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A>T/C Pulmonary Tuberculosis

P>DIET: Regular diet, increase fluid intake

LABS: CBC with PC, Chest-xray PA, PPD (<=15 yrs old), Direct sputum smear
microscopy x2, Xpert MTB/Rif (if presumptive DRTB, HIV suspect, smear negative
but positive CXR, EPTB)l IF CONFIRMED PTB: Check also LFTS, Crea, UA, Visual Acuity
test, FBS, BUA (not routinely recommended)
1. Paracetamol drops 100mg/ml, give ?ml every 4 hours as needed for fever
Paracetamol syrup 250mg/5ml, give ?ml every 4 hours as needed for fever
Paracetamol 500mg/tab, take 1 tab every 4 hours as needed for fever
2. Multivitamins + Buclizine HCl (Pediafortan-AS), 5ml once a day (2-6 yrs old)
Multivitamins + Buclizine HCl (Pediafortan-AS), 10ml once a day (7-12 yrs old)
Buclizine HCl + Vitamin B-Complex + Iron capsule, 1 capsule once a day (Adult)
3. Heraclene Forte 3mg/capsule, take 1 capsule once a day (Adult)
Heraclene 1mg/capsule, take 2 capsules once a day (Child and Adol)
Heraclene 1mg/capsule, mix contents of 1 capsule with milk or juice (Premature
babies and infants)
IF PTB: Refer to TB DOTS; for private patients refer to NTCP-MOP for management
guidelines (
PAGE 39 to 40 for the complete table
ADVISE: Wear mask
FOLLOW UP: once with results


Fixed dose combination drugs


Pyrazinamide 400 mg, rifampicin 150 mg, ethambutol HCl 275 mg, INH 75 mg/tablet
(Quadmax or Myrin-P Forte), take 2 tablets once a day for 2 months (30-37kg)
Pyrazinamide 400 mg, rifampicin 150 mg, ethambutol HCl 275 mg, INH 75 mg/tablet
(Quadmax or Myrin-P Forte), take 3 tablets once a day for 2 months (38-54kg)
Pyrazinamide 400 mg, rifampicin 150 mg, ethambutol HCl 275 mg, INH 75 mg/tablet
(Quadmax or Myrin-P Forte), take 4 tablets once a day for 2 months (55-70kg)
Pyrazinamide 400 mg, rifampicin 150 mg, ethambutol HCl 275 mg, INH 75 mg/tablet
(Quadmax or Myrin-P Forte), take 5 tablets once a day for 2 months (>70kg)


Rifampicin 150 mg, INH 75 mg/tablet (Duomax or Myrin I), take 2 tablets once a day
for 4 months (30-37kg)
Rifampicin 150 mg, INH 75 mg/tablet (Duomax or Myrin I), take 3 tablets once a day
for 4 months (38-54kg)
Rifampicin 150 mg, INH 75 mg/tablet (Duomax or Myrin I), take 4 tablets once a day
for 4 months (55-70kg)
Rifampicin 150 mg, INH 75 mg/tablet (Duomax or Myrin I), take 5 tablets once a day
for 4 months (>70kg)

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