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2)which tribes invaded the Iberian peninsula?

The Visigoths and Suevi kingdom

The Alans and Vandals tribes

3)what was the connection between the roman empire and the Byzantine empire?

Both emperies had lost all them territories

The byzantine empire is the evolution of the roman empire; it is basically the same
with changes followed by the time.

In the Byzantine empire the langue became Greek which gradually replaced the Latin

The emperors called themselves basileus

There was a theocratic state

4)dates and events

3rd century; crisis in the roman empire

395; battle of the Catalunian empire

415; division of the Roman empire

476;end of the Roman empire

5)who were the Germanic kingdoms and who where they in the Iberian Peninsula?

They were six kingdoms established in Europe during the 5th and 7th centuries; after the
Western empire broke
There was two of them in the Iberian Peninsula; these kingdoms were governing most
of the peninsula

6)why was the capital of the kingdom of the Visigoths moved?

Because the Franks expelled the Visigoths from France so the moved to the Iberian
Peninsula where they needed a new capital; they chosen Toledo as the new capital

7)what was the aula regia and what it do?

It was Visigoths council and they advised the king

8)Name and describe the different positions in Visigoths society

1)The most important were the nobles and the clergyme who own much of the land

2)The peasants which have small territories of land

3)Slaves who belong to nobles or church, and work on their land

9)explain why the time of Justinian was considered the height of the byzantine empire

Because his army had defeated so much kingdoms; such the Visigoths in the southern

10)how and when did the byzantine empire end?

In the 6th century Lombards expel them form the Italian peninsula

In the 7th century the Visigoths expel then from the Iberian Peninsula

During the 7th and 8th century Muslims conquered the Mediterranean coast of north
Africa , Syria and Palestine

Later the Turks conquered most of the Byzantines empire

Finally in 1453 Constantinople was conquered and that was the end of the empire

12)where and when did the Islam begin?

It originated in the Arabian Peninsula in the 7th century

4)who was Muhammad?

He was a merchate from a wealthy family from mecca

15)what are the five pillars of Islam?


16)name the officials who helped the caliph. What roles did they play ?

Viziers; were ministers

Qadis; judges of the Islamic law
Wali; were provincial governors
Emirs ;were princes or nobles (usually family of the caliph )They are governor like Waly
but they also have military authority

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