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20JE0682 #
B.Tech #
Civil Engineering § GitHub Profile
Indian Institute Of Technology Dhanbad ï LinkedIn Profile

Indian Institute Of Technology Dhanbad
• 2020-2024
B.Tech,Civil Engineering CGPA: 7.31
• 2018-2020
12th-Board of Intermediate Education,Andhra Pradesh Percentage: 95.4

Technical Skills and Interests

Programming Skills: Python
Machine Learning: Regression,Classification, Clustering,Deep Learning,NLP
Frameworks/Libraries: Numpy,Pandas,Matplotlib, Seaborn,Scikit-Learn,Tensorflow,Keras
Analytics Tools/Skills: MySQL,Excel,Tableau,Guesstimate,Case study
Soft Skills: Communication, Teamwork, Problem-Solving, Adaptability, Time Management, Critical Thinking.
Coursework: Probability and Statistics,DBMS.

Data Science intern - ARAWINZ SOFT SOLUTIONS §
•  JUNE 2023 - JULY 2023
– Developed an anti spoofing model to detect real face or spoof.Dataset containing videos of different categories like
live video,cut-out-printouts.
– From those videos converted to pictures using opencv.Used opencv for converting images to RGB values and then
fed them into mobilenetv2 (neural network) under Transfer Learning technique.
– Tech-Stack Used: Language: Python || Libraries:Pandas,opencv,tensorflow,PIL, keras,Scikit Learn Package.

Personal Projects
Resume Scanner §

– Developed Resume Scanner which is a classification model which classifies resumes to corresponding categories.
Dataset:containing resumes of different categories and corresponding resumes in string format
– Balanced dataset using oversampling technique.Utilized BoW and TF-IDF techniques to convert textual informa-
tion into numerical representations.Built model using various algorithms knn,random forest,svm e.t.c.
– Tech-Stack Used:Language:Python || Libraries:Pandas,Seaborn,nltk,spacy,Scikit Learn Package.

Cointab Project §

– The data of courier company bills for Company X’s products was thoroughly analyzed to verify the accuracy of the
bills.The assessment aimed to verify whether the bills aligned with the specified criteria established by Company.
– Tech-Stack Used: Language: Python || Libraries:Pandas,Numpy.

Covid-19 Dashboard Analysis §

– Dataset containing details of cases,vaccines,testing labs in india state wise. Developed data boards using tableau
for quick reviews to understand the situation of covid-19 in india statewise.
– Used data blending,Created action filters for preparing dashboards and worksheets in Tableau

Gold Badge (Five-Star) in SQL from HackerRank

• Over 150+ SQL queries were solved on various online platforms

• Selected as mentee for Microsoft Inter Engage 2022
• Secured an all india open rank of 13759 in JEE ADVANCE 2020
• Secured open rank of 2120 in A.P eamcet 2020

Positions of Responsibility
• Participated in srijan 2023 as marketing and promotion cohead
• Member Of ASCE(ISM),outreach team

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