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Culture can be defined as a complex system of ideas, values, traditions,
rituals, and practises that help to define the identity of a specific
community. It includes a variety of elements, including language,
religion, social customs, the arts, food, and history. In order to develop
a community and promote inclusion, it is essential to understand and
appreciate all cultures. For this assignment, I have researched Jewish
culture to present to the class.

Jewish culture: The history, customs, and ways of the Jews are referred
to as Jewish culture. Over thousands of years, this civilization has
developed into one that is diverse and rich. Here are some significant
elements of Jewish culture:
a. Religion- Judaism. It is a monotheistic religion founded on the Torah,
which also contains other holy writings such as the Hebrew Bible
(Tanakh). Jewish religious customs include keeping Shabbat (the
Sabbath), praying, and celebrating holidays like Passover and Hanukkah.
b. Language: The three primary languages of Jewish culture are Yiddish,
Ladino, and Hebrew. Hebrew is mainly utilized for religious rites,
prayers, and the study of sacred literature.
c. Values- Jewish culture strongly emphasizes values including justice,
compassion, education, family, and responsibility for others.

d. Traditions- Jewish culture includes milestones in a person's life

including becoming circumcised, getting married, having a funeral, and
celebrating the High Holy Days.
Respect for Religious Observances: Recognise and respect that Jewish
people may observe dietary restrictions, Sabbath observance, and other
religious practices. Be considerate of these practices and make every
effort to meet their requirements.

Sensitivity to the Holocaust and Anti-Semitism: The Holocaust, which

saw the persecution and murder of millions of Jews, is a touchy subject.
Talking about it should be done with respect and understanding.

Appropriate Greetings and Expressions: "Shalom," which means peace,

is a typical greeting for Jews. "Happy Hanukkah," and "Happy
Passover," are suitable greetings during Jewish festivals.

Respect and cultural awareness should always be displayed while

among members of the Jewish community. Recognize and respect their
food restrictions and Sabbath observance as part of their religion. To
send wishes for certain festivals, use suitable greetings like "Shalom"
and gain knowledge of Jewish holidays.
Avoid interfering in people's private lives and instead engage in
meaningful talks about Jewish customs with sincere curiosity. When
addressing the Holocaust, be attentive and empathetic; refrain from
making jokes or offensive remarks.
Reject anti-Semitism in all its forms and treat people with respect and
decency. In holy locations, abide by personal boundaries, cultural
traditions, and manners. You may encourage understanding and create
a welcoming environment by acting with openness and respect.

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