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During the first semester of my Grade 12 year, I took advantage of the opportunity to

take Calculus, an advanced math course containing only 14 students. While it wasn't a
prerequisite for any of the university programs I had in mind, I still saw it as an opportunity to
challenge myself and better prepare for higher education. Coming out of the pre-IB program
which allowed me to complete Pre-calculus 12 in Grade 11, I didn't want to go a whole year
without taking a math course, which lead me to take this class in my senior year. Despite not
reaching my goal of an A in the class, my grade improved from 82% at midterm to a final mark
of 85% which I am proud of.
Taking this course proved to be a profound learning experience for me. It not only
broadened my understanding of the subject matter but also honed essential skills, such as time
management. Balancing the heavy coursework with Chemistry 12 and my extra-curricular
commitments, specifically hockey, taught me valuable lessons in productivity and the
importance of avoiding procrastination. Moreover, I learned new study techniques,
incorporating practice problems, quizzes, note reviews, and instructional videos to enhance my
comprehension and preparation for exams. Learning to allocate specific time limits to each test
question enabled me to tackle exams more efficiently, ensuring I addressed every question
within the allotted timeframe. Additionally, the course's emphasis on self-accountability
empowered me to take charge of my learning journey. Due to the absence of mandatory
homework, I embraced optional practice to prepare for the exams. Despite encountering
challenges with the course's instructional approach, I proactively sought alternative learning
resources, such as online videos, to clarify confusing concepts and tailor my learning experience
to my individual needs.
Throughout this course, I embraced the idea of being "comfortable being
uncomfortable," a quote instilled in me by my dad. As someone accustomed to ease and
minimal struggle, particularly in academics, I confronted the challenge of pushing beyond my
comfort zone to achieve my full potential. This journey reaffirmed my independence and
resourcefulness, as I actively sought out additional learning resources to overcome obstacles
and grasp challenging concepts. Despite setbacks and falling short of my initial goal of attaining
an A on my report card, I persevered, refusing to give in to frustration or loss of motivation.
Instead, I recognized the value in my growth and improvement over the semester, underscoring
the worthiness of my efforts and the valuable lessons learned along the way.
This artifact holds personal significance as it represents a deliberate choice to challenge
myself beyond the bare minimums of high school, emphasizing my capacity to transcend the
ordinary and pursue growth opportunities. Through this endeavor, I gained a profound
appreciation for the value of hard work and the importance of pushing through discomfort to
achieve success. Moreover, it served as vital preparation for the rigorous demands of first-year
university math within my Bachelor of Science program in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology,
equipping me with the resilience and determination necessary to thrive in higher education and
In hindsight, taking this course in high school proved to be incredibly advantageous for
me. Not only did it provide the fundamental benefits for university, but it also equipped me
with essential skills applicable to both my professional career as an Anesthesiologist and my
personal life. The course taught me the value of perseverance and diligence, especially when
faced with challenges. Moreover, it instilled in me the courage to venture beyond my comfort
zone and tackle situations where immediate success might not be guaranteed. Overall, the
experience has been invaluable in shaping my mindset and approach towards both academic
and real-world challenges.

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