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OGL 481 Pro-Seminar I:

PCA-Human Resource Frame Worksheet

Worksheet Objectives:
1. Describe the human resource frame
2. Apply the human resource frame to your personal case situation

Complete the following making sure to support your ideas and cite from the textbook and other
course materials per APA guidelines. After the peer review, you have a chance to update this and
format for your Electronic Portfolio due in Module 6.

1) Briefly restate your situation from Module 1 and your role.

In delving into Module 1, I found myself entrenched in the complexities of my role as a

Shift Manager at Buffalo Wild Wings. Amidst the dynamic environment, the transition
between General Managers emerged as a pivotal juncture fraught with challenges.
Reflecting on this period, I discerned that the transition could have been better
orchestrated, as its haphazard nature resulted in a palpable decline in efficiency and
productivity across the board.
The repercussions of the transition reverberated throughout the store, causing a
discernible setback in our operations. The disruption not only hindered our day-to-day
functions but also impeded our progress towards overarching goals. This experience
underscored the critical importance of seamless leadership transitions, emphasizing the
need for clear communication, strategic planning, and adept management to sustain
momentum and drive success in a fast-paced, service-oriented environment like Buffalo
Wild Wings.

2) Describe how the human resources of the organization influenced the situation.

For my job specifically, I feel like the effort from corporate is there, but it just really
isn't effective. The turnover rate for the food industry and places like Buffalo Wild
Wings is so high because the jobs we hire for, serving, cooking, cashiering, aren't
necessarily considered careers, and is something people do when in between jobs or if
they need to have ends meet. This really limits managements capability to understand
each employee's wants and needs, because a few months after they have been hired
their two week resignation is in and they're off to the next job. While this does describe
how management interacts with team members, it doesn't even begin to describe the
interactions they have with each other.

Due to our close proximity to the Arizona State University campus, we have a wide
range of cultures and upbringings work at our store, people from all over the world
have worked there and thus there are many differences in opinions and ideology. With
the situation I am discussing for the PCA specifically, following the transition between
managers, I have yet to get through an entire shift without having to address or help
solve an issue between employees. We no longer have monthly meetings and the effects
are really starting to show. Without proper team communication individuals are doing
tasks however they feel fit, and when someone disagrees, it becomes an argument. Not
only that, but the younger demographic that we hire has really yet to develop a lot of
problem solving skills, which is a huge roadblock when working in a high-stress
environment, and since the transition, there is no effort to help them develop said
decision-making ability.

3) Recommend how you would use the human resources for an alternative course of
action regarding your case.

As far as an alternative course of action goes, I think it would highly beneficial for the
organization as a whole to have meetings and programs for individuals at the lowest level
to be encouraged to voice their issues and concerns. These meetings would allow upper
management to not only allow employees to feel heard and understood, but also for them
to genuinely understand what the issues are in the organization. While some may be
small, team members often can uncover big issues with the way the organization
functions as a whole, which can genuinely be constructive.

4) Reflect on what you would do or not do differently given what you have learned
about this frame.

Human resources, while involved in every modern organization, is something that is often
overlooked or joked about. Its importance however cannot be understated. Having a smooth
work environment where all individuals felt heard and understood is ideal, but it isn't always
going to be this way. The necessary steps to get to that point are what are important. As a project
manager, even if one team member isn't fully contributing, it can hinder the efficiency of a
project. This is why it is so important and plays such a huge role in corporations. Although there
are often designated positions for human resources, I believe that every leader and project
manager should be more than capable of handling the same situations, and be able to contribute
to the motivations and ideas of the team.

Reference or References
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