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Episodio 0: Tras la pista de los saqueadores de tumbas

Cuando se te indique, despega una de las pegatinas de Epílogo y péguela en

el espacio correspondiente del diario de expedición.


The discovery of this temple will make history. And the mechanical creatures are (very) living
proof that… you are not insane! Indeed, those prodigious inventions confirm your theory that
this remote part of Egypt was once the cradle of a civilization that had much more advanced
technology than anyone has previously guessed. With thousands of stars shining in the inky sky,
you have trouble falling asleep, wrapped in feverish excitement…

Obtenéis los bonus de las casillas validadas en el diario.

Desbloqueáis la mejora C01.

Those mechanical scarabs really gave you a run for your money… And yet, they are
the (very) living proof that you are not insane. This region must have had much
more advanced technology than anyone had previously thought. You return to camp,
bandage your wounds, and take stock of the day’s events. It is now quite clear that
things are much more dangerous than you had thought.

Take the bonuses from the check marks in your logbook.


If you’ve unlocked the positive Base de operaciones
epilogue, you have access to a new C01

upgrade for your camp!

If you don’t have the necessary
funds or if you want to save your
money, you can always buy it later.

After this experience, you and your Al principio de cada episodio, el primer jugador tira
colleagues decide to set up headquarters Un dado de Investigación y valida el resultado en el diario.
to better prepare for your future
Episode 1: The Fall
Unearthing this edifice, its secret rooms and the creatures living within it has
exceeded your wildest hopes! Those who are currently mocking you and your
expedition will have to bite their tongues when they hear of your discoveries. Not only
are you going to earn your
stripes as an Egyptologist and explorer – you will soon become one of the few
archaeologists to join the ranks of great adventurers. When the rush of adrenaline
has passed, you think about the potential of the entire site and those networks of
pipes leaking purple gas. Your expedition has a new goal: figure out where the
steam comes from and what it does… Take the bonuses from the check marks
in your logbook.
Gain 1 XP. O-3

The small building was full of mysteries. Some almost cost you your life, and others
remain shrouded because you weren’t able to explore it fully. You leave with more
questions than answers this time, and you hope that your next adventure will have a
more conclusive ending.

Take the bonuses from the check marks in your logbook.


You’ll be instructed to stick one of the events below in your logbook

at the end of the episode based on your actions during

Events the episode. Refer to the Outcome page for episode 1 in

the Expedition Logbook to know which one.
The gas escaping from the copper pipes Each Explorer may discard 2 Fate
and ducts clearly has strange effects on any tokens from their backpack.
living creature that inhales it. You decide
to be especially cautious going forward and EV2
warn all the members of your group. After a good meal, the day’s tension gives
way to weariness and fatigue. Your eyes get
lost in the dancing flames of the campfire.
Your head begins to ache. You are overcome Each Explorer takes 1 Fate token.
with dizziness and fall into a daze. Your EV1
mind is muddled when you wake at dawn.
New Camp
Good news! The university that had agreed to back your expedition is still skeptical, but your
initial discoveries seem to have piqued their interest. You’ve been offered new supplies and
equipment for your camp! You will have to finance their delivery, however…



mary Choose up to 2 Traumas on Explorers’
profiles and discard them.

If you don’t have the necessary funds or if you want to save your money, you can always
buy them later.


If you completed the Upgrade C03 row
during your exploration, you can now
access this upgrade:
When you return to camp, a strange woman
is sitting cross-legged in the Phileas’s shadow,
waiting for you. She introduces herself as a
shaman informed of your exploits by the spirits
Each Explorer may discard
and ready to help you in exchange for a little
money for food.
an 1 Fate token.
Episode 2: The Forgotten
Your first contact with the locals was nothing like what you had expected… You had
thought you were alone on the trail of an ancient civilization; instead, a group of fanatics
is working in the shadows to ensure that no one can follow the trail. You shiver at the
thought of what must have happened to the inhabitants of this poor village and realize
that this expedition is, without a shadow of doubt, the most dangerous one of your life.
And the one most likely to make history as well…
Take the bonuses from the check marks in your logbook.
You’ve unlocked upgrade C06.

You didn’t anticipate the presence of competition here, let alone such fierce
opponents… However, you can learn from your mistakes, and you all agree
on precautions to take for the rest of the expedition. No one can keep the truth
hidden forever. The truth seems to wink at you when, as you leave the village, you
discover the body of what was likely a fleeing villager clutching an ancient map in
his hand. It shows this site and another. Could it be the cult’s headquarters?
Take the bonuses from the check marks in your logbook. During this Back at
Camp phase, all upgrades cost 1 extra coin.

If you’ve unlocked the positive epilogue, you can now access

this upgrade:

Merch C06

Your expedition is starting to be known throughout 1

the desert. You see the outline of a trade caravan
on the horizon. After a while, the caravan reaches ant
your camp. The head trader greets you politely
and offers to join your expedition. There’s surely a
way to turn a profit from your discoveries and, of
course, he’ll give you a cut… Gain 2 coins.
Event The zealots used the cover of night to sneak
into the camp. They ransacked several
s tents and stole a few valuable objects.

Each Explorer must, if possible,

discard a card they own worth
at least 1 coin. In addition, the
Explorers must discard 3 coins.

You have gathered a lot of information about

The zealots took advantage of the darkest this ancient cult. Its followers had dwindled
hour of the night to slip quietly into the in number over the centuries. Thus, it became
camp and enter a few tents. You discover easier for them to keep their existence a secret.
the consequences of their little visit in the You hope to encounter other members to
morning – some of your possessions are missing. complete your research. Provided you don’t
lose life or limb in the process, of course…
Each Explorer must, if possible, discard Each Explorer may discard 1 Fate token
a card they own worth at least 1 coin. from their backpack. Gain 1 XP.

New Camp
UpgradesThe expedition is growing. The longer you stay, the more your research
progresses, the more you’re becoming aware of new needs… You send off a
feverish message to London, but nothing’s free in this world.
C04 C05

C04 C05

4 3

Rese Dig
At the start of each episode, You may pay 2 coins to take a random
rve add 2 Fate tokens to the stock.
Site artifact from the previous episode.

If you don’t have the necessary funds or if you want to save

your money, you can always buy them later.
Episode 3 - Sand Sisters

You’ve started gathering concrete proof of the existence of an ancient cult. What you
hadn’t planned on, however, was that it would still be active and ready to do anything
to remain a secret. Its disciples seem to venerate a mysterious stone and a god, or
a pharaoh. This hideout has housed zealots very recently. It seems to have been
attacked by tomb robbers. Or perhaps it was payback for the attack on the village…

Take the bonuses from the check marks in your logbook.

Each Explorer discards 1 Fate token from their backpack.

Even though you’re hot on the trail, you can’t seem to outsmart the zealots. They’re
always one step ahead of you… and when they bash you on the head, it hurts! Between
these shadowy zealots, the tomb robbers and the mechanical creatures, you’re starting
to doubt your ability to succeed in this adventure. By trying to prove your theories at
all costs, aren’t you really just risking the lives of your companions for nothing?

Take the bonuses from the check marks in your logbook.

Distribute the Fate tokens on the card: .

If you completed the Upgrade C09 row during your exploration, you can
now access this upgrade:
When you buy the Mess Hall, put 2 Reroll tokens in the Camp box.
Reroll Tokens: When an Explorer You’ve noticed the discreet presence of a
receives a Reroll token, they put it in
their backpack. When that Explorer Mess
wary villager. He has clearly followed
you here. After a short conversation, he no
rolls dice, they may put a Reroll token longer doubts your determination to fight
from their backpack into the Camp box Hall
the zealots and has offered to help.
to reroll any of the dice.
C09 Take up to 2 Reroll tokens from the
Camp box and distribute them however

you like among the Explorers.
Event The zealots get ahead of you and attack
your camp before you reach it. The
s material damage is considerable.

Choose 3 upgrades in your camp.

You cannot apply their effects during
this Back at Camp phase.


The zealots attack the camp. The explorers You find hidden meaning in the lyrics of the
fight fiercely to defend their property village’s strange chant. If your interpretation is
until the aggressors are pushed back. right, the object worshiped by the cult is a “rock
fallen from the sky” – a meteorite that struck
the ground in the middle of the desert. Finding
Each Explorer puts 2 Injuries in their it could be the culmination of your expedition.
backpack and will start the next
episode with those Injuries. Each Explorer may discard 1 Fate
token from their backpack.

New Camp
You moor the Phileas near an oasis where an elderly scholar lives with his apprentices.
Two of his apprentices seem extremely interested in your discoveries about the cult,
and he is willing to supply you with goods, but it will cost you dearly…
C07 C08

C07 Herbalist’ C08

3 3 s Tent

Each Explorer may discard 1 Fate token. Each Explorer
Take a Healing Potion card
may pay 1 coin to discard 1 extra Fate token. from the Camp box.

When you buy the Herbalist’s Tent, put the 3

Healing Potion cards in the Camp box.
If you don’t have the necessary funds or if you want to save
your money, you can always buy them later.
Episode 4: Heart of
The discovery of this ancient factory is truly shocking. It calls into question
everything archaeologists have ever thought about Egyptian civilizations and
their level of technological advancement. The existence of the Guardians and their
blasphemous origins also bears witness to an unsuspected side of this scholarly
people. Was it an isolated case? This site will undoubtedly be further explored in
a future expedition. For now, you gather your team to study the equipment and
documents that you discovered in the factory in search of your next destination.
Take the bonuses from the check marks in your logbook.
You’ve unlocked upgrade C11. O-9


You get up, shocked and in pain. Your clothes are in tatters, and your equipment is in pitiful
condition… Despair and disappointment can be seen on everyone’s faces. You leave the site,
taking everything you can salvage from the still-smoking debris with you. In particular, you
take the blueprints and technical schematics for an imposing mechanical creature…

Take the bonuses from the check marks in your logbook.

Every Explorer who does not have a Trauma takes 1.
O - 10

If you’ve unlocked the positive epilogue, you can now access this upgrade:

When you exit the ancient factory, you notice an
odd character watching you from behind distant 1
ruins. You decide to speak to him. He turns out
to be a scholar who is also following the trail of
the ancient cult of stone. After talking about your
discoveries, he offers to join your expedition.
At the start of each episode, the first player
checks off any space in the logbook.

Here you are, cut off from everything…

Here you are, cut off from everything… and It is impossible to communicate
from your camp. You try for several long with the outside world. You miss the
minutes to contact the Phileas but with comfort of your camp terribly.
no success. The group’s morale drops.
Gain 1 XP.
You cannot use your camp’s effects. You cannot use your camp’s effects.
You may spend your XP tokens as usual. You may spend your XP tokens as usual.
EV12 EV13

Here you are, cut off from everything…

and from your camp.

Gain 2 XP.

You cannot use your camp’s effects.

You may spend your XP tokens as usual.

EpisodeFull Steam
6- Ahead!
You had come to uncover the truth buried under tons of hot sand. Instead, the still-living
past snatched you and pulled you under! You had come in the hopes of returning with
proof of the unparalleled technology invented by this civilization. And you are discovering
inventions and machines that work as if they just came out of a factory! Instead of exhuming
old documents that reveal history, you’ve learned about the existence of a prophecy and a
pharaoh whose plans are taking form and playing out before your eyes! You are no longer
mere historians and simple spectators. If the high priestess spoke the truth, then you are the
only ones who can still alter the course of events. It is up to you to ensure that the cursed
pharaoh’s prophecy never comes true…
Take the bonuses from the check marks in your logbook.O - 13

You wake up on the Phileas. By some miracle, the captain and his crew had been drawn to
a strange light in this distant site… This time, you almost fell to the deadly charms of this
civilization. The still-smoking remains of a train in the middle of the desert are living proof that
the enchanting beauty of this technology can be deadly. You must remember that if you don’t want
to end your days in the dunes. You now know too much. If the high priestess was telling the truth,
no one can prevent this dark pharaoh of the apocalypse from waking. No one, that is, except you…
Take the bonuses from the check marks in your logbook. Each Explorer puts 3
Injuries in their backpack and will start the next episode with those Injuries.
O - 14
Episode 7 - The Black Pyramid

You hear a clicking sound before the last door opens automatically. The room behind the
door is the pharaoh’s stasis chamber. Unparalleled technology and unlikely offerings fill
the room. They are priceless, both in monetary value and historical significance. Yet,
somehow, this discovery is not as delightful as you had imagined. Above all, you are glad
to be alive. Proud to have made it this far.
At that instant, as you look around, the smiles on your partners’ faces lift your spirits much
more than these treasures that merely add to the growing pile of all you’ve already
accumulated at camp.
You would never have imagined that before leaving home. You would have thought twice before
committing to this expedition if you had know what was in store for you. You take advantage of
the present moment to look around, listen and let your feelings wash over you because, deep
down, you already know that this will all be over soon.

Take the bonuses from the check marks in your logbook.

When you regain consciousness, you feel like you’re moving. Your vision, blurry at first, slowly
focuses on the wall paintings moving by. In them, you see slaves, first fleeing, pursued by
guards brandishing whips; then carried on stretchers, their bodies bound entirely with
bandages; then being forced to
drink concoctions prepared by busy scientists; then floating in the same tubes you discovered
in the
pyramid earlier; and finally transformed by experimental surgeries into something half-
human, half-
beast. Panic grows in your gut. Terror grips you. You try to move but you are covered in
bandages that hold you tightly in place as two mechanical mummies carry you on a stretcher.
Your screams have no effect on them. They echo throughout the hallways, but not a sound
makes it out of the pyramid.

Do not take the bonuses from the check marks in your logbook and discard
ALL your cards (equipped and in your backpack)!
IMPORTANT: Take the special Event EV22 sticker!
As you pick up the pharaoh’s heart, it cracks in several places, releasing purple steam with a horrifying
hiss. The burning gas forces you to drop the artifact, which shatters into thousands of crystal shards when
it hits the floor.
Behind you, the meteorite cracks and hisses. Then, all around you, from floor to ceiling, cracks open in the
rock like exploding veins. They release boiling hot purple steam. Everything shakes… The pyramid is
collapsing! You flee as
fast as possible, leaving everything behind. To save your lives. You rush through the rooms you’ve
already visited as
they crumble before your eyes. Finally, you reach the exit! Outside, the dome is splintering as well,
glimmering mauve and purple. Stone by stone, the pyramid falls. Sucked under the sand. Swallowed by the
desert. In only a few seconds,
everything is gone. You board the Phileas, sharply aware that you’ve narrowly escaped death but happy to
have pulled some of this civilization’s treasures from the sand. What a loss for science! What a loss for
history! Ultimately, the pharaoh has taken his last secrets to his grave – the tomb he so avidly tried to avoid
for centuries.

You earn 3 victory points. Add up your victory points (from the logbook,
camp, and certain items) and write your score on the last page of the

A ball of plasma full of purple waves reflects your awestruck face. The thought that it had done the same
with the pharaoh’s face centuries ago makes your blood run cold. After a short while, your image seems to
weaken, as if
it were disappearing… It is suddenly hot. The room, filling with a wave of purple heat, is turning into a
furnace. The air is becoming suffocating. A final, insidious trap destined to protect the pharaoh’s secrets.
The floor begins to tremble. Cracks open in the floor. You run for the exit, breathless, going back through
all the rooms you’ve already
visited. Outside, the earthquake becomes more intense. Without wasting a second, you board the Phileas
and take flight. You realize with horror that you’ve left the pharaoh’s heart behind. As you take on altitude,
you head to the aft deck of the blimp to take one last look at the pyramid and see the dome shimmer faintly
and then go out. You realize that the pyramid and your camp will be swallowed by the desert sand in
minutes. Soon, nothing will be
left but a peaceful stretch of sand. Europe seems very far away. The time to defend your theories vigorously
among your peers is nearing quickly…

You earn 6 victory points. Add up your victory points (from the logbook,
camp, and certain items) and write your score on the last page of the

In the middle of the room, the meteorite cracks before your eyes. It releases spurts of purple steam with a
threatening hiss. The ground begins to shake as if you were in a ship preparing to take off. You grab the
pharaoh’s heart and flee while there’s still time. Along the way, rocks fall from the ceiling, often narrowly
missing you. You go back through
the rooms you’ve already visited, hoping that they won’t collapse for good. You hastily exit, reaching the
outside right before the pyramid collapses in a huge cloud of sand and dust. The foundations are sucked
under with a horrifying sound. When the desert silence has returned, only the tip of the pyramid emerges
from the sand – tipped slightly to
the side. The excavations will be colossal, but it will still be possible to retrace your story and that of the
pharaoh. You
write telegrams to send to Europe to report on the situation and request reinforcements. The adventure is
far from over! It will take months, maybe years, of work to dig everything out. This time, though, the desert
won’t hide the truth beneath the sand!

Take the card: . You earn 9 victory points. Add up your victory points (from the
logbook, camp, and certain items) and write your score on the last page of the logbook.

With a solemn movement, you take the pharaoh’s heart. Its crystalline texture and irregular prisms evoke
the most marvelous types of quarts. A faint purple glimmer flickers weakly. It is hard to look away from
this living rock… You put it away carefully and feel an immediate change. As if the persistent humming of
a machine had stopped. Outside the pyramid, you gather your camp assistants. Filled with great emotion,
you warmly thank your entire team. You
may have pulled yourself up by your bootstraps, but this time you admit that you could never have
succeed without them. That evening, unlike your solitary sunrises, you watch the sun set with your
companions. Who would ever
have thought that the sun would rise again? The next day, the pyramid is a hive of activity. You spend
weeks taking an inventory of everything in it and studying the meteorite. That’s how long it takes for
your telegrams to reach
Europe and for the curators to send you additional manpower. Fortune and glory are within reach! Who
Maybe your discoveries will completely change how the world is seen. Perhaps the elites that mocked
you before will pretend they had always believed in you. But no matter! Your greatest pride will always
be this adventure with such a formidable team. And if you ever have any doubts, you’ll look at the palm
of your hand because a few days after leaving the pyramid, the eye that was on its entrance appeared
there… as if branded onto your skin. Take the card: . You earn 12 victory points. Add
up your victory points (from the logbook, camp, and certain items) and write your score on
the last page of the logbook. EV21

After two days and nights without any news from you, your men, exhausted by fear and uncertainty, begin
fighting among themselves. A group of them takes up arms to head out in search of you. Near dawn, the
rescue team enters the sanctuary.
For hours, the sound of gunshots and howls echo loudly. Then nothing. Even the wind goes silent. No one
comes out of the pyramid. The ones who had stayed behind get ready to abandon camp the next morning.
Under the darkness of night, two
men are carried away by silent creatures. The night seems to last an eternity. An eternity of waiting and
terror. But the sun eventually edges over the horizon. People call out for the missing from the entrance to
the pyramid. Nothing. Not even an
echo. The survivors declare you all missing. Missing – so as not to say dead and buried. The Phileas takes
off, leaving tents and crates behind. The final hours were so horrifying that the crew is relieved to leave
this cursed place, even without you. On the aft deck of the blimp, one of them notices a purple cloud
coming from the pyramid. It undulates like a snake and seems to be… following the blimp! The trail of
steam pursues the blimp, eventually catching up with it and swallowing it whole. After a series of violent
movements, the Phileas crashes violently into a dune. When calm has returned, a purple cloud emerges
from the inert blimp and floats lightly toward the pyramid. Add up your victory points (from the
logbook, camp, and certain items) and write your score on the last page of the logbook. EV22

You snatch up the pharaoh’s heart. Its glow, its presence… Everything about it fascinates you. A
whisper. Right before the walls begin to tremble, you yell for everyone to evacuate the pyramid
immediately because it is about to collapse. You reach the exit without any problems, as if you knew
the all the twists and turns in the pyramid by heart. The whole team boards the Phileas. The blimp
takes off in a rush because of the sudden earthquake. You made it by the skin of your teeth. On board
the Phileas, your pencil darkens paper. Your hand is insistent, brusque. You press too hard. The lead
breaks. You feel ill. The pharaoh’s heart seems to be calling out to you. It is as if part of you needs it…
Your companions are as white as ghosts, staring blankly, sweat beading on their
foreheads. A drop of sweat rolls down your temple and splashes onto the paper. You realize that you’ve
drawn the
symbol of the Cult of Vaporis without meaning to. You don’t know if it is your soul or the steam you
inhaled there that is speaking, but you are compelled to look at the stone again. You need it. You look at
your companions just then. They are all staring at you. And they all give you a nod of approval.

Take the card: . Add up your victory points (from the logbook, camp, and
certain items) and write your score on the last page of the logbook. EV23

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