OCPSE CodeofEthics 25072023

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Code of Ethics

for the South Australian public sector



Responsibility of employees
Responsibility of Chief Executives and other organisational leaders
Statutory responsibility of the Commissioner for Public Sector Employment





Professional and courteous behaviour

Public comment
Handling official information
Use of government/public resources
Conflicts of interest
Outside employment
Acceptance of gifts and benefits
Criminal offences
Reporting unethical behaviour


Please note that the content of this document was last updated January 2022.

The Government of South Australia acknowledges Aboriginal people as the

first peoples and nations of South Australia.
The South Australian Government and public sector recognise and respect their
cultural connections as the traditional owners and occupants of the land and waters
of South Australia and that they maintain a unique and irreplaceable contribution
to the state.
The government is committed to ensuring
that South Australia is a place where people
and business thrive.

The public sector must serve this vision through a

strong culture of service excellence, founded on a
productive working relationship with communities
and business.
Above all, this relationship must be established
on trust, and the guarantee that public sector
employees will act effectively and with the utmost
professional integrity.
This Code of Ethics for the South Australian public
sector is the Code of Conduct for the purposes of
the Public Sector Act 2009, and all public sector
employees are bound by it.
One of the primary aims of the Act is to embed a
culture of “one government” across the sector.
Although public sector employees work in a
diverse range of professions and organisations,
they should be united by common values and
standards of professionalism. These values and
standards are articulated in this Code.
This Code has been updated to ensure its
relevance to the opportunities and challenges
that face modern South Australia. It incorporates
the views provided by employees and other
stakeholders since the Code was last issued
in 2010.
It is intended that the Code will help employees
challenge traditional ways of working while
maintaining the essential principles of their
profession and reliably serving the community
and Government of the day.

publicsector.sa.gov.au 1
Application All public sector
employees are bound

of the code by the code of ethics


This Code of Ethics for the South Australian public
sector is the Code of Conduct for the purposes of Strong and visible leadership is a critical factor
the Public Sector Act 2009, and all public sector in achieving support for, and adherence to, the
employees are bound by it regardless of: values and professional conduct embodied by
• the nature or level of employment; this Code.

• employment status; or Chief executives and other organisational leaders

have a special responsibility to demonstrate
• the nature of the public sector organisation
publicly their support for both the spirit and letter
in which an employee works.
of the Code through their actions.
Every public sector employee must familiarise
In addition to exemplary personal behaviour, chief
themselves with the content of this Code and
executives and other organisational leaders are
conduct themselves in a manner consistent with
responsible for raising awareness of the Code,
the values and standards of professional conduct
promoting debate on application of its content,
that are set out herein.
and responding to any issue – including requests
Some public sector employees, such as health for guidance – raised by employees.
professionals and lawyers, are bound by codes
of conduct specific to their profession. In such STATUTORY RESPONSIBILITY OF THE
cases, employees must have regard to the Code COMMISSIONER FOR PUBLIC SECTOR
of Ethics for the South Australian public sector EMPLOYMENT
as well as their professional codes.
It is the responsibility of the Commissioner for
Public Sector Employment to issue this Code
under Part 4, Section 14(1)(a) of the Public Sector
Act 2009.
The Commissioner will also monitor and report
to Parliament on the extent to which the Code has
been observed. The Commissioner is required
to keep the Code under review and may vary,
or revoke and substitute the Code.

2 Code of Ethics for the South Australian public sector

Four foundations
The values and standards outlined in this code
build upon four foundations of public service.


It is the role of the public sector to support Public sector employees must be detached
the Government of the day, under law and from political influence and the influence
the Constitution, in achieving the common of partisan interests within the community.
good, primarily by providing services to the Instead, public sector employees must rely
community. An emerging feature of South on evidence to provide objective advice
Australia’s democracy is a higher level of to Government and implement directions
collaboration between the public sector and promptly and thoroughly.
the community in the design and delivery of
services and the involvement of people in
decisions that affect their lives.


Within a broad system of accountability The South Australian public sector should
under which ministers are accountable to be as diverse as the community it serves.
Parliament, public sector employees are The views and experiences of all people
accountable for exercising their delegated should be respected, regardless of
authority and for performing their role within nationality, gender, cultural or social
the values and standards of conduct outlined background, sexuality, religion, age,
in this Code. or physical or intellectual ability.

publicsector.sa.gov.au 3
Public Service
Proudly serve the community and

sector Government of South Australia.

values Professionalism
Strive for excellence.

Ministers, chief Trust

executives and Have confidence in the ability of others.
other public sector
employees have
collectively defined Respect
values to guide the Value every individual.
sector’s long-term
The values are, in part, based Collaboration and engagement
on the traditional tenets of Create solutions together.
public service. Yet they also
reflect the evolution of the
sector, and the modern world
in which it operates.
The values are articulated in
Honesty and integrity
the Public Sector Values and Act truthfully, consistently, and fairly.
Behaviours Framework.
All public sector employees
should endeavour to embody
the values in their work. Courage and tenacity
Never give up.

Work to get the best results for current and
future generations of South Australians.

4 Code of Ethics for the South Australian public sector

conduct standards

Public sector organisations may choose to issue

Employees must exhibit agency specific conduct standards. Additional
the highest standards of standards must be consistent with these
standards, the Public Sector Act 2009, the Public
professional conduct in order Sector Regulations 2010 and any other relevant
to maintain the integrity of the legislation, industrial instrument or Government
policy. Such conduct standards are not to be
South Australian public sector. labelled as a ‘code’.
These professional conduct standards are the
disciplinary provisions of the Code of Conduct This section of the Code outlines the
for the purposes of the Public Sector Act 2009. standards of conduct regarding:
• Professional and courteous behaviour
Contravention or failure to comply with these
professional conduct standards will constitute • Public comment
misconduct as defined by the Public Sector Act • Handling official information
2009. Any employee who fails to comply with
• Use of government/public resources
these conduct standards may be liable
to disciplinary action. • Conflicts of interest
• Outside employment
• Acceptance of gifts and benefits
• Criminal offences
• Reporting unethical behaviour

publicsector.sa.gov.au 5

PROFESSIONAL AND COURTEOUS BEHAVIOUR These provisions do not apply to certain statutory
office holders (or other authorised officers or
Public sector employees will not at any time act employees) who are entitled to make independent
in a manner that a reasonable person would view public comment, either through convention, under
as bringing them, the agency in which they work, legislation or pursuant to delegated authority.
the public sector, or Government into disrepute;
or that is otherwise improper or disgraceful. HANDLING OFFICIAL INFORMATION

Public sector employees will comply with a lawful

By virtue of their duties, public sector employees
and reasonable direction given to them as an
frequently access, otherwise deal with, and/
employee by a person with authority to give
or are aware of, information about issues, facts
such direction.
and circumstances that they know, or where a
Public sector employees will at all times treat reasonable person in the circumstances would
other persons with respect and courtesy. know, needs to be treated as confidential.
Public sector employees will not be absent from Public sector employees will not access or
duty without authority or proper explanation attempt to access official information other than
or excuse. in connection with the performance by them of
their duties and/or as authorised.
Public sector employees will be diligent in the
discharge of their role and duties and not act Public sector employees will not disclose official
in a way that is negligent. information acquired through the course of their
employment other than is required by law or
PUBLIC COMMENT where appropriately authorised in the agency
Public sector employees will only make public Public sector employees will not misuse
comment in relation to their duties, the public information gained in their official capacity,
sector or the Government – including policy and including, but not limited to:
programs – when specifically authorised to do
• purchasing shares or other property on
so. Such comment will be restricted to factual
the basis of confidential information about
information and professional advice and avoid the
the affairs of a business or of a proposed
expression of personal opinion. Public comment
Government action; or
includes providing information or comment to
or in any media (electronic and print), including • seeking to use information for personal benefit
posting comment on the internet and speaking or gain or for the personal benefit or gain of
engagements. another.

Notwithstanding the above, public sector Public sector employees will maintain the integrity
employees may engage in a private capacity in and security of official information for which
conduct intended to influence public opinion they are responsible. Employees will also ensure
on an issue, or promote an outcome in relation that the privacy of individuals is maintained and
to an issue of public interest except in the will only release information in accordance with
circumstances set out in section 15(2) of the relevant legislation, industrial instruments, policy,
Public Sector Act 2009. or lawful and reasonable direction.

6 Code of Ethics for the South Australian public sector



Public sector employees shall use the

Government/public resources that are the
property of the Crown efficiently and only for
appropriate purposes as authorised.
Government/public resources (Crown property)
include physical, financial, technological and
intellectual property.
The Crown retains ownership of these resources.


Public sector employees will avoid actual or

potential conflicts of interest.
Public sector employees will ensure their personal
or financial interests do not influence or interfere
with the performance of their role. They will
ensure the interests of family members, friends
or associates (as defined in the Public Sector
(Honesty and Accountability) Act 1995) do not
influence the performance by them of their duties
and/or their role as a public sector employee.
Employees will disclose in writing to their chief
executive or agency head any actual or potential
conflicts of interest at the earliest available
opportunity and comply with any lawful and
reasonable direction issued by a person with
authority to issue such direction to resolve the
conflict or potential conflict, including written
direction by a relevant authority pursuant to
the Public Sector (Honesty and Accountability)
Act 1995.

publicsector.sa.gov.au 7


Public sector employees must not engage in Public sector employees will not seek or accept
employment or other remunerative activity gifts or benefits for themselves or others that
outside of their public sector employment where could be reasonably perceived as influencing
the activity conflicts with, or has the potential them in the performance of their duties and
to conflict with, their role as a public sector functions as a public sector employee.
employee, or if the performance of such outside
Non-pecuniary gifts or benefits offered
employment or activity might affect their capacity
to employees by representatives of other
to perform their public sector duties.
governments may be accepted, as may gifts from
Public sector employees will obtain written non-Government sources if they are obviously
permission from their agency head or delegate mementos or gifts of a symbolic nature.
before engaging in any outside employment or
All employees will comply with any policies of their
remunerative activity (including any employment,
agency in relation to accepting, declaring and/or
work or service for which payment is made by
recording the receipt of gifts or benefits.
way of pay, salary, honorarium, commission, fee,
allowance or other reward).
In general, it is not necessary for employees to
obtain permission to involve themselves in or Public sector employees will at the earliest
undertake voluntary or unpaid activities or paid possible opportunity advise their manager (or if
recreational activities (e.g. sport coaching) unless their manager is not available, some other person
there is an actual or potential conflict of interest in management in the agency in which they are
between such activity and their duties and/or role employed or working) if they are charged with a
as a public sector employee. criminal offence and, if admitted or proven, there
Public sector employees who leave the public would be a connection between the offending
sector to work with a non-Government employer conduct and the employee’s public sector duties/
will avoid situations which would result in an role or position and/or status.
unfair advantage for their new employer. This Reports to a manager or person in management
holds particularly in the case where the employer will be in writing.
is bidding for a government contract or is
competing for a grant or similar disbursement Public sector employees will comply with all
of public moneys. legislation, industrial instruments, policies and
procedures and lawful and reasonable directions
relevant to their role as a public sector employee
and/or to the performance of their duties.

8 Code of Ethics for the South Australian public sector



Public sector employees will report to an

appropriate authority workplace behaviour that
a reasonable person would suspect violates any
law, is a danger to public health or safety or to the
environment, or amounts to misconduct. This
obligation does not derogate from the obligations
on public sector employees under the Directions
and Guidelines issued by the Independent
Commission Against Corruption, the Office for
Public Integrity or the Ombudsman SA.
Public sector employees who are potential
witnesses or are otherwise capable of assisting,
will actively cooperate and assist with any
investigation into the suspected or alleged
conduct of another public sector employee that,
if proven, would amount to misconduct (including
corruption and maladministration as defined in
the Independent Commission Against Corruption
Act 2012) and any other processes relating to the
management of such suspected
or alleged conduct. This obligation does not
impact upon the right against self-incrimination
of employees suspected of committing or alleged
to have committed misconduct.
Public sector agencies will inform employees
of their rights and responsibilities under the
Public Interest Disclosure Act 2018.

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Legislation and regulations Public sector resources

• Public Sector Act 2009 • Public sector values and behaviours
• Public Sector Regulations 2010 framework
• Public Sector (Honesty and Accountability • Building Integrity: Embedding good practice
Act) 1995 in the South Australian public sector
• Independent Commission Against Corruption • Determinations and guidelines issued by the
Act 2012 Commissioner for Public Sector Employment
• Public Corporations Act 1993 • Public sector-wide policies issued by the
government, the Department of the Premier
• Criminal Law Consolidation Act 1935
and Cabinet, the Department of Treasury and
• Summary Offences Act 1953 Finance, and the Commissioner for Public
• Equal Opportunity Act 1984 Sector Employment
• Freedom of Information Act 1991 • Any agency-specific policies and conduct
• Work Health and Safety Act 2012
• Treasurer’s Instructions
• Public Finance and Audit Act 1987
• Public Interest Disclosure Act 2018 • Directions and guidelines issued by the
Independent Commission Against Corruption
• Lobbyist Code of Conduct
• State Records Act 1997 South Australian integrity bodies
• Disability Discrimination Act 1992 • The Office for Public Integrity
(Commonwealth Government)
• Independent Commission Against Corruption
• any other relevant agency-specific
• Ombudsman SA
• South Australia Police anti-corruption branch

The Office of the Commissioner

for Public Sector Employment
Street Address
Ground Floor
State Administration Centre
200 Victoria Square
Adelaide SA 5000
Mailing address
GPO Box 464
Adelaide SA 5001
E publicsector@sa.gov.au
T 1800 317 333
W publicsector.sa.gov.au

©2023 South Australian Government. All rights reserved.

Information current as at January 2022.

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