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Chapter 2 : Developing identity check technology

Axe : Espace privé & espace public

Final Task : invent a device to check the identity of travelers to

the UK after BREXIT.

Issue at stake: How to check the identity of travelers to and from

the UK?

CE: Find the best screening (filtrage, dépistage) techniques for

border control
In this article we discovered two screening technologies that
are going to be used in the UK/ EU borders.
The first technology presented here is x-ray scanners which
allow us to see the density of materials but doesn’t give a clear
picture of what is inside a vehicle.
The second technology is automated number plate
recognition (ANPR) which automatically reads the number plate
(plaque d’immatriculation) of a vehicle and checks it against a
database to see if this is a vehicle suspected of criminal activity
like terrorism, illegal cross-border traffic or smuggling

CO: Other Screening techniques

There are many other screening techniques such as :
- bag scanner, that uses low and high density X-rays that will
form a colorized image of what is inside your bags at the airport. It
allows to see, for example, the outline of a gun or colorizes
organic material as orange (most explosives are made of organic
- metal detectors, that use coils (bobines) to form a magnetic
field. Once you pass through if you have any metal object on you
it will disrupt the magnetic field and make sound an alarm.
- Backscatter – it uses X-rays that reflect on your skin and allow
to see what you are hiding.
- Milimeter wave scanner -it uses microwaves and it is an
alternative to the backscatter.
- X-ray scanner – it allows to see the different density of different

EOC: Choose one screening technique and justify why you

think this screening solution is the best.

=>How can the technology of biometric be used for identity

check ?
Biometric is a technology used to verify the identity of
people crossing the UK / EU border. When you provide your
photo in advance by using the iProov app you are granted the
access to contactless corridors and automated gates for identity
check when crossing the border through (à travers) facial
This system has some drawbacks (invcovénients) because it
is too costly to implement and it does not guarantee the protection
of your personal data.
One of the biggest advantages this system has is that it
provides real-time feedback on the movement of passengers to and
from the UK. It also makes quite easy and fast to cross the border.
Biometrics works by recording your biological data (DNA,
iris scan, fingerprints, facial recognition, etc.). This data is
collected with different types of scanners.

=> EOC: Imagine you are a biometrics technology salesman

and you want to convince British authorities to buy your
device for their airports.
1. describe
2. Advantages
3. be convincing

EOC/CE/CO : Find the best border-control drones

The first document is a news article about the use of drones
to control the borders. Drones can check vehicles and monitor the
flow of traffic. By using drones we do not need humans. Drones
are more efficient, safer and faster. On the other hand, drones do
not respect our privacy.
The second document is a video about technology to take
down drones from the skies. We have learnt that at the Mexican/
American border they are creating a virtual wall that can stop
illegal drones from entering the USA. These drones can carry for
example drugs from Mexican cartels.
This technology works by jamming (brouiller) the radio
frequency signal of drones and sending them automatically from
where they came from.

Passage à l’oral (Projet Final) – 7 février/ 14 février

Find the most adapted border infrastructures

The first document tells us about the implications Brexit had
on the transport of products to and from the EU/UK. We have
learned that now there sanitary formalities at the border and the
major risk for border controls after Brexit is that this can cause
long delivery delays.
The second document was a video explaining how the bag
scanner works. It works by using low and high energy X-rays to
scan the bags at the border. Some of the rays are absorbed and this
is used to generate an image of the objects allowing (en
permettant) to see the outline of a gun or organic materials like
=> Find an innovative infrastructure solution to solve the queues
at border control in Dover after Brexit.

Structure de l’exposé à l’oral

1. Introduction
- le contexte (Brexit, besoin de vérifier l’identité des gens que
traversent la frontière et la nature des produits importés, cela
représentent un défi car délai aux frontières)

2. Présentez la structure, les différentes étapes de votre de

votre exposé
First, I am going to talk about…; Then, we’ll see…; Finally, we
are going to learn about…

3. Contexte culturel
- (les Britaniques ont été toujours euro-sceptiques, voulait quitter
l’union européenne, après le 31/12/2020 frontières rétablis entre
les deux pays)
- le cas spécifique de l’Irlande (une île, deux systèmes) –
complexe à gérer
- les conséquences (retards aux frontières, gênants pour les
voyageurs et critique pour les produits périssables)

4. Functional analysys
- Quel est le problème existant que votre technologie propopse de
résoudre ?
- Quel est le besoin donc de la société ?
-Quel sont les requis ? (après le Brexit, le besoin de vérification de
l’identité aux frontières UK/EU et contrôle des produits importés)

5. Your technology
- pensez en termes de design (expliquez comment ça marche)
- pensez aussi au côté écologique ( exemple : si une voiture a
moins de temps d’attente cela représente une économie de
carburant et donc moins de CO2 libéré dans l’atmosphere)
-vous pouvez aussi comparer votre technologie avec d’autres
existantes et renforcer l’idée pourquoi votre solution est la plus

6. Conclusion
Donnez votre opinion sur votre projet (essayer de vendre
l’idée, d’être convaincant(e). Expliquer les difficultés que vous
attendez et vos perspectives/ce que vous envisagez.

Critères :
Durée : environ 3/ 4 minutes chacun(e)
Possibilité de travail présenté en binôme
L’autonomie est un critère essentiel pour avoir au moins la
Soyez convaincants, variez le vocabulaire, mobilisez ce que
vous avez appris pendant ce chapitre (différentes technologies,
le contexte culturel du Brexit et les contraintes qui existent

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