Alpha Debaters Society Meeting Agenda

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Alpha Debaters Society Meeting Agenda

Date: January 27, 2024

Time: 3:00 PM
Location: College Debate Room

1. Call to Order

The president of Alpha Debaters Society, Sarah, bangs the gavel to call the meeting to

Sarah: "Good afternoon, everyone. I'd like to call this meeting of the Alpha Debaters
Society to order. Welcome!"

2. Roll Call

The secretary, James, takes attendance.

James: "Sarah?"

Sarah: "Here."

James: "James?"

James: "Present."

(Roll call continues until all members are accounted for or noted as absent.)

3. Approval of Minutes

James: "Members, the minutes from our last meeting on January 15th have been
circulated. Are there any corrections or additions?"

After a brief pause, no corrections are suggested.

James: "If there are no objections, I move to approve the minutes as presented."

Sarah: "I second the motion."

The minutes are approved unanimously.

4. Treasurer's Report

The treasurer, Emily, provides a report on the club's finances.

Emily: "As of today, our club account balance stands at $500. We received $200 in dues
and spent $100 on debate materials for our last tournament."
5. Old Business

Sarah: "Any old business to discuss from the previous meeting?"

No old business is brought up.

6. New Business: Discussion of Tournament Topics

Sarah: "Today, we need to decide on potential debate topics for our upcoming
tournament. Does anyone have suggestions?"

Members propose topics such as climate change policy, universal basic income, and social
media regulation. Each topic is discussed thoroughly.

7. Motions and Voting: Selection of Tournament Topic

James: "I move that we select 'Climate Change Policy' as the topic for our upcoming

Emily: "I second the motion."

Members vote, and the motion passes with a majority.

8. Announcements

Sarah: "Before we adjourn, are there any announcements?"

Members share announcements about practice sessions, guest speakers, and a fundraising

9. Adjournment

Sarah: "If there is no further business, I entertain a motion to adjourn."

Emily: "I move to adjourn the meeting."

James: "I second the motion."

The motion is approved, and Sarah adjourns the meeting.

Sarah: "Thank you, everyone, for your participation. Our next meeting will be on February
10th. Have a great day!"

The meeting concludes, and members begin to leave the debate room.


1. Any changes in constitution, President

must convey and with consultation of
everyone he should deliver it in the club.

2. Any equipment and Deliverables

purchased by institute, President must be
aware and forward the message to
everyone in the club.

3. Any dispute and problem within the

club, president must handle it.

4. Any External affairs such that

participating in other colleges sports fest,
talking to director etc should be handled
by President.
5. To recruit members for next session
and plan a date for recruitment with
Faculty Advisor.

6. Recruitment could be done anytime

when vacancy is there.

iNFORMATION OF All Nearby Tennis Clubs


1. In absence of President, all roles and

responsibilities of President must be
followed by Vice President till his/her

2. To organize Socials once in an academic

3. To send tournament game plays in
groups and send tennis related
magazines, articles in group.

4. To prepare Academic Session Plan with

approval of Faculty Advisor for each
semester and send it to Manager once


** To organize meeting twice a month for

general discussion with all club members
and faculty advisor.
Purpose to understand problem of
members and motivate the team for
playing tennis.

1. Taking Attendance of members and

find out who is inactive in club.
2. To enforce etiquettes and manners
whenever possible on court.
i. No Talking and Chatter while
playing on court.
ii. Proper sports attire should be
followed by everyone.
iii. Respect to Seniors and Faculties
while on court.
3. To conduct events, to ensure
checklist is ready for the particular
event or not.
4. Manager of the club should not join
other clubs in college because they
have already engagements here in
our club.
5. Graduating Seniors: Certificate Issue
0. Request form-For details of
Graduating Seniors
1. Certificate Design on Canva
2. Certificate Mail/Courier
3. Inform to Graduating Seniors-By
Email/Courier Or Direct Handover
6. To ensure that rules and regulations
and equal for everyone in the club.
7. To ensure constitution is followed by
everyone and there is no violation.
8. Problem is always there, as a manager
you need to come with a resolution,
sometimes court is booked with those
who are not members of the club then
you need to take the issue with your
senior representative of club i.e.
President and Head Coach/Faculty
Advisor- Suresh Yadav Sir.
9. Club Logo cannot be used everywhere
because BIT is the main authority and BIT
logo should be used everywhere
altogether with club mascot that is
“Wolf” or “the Wolves.”
10. Daily count of Equipment on court
and ensure safety of equipment. Type of
Audit should be done by manager at least
once a week. To keep the list of all
equipment associated with CTBP.

11. To manage Social Media Handle esp.

Instagram and also increase followers
and to follow BIT Patna students and also
increase Google Reviews and post recent
gameplays of our Club.
12. To Prepare Routine Once Recruitment
is Done.

13. To frequently update Google Drive

Folders(Esp. SMP, RP, PRAP, SP, Image
Roles and Responsibilities for All

1. While playing, talking is strictly prohibited.

(except Callouts such as Yours, Mine, Ball
Please Etc.)

2. Try to keep the court neat and clean, don’t

throw wraps or litter around.

3. When the court is not ready to play,

inform the Faculty Advisor to instruct for
brushing or wiping (in case of rain) the court

4. Respect your Seniors and Faculty Advisor

and Maintain the Decorum of Club.

5. Always be ready to assist in club activities,

including tournaments. Clean your court
whenever you get chance.

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