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Cent. Eur. J. Phys.

• 11(10) • 2013 • 1366-1371

DOI: 10.2478/s11534-013-0236-y

Central European Journal of Physics

Analysis on the time and frequency domain for the RC

electric circuit of fractional order
Research Article

Manule Guía∗ , Francisco Gómez, Juan Rosales

Departamento de Ingeniería Eléctrica. División de Ingenierías Campus Irapuato-Salamanca. Universidad de Guanajuato,

Carretera Salamanca-Valle de Santiago, km. 3.5 + 1.8 km. Comunidad de Palo Blanco, 36885, Salamanca Guanajuato. México

Received 31 January 2013; accepted 11 April 2013

Abstract: This paper provides an analysis in the time and frequency domain of an RC electrical circuit described by
a fractional differential equation of the order 0 < α ≤ 1. We use the Laplace transform of the fractional
derivative in the Caputo sense. In the time domain we emphasize on the delay, rise and settling times,
while in the frequency domain the interest is in the cutoff frequency, the bandwidth and the asymptotes in
low and high frequencies. All these quantities depend on the order of differential equation.
PACS (2008): 45.10.Hj; 84.30.Bv; 84.32.Ff; 84.32.Tt
Keywords: fractional calculus • Caputo derivative • electrical circuits • Mittag-Leffler function
© Versita sp. z o.o.

1. Introduction chemistry, engineering, finances and bioengineering [14–

17]. Fundamental physical considerations in favor of the
use of models based on derivatives of non-integer order
are given in [18, 19]. The Lagrangian and Hamilton for-
Fractional calculus (FC), involving derivatives an integrals mulation of dynamics and electromagnetic field in view of
of non-integer order, is the natural generalization of the fractional calculus has been reported in [20–25]. Frac-
classical calculus, which during recent years became a tional derivatives provide an excellent instrument for the
powerful and widely used tool for better modeling and description of memory and hereditary properties of various
control of processes in many areas of science and engi- materials and processes [26]. This is the main advantage
neering [1–8]. Many physical phenomena have “intrin- of FC in comparison with the classical integer-order mod-
sic" fractional order description and so FC is necessary in els, in which such effects are in fact neglected. Another
order to explain them [9]. In many applications FC pro- large field which requires the use of FC is the theory of
vide more accurate models of the physical systems than fractals [27, 28]. The development of the theory of fractals
ordinary calculus do. Since, its success in description has opened further perspective for the theory of fractional
of anomalous diffusion [10–13] non-integer order calculus derivatives, especially in modeling dynamical processes in
both in one and multidimensional space, it has become self-similar and porous structures. Fractional-order mod-
an important tool in many areas of physics, mechanics, els have been already used for modeling of electrical cir-
cuits (such as domino ladders, tree structures, etc.) and
∗ elements (coils, memristor, etc.). The review of such mod-

Manule Guía, Francisco Gómez, Juan Rosales

els can be found in [29–31]. Therefore, the Mittag-Leffler function includes the expo-
Recently, it has been suggested a fractional differential nential function as a special case.
equation that combines the simple harmonic oscillations
of an LC circuit with the discharging of an RC circuit. The
behavior of this new hybrid circuit without sources has 3. Fractional RC circuit
been analyzed [32]. In the work [33] the simple current
source-wire circuit has been studied fractionally using di- The differential equation for the RC circuit showing in the
rect and alternating current source. It was shown that the Figure 1 is given by
wire acquires an inducting behavior as the current is ini-
dq(t) q(t)
tiated in it and gradually recovers its resisting behavior.
E(t) = R + , (5)
In this paper, in the framework of fractional calculus, we
are interested in the analysis of the time delay, rise time
and settling time of an RC circuit. Also, in the frequency
where q(t) is the charge in the capacitor measured in
domain the interest is in the cutoff frequency, the band-
Coulombs, R is the resistance in ohms, C is the capaci-
width and the asymptotes in low and high frequencies.
tance in farads, E(t) is the source of excitation in volts and
t is the time in seconds. Assuming, for transient analysis,
2. Preliminary R
In this work we use the Caputo’s definition of the fractional + VR –
derivative [4]

dγ f(t) C γ
f (n) (τ)
E(t) +
= 0 Dt f(t) = dτ, VC C
dt γ (t − τ)γ−n+1 –
Γ(n − γ) 0 I

where γ ∈ R is the order of the fractional derivative and
n − 1 < γ ≤ n ∈ N = {1, 2, 3, ...}, f (n) (τ) = dt n f(τ) and

Γ(·) is the Euler Gamma function. We consider the case

n = 1, then, 0 < γ ≤ 1, i.e., in the integrand (1) there is
Figure 1. RC Circuit.
only first derivative. The Caputo’s definition of the frac-
tional derivative is very useful in the time domain stud-
ies, because the initial conditions for the fractional order that E(t) = u(t) where u(t) is the unit step function, we
differential equations with the Caputo derivatives can be can write the equation (5) in a dimensionless form.
given in the same manner as for the ordinary differential
equations with a known physical interpretation.  
The formula for the Laplace transform of the Caputo frac- d C q(t)
 + = u(t). (6)
tional derivative (1) has the form [4] d RC

h dγ i n−1
L f(t) s F − sγ−k−1 f (k) (0),
dt γ
= (s) (2) The equation (6) may be written as

where f (k) is the ordinary derivative. The inverse Laplace dv̄c (t̄)
+ v̄c (t̄) = u(t̄), (7)
transform requires the introduction of the Mittag-Leffler dt̄
function, which is defined as
∞ where v̄c (t̄) = q(Ct̄) is the voltage on the capacitor of the
X tm
Eβ (t) = , (β > 0), (3) parallel plates type. Equation (7) is dimensionless, then
Γ(βm + 1)
its corresponding fractional differential equation is ob-
tained directly changing the order of the derivative. It
where Γ(·) is the Gamma function. When β = 1, from (3), has the form
we have dα vc (t̄)
+ vc (t̄) = u(t̄), (8)
∞ ∞ dt̄ α
X tm X tm
E1 (t) = = = et . (4)
Γ(m + 1) m=0 m! where 0 < α ≤ 1.

Analysis on the time and frequency domain for the RC electric circuit of fractional order

4. Solution and analysis of the RC from this

f(t̄ss )
circuit in the time domain t̄ss
= t̄ss

f 0 (t̄ss )
, (12)

Using the formula (2), the solution of the equation (8), and (m) means the m-th iteration of the Newton-Raphson
with vc0 = 0, has the form method.
In Figure 3 is plotted the settling time t̄ss for 0.17 ≤
1 α ≤ 1. From the graph can be seen that as the order
Vc (s) = ,
s̄(s̄α + 1)
of the fractional derivative α tends to zero the settling
time tends to infinity, that is, the settling time decreases
where s̄ = RC s. Applying the inverse Laplace transform, with increasing the order of the fractional derivative, like-
equation (9) takes the form wise, the settling time sensitivity regarding the order of
" nα # the derivative also decreases. No values are plotted tss
∞ t
n RC to smaller values α, because these are very large. Ap-
vc (t) = 1 − (−1) u(t), [volts] (10)
Γ(nα + 1) parently, there is an exponential growth settling time for
smaller values of the derivative order.
where we have returned to the starting variables R, C .
In the Figure 2 we show some value of α. To say that t̄ss = tss
log10 (t̄ss ) RC
vc (t̄) [volts] 10
0.8 8
α = 1.00
0.4 0.96 6
0.2 0.750.800.92
0.250.50 4

1 2 3 4 5

Figure 2. Plot of (10) for different values of α. 2

0 α
a RC circuit has been analyzed in the time domain, is 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
required to determine its response in time indicating the
Figure 3. Plot of the settling time versus fractional order derivative,
most important times in which certain conditions are sat- α.
isfied. Here are the definitions of these times to a system
of order one.

1. Delay time: is the time it takes the response to

reach 10% of its final value. Using (10) and the time delay definition, we have

2. Rise time: is the time taken for the response to go X
from 10% to 90% of its final value. 0.10 = 1 − (−1)n →
Γ(nα + 1)

3. Settling time: is the time at which the response X t̄dnα
reaches 98% of its final value. → f(t̄d ) = (−1)n − 0.90 = 0, (13)
Γ(nα + 1)
To make this analysis we need a test function. For sim-
plicity, we take the unit step function u(t). Using (10) and from this
f(t̄d )
the settling time definition, we have
t̄d = t̄d − .
(m+1) (m)
f 0 (t̄d )
∞ nα
X t̄ss
0.98 = 1 − (−1)n → In Figure 4 is plotted the time delay t̄d para 0.14 ≤ α ≤ 1.
Γ(nα + 1)
From the graph we can see that as the order of the frac-
∞ nα
X t̄ss tional derivative α tends to zero the time delay tends to
→ f(t̄ss ) = (−1)n − 0.02 = 0, (11)
Γ(nα + 1) zero, that is, the time delay decreases with the decreases

Manule Guía, Francisco Gómez, Juan Rosales

of the order of derivative, likewise, the delay sensitivity of The graphs representing the response in the frequency do-
the order of derivative increases with decreasing the order main are the Bode plots, but also can be used the Nyquist
of the derivative. No values are plotted td for smaller val- or Nichols plots. We use the Bode plots for the magni-
ues α because these are very small. Apparently, it has an tude and phase. Bode plots of magnitude and phase are
exponential decreases settling time for values under the constructed from the relation
order of the derivative.
t̄d = RC H(jω) = H(s)|s=jω . (16)
log10 (t̄d )
0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
From (16) we obtain the following two equations, from
-1.0 which the Bode plots are constructed

-3.0 |H(jω)|dB = 20 log10 (|H(jω)|), (17)

180 arg H(jω)
arg H(jω) = . (18)
-5.0 π

From (15) we obtain

Figure 4. Plot of the delay time versus fractional order derivative α. |H(j ω̄)|dB = −10 log10 1 + ω̄α cos 2 (19)
+ ω̄2α sen2 πα


In Figure 5 it is shown the rise time of the RC circuit

ω̄α sen( πα
h i
as the order of the derivative varies from 0.11 to 1.0. As arg H(j ω̄) = − 180
arctan 1+ω̄α
2 )
cos ( πα , (20)
2 )
can be seen, the rise time increases as the order of the
derivative decreases, becoming both more sensitive. where ω̄ = ωRC . To construct the diagrams in decades
we make ω̄ = 10n , obtaining
log10 (t̄r ) t̄r = RC h
|H|dB = −10 log10 1 + 10nα cos
8 2
102nα sen2 πα


10nα sen ( πα
h i
arg H = − 180
arctan 1+10nα
2 )
cos ( πα . (22)
2 )
4 In Bode diagrams, the frequency response to the magni-
tude and phase of the RC circuit are shown in Figure 6
2 and Figure 7. From these plots, it can be see that for the
case of the magnitude response, Figure 6, the slope of the
0 α high frequency asymptote decreases as the order of the
0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 derivative decreases and the cutoff frequency moves to the
left. In the case of the phase Figure 7, it is noted a very
Figure 5. Plot of the rise time versus fractional order derivative α.
large variation of the phase of the frequency rupture as
the order of the derivative decreases.
In Figures 8 and 9 show a graphical behavior of the cutoff
frequency and phase respectively as it varies α from zero
to one.
5. Analysis of the RC circuit in the
frequency domain 6. Conclusion
In order to analyze the RC circuit in the frequency domain
we use (9) multiplied by s̄ to obtain
In this paper we have studied the behavior of an RC elec-
trical circuit in the framework of the fractional calculus.
1 The explanation about the settling, delay and rise times
H(s̄) = .
1 + s̄α
(15) has been analyzed, while in the frequency domain the

Analysis on the time and frequency domain for the RC electric circuit of fractional order

|H|dB ω̄c
10−1 100 101 102 ω̄c = RCωc
ω̄ 1.0

-10 0.8

-20 0.6
0.94 0.80
-30 0.4
α = 1.0 0.75
-40 0.2

Figure 6. Bode diagram magnitude for some values of α.

0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0

arg(|H|) Figure 8. Behavior of the cutoff frequency for 0 < α ≤ 1.

10−1 100
10 1
10 2
0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0

-30 0.25 -20

0.75 -30
-45 0.80
0.92 -40
=(ω̄c )
0.94 φc = − 180
π arctan <(ω̄c )
-60 α = 1.00 -50
Figure 9. Behavior of the phase for 0 < α ≤ 1.

order of derivative, likewise, the delay sensitivity of the
order of derivative increases with decreasing order of the
-90 derivative.

Figure 7. Bode diagram phase for some values of α. In the frequency domain we have that the slope of the
high frequency asymptote decreases as the order of
the derivative decreases and the cutoff frequency moves
to the left. In the case of the phase, Figure 7, it is
interest is in the cutoff frequency, the bandwidth and the noted a very large variation of the phase of the cutoff
asymptotes in low and high frequencies. We conclude frequency as the order of the derivative decreases. From
that; the settling time decreases with increasing the the behavior in the time domain is evident the effect that
order of the fractional derivative, likewise, the settling the order of the derivative can have on clock systems and
time sensitivity regarding the order of the derivative semiconductors circuits. On the other hand, in the steady
also decreases. The rise time increases as the order of state behavior is observed the reduction in the bandwidth
the derivative decreases, becoming both more sensitive. having as consequence a lower data transmission capacity.
The time delay decreases with the decreases of the

Manule Guía, Francisco Gómez, Juan Rosales

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