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-English Project-

Project by: Pragya Kaushik

Class/section: 11G
Teacher-in-charge: Mrs. Sreela
1. Objectives
2. Action plan
3. Interview
4. Report
5. Student self reflection
6. List of resources
To chose relevant topic and form
evaluating questions on the same.
To record interviews and collect
distinct opinions .
To enhance linguistic skills by
means of audial material.
To enable thorough reflection upon
the chosen topic .
To interpret answers from
while learning about the Pros and
Cons of Street Food and Expensive
Food, the action plan is to
acknowledge and be aware of food
from the streets and restaurants.

I'll be interviewing my friends to

learn about their perspectives on the
chosen topic and reflect on it.
Interview 1

Pragya: “Good evening! My name is

Pragya Kaushik, would you mind if I
borrow some of your time?”

Interviewee 1: “No, not at all”

Pragya: “As part of an english project,

I’d like to interview you on the topic
Street Food vs Expensive Restaurant
Food. Are you in?”

Interviewee 1:“Yeah! Totally!”

Pragya: “Firstly, which one do you

prefer? Street food? Or Expensive
restaurant food?”
Interviewee 1: “personally , I prefer
street food”

Pragya: “I’ve heard alot of controversial

opinions about street food and
expensive restaurant food. People tend
to say that street food is very
unhealthy compared to expensive
restaurant food. What are your
thoughts about it?”

Interviewee 1: “Yes, that can be true a

lot of times considering the fact that
expensive restaurants may use
ingredients of a higher quality. Uhm
however, most people who do sell
street food are usually locals of the
area and probably have more idea on
the culture and the ingredients that
goes in the foods and a lot more love
and effort would probably be put into
those food”
Pragya: “If the price of the street food
was the same as expensive restaurant
food, would you still prefer street

Interviewee 1: “In that case, I dont think

so- considering the fact that they both
are the same price, I would prefer to
choose the option which uses a higher
quality of ingredients and a higher
quality in general so if it was in the case
of where both of them were the same
prices, I would prefer the expensive

Pragya: “So do you think the entire

reason of why people prefer street food
more is because of its cheap price and
good taste?”
Interviewee 1: “Err yes, that is a factor
but another factor could also be that
street food could be more authentic to
the area and it could be- for example, if
you’re visiting some place and you prefer
to eat the food of the locality, it is more
likely that the street food is more
authentically made rather than the more
expensive restaurants”

Pragya: “So overall, do you still prefer

street food or the expensive restaurant

Interviewee 1: “Overall, I think do stand

by my statement, that I would prefer
street food over more expensive
restaurant food simply because of the
fact that it is probably more authentic
than the food served in restaurants”
Pragya: “Alright I’m glad to know your
opinion, Thank you so much for giving me
the time of your day! Have a good day!”

Interview 2
Pragya: “Good evening! My name is
Pragya Kaushik, would you mind if I
borrow some of your time?”

Interviewee 2: “Uhm no, not at all! How

may I help you?”

Pragya: “For the very first question, tell

me which one do you prefer? Street
Food Or Expensive Restaurant Food?’

Interviewee 2: "Expensive Restaurant

food of course!"
Pragya: “Well that’s a first! I’ve heard a
lot of controversies about street foods
and expensive restaurant food!
A lot of people tell me how expensive
restaurant food just does not have the
right taste compared to street food. The
authenticity and everything! What are
your thoughts about it?”

Interviewee 2: “Don’t you think that

depends on where you get the food
from? Like yeah of course there are
expensive places just to attract tourists
but, why would someone just leave the
original recipe? It doesn’t make sense
and the thing about expensive food is
that it’s so much more healthier and
safer as when I personally try to have
street food, I just fall sick and that’s
happened so many times- I just don’t
bother with street food anymore”
Pragya: “So let’s say if the government
decided to give the same ingredients as
expensive restaurant food to the people
who make street food. Would you eat
street food?”

Interviewee 2:“No, see the problem

with street food is that it’s literally
made in the streets which are open, and
yeah- they don’t follow the same
hygiene rules and regulations as
expensive restaurant foods you know,
they give more attention to hygiene,
quality and safety of the food than
street food which is why it’s more of a
safer option. When you’re out in the
streets, you see flies, dirt- you have
people just touching other stuff. Like I
really don’t want to fall sick, I’ve had
enough food poisoning!”
Pragya: “Well, that’s fair and I’m glad to
know about your opinion! Thank you so
much for giving me the time of your day,
have a good day!”

Interviewee 2: “You’re most

welcome! I hope your project goes
well. Best of luck! You look like
you’re going to need it!”

Pragya: “Hahahahha Thank you!”

self reflection
After interviewing two different types
of people, I've learned a lot more
than I intended to! Learning about
street food's authenticity but, bad
care of the people making it, and
about expensive restaurant food
where the care and maintenance
excel like always, but the lesser
authenticity of the region it's located
Not only the quality of the food
matters, but also with respect, the
way the person who makes the food
also matters.
The inspiration to choose this topic was while
watching cooking shows and wanting to know
more and more about how other people in
society view the foods coming from different
Looking at my friend's perspectives, I
understood a lot- how street food is
'authentic' and locals prefer that more, while,
it is also a lot unhealthier than restaurant
foods, it needs to be made with safety and
cleanliness and how expensive restaurant
food is made of 'better quality' and
cleanliness, it is considered a lot healthier
than street food, but, for the taste, street
food wins. While as for, safety and better
hygiene, expensive restaurant food wins.
It's good to have both once in a while!
To start off with my own research on street food,
street food is low in cost compared to restaurant
foods. Street foods often reflect traditional local
cultures and exist in an endless variety. There is
much diversity in the raw materials as well as in the
preparation of street food beverages, snacks, and
meals. Vendors' stalls are usually located outdoors or
under a roof that is easily accessible from the street.
They have low-cost seating facilities which are
sometimes rudimentary. Their marketing success
depends exclusively on location and word-of-mouth
promotion. Street food businesses are usually owned
and operated by individuals or families but benefits
from their trade extend throughout the local
economy. For instance, vendors buy their fresh food
locally, thus linking their enterprises directly with
small-scale farms and market gardens.

There is a mistaken assumption that food

contamination is inevitable in street foods, yet
millions of people depend on this source of nutrition.
Vendors know that consumers watch the way food is
prepared and notice whether the work area and
vendor's hands and clothes are clean and tidy.
They have everything to gain by appealing to
customers with improved practices learned through
training in nutrition and hygiene. Acknowledgment
of the need for research and assistance to improve
the standards of street food activities is needed.
Regulations can make street food safer: Once
policymakers have decided that street foods are here
to stay, there are innumerable small ways to make
life easier for both vendors and inspectors while
ensuring that food is safer for the consumer. Fair
licensing and inspections, combined with educational
drives, are the best long-term measures to safeguard
the public.

Regulations for vendors should be realistic,

attainable, and properly enforced; prohibiting the
street food trade or setting impossible requirements
drives vendors to practice unsanitary measures
secretly, thus lessening control even more. It has been
suggested that safety controls would be more
attractive and better implemented if vendors who
exercised particular care were rewarded. Small credit
funds could help vendors renew or improve their
stalls. For example, aluminum table tops could
replace wooden boards which are very difficult to
Customers and consumer organizations also have a role to
play in association with government authorities, vendors'
associations, and scientists. Participation and advocacy by
consumers can help to prevent foodborne diseases. Better
consumer information and education regarding food
hygiene can help authorities take quick remedial action
and preventive measures.

However, it is harder for a normal person to build a

restaurant so easily unlike street food. Restaurants have
government regulations compulsory and they have to
maintain a rating to continue their business unlike street
food, which you can just make in the street. Restaurant
workers have rules and regulations which they have to
follow, such as washing their hands and serving hot
healthy food which is not unsafe for the consumer to

They have to serve food that looks as good as it tastes,

knowing that restaurant reviewers rate the food consumed
and the services provided to them very carefully. It is more
costly and harder generally for a producer to build a
restaurant and gain profit off it, if not gain profit, the
restaurant gets a higher risk of shutting down. Consumers
feel entitled to sit and eat at the restaurant food and
depending on their tastes and preferences if the food of the
restaurant does not meet their requirements, the
restaurant will get bad ratings which again, adds to the
higher risks of it getting shut down.
The food needs to meet the customer's standards
and taste, as for both street food and restaurant
food, the competition gets harder. While street
food makers need more regulations to make the
food, restaurant food makers have too many to
deal with. A restaurant needs more than one
person to handle the chaos, while, street food's
employment only needs the most minimum of
one person.

At the end of the report, it is analyzed that the

type of food source which wins completely
depends on the individual consumer's choice,
taste and preferance. One may like street food
more for the authencity while one may like
restaurant food more for the quality.
interviewees- Sheena Merchant
and Shivapriya Jaydeep
platforms used : google,
whatsapp, Inshot

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