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Data analysis

Based on the data collected above from the several participants as well as
from the interviews that we have conducted with cadets from Moroccan and foreign
nationalities, they agree on the relevant historical diplomatic timeline of morocco
emphasizing the key role of commercial transactions in diplomatic relationships
among states adopting a communicative policy and an unselfish strategy to deal with
conflicts and to ensure win-win cooperation in order to strengthen its diplomatic tie
with African countries . participants think that the best example of morocco’s
unselfish policy is the Morocco-Nigerian gas pipeline project .

Furthermore, the findings show that the respondents assert the withdrawal of
Morocco from the African Union in 1984 to the fact that morocco would never accept
being in an ideology full of countries who don’t recognize its full domestic
sovereignty over its Sahara and who favor another country over it and the integration
of SADR in the African Union was nothing but an explicit insult to the Moroccan
presence in the AU

Moreover, the interviews has been conducted with the participants emphasize
that the current Moroccan diplomatic situation with African countries is better than it
used to be before and the strategy that HM king Mohamed 6 of sustaining peace and
maintaining good relationships with countries is an opportunity in itself that will
allow the kingdom to punch above its weight and consolidate good diplomatic and
economic relationships with those countries . However, the dispute over the
Moroccan Sahara between Morocco and an imaginary organization still considered to
be a challenge for morocco that need to be solved as it is an obstacle for morocco to
act well with the whole world especially with African countries

The reintegration of Morocco in the African Union in January 2017 was an

end to the empty chair policy that caused Rabat to leave the Organization of African
Unity in 1984 after the Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic was granted full
membership will open for morocco several regional opportunities and it will allow it
to be part of the referendum set by the AU as well as to be part in future regional
projects . the reintegration has affected Morocco’s regional strategy positively which
will provide it the accessibility and the opportunity he was deprived from .

In addition , the responses generated from the questionnaire delivered to our

participants show that people lean more to the military and economic diplomacy of
morocco with other countries as being effective . Most of the participants considered
Morocco’s relations with Africa as being relatively good serving the Moroccan
benefits to a huge extent .Additionally , the respondents strongly agree with the
Moroccan withdrawal from the African Union in 1984 . However, the results show
also that most of the participants agree on the reintegration of morocco to the African
The findings show also that morocco’s participation in peacekeeping efforts
and regional security as well as countering terrorism is very relevant which fosters
Morocco’s position in the region as an active leader which is incarnated more by the
blue helmets missions that Moroccan officers hold in cooperation with the United
nations in order to sustain peace ensure human rights ,food security and protection
in African countries

The respondents believe that the religious bridge for morocco is not an issue
since it is a very tolerate country and it is not considered as a challenge for it .
Morocco all throughout history has been known for its diversified social fabric and its
melting pot position which allows it to be religiously tolerant .

Furthermore, people has rated morocco’s relationship with their country as

being good which reflects the diplomatic strategy adopted by morocco in in order to
maintain good coalitions with states and the incarnation of this good conduct is the
inclusion of foreign cadets in the royal military academy in which 101 cadets from 21
countries study in it which beneficial at multilateral level .

Based on the interviews and questions that we have conducted with our
participants , and from the findings we come to the conclusion that Moroccan
diplomacy is leaned more to communication and to the peaceful conducts effectively
collaborating in the economic as well as the military domain in order to act as a
regional leader in peacekeeping efforts taking advantage from its strategical position
as well as from its soft-power heritage. The reintegration of the AU in 2017 is a new
opportunity for it to open up to new opportunities and regional projects .However, the
challenges of morocco’s diplomacy are multifaceted and require constant adaptation
and innovation ,especially when it comes to the Moroccan Sahara case

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