Grade 09 Civic Education 3rd Term Test Paper 2018 English Medium - Southern Province

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|!ournern Provincial Department of Education

Civic Education
Grad€ 9

(01 ) n'epEsidentwho6b.lhh leud.dizm in USA

(02) WharisrlEn,erhodused inthemodcrnwondrogivemoresecuriretomone,

(l)rellermachile (2) cTs.$ncr
G) conpurer (4) Abcus

(01) Thecounirywhish h6 rhesymbolof dtugonasacultoBlsynrbol h

(l) India (2)chini O) Brnsladesh (1) M,1d1v6

(04) Aresuhrhrtc b.cau*ol ureftecriveconnidEsolurin

(i) renorinlpsca (2) nidnizdiseyinsofresource
(3) polirisldability (a) dishy sNiatonnelns

(05) Tobean aEounranronedox*hrchstrbj4rsr€myou should Rlecr torA/L

(l) commcrce (2)sclenca 0) Marhs (4) Ans

(06) To gdn n'ccessin rjob{horskillyotr,$oulddeveloped

() eonomicil nanasement

(4) denic.rion andddemrndron

(07) NoraqMliiy inaEood pbft $ionals

(l) Shtuins (2) socialiq
(l) selfid,ne$ (a) Friendtyde$
(03) Thconienl who is eteed by porincisl oolncil elerrcn
(r) (2) ohlimotth,pEdeshry.ebi
. (3) choirmMofrh.lrbm@urcil (4) Mdyor

(09) Accord;gtotheconst jdrionof t9TBthebasicquatitietion

rorsn!.nkan bstevoc is
(l) Nmedaabrnkruptbytaw i2) p.eDwhohgiv.ntrteihprhondont
(3) bclowlSy.aBofog. (4) b.insacirizrnofsritsk.

(10) B€6eof thepEdehiy,sb!concept h lgBT,rtrjs,asrbo,kn4

(l) Gssbhr (2) pmdcshiyasab€
(3) Munieip€lcoboik (4) Urbrn €lncirs

. Put'/ orr lg.i.rrherht m.!r,

(ll) Sohoolisa jnnitudon*hichhetp!od.velops@ialssunty. ()
(12) Sustoinable d.vclopme(r is not Bing rcsmes in E pEsont butpEsennng ben rdr
rhetuturcrneErions ( )

(13) sht land edijt€B are ks!.d by rhe 6d devetopnenrAuthoiv.

(14) From I93l ro t973 in rhe€lerios otsri Lanks, Epresenbtives

rere cn@*n by snpje
mjoriryFpr€enhtionsysl.n. ( )
(15) we cb gd idlohation otvo€tionrt rdinin8 cou^es arcm
ft. Nrrio@I yourh anncih ( )

r rill th. bh*! chmsitrg rh. rppDprlr!.rordr frnb rhc bncreu.


(17)ThcadministE@rolrhelrbancouDc h(chsiman/secrebry/memb€rofrhccounoit)

( l3) A @unty wirh hloFnysysrem (Cub, , si LAnko, United (ingoomr

(19) Th.high.stin$iturion of tne Sri Lankanjudisrysyjom s,


(20) Ir is imDonmr ro mainhin thisoider in *nflicr @tution

(win-detear/rin,vi!/d.faldete) (2x20=40)

Grue oe, otrwhh . so'tten P@na

Answr5qu6rio.! includirgqu6rio. no0r.

(0lXl) watetuosoft skilkwhiohhclp@d*olopthosoialsudry

(2) Wrir.2 tuncrions ofrhe eonomy ofany€unEy.
G) Wrir.3kindsorelectionshavioCinsriL3nka.
(4) Writ l podie thrl rhe @uned.
connict can be
\Vrire I qy\olE.ponoingrosJoot&rnc).
(02)(l) WriE powB rhd h.ld by the sh8idan olloslgovemn.nt Insrirurion.

(3) wir.4siicesdonebyrheloelsovedmenr instituron,

(03)(r) w.irersuppoddutonecansrvetonlncamiryrobuirtuph6p.Mnoriry
(2) Wok 4 things rhot6 be donc by ihe religious in(irurionsfor sial wnriry
(l) Wrileainsliturionslhrlaolkolrlasloprdti$cialaciiviriesandfrismnducb.

(04)(l)wnte3instnswhercmodernEchnoloslhu$drorrBricultuE (03mrkt
(2) Wib 4 chess r,\ar oenftd ii mdu$i,lsecror airh thc ofEchnolo$/.

(3) Wrir.4 frcro^lnateffed forrJlechatrgesintholobma*crintnomod.ms6iety.

(05X1) GiveSE6onslordiErdcmocmcyktrordilsinlhemodernvo d.
G) wrne 4 asto6 rtur suppon iordemocEo,
(l) Wrtc 4 rcsponribilitics ofyou as r schmlclrild rowards rhe sciety.

(O6Xl) W e 3 types ofconflich in rhe *orld.

(z) wftareNonsrorconnicb
(l) wri'e4merhodsoamnni.rEsoltrtioi.

(07X1) whdrErhesrypesorinEdiewssnduciedrosl*rrorjobs.
(2) Wrire4rhiqsrlaryouhNetotiinkof belorccompletingobrod.b.
(31 wrilsoiejob€chd.neinrheplaes.

(iv) enploynenE in fi xed l@arions.

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