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Fandstan Electric Group

NL 3771 ME Barneveld
Nijverheidsweg 14

Operation and Phone +31 (0) 342 403900

Fax +31 (0) 342 403912

maintenance instructions eMail


Compact-Line SICL

Member of the Fandstan Electric Group

0 Foreword 3
Table of contents 0.1 Copyright 3
0.2 Customer service 3
0.3 Liability for defects 3
0.4 Limitations of liability 4
0.5 Definitions 4

1 Safety 5
1.1 Symbol description 5
1.2 Intended use 5
1.3 Inappropriate use 5
1.4 General safety information 6
1.5 Safety instructions for assembly and disassembly 7
1.6 Safety instructions when first putting the unit into service
after completing installation 7
1.7 Safety instructions for operation 7
1.8 Safety instructions for maintenance 8

2 Technical information 9

3 Suspensions 10
3.1 Mounting supports 10
3.2 SICL suspensions 10
3.3 SICL installation 10

4 Conductor line joint, isolating section, powerfeed 11

5 Expansion joint 12

6 Fixed point 12

7 End cap, transfer sections 13

8 Entry section 13

9 Current collector pantographs 14

10 Curved sections 15

2 AKAPP-STEMMANN BV, The Netherlands, Tel. +31 342 403900 - Fax +31 342 403912 - Web
0 Foreword

You have purchased a Stemmann-Technik product. This equipment was manufactured

in accordance with state-of-the-art engineering principles.
These operating instructions are designed to provide the operator with appropriate
instructions for safe and correct operation and to facilitate maintenance.
Every individual given the task of transporting, installing, commissioning, operating,
maintaining and repairing our products and their additional equipment must have
read and understood
• the operating instructions,
• the safety regulations and
• the safety instructions in the individual chapters and sections.
The operating instructions must be available to the operating personnel at all times in
order to prevent operating errors and to ensure smooth and trouble-free operation of
our products.

0.1 Copyright These operating instructions must be treated confidentially. They should only be used
by authorized personnel. They may only be entrusted or made available to third par-
ties with the prior written consent of Stemmann - Technik.
All documents are protected within the sense of copyright law.
No part of this documentation may be reproduced, utilized or transmitted without
specific prior consent. Infringements are an offence resulting in obligatory compensa-
tory damages.
All industrial rights reserved.

0.2 Customer service For technical information on Stemmann-Technik products and their systematic application,
please refer to one of our after-sales service stations, the relevant representative or
to our main office in Schüttorf.

0.3 Liability for defects These operating instructions must be read carefully before installing and putting the
product into operation.
We assume no liability for damage and malfunctions resulting from failure to comply
with the operating instructions.
Any liability claims for defects must be made by quoting the order number immedi-
ately on detecting the defect.

Any liability claims for defects are void in the event of:

• inappropriate use,
• faulty devices or equipment connected or attached to the product which are not
part of our scope of supplies and services,
• use of non-genuine spare parts and accessories,
• refurbishment or modification of the product unless approved in writing by Stemmann.

Wearing parts are not subject to liability for defects.

AKAPP-STEMMANN BV, The Netherlands - Tel. +31 342 403900 - Fax +31 342 403912 - Web 3
0.4 Limitations of liability All technical information, data and instructions for operation contained in these
operating instructions were up-to-date on going to print and are compiled on the
basis of our experience and to the best of our knowledge.
We reserve the right to incorporate technical modifications within the scope of further
development of the product which is the subject of these operating instructions.
The information, illustrations and descriptions contained in these operating instruc-
tions are therefore only intended for information purposes.
The descriptions and illustrations contained in these operating instructions do not
necessarily correspond to the scope of delivery or any subsequent spare part
delivery, either; the drawings and illustrations are not to scale.
Only documentation belonging to the actual order is valid.
We assume no liability for defects, damage and malfunctions caused as a result of
operating errors, non-compliance with these operating instructions or inappropriate
repairs and maintenance.
We expressly point out that only genuine Stemmann-Technik spare parts and
accessories approved by us may be used. Accordingly, this also applies to other
manufacturers’ parts supplied by us.
For safety reasons, the fitting and use of spare parts or accessories which have not
been approved and unauthorized modification and conversion of the product are not
permitted and exempt Stemmann-Technik from any liability for defects or damages
resulting therefrom.
With the exclusion of any further claims, we are liable for any faults or omissions
on our part within the scope of the warranty obligations entered into in the original
contract. With the exception of legal claims according to relevant product liability
legislation, claims for damages are excluded, regardless of the legal reason from
which such claims are derived.

0.5 Definitions Owner

Owners (employer, company) are defined as persons who own the product and who
use it appropriately or allow it to be operated by suitable and instructed persons.

Operating personnel
Operating personnel are defined as persons assigned by the owner of the product to
operate the product.

Specialist personnel
Specialist personnel are defined as persons assigned by the owner to carry out spe-
cific tasks, such as installation, setting-up, maintenance and fault elimination.
• Qualified electrician
Qualified electricians are defined as persons who, owing to their technical training,
knowledge and experience of the product and electrical installations as well as
knowledge of the relevant standards, codes of practice and regulations, are able
to assess the tasks given to them and to identify and eliminate potential hazards.
• Trained person
Trained persons are defined as persons who have been instructed and trained for
the tasks assigned to them and on the possible hazards resulting from incorrect
handling and who have been informed about the required protective devices,
protective measures, relevant regulations, codes of practice, accident prevention
regulations and operating conditions and who have proven their qualifications.
• Experienced technician
Experienced technicians are defined as persons, who, owing to their technical
training and experience, have sufficient knowledge of the product and are familiar
with the relevant national industrial safety regulations, codes of practice, accident
prevention regulations, directives and generally accepted engineering standards
(e.g. EC Directives, German VDE and VBG regulations) enabling them to judge the
safe operating condition of the product.

4 AKAPP-STEMMANN BV, The Netherlands - Tel. +31 342 403900 - Fax +31 342 403912 - Web
1 Safety

1.1 Symbol description The following symbols and recommendations indicate potential safety hazards or
causes of damage or provide useful information.

Hazard warning
This symbol appears in the operating instructions next to all instructions relating to
safety at work wherever a potential hazard to life and limb exists if the instructions are
not complied with.
Follow these instructions at all times and be particularly vigilant and cautious.
Pass on safety instructions to all persons entrusted with working on the product
including any associated equipment and the power supply.
In addition to the safety instructions, observe all general safety regulations and acci-
dent prevention regulations at all times.

Warning against dangerous electrical voltage

Contact with live parts can result in immediate death. Protective covers (e.g. covers
and enclosures of electrical devices) marked with this sign may only be opened by
qualified electricians. Before opening, all relevant operating, control, feed or other
voltages must be disconnected.

Operating hazard for the installation

This symbol in the operating instructions indicates all warnings which, if not complied
with, may result in damage to the installation or the load to be conveyed.

This symbol indicates tips and useful information.

1.2 Intended use The product may only be operated when in perfect working order by trained person-
nel in accordance with the relevant safety and accident prevention regulations. This
also includes compliance with operating and maintenance conditions specified in the
assembly instructions.
This product is industrial equipment to be used with the rated voltage specified on
the type plate.
During maintenance work the appropriate main switches must be switched off.
During operation or when the main switch is not switched off, electrical components
inside enclosures, motors, switchgear cabinets, terminal boxes, etc., carry danger-
ous voltages. This voltage may cause fatal injuries.
Serious personal injury or damage to property may occur in the event of:
• unauthorized removal of covers,
• inappropriate use of the product
• incorrect operation,
• insufficient maintenance,
• working on live parts.

1.3 Inappropriate use Certain work and practices are prohibited when using the product as they may in-
volve danger to life and limb and result in lasting damage to the product, e.g.:
• manipulating electrical equipment
• connecting the unit to power supply systems with voltage or frequency other than
those specified on the type plate
• non-compliance with specified mounting positions
• non-compliance with the max. permissible operating temperature.

AKAPP-STEMMANN BV, The Netherlands - Tel. +31 342 403900 - Fax +31 342 403912 - Web 5
1.4 General safety Persons under the influence of drugs, alcohol or medicines which affect reactions
must not install, operate, put into service, maintain, repair or disassemble the
information product.
Any conversions and modifications to the installation must comply with the safety
Work on electrical equipment may only be carried out by specialists in accordance
with electrical regulations. In the event of malfunctions, the product must immediately
be shut down, switched off and the relevant main switches locked.
Malfunctions must be eliminated immediately.
National accident prevention regulations and codes of practice and general safety
regulations must be observed when operating our products. Important information
and instructions are marked by corresponding symbols. Follow these operating and
safety instructions to avoid personal injury and damage to machinery. The assembly
instructions must be kept available at the place where the product is in use at all
times. They include significant aspects and appropriate excerpts from the relevant
guidelines, standards and regulations. The owner must instruct his personnel appro-
If the safety instructions given are not observed in any way, personal injury or even
death can result.
Observe general statutory and other obligatory regulations relating to accident pre-
vention and environmental protection and basic health and safety requirements in
addition to those included in these assembly instructions.
Such requirements may relate, for example, to the handling of hazardous materials
or the provision/wearing of personal protection equipment.
Comply with these regulations and general accident regulations relevant for the
place at which the product is used and follow the instructions therein when working
with the product. The product may still constitute a danger to life and limb if it is not
installed, operated, maintained or used appropriately by personnel which have not
been trained or specially instructed.
The safety instructions must, if required, be supplemented by the owner with
instructions and information (e.g. factory regulations) relating to organization of work,
working procedures, operating personnel, etc. Supervising and reporting obligations
as well as special operating conditions must also be taken into consideration.
Personnel assigned to working with the product must have read the assembly
instructions and the safety instructions.
All activities relating to the product which are not described in the operating instruc-
tions may only be carried out by specifically trained specialist personnel.
The owner must ensure that personnel work in a safety and hazard-conscious
manner in compliance with the assembly instructions.
The owner must ensure that the product is only operated when in proper working
order and that all relevant safety requirements and regulations are complied with.
The product must be taken out of service immediately if functional defects or
irregularities are detected.
In the event of a stoppage (e.g. if defects regarding safe and reliable operation
are detected, in emergency situations, in the event of operating malfunctions, for
maintenance purposes, if damage is detected or after finishing work), the operator/
experienced technician must carry out all prescribed safety measures or observe
that they are automatically carried out.
Personal protective clothing must be worn as necessary or as required by regula-
tions. Personnel must not wear loose clothing, jewellery including rings or long hair
loose. Injury may occur, for example, by being caught or drawn into the mechanism.
All safety and hazard warnings on the product, its access routes and mains connec-
tion switches must be preserved completely and in legible condition.
Modifications, additions to and conversions of the product which may impair safety
in any way must not be carried out without the approval of Stemmann-Technik.
Safety devices must not be rendered inoperative.
Only genuine Stemmann-Technik spare parts may be used. Observe prescribed
deadlines or those specified in the assembly instructions for routine checks/inspections.

6 AKAPP-STEMMANN BV, The Netherlands - Tel. +31 342 403900 - Fax +31 342 403912 - Web
1.5 Safety instructions • Installation and disassembly work may only be performed by experienced techni-
for assembly and
• Installation and disassembly work must be co-ordinated by the person carrying
disassembly out the work and the owner within the scope of their responsibility.
• The assembly zone must be made safe.
• The installation must be isolated in accordance with the relevant electrical regula-
• Customer-specific regulations must be observed.
• Only appropriate, tested and calibrated tools may be used.

1.6 Safety instructions • The working area must be made safe.

when first putting the • First check that the voltage and frequency specified on the type plates match the
owner’s mains power supply.
unit into service after
• In the course of putting the product into service, it may be necessary to render
completing installation safety devices or features inoperative when carrying out adjustments or function
• When putting the machine into service, it may be necessary to perform work in
the danger zone, therefore, it must be ensured that only appropriately trained
personnel are employed for this work.

1.7 Safety instructions for All instructions and measures described in the assembly instructions with regard to
safe operation and items concerning general safety and accident prevention which
operation have to be observed before, during and after putting into service must be strictly
complied with. Any failure to comply can lead to accidents resulting in fatalities.
The product must be taken out of service immediately or not put into operation if any
defects relating to operating safety and reliability are detected.
Safety devices must not be rendered inoperative or modified in contradiction to their
intended use.
Only operate the product when all protective devices and safety-relevant equipment,
e.g. movable protective devices and emergency-stop devices, are fitted and fully
In the event of damage to electrical devices and cables as well as parts of the insula-
tion, the installation must be switched off immediately.
Ensure that nobody is endangered by operation of the product before switching it on
or putting it into operation.
If the operator notices persons who may be exposed to a risk to health or personal
safety by operation of the equipment, he must suspend operation immediately and
may not resume operation again until the persons are outside the danger zone.
Before putting the product into operation, the operator must be satisfied that the
product is in safe and correct operating condition.
Work on the product may only be carried out when instructions to this effect have
been issued, when operation and function of the equipment have been explained and
when the working and danger zone has been made safe.
Cooling devices, such as ventilation openings, may not be rendered permanently
inoperative (e.g. covered or closed).
Special local conditions or special applications can lead to situations which were not
known when this chapter was written. In such cases, special safety measures must
be implemented by the owner.

AKAPP-STEMMANN BV, The Netherlands - Tel. +31 342 403900 - Fax +31 342 403912 - Web 7
1.8 Safety instructions for Maintenance measures are defined as regular maintenance, inspection and repair
maintenance Mechanical and electrical repairs and maintenance work may only be carried out by
appropriately trained personnel (experienced technicians). Stemmann-technik specialists
are also trained to work on specific products.
Adjustment, maintenance and inspection activities and inspection deadlines including
specifications concerning replacement of parts/assemblies prescribed in the assem-
bly instructions must be observed.
Ensure that all electrical components are de-energized before commencing work on
electrical installations and devices.
Unauthorized personnel must not be allowed to work on the product. Before starting
all repair and maintenance work, the product must be switched off, taken out of
operation and secured (switches must be locked) against accidental or unauthorized
putting into operation (restarting).
It must be ensured that
• the product is switched off and checked that it is de-energized and, in special
cases, isolated,
• moving parts are stationary and stopped,
• moving parts cannot start moving while maintenance work is being carried out,
• the power supply cannot be accidentally restored as long as the product has
been taken out of service for maintenance and repair purposes. Ensure that oper-
ating and auxiliary materials as well as replaced parts are disposed of in a safe
and environmentally sound way.
Instructions for repair work in the course of operation
The danger zone must be marked off with red/white safety chains or safety tape and
indicated with warning signs.
In each individual case, the owner or the person specified by him must check
whether the relevant work may be carried out in the course of operation without risk
of personal injury owing to the particular local conditions.
To avoid injury, use only calibrated and appropriate tools and auxiliary materials for
maintenance and repair work.
If there is a risk of objects falling, the danger zone must be made safe.
Maintain a sufficient safety distance to rotating parts to prevent clothing, parts of the
body or hair becoming entangled.
Avoid naked flames, extreme heat and sparks in the vicinity of cleaning agents and
flammable parts or parts liable to deformation (e.g. wood, plastic parts, oil, grease) in
electrical installations – non-compliance may result in fire hazard. Harmful gases may
evolve or insulation may be damaged.
Only genuine fuse links with specified amperage and tripping characteristics may be
Defective fuse links must not be repaired or bridged and must only be replaced by
fuse links of the same type.
Switch off the product immediately in the event of electrical power supply malfunc-
Work on the electronic and electrical components or equipment may only be carried
out by qualified electricians.
If inspection, maintenance and repair work is to be carried out on parts of the prod-
uct, these must – if prescribed by regulations – be isolated.
First verify the safe isolation of the parts from the supply before commencing work.
Defects, such as loose connections, damaged cables and worn contactor contacts
must be rectified immediately.
Electrical equipment must be replaced as a preventive measure on reaching the limit
of its service life. If work has to be carried out on live parts, a second person must be
available to actuate the emergency-stop button or mains connection switch/isolating
switch in order to disconnect the power supply in an emergency.
The second person must be familiar with resuscitation measures.
Only use insulated tools.
Before disconnecting and connecting electrical plug-and-socket connections,
always disconnect them from the supply (this does not apply to mains connections,
provided they do not represent a dangerous contact voltage in the sense of the
safety regulations).

8 AKAPP-STEMMANN BV, The Netherlands - Tel. +31 342 403900 - Fax +31 342 403912 - Web
2 Technical information

The SICL is a plastic-insulated single-conductor line protected against accidental

contact. The max. continuous straight length is 200 m. Expansion joints are not
required, since differences in length caused by temperature variations in the admis-
sible temperature range of - 30 °C to + 60 °C are absorbed at any joint. The SICL
can be mounted horizontally and vertically for indoor installations and horizontally
for outdoor installations. The max. distance between suspensions is 3 m on a pro-
file section rail and 1 m for compact and single suspension arrangements. Curved
sections must be suspended from single suspensions at a max. distance of 0,5 m.
Current collector pantographs of different sizes may be used for current collection.
The protective earth conductor (PE) is identified in yellow-green,
Isolating sections, additional powerfeed points as well as conversions of conductor
line joints, e.g. isolating section in conductor line joints and vice versa, can easily be
carried out without special tools (patented connecting elements which are easy to

SICL busbar line 1000 A 500

250 400
200 6.4 7.1


500 250 250 1000 500

8 7 6.1 6 6.2 4 9 10 3.4 5 1 6.3
Fig. 1 7.1 2

1) Larger lengths on request Note

2) IP 20 vertical, IP 23 horizontal • Avoid damage during transit;
3) Outdoor operation: only horizontal, if there is a danger of icing only with cover.
• Store SICL conductor lines on an even surface;
4) Bronze sliding contacts. For graphite sliding contacts,
see publication 202 673 44.
• Do lean ladders or other equipment against the conductor
• Properly eliminate deformations on the SICL;
• The open gap dimension of 5,3 ± 0,5 must exist continu-
Item Designation ously.
length in mm
1 SICL staight section 5945
2 SICL staight section R ≥ 500
3 Conductor line joint
3.1 Conductor line joint 25 mm² / 100 A
Conductor line joint Conductor line
1,5 to 10 mm² Housing material PVC
3.3 Conductor line joint 50 mm² / 200 A Normal lengths [mm] 6000
Conductor line joint Conductor rail cross-section [mm²] 25, 50
16 to 50 mm² Continuous current IN at 100 % CDF [A] 100, 200
3.5 Cover for powerfeed (not shown in the figure) Max. voltage UN [V] 690
4 Isolating section / air gap 55, 100 Type of enclosure DIN 40050 IP 2X 2)
5 Suspension Number of conductors 1-∞
5.1 6-fold universal suspension Max. suspension distance [mm] 1000, 3000
5.2 6-fold bolted suspension Curved section radius R ≥ [mm] 500
5.3 Single suspension Ambient temperature
6 Profile section rail, available lengths 120, 3000, 6000 max. continuously [°C] -30 to +60
6.1 Suspension for profile section rail max. 1 h [°C] +70 for a short time
6.2 Joint cover for profile section rails Max. continuous straight conductor line length [m] 200 1)
6.3 Fastening for transfer section with profile section rail 120 Mounting position horizontal + vertical 3)
6.4 Profile section rail for powerfeed 16 to 50 mm² Current collector pantograph 150 / 50 4)
7 End cap, transfer section, end power feed Max. continuous current at 100 % CDF [A] 40, 25
7.1 Transfer section, end cap Max. continuous current at 30 % CDF [A] 50, 30
7.2 Funnel 45° Travel radius Rmin admissible for R ≥ [mm] 500
8 Entry section Max. fusing [A] 100
9 Fixed points Connection cross-section [mm²] 6
10 Current collector pantograph 150 or 50 mm Travel speed [m/min] 400
Items 1-10 see Technical data 202 673 44 Mounting position horizontal + vertical 9
3 Suspensions

3.1 Mounting Before starting assembly, the corresponding mounting supports auch as C-rails,
L-sections or brackets must be fitted. DC-rails standardised by Stemmann-Technik
supports ensure quick fitting of the SICL.
L-sections should have an elongated hole for alignment parallel to the runway. The
mounting supports must be aligned to the same height.
The first mounting support must be fitted max. 250 mm, for profile section rails max.
1000 mm from the beginning and end of the SICL. All further mounting supports must
continuously be fitted at a max. distance of 1000 mm, for profile section rails max.
3000 mm. Each curved section and each funnel must be fitted with at least one
mounting support.

3.2 SICL suspensions The suspensions being available for the SICL – universal suspensions for profile sec-
tion rails, snap-on connections or C-rail fittings as well as bolted suspensions (1- or
6-pole) - must be fitted to the SICL at a max. distance of 1000 mm and 500 mm in
the case of curved sections.
Compact suspensions are designed for max. 6 single-conductor rails. They can also
be used for e.g. 4- or 5-pole installations. In this case, an optimum distribution of
weights must be ensured.

In installations subject to high humidity, dust or aggressive atmosphere single sus-

pensions with additional insulators must be used.

3.3 SICL installation If a profile section rail is used, the straight section can be preassembled by sliding the
suspensions onto the profile section rail and pressing the SICL into the suspension.
The suspension screws must be fitted before installing the SICL.
If additional suspensions must subsequently be fitted, the profile section rail can be
spread for hooking in the suspension.
For bolted suspensions lock washers (item 5.4) must be used.

Max. suspension distance Horizontal fitting Vertical fitting

Profile section rail Profile section rail
A see fig. 1

25 50
25 mm² 50 mm² 25 - 50 mm² 25 - 50 mm²
mm² mm²
"A" 3m 2m 1m 2m 1,5 m 1m

Fig. 2

6-fold universal suspension 6-fold bolted suspension Single bolted suspension

Ø10 Hex. screws M8 x … DIN 933,
5.5 optionally 1 in the centre or 2 on the outside 5.5









19 19 19
119 5.1 119
152 5.2

5.3 5.4
Fig. 3
1) 40 x 25 and 40 x 40 push-on C-rail
10 2) If a profile section rail is used, fit 3,5 x 9,5 screw for fixing the profile section rail/suspension.
4 Conductor line joint, isolating section, powerfeed

Following installation of the SICL and burring the conductor rails ends, the conductor
rail plug is pressed into the conductor rail, until the plug stop contacts the copper
rail. For the adjustment of the integrated expansion joint see chapter 5.
In order to connect the supply lines, it is necessary to open the SICL conductor line
For this purpose the plastic joint cover is pressed together in the centre and shifted
to the side on the PVC profile section, until the joint is freely accessible. Now the
conductor line connector can be removed from the conductor rail plug by turning it
through 45° so that the connection point is freely accessible. Assembly is made in
reverse order.
If a powerfeed or isolating section is subsequently required, a 50 to 55 mm long
section is straight-cut out of the SICL at the specified point.
The conductor rail must be burred and the removed connecting elements must be
fitted, i.e. first the joint cover is pressed onto the PVC profile section and then the
conductor rail plugs are pressed into the conductor rails on the right and left-hand
side up to the stop. Now the connecting element (conductor rail connector or isolat-
ing section) is bolted on and the joint is covered with the joint cover.
It must be ensured that the joint cover engages in the centre of the joint.
By pulling the conductor rail to the right and to the left, it can be checked whether
the conductor rail plug has engaged in the conductor rail.

Conductor line joint


Conductor line joint / conductor cross-section 25 mm² 50 mm²

Conductor rail load capability (IN) 100 A 200 A


Cyclic duration factor (CDF) 100 %

Expansion compensation ± 2,5 mm

SICL 50 - 55 SICL
Fig. 4

Conductor line joint with powerfeed
M5 screw




Conductor line joint 100 A SICL 51 SICL

Powerfeed 1,5 - 10 mm²
Connection cross-section 1,5 to max. 10 mm² Conductor line joint 200 A
Max. line diameter 7,5 mm Powerfeed 16 -50 mm²
2) A second powerfeed can be connected by Connection cross-section 16 to max. 50 mm²
means of an additional M5 x 8 screw. Max. line diameter 15 mm
Fig. 5

Isolating section Air gap

50 mm isolating section

55 SICL 100 SICL

at zero current
Fig. 6 Powerfeed possible on one side Powerfeed possible on both sides
5 Expansion joint

x = Fixed point a) b) Conductor rail joints are

o = Joint equipped with an integrated
a) = Track section half a) expansion joint for compensat-
b) = Track section half b) ing expansions of 5 mm.
Z = Transfer section / end cap In order to achieve a uniform expansion
a) b) a) b)
of the SICL, the expansion joints must be
adjusted in all installations.
For this purpose, from point (x) on the
expansion joints on every half a) of the
a) b)
track must be pushed on and all expan-
sion joints on every half b) must be
pulled on. Subsequently the fixed point
plates must be fitted on point (x) (see
a) b) fig. 7).
Fig. 7

Each straight SICL installation must be secured against lateral displacement in the
6 Fixed point track centre. For this purpose self-adhesive plastic strips are applied to the rear side
of the SICL rail in front of and behind the suspension (see fig. 7).
If tracks are equipped with fixed transfer sections/end caps, a fixed point is not
necessary, since the fixing of the transfer section is considered to be a fixed point.

12 AKAPP-STEMMANN BV, The Netherlands - Tel. +31 342 403900 - Fax +31 342 403912 - Web
5 Expansion joint

x = Fixed point a) b) Conductor rail joints are

o = Joint equipped with an integrated
a) = Track section half a) expansion joint for compensat-
b) = Track section half b) ing expansions of 5 mm.
Z = Transfer section / end cap In order to achieve a uniform expansion
a) b) a) b)
of the SICL, the expansion joints must be
adjusted in all installations.
For this purpose, from point (x) on the
expansion joints on every half a) of the
a) b)
track must be pushed on and all expan-
sion joints on every half b) must be
pulled on. Subsequently the fixed point
plates must be fitted on point (x) (see
a) b) fig. 7).
Fig. 7

Each straight SICL installation must be secured against lateral displacement in the
6 Fixed point track centre. For this purpose self-adhesive plastic strips are applied to the rear side
of the SICL rail in front of and behind the suspension (see fig. 7).
If tracks are equipped with fixed transfer sections/end caps, a fixed point is not
necessary, since the fixing of the transfer section is considered to be a fixed point.

AKAPP-STEMMANN BV, The Netherlands - Tel. +31 342 403900 - Fax +31 342 403912 - Web 13
1 Safety

1.1 Symbol description The following symbols and recommendations indicate potential safety hazards or
causes of damage or provide useful information.

Hazard warning
This symbol appears in the operating instructions next to all instructions relating to
safety at work wherever a potential hazard to life and limb exists if the instructions are
not complied with.
Follow these instructions at all times and be particularly vigilant and cautious.
Pass on safety instructions to all persons entrusted with working on the product
including any associated equipment and the power supply.
In addition to the safety instructions, observe all general safety regulations and acci-
dent prevention regulations at all times.

Warning against dangerous electrical voltage

Contact with live parts can result in immediate death. Protective covers (e.g. covers
and enclosures of electrical devices) marked with this sign may only be opened by
qualified electricians. Before opening, all relevant operating, control, feed or other
voltages must be disconnected.

Operating hazard for the installation

This symbol in the operating instructions indicates all warnings which, if not complied
with, may result in damage to the installation or the load to be conveyed.

This symbol indicates tips and useful information.

1.2 Intended use The product may only be operated when in perfect working order by trained person-
nel in accordance with the relevant safety and accident prevention regulations. This
also includes compliance with operating and maintenance conditions specified in the
assembly instructions.
This product is industrial equipment to be used with the rated voltage specified on
the type plate.
During maintenance work the appropriate main switches must be switched off.
During operation or when the main switch is not switched off, electrical components
inside enclosures, motors, switchgear cabinets, terminal boxes, etc., carry danger-
ous voltages. This voltage may cause fatal injuries.
Serious personal injury or damage to property may occur in the event of:
• unauthorized removal of covers,
• inappropriate use of the product
• incorrect operation,
• insufficient maintenance,
• working on live parts.

1.3 Inappropriate use Certain work and practices are prohibited when using the product as they may in-
volve danger to life and limb and result in lasting damage to the product, e.g.:
• manipulating electrical equipment
• connecting the unit to power supply systems with voltage or frequency other than
those specified on the type plate
• non-compliance with specified mounting positions
• non-compliance with the max. permissible operating temperature.

14 AKAPP-STEMMANN BV, The Netherlands - Tel. +31 342 403900 - Fax +31 342 403912 - Web
10 Curved sections

Types of curved sections:

Three types of curved sections are available (see fig. 12, 13 and 14).
1. Curved section A = External curved section
2. Curved section I = Internal curved section
3. Curved section H = Horizontal curved section
Fitting of SICL curved sections see chapter 2.

Curved section A Section C - D Curved section I Section C - D

Open gap outside Open gap inside
C C 13


13 5,3 ±0,5

0 10 0 10
10 0 10 0


Fig. 12 41032745.eps Fig. 13

Curved section H Section E - F 17

Horizontal arrangement

5,3 ±0,5
open gap below




0 10
10 0



Fig. 14
Radius R ≥ 500 mm
Max. suspension distance 500 mm

AKAPP-STEMMANN BV, The Netherlands - Tel. +31 342 403900 - Fax +31 342 403912 - Web 15

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