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Assignment 2 (POL1500 – Canadian Politics)

Manpreet Kaur (A00269527

Himmat (A00269522)
Jashan Gill (A00270270)
Rohit kandhari (A00270272)

Promises made by Trudeau's Justice Minister, Jean Chrétien

We will immediately start steps to revise the Constitution, and we will not stop until we have
done so."
His words were enigmatic enough to defy classification while also motivating enough to tip the
scales in favor of federalism.
Quebec refused to ratify the deal that brought the Canadian constitution home for two key
First, it would lose its veto power if agreed to the Canadian constitution which gives Quebec and
Ontario or Maritime provinces, the right of blocking any constitutional amendments with which
they disagreed.
Another reason Quebec refused to sign the Charter of Rights was a clause that protected minority
language rights "where numbers warrant." By guaranteeing English language rights in Quebec,
this would have meant the end of Quebec's Bill 101. (While at the same time protecting French
language rights in the rest of Canada).

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