (D3,calc ) according to
Eqs. (6) and (7).
2. Methodology ( )

D3,calc = sin0.267
1 + cosϕr
The parabolic trough solar receiver analyzed is formed by four main
surfaces (2, 3, 4, and 5) as shown in Fig. 1. Each surface is considered in (ϕ )
the energy balance between the heat transfer fluid inside the receiver, W = 4ftan r (7)
the environment, and the incident concentrated solar radiation. It is also
depicted in Fig. 1 the PTC cross-section indicating its main components: The receiver external diameter (D3 ) used in experimental and nu­
the reflector, the receiver, the glass cover, and the heat transfer fluid. In merical works does not follow the Eqs. (6) and (7) as shown in Table 1.
that figure, one can see that the direct solar radiation reaching the This table indicates that the external receiver diameter used and the
reflector surface is reflected to the receiver assembly placed at the linear theoretical one ratio (D3 /D3,calc ) varies from 1.38 to 13.63. The same
focus. The reflected solar radiation reaches the glass cover first, then the works show that the glass cover internal diameter and the receiver
external diameter ratio (D4 /D3 ) varies from 1.45 to 1.85. Treadwell [22]
receiver, being Q̇5,abs and Q̇3,abs the radiation that is absorbed by those
shows that the annular gap must be around 10 mm to have less heat loss.
two components, respectively. At the receiver, heat radiation is absor­
Moreover, the rim angle is recommended to be 70◦ and 110◦ [23].
bed and transferred from the outer surface 3 to inner surface 2 by con­
Treadwell [22] shows that a rim angle of 90◦ causes the average focal-
duction (Q̇32,cond ) and then to the HTF by heat convection (Q̇21,conv ). Heat
reflector distance and thus the reflected beam dispersion and cost are
losses occur from the surface 3 to surface 4 by convection (Q̇34,conv ) and reduced.
radiation (Q̇34,rad ), then from the surface 4 to surface 5 heat is lost by
conduction (Q̇45,cond ). From surface 5, heat is lost to the environment (6) 2.2. Optical efficiency
by convection (Q̇56,conv ) and the sky and surroundings (7) by radiation
(Q̇57,rad ). The energy balances (First Law of Thermodynamics) were The radiation absorbed by the receiver is defined as:
established considering the steady-state regime neglecting kinetic and Q̇3,abs = SA (8)
potential energies. Thus, the energy balances carried out on surface 5, 4,
3, and 2 correspond to Eq. (1), (2), (3), and (4), respectively. A = L(W − D5 ) (9)
Q̇5,abs + Q̇45,cond = Q̇57,rad + Q̇56,conv (1) The radiation absorbed by the receiver per collector opening area
unit is defined by Eq. (10):
Q̇34,rad + Q̇34,conv = Q̇45,cond (2)
S = ηopt I (10)
Q̇3,abs = Q̇32,cond + Q̇34,rad + Q̇34,conv (3) The optical efficiency is defined as:
ηopt = ρτ5 α3 γK (11)
Q̇32,cond = Q̇21,conv = Q̇u (4)

where, γ is the intercept factor and represents the rays fraction incident
where, Q̇u is the useful heat transferred to the heat transfer fluid. The
upon the aperture area that reaches the receiver [37], being common
First Law of Thermodynamics applied to the non-phase changing heat
values of γ greater than 0.90 [17] and K is the incidence angle modifier,
transfer fluid flowing inside the receiver between the inlet and outlet
which quantifies the effect of the incidence angle (θ) on the parameters:
ρ, τ5 , α3 , γ and depends on the PTC particular geometry. For SEGS LS-2
Q̇u = ṁcp (To − Ti ) (5) PTC the incidence angle modifier is defined as [8]:

K = cos(θ) + 0.000884θ − 0.00005369θ2 (12)

2.1. Operating Simplifications
2.3. Governing equations
Some simplifications are considered to cut the weight of negligible
parameters [6]. On surface 3 the absorbed solar irradiation (Q̇3,abs ) is By combining Q̇32,cond , and Q̇21,conv in Eq. (4), it is possible to obtain
considered constant along its diameter and length. On glass surface 5, the useful heat gain:
the absorbed radiation (Q̇5,abs ) is considered negligible. On surfaces 4
and 5, it is assumed that conduction occurs on a thin wall, with no
significant temperature variation. At the annular region (between sur­
faces 3 and 4), if the vacuum is considered (pressure less than 0.013 Pa),
the heat transfer coefficient is around 0.0001 W/m2K (free molecule
convection), being the heat transfer under such conditions negligible
[8]. Otherwise, if the pressure is larger than 0.013 Pa the heat transfer
(Q̇34,conv ) occurs by natural convection. The sky temperature is consid­
ered similar to that of the environment to calculate the heat transfer by
radiation from the glass cover to the sky. Moreover, a one-dimension
model (1D) in the radial direction is assumed for Eqs. (1) to (4) and
the surface temperatures are considered approximately constant. Fig. 2. PTC cross-section with some geometrical parameters.

F.I. Nascimento et al. Thermal Science and Engineering Progress 24 (2021) 100932

Table 1
A survey of geometrical parameters of PTC from literature.
Authors f (m) ϕr (◦ ) w (m) rr (m) D2 (m) D3 (m) D4 (m) D5 (m) D3,calc (m) D3 D4
D3,calc D3
Mokhtari et al. [24] 0.880 90.0 3.400 1.760 - 0.070 - 0.125 0.016 4.267 -
Arasu and Sornakumar [25] 0.200 90.0 0.800 0.400 - 0.013 - 0.025 0.004 3.434 -
Gomes and Guedes [26] 70.0 0.500 0.596 0.014 0.015 - - 0.006 2.770 -
Sauceda et al. [10] 0.750 90.0 3.000 1.500 0.020 0.027 0.045 0.050 0.014 1.910 1.685
Venegas-Reyes et al. [27] 0.716 45.0 1.187 0.839 - 0.025 - - 0.008 3.249 -
Macedo-Valencia et al. [28] 0.112 96.0 0.500 0.250 - 0.013 - - 0.002 5.447 -
Tzivanidis et al. [14] 0.300 70.0 0.840 0.447 0.020 0.022 0.032 0.034 0.004 5.281 1.455
Bhujangrao [29] 0.221 134.5 1.030 1.479 0.017 0.019 - - 0.012 1.378 -
Ismail, Zanardi and Lino [30] 0.100 90.0 - 0.200 - 0.025 0.047 0.05 0.002 13.627 1.855
Tijani and Jamarei [31] 1.840 68.4 5.000 2.689 0.065 0.070 0.109 0.115 0.0025 2.793 1.557
Bharti and Paul [32] 0.447 80.0 1.500 0.762 0.021 0.025 - - 0.007 3.579 -
Pavlovic et al. [33] 1.840 68.4 5.000 2.689 0.066 0.070 0.110 0.115 0.025 2.793 1.571
Qu et al. [34] 1.712 80.3 5.770 2.927 0.064 0.070 0.114 0.120 0.027 2.556 1.629
Abbood, Radhi and Shaheed [35] 0.233 77.7 0.750 0.384 - 0.047 - 0.058 0.007 13.118 -
Lamrani et al. [36] 49.4 3.400 2.233 0.066 0.070 0.109 0.115 0.021 3.364 1.557
Xu et al. [2] 1.710 80.2 5.760 2.923 0064 0.070 0.119 0.125 0.027 2.570 -

T3 − 0.5(Ti + To ) ( )
Q̇u = (13) D3 σ T34 − T44 ( ) Q̇
ln(D3 /D2 )
2π k23 L
+ πD21Lh12 ( ) = ε5 D5 σ T54 − T64 + D5 h56 (T5 − T6 ) − 34,conv
1 D3 1 πL
ε 3 + D4 ε 5 − 1
In previous equation, h12 is the average HTF convection heat transfer
coefficient that is evaluated through the Nusselt number:
Depending on the annular section pressure (P), the inside convective
h12 D2 heat transfer coefficient varies according to Eq. (22) (see also Section
Nu12 = (14)
k12 2.1).

According to [38] the Nusselt number can be evaluated for laminar

(Re12 < 2300) and constant heat flux condition as:

[ √̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅ ( √̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅ )3 ]1/3

d2 √̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅ d2
Nu12 = 4.3543 + 0.63 + (1.953 Re12 Pr12 − 0.6)3 + 0.924 3 Pr12 Re12

⎪ 0, P < 0.013Pa
For turbulent flow (Re12 > 4000): ⎪

2πkeff L(T3 − T5 )
[ ( )2/3 ]( )0.11 Q̇34,conv = ( ) , P > 0.013Pa (22)

⎪ D4
(f /8)(Re12 − 1000)Pr12 d2 Pr12 ⎪
Nu12 = √̅̅̅̅̅̅̅ 2/3 1+ (16) ⎩ ln
1 + 12.7 f /8(Pr12 − 1) L Pr2
The effective heat transfer coefficient (keff ) is evaluated by the Eq.
The friction factor is evaluated by:
(23) [39]:
f = [0.78ln(Re12 ) − 1.5]− 2
(17) ( )1/4
keff = 0.386k34 Ra34
For transition flow (2300 ≤ Re12 ≤ 4000), the Nusselt number is 0.681 + Pr34
evaluated by interpolation between the laminar condition at Re12 =
2300 and the turbulent condition at Re12 = 4000, Where the Rayleigh number of the air is defined as:

(18) gβ(T3 − T4 )L3c

Nu12 = (1 − λ)Nulam,2300 + λNutur,4000 Ra34 = (24)

and the length scale of the Rayleigh number is given by:
Re − 2300
λ= (19) 2[ln(D4 /D3 )]4/3
4000 − 2300 Lc = [ ]5/3 (25)
Nulam,2300 is calculated from Eq. (15) at Re12 = 2300 and Nutur,4000
− 3/5 3/5
(D3 /2) + (D4 /2)−
from Eq. (16) at Re12 = 4000. The internal flow Reynolds number is
calculated by: In Eq. (21) the air convection heat transfer coefficient (h56 ) is
calculated by [6]:
Re12 = (20) h56 D5
πD2 μ12 Nu56 = (26)
By combining Eqs. (1) and (2), one obtains:
0.4 + 0.54Re0.52
56 , 0.1 < Re56 < 1000
Nu56 = (27)
56 , 1000 < Re56 < 50000

F.I. Nascimento et al. Thermal Science and Engineering Progress 24 (2021) 100932

The external flow Reynolds number for the air on the tube is calcu­ This algorithm is designed for sizing a PTC, which must satisfy a
lated by: thermal requirement of a specific thermal process, that has a thermal
ρ56 V56 D5 load Q̇u , with HTF temperature To , type of HTF (including its transport
Re56 = (28) properties), and mass flow rateṁ. Additionally, the meteorological
variables where the solar collector will be installed are known: direct
By combining Eqs. (3) and (4), yields: solar radiation (I) and the wind speed (V56 ). The diameters D3 , D4 , and
( ) aperture W can be evaluated according to the considerations in Section
πD3 Lσ T34 − T54
SL(W − D5 ) = Q̇u + ( ) + Q̇34,conv (29) 2.1, the reflector reflectivity, as well as the radiation properties and
1 D3 1
ε 3 + D4 ε 5 − 1
thermal conductivity of the glass and the receiver tubes depend on the
types of the materials used [8,38,40]. The algorithm initially assesses
The annular section convection heat transfer rate (Q̇34,conv ) in Eq. the HTF inlet temperature Ti . The temperature T5 (glass cover temper­
(29), is defined according to Eq. (22). The PTC thermal efficiency is ature) is assumed to be 1 K higher than the ambient temperature T6 . To
described as the useful heat gain by the heat transfer fluid, at the continue it is necessary to know whether the collector will be dimen­
receiver and the incident radiation upon the aperture area ratio: sioned considering vacuum or not in the annular region which means
having a pressure below or above 0.013 Pa in this region, respectively. In
(30) vacuum conditions, the convection heat transfer coefficient between the
IA glass cover and the external ambient is evaluated, then the PTC length
and the optical efficiency are evaluated. As the external glass cover
2.4. Algorithm temperature was initially assumed, it is reassessed with Eq. (25), in case
of these temperatures are different, their initial value is changed in ξ.
Given the set of nonlinear of Eqs. (5) to (27), an algorithm was The iteration procedure continues until the T5 temperature difference is
implemented in Matlab Mathworks® software to rate the variables L, T3 , around 0.1 K, in this situation, the collector length (L), the collector
T5 , and η. The algorithm flowchart is shown in Fig. 3. thermal efficiency (η) the external glass cover (T5 ), and the external
receiver temperature (T3 ) are evaluated. Similarly, these parameters are
calculated when there is air in the annular section. To solve this prob­
lem, initially, it is assumed a temperature T5 = T6 + 1, then h56 is
evaluated. At this point, it is necessary to evaluate the natural convec­
tion coefficient in the annular region, which needs the T3 temperature
value, which is initially assumed to be 2 K above ambient temperature.
This temperature is corrected by using Eq. (17). The subsequent pro­
cedure is similar to the vacuum case, however, the convection heat
transfer in the annular section (Eq. (25)) must be considered.
To solve the above equations is necessary the temperature-
dependent fluid transport properties. A Matlab subroutine called these
properties from Excel Microsoft® program file.

3. Validation

The algorithm was conceived to find the necessary PTC length as a

function of the following variables: thermal load, outlet HTF tempera­
ture, besides a set of other operating variables. The model validation was
reached by comparing experimental results obtained by previous re­
searchers for actual operating conditions. The PTC had constructive
variables, such as: the receiver (k23 , α3 , ε3 ), reflector (ρ) and enveloping
glass (τ5 , ε5 ) thermal properties, the geometry (L, W, D2 , D3 , D4 , D5 ), the
heat transfer fluid type, the intercept factor (γ) and the incidence angle
(θ). It was put into operation and process variables, being, direct irra­
diation (I), HTF mass flow rate (ṁ), HTF inlet (Ti ) and outlet (To ),
receiver (T3 ), enveloping glass (T5 ) and ambient (T6 ) temperatures and
air velocity (V56 ), along with the calculated thermal efficiency (η) and
useful heat (Q̇u ). Those variables were separated into input and output
variables. The necessary input variables of this work are: Q̇u , To , ṁ, I, W,
D2 , D3 , D4 , D5 , k23 , ε3 , ε5 , θ, ρ, α3 , τ5 , γ, V56 , T6 and the output variables:
L, T3 , T5 e η.
The algorithm was compared with one experimental work at vacuum
[8] and two other works at non-vacuum [41,42] conditions. The col­
lector [8] consisted of a commercial LS-2 PTC (LUZ Industries, Inc.,
Israel) used in a solar power plant. One PTC was tested at Sandia Na­
tional Laboratories (California, United States [43]) to obtain operating
data, including thermal efficiency, thermal losses and the incidence
angle modifier. Similarly, in [41], a commercial PTC (Industrial Solar
Technology Co., Colorado, United States) used for residential solar
water heating, was analyzed. The collector was tested at Sandia National
Laboratories and operating data similar to [8] were collected. In this
collector selective materials were used on the receiver (black nickel and
Fig. 3. PTC sizing algorithm flowchart scheme.

F.I. Nascimento et al. Thermal Science and Engineering Progress 24 (2021) 100932

Table 2 300 1
Specifications of the input variables used from other works.
Variable Units References 250 0.8

PTC lenght, L (m)

[8] [41] [42] [13]
Q̇u W 22030 9050 649 23671 0.6
To ◦
C 320.6 107.3 60 146 150
I W/m2 884.6 995.1 928 875 0.4
ṁ kg/s 0.6036 0.6909 0.023 0.2 100
W m 5 2.3 1.1 5 0.2
D2 m 0.066 0.048 0.020 0.066
D3 m 0.070 0.051 0.025 0.070
0 0
D4 m 0.109 0.072 0.050 0.109
400 600 800 1000
D5 m 0.115 0.075 0.056 0.115
k23 W/mK 15 16.6 52 54
ε3 - 0.24 0.13 0.08 0.14 Fig. 4. PTC length and thermal efficiency as a function of the direct solar
ε5 - 0.81 0.80 0.82 0.86 irradiation.
θ ◦
0 0 0 0
ρ - 0.93 0.93 0.85 0.93
α3 - 0.95 0.94 0.82 0.906 1
τ5 - 0.95 0.91 0.85 0.95
- 0.95 0.95 0.95 0.92 0.8

PTC lenght, L (m)

V56 m/s 3 2.9 3.2 2
T6 ◦
C 3 11.8 38 25 40 0.6
HTF - *[44] [44] Water [45]
* 30
Syltherm ® 800, **Therminol ® VP-1.
Table 3 0.2
10 Transition
Validation, comparison with the literature.
Authors L(m) T3 (K) T5 (K) η 0 0
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5
Dudley et al. [8] 7.80 - - 0.65
This work 7.34 635.5 314.46 0.69
Abs. rel. deviation (%) 5.9 - - 6.2
Dudley, Evans, Matthews [41] 6.10 - - 0.67
Fig. 5. PTC length and thermal efficiency as a function of the HTF mass
This work 5.82 417.45 299.74 0.70 flow rate.
Abs. rel. deviation (%) 4.6 - - 4.5
Sagade, Aher, Shinde [42] 1.21 342.15 - 0.52
This work 1.22 345.65 313.29 0.55 40 1
Abs. rel. deviation (%) 0.8 1.0 - 5.8
Marif et al. [13] 7.80 449.15 341.15 0.71
This work 7.85 540.5 311.82 0.71 0.8
PTC lenght, L (m)

Abs. rel. deviation (%) 0.6 20.3 8.6 0 30

Global abs. rel. deviation (%) 0.6–5.9 1.0–20.3 8.6 0.0–6.2
black chrome) and on the reflector (without and with solgel) in order to 0.4
increase the thermal efficiency. In [42], a low-cost PTC prototype was
tested, it used aluminum foil at the reflector, mild steel receiver coated 10
with black proxy material. The authors focused their work on verifying
the thermal efficiency at India climatic conditions. Details of the para­
bolic trough collector’s geometry and process variables specifications 0 0
are indicated in Table 2. 5 10 15 20 25 30 35
After applying the algorithm program along with the input variables
from Table 2 for each PTC specification, this were obtained the output
Fig. 6. PTC length and thermal efficiency as a function of the useful heat gain.
variables shown in Table 3.
It can be seen in Table 3 that the length collector relative deviation
for the experimental works were 5.9%, 4.6% and 0.8%, which indicates 4. PTC sizing parametric sensitivity analysis
that according to the provided input variables, the algorithm is able to
converge and evaluate the required PTC length. Due to the several Parametric analysis was carried out in order to verify the influence of
number of necessary input variables, it is difficult to find in the literature some process (I, ṁ, Q̇u , To , HTF type), geometric (W) and materials (α3 ,
one work that have all of them necessary for the algorithm. The algo­ ε3 ) variables on the PTC sizing. For this, it was used the following input
rithm was compared with one simulation theoretical results [13] shown variables [6]: Q̇u = 23028 W, To = 273.4 ◦ C, ṁ = 0.32 kg/s, I = 680 W/
in Table 3. In that model, the receiver was discretized by finite differ­ m2, W = 3.5 m, D2 = 0.040 m, D3 = 0.050 m, D5 = 0.090 m, k23 = 15
ences. The results of this comparison indicate a deviation of 0.6% in the W/mK, ε3 = 0.92, ε5 = 0.87, θ = 0, ρ = 0.935, α3 = 0.93, τ5 = 0.89,
necessary length, showing that the model of this work, although simple, γ = 0.95, V56 = 5 m/s, T6 = 25 ◦ C. It was used Therminol® VP-1 as HTF.
does not cause significant accuracy loss. The parametric analysis consists of verifying the influence of one
variable, keeping the other constants. All cases considered both vacuum

F.I. Nascimento et al. Thermal Science and Engineering Progress 24 (2021) 100932

40 1 than for the evacuated receiver at any irradiation level, which can easily
be explained due to the convection heat losses in the annular region.
Those tube length differences (for evacuated and non-evacuated
PTC lenght, L (m)
30 receiver) become greater as the irradiation decreases, being 9% for
1000 W/m2, 14% for 700 W/m2 and 43% for 400 W/m2 considering that
0.6 the necessary useful heat and HTF outlet temperature remain at the
20 same level. The PTC thermal efficiency follows an inverse behavior that
0.4 the PTC length, showing better thermal efficiencies for higher irradia­
tion levels and for evacuated receivers.
10 Fig. 5 shows the HTF mass flow rate influence on the required PTC
length. It was kept constant all the remaining variables, except the HTF
inlet temperature (see Eq. (5)), such as the useful heat gain and the HTF
0 0
2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5 outlet temperature. In this figure the required PTC length is longer for
lower HTF mass flow rates (and lower heat transfer fluid), in laminar
conditions until about 0.046 kg/s (Re ≈ 2300). As the HTF mass flow
Fig. 7. PTC length and thermal efficiency as a function of the PTC width. rate increases, the flow reaches the transition regime, and the necessary
PTC length decreases until the turbulent condition with HTF mass flow
and non-vacuum conditions at the receiver annular region between the rate of 0.065 kg/s (Re > 4000), after that, the necessary PTC length
metal tube and the glass cover. In addition, the influence on the PTC becomes nearly constant. This is because for higher HTF mass flow rates
thermal efficiency was verified. The results are shown in Figs. 4-9. in turbulent conditions, although the HTF convection heat transfer co­
Fig. 4 shows the local direct solar radiation influence on the PTC efficient increases, the fluid inlet and outlet temperatures are nearer,
dimensioning. It is noted, as one would expect, that the necessary PTC influencing less the receiver temperature. The result indicates that it is
length increases as the direct solar radiation decreases. This result shows more advantageous to operate in the turbulent regime from the heat
the importance of verifying whether the PTC installation location has transfer point-of-view. It is also verified that the thermal efficiency
enough radiation throughout the year. For the same thermal need and follows the reciprocal behavior of the collector length trend for the
taken a base on a 700 W/m2 location, if the PTC (evacuated receiver) is laminar and the transitional flow condition, for the turbulent flow it
installed in a 1000 W/m2 location, the required length would be reduced does not vary significantly. As expected, an evacuated receiver produces
by 60%; on the other hand, if the radiation is 400 W/m2, the PTC length smaller collector sizes and higher thermal efficiencies.
should be increase by 150%. The graphics in Fig. 4 also indicates that the In Fig. 6 is shown the necessary PTC length dependence on the useful
required PTC length for non-evacuated receiver conditions is longer demanded heat gain. One can notice that the required PTC length

1 40

0.8 Non-vac
Vac 30
0.6 Non-vac


0 0
0.8 0.85 0.9 0.95 0.8 0.85 0.9 0.95

(a) (b)
Fig. 8. (a) PTC length and (b) thermal efficiency, as a function receiver absorptivity and emissivity.

40 1 250
Therm. 59
Therm. VP1
0.8 200
PTC lenght, L (m)

PTC lenght, L (m)

30 Water
0.6 150
20 22
0.4 100 290 320 350
0.2 50
250 270 290

0 0 0
100 150 200 250 300 250 300 350 400 450

(a) (b)
Fig. 9. (a) PTC length and thermal efficiency as a function of HTF output temperature (b) PTC length as function of HTF output temperature and HTF type (annular
section in vacuum condition).

F.I. Nascimento et al. Thermal Science and Engineering Progress 24 (2021) 100932

increases approximately in direct proportion to the useful heat deman­ dimensioning, thus, comparing a solar PTC system where direct solar
ded. Moreover, the PTC lengths for vacuum and non-vacuum conditions radiation is 700 W/m2, it would be necessary 60% less PTC length in a
at 5 kW have a difference of 16% (0.75 m) and at 35 kW of 14% (4.2 m) place with 1000 W/m2 or 150% more of PTC length in a place with 400
which indicates that the proportional difference remains approximately W/m2. Regarding the mass flow, considering the useful heat gain and
constant. The thermal efficiency increases slightly with the useful heat the HTF outlet temperature constants, the required PTC length for HTF
rise. laminar flow conditions is high. It decreases in the transitional region,
Fig. 7 shows the variation of the PTC length with its width variation. becoming stable at turbulent flow regime, which indicates that the
This figure indicates that the higher the PTC width, the lower the beginning of this last condition is appropriate for the fluid circulation
required PTC length. That behavior is not linear, and the projected system. As expected, the higher the useful heat gain, the higher the PTC
reflector area (L × W) decreases with the width increasing. On the other length in almost linear fashion. On the other hand, the higher PTC
hand, the higher width, the higher focal length, which can lead to in­ width, the lower its length. This behavior is not linear, and the projected
creases the reflected radiation dispersion, decreasing the radiation collector area (L × W) decreases. If the focal length is increased, it can
reaching the receiver [6]. lead to reflected radiation dispersion [6]. The radiation selective
Recent researches have addressed coating receivers of medium and receiver properties analysis indicates that if a receiver (evacuated) with
high temperature collectors, in order to find low-cost receivers selective α = 0.95 and ε = 0.1 is used, it could reduce by 84% the PTC length
materials with high spectral absorptivity (> 0.9) in the wave-length compared to α = 0.8 and ε = 0.9. This reduction is 120% if in the second
range of 0.25 μm–2.5 μm, and a low spectral emissivity (<0.1) in the case the receiver is not evacuated. On the other hand, the HTF outlet
range of 2.5 μm–25 μm, in addition to having thermal and chemical temperature analysis indicates that, keeping the same useful heat, the
stability for long periods of use [46]. Fig. 8a shows the required PTC higher outlet PTC temperature, the higher the PTC length due to larger
length as a function of the receiver average absorptivity and emissivity. thermal losses caused by the receiver temperature increase. In addition,
It can be noted that, for an evacuated receiver, if increasing the ab­ the performance of four thermal fluids was compared: Therminol® 59,
sorptivity from 0.8 to 0.95 produces a PTC length decrease of 19.6% Therminol® VP1, water and solar salt 40% KNO3 + 60% NaNO3,
(ε = 0.1) and 28.4% (ε = 0.9). While increasing the emissivity from 0.1 showing that pressurized water has a superior performance than the two
to 0.9, the PTC length increases by 53.4% (α = 0.8) and 43.3% (α = synthetic oils, since it causes shorter PTC lengths up to HTF outlet
0.95). The PTC length increases if receiver is non-evacuated. The worst temperatures of 300 ◦ C. For temperatures above 400 ◦ C the required
situation is whit a non-evacuated receiver whit α = 0.8 and ε = 0.9 length becomes high because of the large thermal losses. In all cases, the
which requires PTC length of 30.4 m and the best situation corresponds use of an evacuated receiver reduces the required PTC length and in­
to an evacuated receiver with α = 0.95 and ε = 0.1, in that case the creases thermal efficiency. The length variations comparing evacuated
length must be of 13.8 m, this is a PTC length reduction of 120%. The and non-evacuated receivers vary for each case, ranging from 9% to
thermal efficiency follows an opposite behavior of the PTC length 160%.
(Fig. 8b), reaching a value of 0.33 in the worst situation and 0.72 in the
best one. Declaration of Competing Interest
Fig. 9a shows the required PTC length as a function of the HTF
(Therminol® VP-1) outlet temperature (To ). It can be seen that the The authors declare that they have no known competing financial
higher the outlet HTF temperature, the higher PTC length, which can be interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to influence
explained because increasing the receiver temperature is followed by the work reported in this paper.
larger thermal losses and lower thermal efficiencies. Experimental re­
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