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Renaissance, Mannerism and Baroque art exploring questions

Team A
1. What time period does Renaissance art cover?
2. In which country did the Renaissance originate?
3. Who are some of the most famous artists of the Renaissance?
4. What time period does Mannerist art cover?
5. In which country did Mannerism originate?
6. Which artist is known as the first great Mannerist painter?
7. What time period does Baroque art cover?
8. In which country did the Baroque originate?
9. Who are some of the most famous artists of the Baroque?

Renaissance, Mannerism and Baroque art exploring questions

Team B
1. What characteristics are typical of Renaissance painting?
2. How is the human figure often represented in Renaissance art?
3. Which famous Renaissance artist painted “The Last Supper”?
4. How does Mannerism differ from the Renaissance?
5. What characteristics are typical of Mannerist painting?
6. How is the human figure often represented in Mannerist art?
7. What is “chiaroscuro” and how does it relate to the Baroque?
8. How is the importance of religion reflected in Baroque art?
9. How was space and perspective used in Baroque works?

Renaissance, Mannerism and Baroque art exploring questions

Team C
1. How are color and light used in Renaissance works?
2. What themes are common in Renaissance art?
3. How was space and perspective used in Renaissance works?
4. What themes are common in Mannerist art?
5. How did Mannerism influence the art that followed it?
6. How was space and perspective used in Mannerist works?
7. What characteristics are typical of Baroque painting?
8. How are color and light used in Baroque works?
9. What themes are common in Baroque art?
Generar un cuadro comparativo que mencione las características, periodos, países donde inicio, principales
representantes del arte renacentista, manierista y barroco, además de cómo se representa a menudo la figura
humana y como influyo la mitología en estos

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