Mba - DM Unit-1 - Notes

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Digital marketing is the use of digital technologies and platforms to promote

products and services, as well as to connect with potential customers. It is
an incredibly versatile and powerful tool that can be used in various ways to
reach people worldwide. Digital marketing utilizes multiple digital
technologies to deliver promotional messages, such as mobile phones,
computers, and other digital media and platforms. It can be used for B2B
(Business to Business) and B2C (Business to Consumer) marketing,
depending on the goal and objectives of the campaign. Digital marketing
offers unique advantages such as greater reach, improved targeting,
personalized messaging, and better ROI (Return on Investment). It also
allows businesses to stay up-to-date with marketing trends and
technologies. With the right strategies and tactics, companies can leverage
digital marketing to increase their visibility and reach a larger audience.


Digital marketing has become a popular way of reaching out to potential

customers, as it is efficient, cost-effective and provides more control over
the targeting of advertisements. Digital marketing channels such as search
engine optimization (SEO), pay-per-click (PPC), social media marketing
(SMM) and email marketing are used to create and deliver marketing
messages, as well as measure the success of campaigns.

Some key facts on digital marketing include the following:

Compared to $491.70 billion in 2021, the amount spent on digital

advertising in 2022 increased by 16.2%.
Organic search is the most popular form of digital media, accounting
for 34% of all online traffic.
Companies are expected to invest an average of 9% of their total
marketing budget in digital channels.

Mobile advertising will account for over half of all digital ad spending
this year.
Email campaigns have an average return on investment (ROI) of $44
for every dollar spent
Video content is growing faster than any other type of online content,
with 87% of marketers using video content in their campaigns
Digital marketing campaigns can be tracked, measured, and
optimized at any time, allowing marketers to adjust strategies as

What is Digital Marketing?

Digital marketing is the act of promoting products and services through

digital channels, such as social media, SEO, email, and mobile. It is a form
of marketing that helps businesses to reach their target audiences, build
relationships, and boost sales through digital channels. Digital marketing
utilizes a combination of tools such as analytics, social media, content
marketing, search engine optimization (SEO), search engine marketing
(SEM), email marketing, mobile marketing, and more to create an effective
digital presence.

Digital marketing is a powerful way for businesses to reach their target

customers and engage with them in meaningful ways. It enables
businesses to create personalised messages for their customers,
increasing the likelihood of message recall and purchase intent.
Additionally, businesses can leverage digital channels to track customer
behaviour and identify areas of opportunity.

By using digital analytics and other data-driven techniques, marketers can

better understand their customers’ needs and preferences and tailor their
offerings accordingly. Digital marketing also gives businesses access to a
larger audience than traditional marketing channels due to its ability to
reach people across the globe.

From creating engaging content to delivering targeted ads with precision,

digital marketing is an essential tool for driving business growth and
success. It offers businesses the opportunity to reach a large audience in
efficient ways while providing customers with personalized messages that
build long-lasting relationships.


Digital marketing is an important component of any successful business

strategy. It allows companies to reach a wider audience and create a
personalized connection with customers. It also provides businesses with
an opportunity to engage with customers on a more personal level, creating
a sense of trust and loyalty. Additionally, digital marketing gives businesses
access to real-time analytics, enabling them to make informed decisions
and track the success of their campaigns. The benefits of digital marketing
include increased brand awareness, improved customer engagement,
lower marketing costs, increased customer loyalty, and higher ROI.
Furthermore, digital marketing can potentially increase sales and profits, as
well as build lasting relationships with customers. By leveraging the power
of digital marketing, businesses can effectively reach their target audience
and drive growth.

Following points highlight the importance of digital marketing:

1) Recession-Proof: During recession, digital marketing was merely

affected. In fact, it provided support to marketing companies at the time of
economic slowdown when other traditional media tools were of no use. By
adopting online marketing, the companies also recovered successfully from
the bad times and gained their positions once again in the marketplace.

2) Economical: Unlike traditional tools of marketing, the tools of digital

marketing are relatively cheaper to implement.

3) Can be Measured: The outcome of using digital marketing tools can be

measured easily. On the basis of measurability, accurate digital media
marketing programmes can be formulated.

4) Revolutionised the Marketing Industry: The advent of digital marketing

enabled the companies to establish a direct relationship with the customers
by using mobile phones and internet technology. It is also a cost-effective
method in comparison with other direct media tools.

5) Easily Accessible: The marketers as well as customerscan immediately

respond to each other as the access to digital marketing is much easier
than other traditional marketing media.

6) Attracts Potential Customers: Digital marketing techniques are more

likely to draw the attention of potential customers and induce them to make
the purchase.

7) Repetitively Contacts with Customers: Digital marketing is much

cheaper and focused approach which facilitates the marketer to constantly
interact with its customers. This helps the marketer to build a long- term
relationship with its customers and to create its goodwill in the market.

8) Creates Positive Impact on Customers: Here, various digital

technologies are used like mobile phones, internet, blogs, etc. This builds a
positive image of the company in front of the customers that they are prone
to latest technological developments in response to the market

9) Quick and Easier Modifications: If any changes are required in the

digital marketing strategy, then it can be easily and quickly implemented to
the campaigns.


The traditional way of marketing lets businesses market their products or

administrations on print media, radio and TV commercials, billboards,
business cards, and in numerous other comparable ways where Internet or
web-based social networking sites were not utilized for promoting.
However, traditional promoting approaches had constrained client
reachability and the extent of driving clients’ purchasing conduct. In
addition, traditional marketing methods were not quantifiable too.
Given below are the noticeable differences between Traditional Marketing
& Digital Marketing.

Difference b/w Traditional Marketing & Digital Marketing

Traditional Marketing Digital Marketing

1. Communication with the audience is 1. Communication with the audience

Unidirectional is Bidirectional

2. Phone calls, Emails, Letters, 2. Social media websites, chats,

newspapers, TV, and Radio Ads are some Emails, and apps are the powerful
examples of mediums of communication in medium of communication in Digital
Traditional Marketing. Marketing.

3. Campaigns are time-consuming in 3. Campaigns are fast using various

Traditional Marketing. tools in Digital Marketing.

4. It is best for reaching Global

4. It is best for reaching Local Audience.

5. Measuring the effectiveness of 5. Measuring the performance of

campaigns is tough in Traditional campaigns is easy using analytical
Marketing tools in Digital Marketing

Digital marketing process

Digital Marketing Process can be universally applied to any Business,
Product, Brand, or Individual. There are various situations in which Digital
Marketing Process would be required. They could be:

1 – You are an Entrepreneur & want to start marketing your business on

Digital Media.

2 – You are a Digital Marketing Agency or a Freelancer & want to Market

your client’s business on Digital Media.

3- You are a Digital Marketing Executive working for an Agency, & you are
told to create a Digital Marketing campaign for the client that your agency
has just acquired.

Detailed Step By Step Digital Marketing Process

Following is a 5 Step Digital Marketing Process that can be used for
marketing anything on Digital Media.

Step 1: Research
At this stage, you will collect all the information that will be required for
decision making in the next stages. Information collected during the
research will become your raw material to strategize & create your digital
marketing campaign. This stage can also be called as Digital Marketing
Research. At this stage, you will research 4 sets of information:

 About Business
 About Your Target Customers
 About The Product That You Want To Market
 About Online Competition

Each set is unique & equally important. You will require multiple sources to
collect the information.

Step 2: Create
Once you collect information at the research stage, you can now start

1 – Digital Marketing Objectives / Goals: These are the ultimate goals

that you want to achieve through your Digital Marketing Campaign. Every
business is unique, therefore their goals will also be unique. Campaigns
without clear goals will end up spending money without the assurance of
achieving goals. What goals you should set, can be answered after looking
at information collected at the Digital Marketing Research stage. Learn
more about Digital Marketing Objectives / Goals.

2 – Digital Marketing Strategy: After you set the goals, it’s time to create
a strategy to achieve those goals. Your Digital Marketing Strategy will
include Positioning Strategy, Branding Strategy, Content Strategy, Digital
Marketing Channels Strategy. What strategy should be adapted/created,
will be answered from the information collected at the Digital Marketing
Research stage.

3 – Digital Marketing Plan: At this stage, you will lay down a documented
plan that will include all your detailed Digital Marketing activities with

4 – Creating Primary Digital Identities: The 3 primary Digital Identities of

business are Website, Blog & App. These are like your online office, shops,
or showrooms. These are the places where you want your target customer
to reach & ultimately buy your products & services. Before you move on to
the next stage, i.e promote, your primary digital identities must be fully

Step 3: Promote
After your primary digital identities are fully ready, you will start promoting
them. That means you want relevant people to start coming to your primary
digital identities. This is also called as generating relevant traffic. Relevant
traffic is an important word here.

The more you get relevant traffic to your website, the more the conversion
you can expect. Your options to promote your website/blog / app will be:

1. Search Engines

2. Display Network

3. Ecommerce Portals

4. Social Media

5. Email

6. Messaging

7. Affiliate

The above are also known as Digital Marketing Channels, which you need
to promote your Primary Digital Identities (Website / Blog / App). There are
sub-channels & networks within some of the channels mentioned above.

Step 4: Analyze
Once you create your primary digital identities & start promoting them
through various digital marketing channels, it’s time to start monitoring your
performance. Analyzing is like looking at the outcome of your digital
marketing work. You will receive analytics for your primary digital identities,
as well as the channels through which you have done the promotions.

The most important & ultimate analytics for any business is the analytics of
your website/blog / app. Google Analytics is widely popular to generate
analytics of your primary digital identities. The 4 major sections of Google
Analytics are:

1. Audiences

2. Acquisition

3. Behavior

4. Conversion

Step 5: Optimize

At this stage, based on analysis & observations, you start making changes
(fine-tuning). The changes could be in your primary digital identities or
digital marketing channels. Changes are also referred to as content &
design of your identities & promotional communication.



Digital innovation is changing the business landscape at breakneck speed.

The opportunities for business are threefold- they can enhance traditional
business models and processes with digital technologies, digitally
transforms existing business models and processes and/or invent entirely
new engagement models or business models. Online exchanges are
occurring across the globe, forever changing the marketing landscape for
how consumers find and connect with products and services.

Social media websites like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Pinterest are
effectively creating "communities" of like-minded consumers linked by
common interests and experiences Similarly, technology allows Interaction
to occur in real time and on the go, as smart phones and tablets allow
consumers to converse, search their thoughts, preferences and dislikes
anywhere and anytime.

Digital marketing is the convergence of the practice of marketing with

technology (both hardware and software) and the ubiquity of the internet.

Digital marketing presents a tremendous opportunity to engage consumers,

but previous few companies have realised its full potential. That is not to
say companies are not trying. In the US. spending on digital advertising in

2017 is on track to surpass spending on television advertising Globally,

certain markets devote more than 40% of their media advertising budget to
digital marketing, according to media company Magna.

Digital Transformation Framework

A digital transformation framework is the blueprint for how an organisation

moves through a period of significant change because of the current
evolving business conditions. The framework is a tool, used across a
organisation that guides all levels of the organisation through the journey. It
ensures that no area of the business is left unattended during the period of
change. It provides a common reference point that can be evolved as t
organisation changes, thus, the digital transformation framework is central
to success.

The digital transformation framework is described below: ‘

I. Customer Satisfaction: Customer satisfaction revolves around

customers, their touch points, and experiences with the enterprise's
offerings. This value is about understanding customers, their needs
and preferences, and devising appropriate strategies to attract and
retain them.
There is an iterative four-step process, for driving digital
transformation and delivering a user experience that is at once
engaging and differentiated:

i.Engage: Engage with customers all the way from product

discovery to the point-of-sale, digital content.

a) Customers to be engaged from process to product discovery

till point of sales
b) Customers enjoy associating, participating and likely to be at
the contributing end.

ii. Collaborate: Collaborate by means of digital communities.

Enterprises must create a collaborative and interactive platform
or forum for:

a) Sharing opinions and views, and

b) Learning from experience of other customers.

iii.Personalise: The personalise products are

a) Identifying likes and minimising dislikes transforms prospect

to loyal customer.
b) Products and services should be personalised for matching
individuals taste.

iv) Offer: To offer products and services across multiple,

integrated channels.

a) Multiple touch points suiting the needs of customer

b) The products and services offered across multiple channels

have to be synchronised.

II. Process Excellence: To cope with the changes in the marketplace in this
digital era, it is essential for the service industry enterprises to ensure faster
implementation of new processes, so they can meet quality standards and
compliance requirements, while reducing time-to-market

For that they need to move from a functional to a process-oriented mindset.

Business process management focuses on the ways and means to
automate and optimise operational practices.

There is an iterative four-step process, for successful digital transformation

of business processes:

i) Model: It relates with the modelling of the business processes to:

a) Identify the business goals and the Key Performance

Indicators (KPI's), and

b) Model the processes to drive these metrics.


ii) Build: This step of process is used to build to automate

a) Automate the business processes, and

b) Processes must have competency and capability of handling
business challenges.

iii ) Optimise: Optimise deviance to:

a) Process excellence is achieved through process optimisation

by handling deviances between actual and KPI's, and

b) Processes are remodelled if needed.

iv) Manage and Monitor: The resource process bottlenecks are to be

continuously monitored and managed without affecting business

III. Operational Excellence: The operating model plays a significant

role in achieving business excellence With digital technologies
inexorably driving business online, it is critical for enterprises to
extend their boundaries by "going digital". The operating
excellence paradigm focuses on the business model, customer
engagements, delivering products and solutions in online and
offline formats, integrating offline and online offerings, and
optimising the value chain across customer touch point.

There is an iterative four-step process, for building a successful

operating model in the digital era:

• Identify: To identify the cost effective channel which

a. Identify appropriate and cost-effective channels for
engaging customers, and
b) The channel should be profitable for the enterprise and
should create customer pull.

• Design: To design without conflict to:


a. Build the digital channels in a cost-effective way for its

offering, and
b) No conflict with other channel offerings and should
complement each other.

• Integrate: Integrate value delivery components are required

to a) Integrate and optimise various components of value
delivery across customer touch points, and Deliver its
solution in an effective way.


Following are the digital innovations in marketing:

1) Big Data: The spread of social media as a main driver for innovation of
products and services and the increasing availability of unstructured data
(images, video, audio, etc) from sensors, cameras, dig devices for
monitoring supply chains and stocking in warehouses (ie what is actually
called internet things), video conferencing systems and Voice Over IP
(VOIP) systems, have contributed to an availability of information in rapid
and constant growth in terms of volume As a consequence of the above
scenario, the term "Big Data is dubbed to indicate the challenges
associated with the emergence of de sets whose sire and complexity
require companies adopt new tools, and models for the management
information. Futhermore, Big Data require new capabilities to control
external and internal inform flows, transforming there in strategic resources
to define strategies for products and services that e customers' needs,
increasingly informed and demanding.

2) Cloud Computing: The development of Cloud computing started years

ago with the emergence of god competing Cnd computing can be
explained as the allocation of several computer systems in a parallel

structure to solve one problem. Cloud computing is similar to Grid but

differs in the sense it aims to provide on demand access to a specific
service or pool of services over the network through virtualised IT servers
ad ax data centres and specialised software applications. It is the latest
development in the computing models that performs computing functions
on mal-level virtualisation and abstraction by integrating many IT resources

3) Mobile Services: Digital innovation has resulted in a mobile computer

which has technologies such as telephone, camera, television, calculator,
sound recorder and player, and radio all embedded in it: this is known as
device convergence. Related to device convergence are the
interconnections between a parte mobile computer and other digital
technologies via wired and wireless networks to the global network. This is
known as network convergence. Both convergences of devices and
networks are increasingly becoming commonplace in contemporary
ubiquitous computing.

4) Social Media Listening: Social media listening, also known as social

media monitoring, is the process of identifying and assessing what is being
said about a company, individual, product or brand on the Intern Digital
technologies when integrated with the existing enterprise systems provide
companies with a match needed ability to handle the new age connected
customers. Deep social listening with advanced analyse and Cloud-based
infrastructure enable fast paced deployment of new products and services.
They also offer the ability to quickly learn from and fix mistakes. The
explosion in smartphones, tablets, wearable device with internet connected
objects and mobile apps means that a company should have the ability to
interact personally, directly and is real time with consumers and business

5.IT Consumerisation: IT consumerisation is the blending of personal and

business use of technology devices and applications. For organisational IT
management, consumerisation exemplifies the convergence of a
demanding set of challenges such as information and infrastructure
security, technology policy d protections, and end-user technology A new
tendency BYOD (Bring Your Own Device) and COF (Company Owned

Personally Enabled) driven mostly by current consumerisation of IT in the

enterprise forcing companies to redesign or create their policy and rules on
how smart portable devices can be used for both corporate and private
purposes, and how the related expenditures should be covered.


Digital marketing is a discipline that changes very quickly, guided by

consumer habits and human interactions that are constantly influenced by
technology. It is essential to the company that wants to stay competitive
keep up with the trends and identify realistic and practical ways of
benefiting from this industrial revolution that we are living in almost a
decade ago, the digital marketing industry was perceived differently and
was technology.

For example, digital marketing was driven by lead generation campaigns

which required analytics and technology and codes built in, even the
internet was not what we now think of it other than a subtype of
conventional marketing, digital marketing has become a new phenomenon
that gather customization and mass distribution to accomplish marketing


Following are the major digital marketing trends in India:

 Mobile Responsive Websites: In today's fast-paced world, everyone

prefers getting information on the go finding a cab to booking tickets,
the internet has taken over our lives and has given us the
convenience of getting things done right from our phones. This
revolutionary trend has led to the increase Mobile First Approach.
Travel companies, too, are making effective use of device optimised
solutions in fish ways to draw more and more guests towards their
travel services. They have observed how users find a lot easier to

Google search destinations or travel portals on their mobile phones

or at most on Pads/tablets. They know mobile-responsive websites is
the up and coming trend.

 Video Ads: Video ads are considered the next big thing. Facebook,
Google. Snapchat, Instagram are all M incorporating video ads in a
bigger way to enhance user engagement. Brands are now focusing
on making themselves more relatable, human and likable, like using
15 second quick peek Instagram videos or Facebook blogs from the

 Content Marketing: Content marketing has come of age. A content

arms race has begun, one which places a strong emphasis on
audience engagement, participation, and emotional investment
rather than views alone Authentic storytelling, getting away from
overly branded messages and developing hyper-relevant content is
the name of the game. New types of content include simple quizzes,
ROI calculators, HTML5 infographics, clickable whitepapers, etc

 Big Data and Data Visualisation: The amount of data collected from
digital experience grows every second, and it is more important than
ever knowing how to extract useful information from these bases
Markets are flooded with more and more mature Business
Intelligence and Data Visualisation tools, such as Micr Power BI and
Adobe Analytics, where the data scientist role is more necessary in
companies and agencies

 Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning: Artificial Intelligence

is coming to marketing with full strength, with its first service bots
working at websites and digital platforms. Frameworks such as those
in Microsoft Cortana allow every company to build machine learning
algorithms, cognitive services, gather customer insights, work with
predictive analysis, face recognition and service bots.

Along with the trends that are viral in India, there are other digital marketing
trends also which are being used in world market. These are described

A. Marketing Automation: Marketing Automation is still a challenge to

many companies that didn't invest in digital transformation. To those
that already did it, there are changes to consider in the coming years,
with the unified solutions of Marketing Clouds that are gaining more
attraction, and the crescent importance of CRM systems as customer
profile hubs and marketing actions orchestrators.

B. Internet of Things (IoT): Internet of things is growing rapidly, and

service platform as Azure lot ease and drastically reduce
implementation costs of this technology. With loT and wearables,
digital marketing presents many new opportunities to connect
companies and customers, providing a greater experience with the

C. Ammersive Experiences: Virtual reality, augmented reality, 360

degree videos and live webinars are the such bearer of present
technological developments. Marketers need to learn how they can
sell to the customer in apps like Pokemon Go and devices like Oculus
Rift and Holo Lens.

D. Influencer Marketing as a Fundamental Brand Strategy: Many

brands now recognised Influencer Marketing as the industry's hot
"go-to" strategy, but they struggle on how best to leverage it and
measure it from the perspective of business results and attribution

E. Increased Personalisation: Big data can have a variety of uses, one

of them being personalised customer experience and marketing. The
personalisation of Amazon, Netflix, and Spotify show how data can
be used to improve the customer experience.

F. Expiring Digital Content: One big digital marketing trend that is

expected to blow up in the world of social media comes in the form of
expiring content. Expiring digital content offers brands and
businesses a means of cutting through the noise and clutter, and
gaining the attention of their target audience without spending
massive amounts of capital.One of the pioneers of the expiring
content movement is Snapchat. This consists of watching 10-second
videos that disappear after one view, and then related to other bigger
Snapchat stories.

A website is a collection of interlinked web pages with a common
domain name. The website can be made by any individual, group, or
company. All the websites together constitute the world wide web.
The website can be of several types, like an e-commerce website,
social media website, or a blog website, and every website has a
different role, but one thing is common that every website has several
linked web pages.


There are so many types of websites available and we cannot

discuss each type, so there we discuss some basic websites in detail:

Personal Website:
These websites are used for sharing your personal information. Also,
you can share your philosophical thoughts and showcase your work..

Photo Sharing Website:

This type of website enables you to store your photographs online
and share them with your family and friends. Here you can upload as

much as you want, also manage it as well as share it (private or


A blog is a website where people share information, ideas, and views.
It is a place where you can express your vision and your thoughts to
the world. Earlier, blogs were used as a journal, but now they are
becoming one of the important mass communication tools where
people get to know about new things. Word Press and Google
blogger are famous blogging sites where you can write articles. Blogs
include a travel blog, news blog, cooking blog, etc.

Informational website:
This website provides information on various topics. We very often
get confused about many things and searching for them in a book is
very time-taking. These websites save our lives, as we get
information about everything. For example, Wikipedia is an
information website where you can get information about everything
related to history, geography, science and technology, cinema,
famous people, etc.

E-commerce website:
This website is a place for online shopping where a person can buy
or sell a product. Amazon, Flipkart, and Olx are some of the
examples of an E-commerce website. E-commerce has a lot of
potentials to grow as nowadays, people tend to shop online because
of their hectic life.

Social Media website :

This is the most popular website where people can connect with each
other. Social media websites enable the user to share their personal
information, pictures, video ideas, and opinion in real-time. Facebook,
Instagram, and Twitter are some examples of social media websites.

Educational Websites:
Education websites include websites of colleges and schools and
tuitions. The new normal has changed the structure of educational
institutions. Nowadays, people are learning through online classes and
the demands of educational websites also grow. So there are platforms
like Coursera, GeeksforGeeks where people are learning more than
their college and school.

Portfolio Websites:
These websites are used to showcase your best work to a professional.
It is a more personal website where creative people add their creativity
to showcase their industry. For example, I am a writer and I want a job in
digital content writing. Then I can make a portfolio website where I can
showcase my different type of writing style on the website.

Non-Profit Websites:
We all know marketing is the essence of the business and, more
importantly, it is a public presence. Likewise, non-profit organizations to
need attention from the public and thus, websites come into the picture.
These days, every NGO has its own website. They use them to inform
their audience, raising funds, and also informing about themselves what
they are doing. For example, is a non-profit

Magazine and News Websites:

Many people got confused with a blog website and news websites.
Basically, a news website focused on journalism rather than personal
interests. These days every media house has a digital presence on the
internet. News and magazine websites monetize through advertisement
and subscription models. For example, The Times of India have their
own website called where you can read
news online.


Keywords are ideas and topics that define what your content is about. In
terms of SEO, they're the words and phrases that searchers enter into
search engines to discover content, also called "search queries." If you
boil everything on your page — all the images, video, copy, etc. — down
to simple words and phrases, those are your primary keywords.

As a website owner and content creator, you want the keywords on your
page to be relevant to what people are searching for so they have a
better chance of finding your content among the search engine result
page (SERP) results. Keywords are the words and phrases that people
type into search engines to find what they’re looking for.

For example, if you were looking to buy a new jacket, you might type
something like “mens leather jacket” into Google. Even though that
phrase consists of more than one word, it’s still a keyword.


A domain name refers to the URL people type in a web browser’s

address bar to access your site. In other words, domain names offer a
convenient way for people to access websites.Without it, they would
have to use a numerical label assigned to every website and server on
the internet, also known as an IP address.

Generally, domain names are comprised of two main parts – a second-

level domain (SLD) and a top-level domain (TLD). Second-level domains
usually consist of words or phrases, while top-level domains are the
predetermined extensions that follow.

For example, in the case of, the second-level domain is

google, and .com is the TLD. To learn more about domain names and
how they work, read our beginner-friendly guide.

To get a domain name for your website, you need to register it first.
Domain registration is the process of reserving a name on the internet
for a certain period. Companies or organizations that sell and manage
domain name registrations are called domain registrars. Domain
registrars are listed under ICANN (Internet Corporation for Assigned
Names and Numbers), an authority that coordinates and manages
domain databases on the internet.

Web hosting services allow you to publish the website on the internet. If
you buy a hosting service from a provider, you will have a portion of their
web servers to store your website’s files and data.Whenever someone
types in your website’s domain name, your web hosting provider will be
responsible for sending its content to the visitor.

Web hosts also provide beginner-friendly tools for all users so that you
can manage the website with little to no technical skills. Besides, a
hosting provider usually offers customer support, server maintenance,
and website builders to help users create and maintain their site.

In addition to storing website files, a web host protects the server and
your website files from malicious attacks. That said, it is essential to do
thorough research before choosing a hosting company.

Here’s a summary of the two elements:

A domain name is a string of characters that identifies a website. It is

what users type in their browser to visit your site.

Web hosting is a service that provides space on a server for your

website files, allowing it to be available on the internet. When visitors
access your domain name, the hosting provider will transfer those files
to their web browsers.

The main difference between domain and hosting is that domain is the
address, which allows a visitor to easily find your website online, while
hosting is where the website files are stored. In order to have a
functioning website, you need both – a domain and hosting space.

WordPress is a content management system (CMS) that allows you to host
and build websites. WordPress contains plugin architecture and a template
system, so you can customize any website to fit your business, blog,
portfolio, or online store.

How to Build a WordPress Website?

1. Select a WordPress plan ( only).

2. Set up your domain name and hosting provider.
3. Install WordPress.
4. Choose your theme.
5. Add posts and pages to your website.
6. Customize your website.
7. Install plugins.
8. Optimize your website to increase page speed.
9. Get inspired from WordPress website examples.

1. Select a WordPress plan ( only).

To begin creating your website, select a WordPress plan. As stated
earlier, with you only have one (free) plan option — but it
requires you to buy your domain, hosting provider, plugins, themes, and
everything else related to your WordPress site.

2. Set up your domain name and hosting provider.

Setting up your domain name and choosing your hosting provider for
WordPress typically happen around the same time in the website
creation process.

3. Install WordPress.
If you are using a hosting provider outside of WordPress, you’ll need to
install the CMS to connect your new domain to your website.

4. Choose your theme.

You can customize your WordPress website using WordPress’ many
themes and templates, each of which contains a multitude of layouts,
formatting styles, colors, fonts, and other visual options.

WordPress automatically applies a default theme that looks rather plain.

You can keep it, but your website visitors may not be so impressed. A
custom WordPress theme, whether it’s paid or free, will make your
website look appealing and professional to your buyer personas.

5. Add posts and pages to your website.

When you add content to your WordPress website, it’s usually displayed
in the form of posts and pages.Posts (or “dynamic pages”) are typically
used for blogs and portfolios because they automatically place your
newest website content at the top of your featured content. Pages are
static, which is why they appeal more to business owners — the added
content stays in the same place.

6. Customize your website.

Beyond the theme you choose, there are a number of ways to further
customize your website. Let's review a few options.First, let's customize
your site title. From your admin dashboard, select Settings > General.
Here, add your website title and tagline. You can also toggle other basic
site information like you URL, email, time zone, and more. The
navigation bar is customizable, too. This enables your visitors to easily
find information on your website.

7.Install Plugins
Plugins are pieces of software that add functionality to your WordPress
website and enhance the user experience. With over 55,000 available
plugins, there are options for most every type of website and user. Some
of the most popular plugins available include:

a) HubSpot WordPress Plugin: Easily add pop-ups, forms, and live chat
to your WordPress website. And as an added bonus, pair this plugin,
or other CRM plugins, with your HubSpot CRM.

b) All in One SEO: A top-rated SEO plugin that’s used by businesses to

improve their rankings and uncover new SEO growth opportunities.

c) The Events Calendar: An effortless events calendar that makes

scheduling events from your site easy.

d) Yoast SEO: The go-to plugin to help you with on-page SEO. This app
makes sure you’re following best practices before you push your site

e) TablePress: Need a table on your site? Look no further.

f) The SEO Framework: Another plugin that can help you master SEO
on your site.

g) Weglot: A top translation plugin for translating WordPress and

WooCommerce websites.

To begin installation, head to the Plugins section in your admin

dashboard. This shows you all the plugins currently installed on your
site. Depending on your host, you might have several plugins installed
already. Note that for a plugin to work you must activate it after

8. Optimize your website to increase page speed.

Website performance is a critical part of the user experience. If a page
takes too long to load, your visitors will move quickly to another site. You
don't want to frustrate visitors with slow speeds.You can improve your
website's performance by enabling browser caching. Browser caching is
the process of temporarily storing your website's data on your visitors'

9. Get inspired from WordPress website examples.

As you begin to customize your website, you may feel overwhelmed by

all the options you have. Instead of starting completely from scratch, it
helps to grab some inspiration from other exemplary WordPress

What Is a Blog?

A blog (short for “weblog”) is an online journal or informational website run

by an individual, group, or corporation that offers regularly updated content
(blog post) about a topic. It presents information in reverse chronological
order and it’s written in an informal or conversational style.

What Is a Blog Post?

Blog posts are, most commonly, pieces of writing published on a blog. Blog
posts can also include other forms of content, like images, forms, and

What Is a Blogger?

A blogger is the blog owner or person who maintains and runs the blog.
Bloggers also foster relationships with their readers and other bloggers by
encouraging online conversations in the comment


 Domain name. It is your blog’s address, like Ideally, a

domain name should represent your business name or the blog’s
general topic. Check whether the name is available using our domain
name search tool. If you are still unsure about naming your blog, use
blog name generators to brainstorm options.
 Web hosting service. You’ll need hosting to store all blog files,
including images and code files, and make them available for internet
users. Generally, WordPress hosting is a great solution for a small

personal or lifestyle blog, while Cloud web hosting is ideal for heavy-
traffic blogs.
 Blogging platform. You can set up your blog using a content
management system (CMS) like WordPress or a website builder like
Hostinger. Users who create a WordPress website are usually
looking for complete control and extensive customization, while
website builder users prefer its quick setup and beginner-friendly
 Content writing skills. Writing a blog post is different from writing
academic essays or books. Consider joining a free online course like
Surfer SEO’s SEO Writing Masterclass to develop your content
writing and SEO skills.
 Theme or template. This is a pre-made web design for your blog.
Most CMS platforms and website builders provide free templates, but
it is possible to purchase a custom blog theme from a third-party
marketplace like ThemeForest or even design it yourself.

 Blogging tools. Many tools can help produce better blog posts and
manage your blog. For example, use Trello to create an editorial
calendar and Yoast SEO to optimize the content for search engines.


Craft a Great Headline That Readers Can’t Resist.

Write an Introduction That Grabs and Seduces.
Deliver Advice That’s Easy to Consume and Impossible to Ignore.
Close with a Motivational Bang.
Polish Your Post So It’s Smoother Than a Slip ‘n Slide.

Elimentor : Elimentor gives you the option to create and design your
blog page easily with no effort and no coding requirements. It’s as
simple as creating a new page, dragging what you need, and
dropping it where you need it. You can customize and design it to
make it unique and in tone with your company’s website.

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