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Stanford Library


ACTOR What he can do on the Software Created

Student ● Both on-site and online, students can find the needed content
with ease.
● Students are allowed to "Check out and Return" whatever
materials they receive.
● Students can recognise items that have recently been issued to
their specific ID.
● There are several easily accessible return stations where
students can turn in their borrowed materials.
Library Staff ● Library staff can quickly locate the material they're looking for.
Library staff can quickly re-deploy the information they've
already accessed to their topic area.
● Library staff members have the ability to "Check Out" and
"Return" materials.
● Library staff members can determine when materials are due.
● Library staff members can create reports for materials. both Ad
Hoc Reporting and Standardization Reporting
● Library staff can calculate penalties for customers in a precise

Management  On this line item please suggest what the management system
must perform. A management system is not a stakeholder,
please note.
 A COTS database with the ability to manage millions of records
will be the system's brains.
 Both Student and Staff users will be able to access the database
through a variety of entry points, which will be safeguarded.
 Users will be able to access materials data through Standardized
Reporting and Ad Hoc Reporting via the reporting interface.
 The user interface will let users control access to materials in the
following ways:
 1. search/location of materials;
 2. issue and return of materials;
 The user interface will let users control access to materials in the
following ways:
 1. search/location of materials;
 2. issue and return of materials;
 3. computation of penalties; and
 4. Location of return stations.
 5. identify expected return dates

Here you can mention why we need this library system for both: the library and the student. Can
write more than 1 point.
An LMS system is required for library administration in the following situations:
An LMS system is required for library administration in the following situations:
1. Minimize staffing, material tracking, and maintenance expenses
2. Permit materials metadata reporting;
3. Analyze trends
4. Improved employee, management, and school reputational gains.

Students require this LMS system in the following situations:

1. An improved learning environment and educational advantages linked to usability
2. Faster access, use, management, and return of material
3. Reduce expenses and fines
4. Permit preferred physical, desktop, or mobile access point.

Advantages of LMS

Advantages of Library Management System:

 Improved student involvement in the library

 Expense reduction Improved student involvement in the library
 Expense reduction
 Up-to-date records of all books, research papers, magazines, and other items
 It will produce dynamic reports for better decision-making
 Reduced overhead and increased productivity of library personnel
The following are some benefits of using a library management system for students:

 Improved learning opportunities and educational advantages linked to ease of use

 Time savings for managing, utilising, and returning supplies.
 Avoid spending on fines.
 Allowed preferred access point, on-site personnel, kiosk, desktop computer, or

The existing system is entirely manual and does not provide any of the aforementioned


 Enhanced materials returns via conveniently situated return stations

 User-friendly interfaces via chosen access points (kiosk, desktop workstation, or
 Better experience in terms of the amount of time it takes to access, use, manage,
and return materials.
 A better learning environment.
 Better educational opportunities related to usability

Create a data flow diagram.


 Students and staff will use physical "Klosk" access points at the venue to find and
manage resources.
 For materials activities, a browser application will be deployed to enable web access
for students, staff, and management actors.
 Students and staff will be able to access the web for material activities via a mobile
 Dropbox locations allow material collection and data transmission to LMS system for
status and location updates.
 The materials' location and information will both be tracked by the LMS system.
 LMS System will satisfy materials tracking
 LMS database shall adhere to Stanford information systems non-functional
requirements standards with regard to accessibility.
 LMS System will manage materials overdue penalties debits and credits.
 LMS System will give reporting on materials metadata.
 Automatic reminders for payment due dates, availability, and penalties


The following will not be managed by the LMS:

 LMS will not manage fees unrelated to the Library, resources needed for classes, or
things that are otherwise not controlled by the Library.
 The Library-unrelated systems security will not be managed by LMS.
 Mobile applications will only be available on Android DS devices, and browser access
will be restricted to those that Stanford has approved and supports.
 Web and mobile access points will not provide access to any materials that are not
available in electronic format.
 Access to materials will only be permitted for those items covered by applicable copy
write laws.

Create sample wireframes for the system. Capture what screen will be show to the library
employees to create records for each book and at what stage in the system.

Create an ER Diagram for the system you have designed.


1. The LMS should maintain records of the many types of library materials, such as books,
magazines, research papers, journals, and newspapers.
2. The software should categorise the books by subject.
3. Different issue periods will apply to each category, such as books, periodicals, research
papers, journals, and newspapers. A book can be published for three weeks, but a magazine
can only be published for one week. Newspapers cannot be checked out for use elsewhere,
4. An RFID tag must be attached to every piece of reading material. The database will contain a
record of the same. Keep track of details for each reading material, including the author,
title, publisher, edition, publication date, price, and the date the book was purchased.
5. After choosing a book from the library that they want to check out, students will proceed to
the checkout desk. A RFID reader will be used by library workers to record the book's
information. The book the student borrowed is identified with their name.
6. The system will note the book's issue and return dates.
7. In the event that books are returned later than expected, the system will automatically
calculate fines.
8. Library staff members should have access to book searches on the LMS using search
parameters such the title or author of the book.
9. To find out the due date, students should have online access to the library system. Users
ought to be able to access it through a mobile or web interface.
10. To prevent late book returns, the system will send students automatic emails three days
prior to the due date.
11. Use of the programme to access free e-books and e-journals.
12. Anti-theft detection: RFID readers are installed at the library's exit gate. These readers track
books to a distance of 2 metres and sound an alarm if someone tries to enter the building
with a book that has not been issued.
13. Outside the library, book drop boxes will be installed. The RFID-enabled book drop boxes will
allow students to return their materials at any time. Once the student places the book in the
dropbox, the student's loan is immediately revoked.
14. The following reports are needed for management:
Which novels get the most rentals?
• Records of the library's issued and unissued items (management will decide whether to stock
them or not)
Daily, weekly, and monthly fine collections;
• the number of volumes lost;
the entire number of books, journals, etc., should be reported. Which novels are older than 20 years, in
terms of their age.

Write all the nonfunctional requirements for the system.
System Requirement:

• Data ought to be kept in the cloud.

• Incredibly reliable, scalable, and secure.
An active internet connection is required for users,

• Only the most recent three versions of Safari, Chrome, Edge, and Explorer are supported.
• LMS is compatible with all Windows-based systems.
• Any computer running MacOS can use LMS.

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