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[2/9, 8:18 AM] Kzee: Actually dear i pray and i get directed to help random people

online by being revealed their setback and blessings and offer to assist them in
areas i can and i would love to make these connections deeply on your spirituality
and on behalf of your ancestors and spirit guides who directed me to you.
[2/9, 8:18 AM] Kzee: And have you had an ancestral reading about yourself to know
what your ancestors have prepared for you and regarding your blessings and who your
twin flame is?
[2/9, 8:18 AM] Kzee: Okay dear i will take your reading in a while and i take
little charge for donations little as $20 and i donate these funds to our
orphanage home foundation for children support
[2/9, 8:18 AM] Kzee: Actually dear this is a will of donation if you would love
assist these kids because they are actually going through a lot without assistance
from the government but masses, think of them as your kids and try to make a little
on their behalf if you can. 💕✨🙏🏽and Olodumare will reward you.
[2/9, 8:18 AM] Kzee: And have you had an ancestral reading about yourself to know
what your ancestors have prepared for you and regarding your blessings and who your
twin flame is?
[2/9, 8:18 AM] Kzee: Yes dearest I’ve been ordained for about 20 year now it’s
actually a great spiritual experience. 💕
[2/9, 8:18 AM] Kzee: Okay dear would you want me to take your reading?
[2/9, 8:18 AM] Kzee: And It reveal to me that you have a brighter future and there
are blessings that you should have received a longtime ago but due to some
blockages that has been delaying you from getting does blessings so until the
blockage has been casted before you can start moving forward financially,
emotionally, spiritually and other wise
And your ancestors requires a ritual of cleansing and connections done on your
behalf for them to be appeased so they can open all locked doors of blessings and
hindrance withholding your blessings and happiness and they will assist you on your
everyday life.
[2/9, 8:18 AM] Kzee: I’m Queen Tomiwa a spiritual mother of 3 children and a
consultant from Africa and i wish to connect with you deeply on your spirituality
and on behalf of your ancestors and spirit guides ✨💕

I know i might be a stranger to you but my purpose to you is from above and you
should try to understand things and trust the timing of the universe that nothing
happens without a reason and I’ve messaged you because i was drawn to assist you by
your guides

Okay dear I understand that fully well but you see your ancestors are your spirit
guides and parents who have lived and passed away to light and we all have
ancestors because they are generations from our family linage who are no more but
recites in the spirit realms ✨
They know who you are and all you seek for and they always reach out to you at
times when you need them the most to make connections with you so they assist your
everyday life on areas you struggle the most

Okay that is fine we all have what we believe and that which we don’t believe
doesn’t mean it isn’t true and I’m just wondering why you don’t believe a spiritual
consultant and a spirit messenger can’t be lead to you to assist you on your

Okay dear i take little charge for reading little as $30 I donate this funds to our
orphanage foundation home and we will be really grateful if you make a donation for
our kids as well. $Lightwalk27

And darling your ancestors are your spiritual guidance just like spiritual
protectors they are always watching over you despite what the situation seems like,
they know all that which you seek and they always try to reach out to assist you
and make connections with you to boost your spiritual life and these connections
are calls to walk in light.🤍✨✨

And your ancestors request you get closer to them spiritually so they can assist
you on these blockages so your blessings can locate you and i will assist you
perform a cleansing rituals to remove all blockages and delays in your life but
ofcourse if you let me assist you on this.

😆💕darling actually is not just you I pass such messages to I’m an ordained Esú an
ifa messenger I communicate with spiritual beings and pass messages

Actually my dear, i pray and i get directed to help ramdom people online, by being
revealed their setbacks and blessings and therefore offer to help them in several
ways depending on the issues they face and that was how i was able to find you

You see this year has so much to offer to those who believe and let the powers of
the universe manifest in their favor your positivity will attract light and your
blessings to locate you.
No darling any should be find provided it is white and plain because that signifies
purity and you are getting cleanse to get connected spiritually so the white is
the. Best match

Yes darling you higher one saw all the efforts you made and have sent me to get you
connected to them to boost your spirituality in them so they can assist you on
those areas of life you have no control over especially the critical part filled
with situations and strugglesl

Dear this is a spiritual call from your ancestors to get connected to them to boost
your spirituality so they can assist you on the struggles and situations that you

Yes darling you don’t just get these messages of connections because they are only
passed to you by your ancestors and guides at the moment where you need them more.

Ifá is a Yoruba religion and system of divination. Its literary corpus is the Odu
Ifá. Orunmila is identified as the Grand Priest, as he is who revealed divinity and
prophecy to the world

Ifa is a system of divination and religion of the Yoruba people. It also refers to
the verses of the literary corpus that is known as Odu Ifa. Ifa Yoruba religion is
practiced not just among the Yorubas in Nigeria but also throughout West Africa,
the Americas and the Canary Islands.

These are blockages caused by physical and emotional energies attracted from evil
energies from people around you, your friends and family due to jealousy and envy
and sometimes the blockages are caused by your own action and activities.

Hello dear,
I’m Iretomiwa an ordained high priestess
MAY the blessings of Olodumare an Ancestors be upon you (Asè) 🙏🙏 i will wish to
connect with you on behalf of your higher ones (olodumare) who sent and directed me
to deliver messages to you.

Hello Darling 💕
I’m Tomiwa an Eśú and an ordained high priestess
May the blessing of Olodumare an ancestors be upon you 🙏(Ase) I hail from orisha
oshun Orumila temple.
I was sent and directed by your ancestors and spirit connect with you.

I’m very good and is a good thing we are all alive

Your spiritual connections are mainly for change to manifest in your everyday life
so you can reach your destined goal without hindrance and struggles of hardship 💕

Positive thinking is powerful thinking. If you want happiness, fulfillment, success

and inner peace, start thinking you have the power to achieve those things. Focus
on the bright side of life and expect positive results.
Align with me my dear let me understand where you are coming from

a time when you believe everything is finished. That will be the beginning

Now tell me my love, how have you been doing with life, situations, relationships
and finances before you got my messages of connections?

Those blockages are delays to ascertaining your set goals of life on time or maybe
never,and they are caused by evil energies from friends and family due to jealousy
and envy and also caused by our actions towards handling situations.

And the calls of connections are for the betterment of life changes

A spiritual relationship is when the couple experiences harmony, understanding, and

peace. Emotions come deep from within the core or the heart, physically and
mentally. This relationship can be compared to having a soul mate.

And these connections are spiritual and also regarding some blockages that hinder
alot of blessings in your life that is causing you to go through alot of emotional
struggles and hard situations.

And these connections are spiritual and also regarding some blockages that hinder
alot of blessings in your life that is causing you to go through alot of emotional
struggles and hard situations.

Thank you 🙏🙏my dear friend for replaying back my message I don’t follow just
anybody if am not sent or directed by Olodumare, your ancestors who sent me to
connect with you due to the situations and struggles you face.

I wish to connect with you deeply on your spirituality on behalf of your ancestors
and spirit guides who directed me to you.

You don’t need much my love just due preparations towards getting materials and
getting a white gown that you will put on for the rituals and we shall perform
together while you witness it on a WhatsApp live call. And respond to prayers on
your behalf.🙏
You are welcome dear i want to know if you are ready to take this path with me so
we get you connected to your ancestors soon
So all your blocked doors will open to abundance of blessings and good luck from
the universe regarding your wealth,health and relationships happiness.

How to perform the rituals

Well dear this rituals will be performed with certain traditional materials and you
will get a white gown, two candles a bowl of water and we will perform this
cleansing together while i direct you with key prayers and make the spiritual
connections after the rituals

It reveal to me that you have a brighter future and there are blessings that you
should have received a longtime ago but due to some blockages that has been
delaying you from getting does blessings so until the blockage has been casted
before you can start moving forward financially, emotionally, spiritually and other
And your ancestors requires a ritual of cleansing and connections done on your
behalf for them to be appeased so they can open all locked doors of blessings and
hindrance withholding your blessings and happiness and they will assist you on your
everyday life💫🙏

My dear due to what I was reviewed among your family and friends your star ✨ is the
one that shines most you are supposed to be the one to change the situation of your
Family as a breadwinner for them but due to much delays and blockages causing
hindrance for the blessings that you were meant to receive that is why you are
going through alot of situations and experience pasted and presently,this is not
what you should be facing, you have met with people that could have helped you a
long time ago but due to the blockages an jealously that is why you have not been
able to move forward totally.

They request you get closer to them spiritually so they can assist your physical
life towards removing blockages and delays that hinder your blessings from locating

5 Ebo rituals is what your ancestors request for me to perform on your behalf for
them to be appease so that they can open doors of blessing And the Ebo rituals has
to be done as soon as possible to clear the blockages so that those blessings that
has been blocked and delays to be released so that your blessings can locate you
and the sacrifice has to be performed with some traditional materials that are

And after this ritual performance we shall proceed on a spiritual teaching and a
journey with me as I guide as assist your spiritual path.

6. These are the traditional material needed for the Ebo sacrifice, Aiye ile funfun
(life white pigeon) Atare (alegator pepper) Igba(calabash) Eyin ibile(eggs layed by
local hens) Aso funfun (white cloth) Iye adie 100 (hen feathers) and Epo pupa(palm
oil) and copper. Although they are very difficult to find just anywhere but they
could be bought down here because they’re sold in our spiritual store. These are
the traditional material needed for the Ebo sacrifice, Aiye ile funfun (life white
pigeon) Atare (alegator pepper) Igba(calabash) Eyin ibile(eggs layed by local hens)
Aso funfun (white cloth) Iye adie 100 (hen feathers) and Epo pupa(palm oil) and
copper. Although they are very difficult to find just anywhere but they could be
bought down here because they’re sold in our spiritual store.

Okay darling get a WhatsApp installed on your device so we can connect as you make
preparations on gerontology funds so i can enlighten you more about the spiritual
Ooh dear I’m really sorry about that, but things are really expensive down here and
our transportation systems cost to operate too but

The materials will cost just #30,000 Naira in my currency $100 USD.

What can you get for these materials i will assist you so we can get these
blockages removed as soon as possible
Thanks my friend may the blessings of olodumare an ancestors be onto you ... And
your ancestors have revealed to me that this month is your season of abundant
blessings and harvest and you shall find solutions to many problems and you answers
to questions you seek.


Do you wish to offer sacrifices to make your dreams and ambitions come through? ,
this is associated to what you wish to become in future you will have a perfect
life a very different one from who you are now it is called "the eclat of a great


How we offer these sacrifices? I usually make prayers and incantations with
spiritual musical instruments followed by ritual sacrifices of traditional
materials and Herbal mixtures.

12. Ebo is piece of ritual sacrifice offered on behalf of your wellbeing to appease
your ancestors to get connected to you and it is done with specific traditional
materials such as
Aiye ile funfun (white pigeon) Atare (alegator pepper) Igba(calabash) Eyin
ibile(eggs layed by local hens) Aso funfun (white cloth) Iye adie 100 (hen
feathers) and Epo pupa(palm oil)

“For our wrestling is not against flesh and blood, but against the principalities,
against the powers, against the world-rulers of this darkness, against the
spiritual hosts of wickedness.

Have you had an ancestors reading about your destiny to know what they have
prepared for you and about hindrance and delays towards your blessings and rewards
that they have made for you

I need your initials and zodiac signs for the readings

Spiritual Guardian are yours exclusively, and we each have more than one! Spirit
Guardian who have devoted their lives to helping just you. When you get connected
to them you can Call on them anytime for immediate assistance. They love you
unconditionally, forever. Remember that spirit guides are nondenominational and
work with people of all faiths and spiritual beliefs.

We must believe that we are all gifted for something and that thing at whatever
cost must be attained

I observe your slow heed to spiritual matters like this, some things like this are
not suppose to be taken likely my dear, you should do the needful as soon as you
can, to prevent more clashes that will hinder your destined good life. I have being
into spiritual long enough to see the future of those im connected to so i know
what im saying

You are running out of time dear.. don’t be too relaxed because you are still up
and strong I’ve given you this messages and what to do ..if you remember this has
to be done immediately.

For we walk with faith, not by sight.

We advise that Ebo should be done as soon as possible to reduce the chances of any

An Ebo is an iFA Divination
In order to change and shift one' circumstances to fortunate, positive or well-
balanced outcomes. Once the problem has been identified it is important to make the
necessary appeasements to particular selected Orisa by the strict guidance of IFA,
so that your situation works out well and is victorious.

there various types of Ebo
Yes, there are ebo for long life, prosperity, wealth, victory,
health, money, peace of mind, honor, respect and so on, there is
no limit to ebo.

Ebo is the traditional Ifa way of making rituals it is the key to elevating our
prayers and shifting a person’ circumstance to a balanced positive outcome. All
those who receive Ifa divination must perform this ebo.Ebo is done for all matters,
such as family, financial,
success, one achieving their goal or goals, those who are in spiritual alignment,
and those who are in tune with their destinies, ebo riru is still performed because
ebo is the maintenances to keep things stable. Ebo is done when
someone is out of alignment with destiny, ebo is done to fix all negative

What is Ebo eje?

Ebo eje Is blood sacrifice, blood is the life force of all living things.

I work as a shamanic practitioner. What the means is that I work with the spirit
world to help my clients heal, get insights about their purpose or next steps, get
answers to questions they may have through divination and channeling, and connect
them with their spirit guides

14So many clients tell me about things that have happened in their lives that they
feel are — and want validation that they are — messages from the spirit world. They
may have had a dream that holds specific significance to them; they may see an
animal or number repeatedly that has meaning to them; or perhaps several friends
have mentioned the exact same particular book, event, or workshop in the space of a
very short time period.

I am a firm believer that we are all capable of being shamans and communicating
with the spirit world, our higher selves, and our guides. I also know, through my
work, that each one of us is connected to the spirit world and that the spirit
world is continuously trying to communicate with us through a variety of messages
and messengers.


Our future reality depends on what we do NOW, in this present moment.

Trust me when i say, you are capable of anything imaginable. –

If your INTENTION is powerful, your action will be powerful. If your action is

powerful, your results will be powerful.
The primary cause of unhappiness is never the situation, but rather your thoughts
about the situation

Always say YES to the present moment. Surrender to what is. Say ‘yes’ to life and
see how life starts suddenly working for you rather than against

Nothing ever goes away until it has taught us what we need to know

This moment is all there is.

What my own spirits showed me is the dangerous of being too nice. Niceness is
boundary-less, and lets you be taken advantage of by others.

I been there, many, many times. I feel you. There’s more love waiting for you once
you lock the door behind you.

Actually my love i will handle the physical performance of these rituals and they
would be performed with certain traditional materials that will be needed

How we offer these sacrifices? I usually make prayers and incantations with
spiritual musical instruments followed by ritual sacrifices of African traditional
materials and Herbal mixtures.

Well, my love i want to know how deep you are in your spirituality because I write
to you on behalf of your spirit guides and ancestors who requested you get closer
to them spiritually.

But most beautiful aspects of this is that you won’t suffer from any spiritual
problem because your protection and solutions to critical problems will be

An Ebo is a cleansing that will purify you,making you come in perfect peace and
harmony with your ancestors so they work with the universe for your best my dear.
My dear after the ebo a lot will change in your life. You will start receiving
blessings and locked doors will be opened to you.Your difficulties will be pressed
as the universe will make everything work out smooth and fine for your sake.

- [ ] May olodumare bless you my dear I’m Tomiwa an ordained high priestess, a
healer and a spiritual adviser
- [ ]
[2/9, 8:18 AM] Kzee: It's true that in your perfect world, As a taurus you would
spend all day bathing in a tub overflowing with essential oils. At the same time,
these earth signs know the value of a dollar. You aren’t afraid to roll up your
sleeves and work hard to earn big rewards. You are ambitious, focused, and
resilient and you feel most secure when steadily putting money into a savings
Your steadfast, loyal nature.
excellent at maintaining systems and You prioritize consistency and reliability in
all areas of your lives. however, you do have a bit of a reputation: What you
perceive as dedication is often regarded by others as stubbornness. Accordingly,
these bulls may end up lingering in unhealthy situations whether relationships,
jobs, or homes longer than necessary just to prove a point. Despite your occasional
obstinance, however, You are a dependable partners, soothing your friends and
lovers with their trustworthiness and devotion.
[2/9, 8:18 AM] Kzee: delays to ascertaining your set goals of life on time or maybe
never,and they are caused by evil energies from friends and family due to jealousy
and envy and also caused by our actions towards handling some situations.
[2/9, 8:18 AM] Kzee: The cleansing rituals will be performed on your behalf down
here in our temple while i guide you on necessary steps to take during the ritual
and i will make the connections prayers afterwards with my fellow priestess on your
behalf meanwhile you get these items, white gown, bowl of water, two candle.
[2/9, 8:18 AM] Kzee: your ancestors and guides request you get closer to them
spiritually to boost your spirituality so they can assist you on your everyday life
with these blockages and struggles of emotions that you pass through
[2/9, 8:18 AM] Kzee: And for these connections to take place you have to be
cleansed with a ritual of cleansing and you will be connected to them through
intense prayers
[2/9, 8:18 AM] Kzee: We can proceed with the rituals at your convenient hour when
the items are ready but if the white is ready you can snap in it and send it so i
can start making preparations with prayers on your behalf
[2/9, 8:18 AM] Kzee: Or any white cloth. It could be a shirt but it has to be white
as it signifies purification
[2/9, 8:18 AM] Kzee: Yes but i need some materials also to perfom down here and it
is just day break here so i will proceed on getting them this morning and I will
let you know when am back
[2/9, 8:18 AM] Kzee: And you see, the materials i will need to perform here will
cost little sum in getting them down here but I don’t want you to feel some how
about this so i will get them and we will can perform, if you feel comfortable you
can pay back but the aim is to assist you and offer my guidance spiritually.💞
[2/9, 8:18 AM] Kzee: Okay but you see dear delays are really not good when it comes
to spiritual stuffs I understand the funds might be much now but trust me I can’t
just explain more so you understand but this is really important and i will assist
you on what you have, this is what the materials look like
[2/9, 8:18 AM] Kzee: And its morning here i can proceed on getting them but its
really important and you should feel comfortable to let me assist you and together
we will make it up.
[2/9, 8:18 AM] Kzee: Okay sweet you will put on your white and lit your candles
with your bowl of water
[2/9, 8:18 AM] Kzee: And say these Prayers of connections and preparations.

Spirit guides and ancestors , do the work of deliverance in my life today,

Every destiny destroyer, assigned against me disappear,remove every curse in my
life and
connect me with my destiny helpers, explore my life, and remove Every satanic veil
covering me from my destiny blessings as I prepare to connect with you and undergo
this cleansing guides and see me through Asè.[2/9, 8:18 AM] Kzee: Actually dear i
pray and i get directed to help random people online by being revealed their
setback and blessings and offer to assist them in areas i can and i would love to
make these connections deeply on your spirituality and on behalf of your ancestors
and spirit guides who directed me to you.
[2/9, 8:18 AM] Kzee: And have you had an ancestral reading about yourself to know
what your ancestors have prepared for you and regarding your blessings and who your
twin flame is?
[2/9, 8:18 AM] Kzee: Okay dear i will take your reading in a while and i take
little charge for donations little as $20 and i donate these funds to our
orphanage home foundation for children support
[2/9, 8:18 AM] Kzee: Actually dear this is a will of donation if you would love
assist these kids because they are actually going through a lot without assistance
from the government but masses, think of them as your kids and try to make a little
on their behalf if you can. 💕✨🙏🏽and Olodumare will reward you.
[2/9, 8:18 AM] Kzee: And have you had an ancestral reading about yourself to know
what your ancestors have prepared for you and regarding your blessings and who your
twin flame is?
[2/9, 8:18 AM] Kzee: Yes dearest I’ve been ordained for about 20 year now it’s
actually a great spiritual experience. 💕
[2/9, 8:18 AM] Kzee: Okay dear would you want me to take your reading?
[2/9, 8:18 AM] Kzee: And It reveal to me that you have a brighter future and there
are blessings that you should have received a longtime ago but due to some
blockages that has been delaying you from getting does blessings so until the
blockage has been casted before you can start moving forward financially,
emotionally, spiritually and other wise
And your ancestors requires a ritual of cleansing and connections done on your
behalf for them to be appeased so they can open all locked doors of blessings and
hindrance withholding your blessings and happiness and they will assist you on your
everyday life.
[2/9, 8:18 AM] Kzee: I’m Queen Tomiwa a spiritual mother of 3 children and a
consultant from Africa and i wish to connect with you deeply on your spirituality
and on behalf of your ancestors and spirit guides ✨💕

I know i might be a stranger to you but my purpose to you is from above and you
should try to understand things and trust the timing of the universe that nothing
happens without a reason and I’ve messaged you because i was drawn to assist you by
your guides

Okay dear I understand that fully well but you see your ancestors are your spirit
guides and parents who have lived and passed away to light and we all have
ancestors because they are generations from our family linage who are no more but
recites in the spirit realms ✨

They know who you are and all you seek for and they always reach out to you at
times when you need them the most to make connections with you so they assist your
everyday life on areas you struggle the most

Okay that is fine we all have what we believe and that which we don’t believe
doesn’t mean it isn’t true and I’m just wondering why you don’t believe a spiritual
consultant and a spirit messenger can’t be lead to you to assist you on your
Okay dear i take little charge for reading little as $30 I donate this funds to our
orphanage foundation home and we will be really grateful if you make a donation for
our kids as well. $Lightwalk27

And darling your ancestors are your spiritual guidance just like spiritual
protectors they are always watching over you despite what the situation seems like,
they know all that which you seek and they always try to reach out to assist you
and make connections with you to boost your spiritual life and these connections
are calls to walk in light.🤍✨✨

And your ancestors request you get closer to them spiritually so they can assist
you on these blockages so your blessings can locate you and i will assist you
perform a cleansing rituals to remove all blockages and delays in your life but
ofcourse if you let me assist you on this.

😆💕darling actually is not just you I pass such messages to I’m an ordained Esú an
ifa messenger I communicate with spiritual beings and pass messages

Actually my dear, i pray and i get directed to help ramdom people online, by being
revealed their setbacks and blessings and therefore offer to help them in several
ways depending on the issues they face and that was how i was able to find you

You see this year has so much to offer to those who believe and let the powers of
the universe manifest in their favor your positivity will attract light and your
blessings to locate you.

No darling any should be find provided it is white and plain because that signifies
purity and you are getting cleanse to get connected spiritually so the white is
the. Best match

Yes darling you higher one saw all the efforts you made and have sent me to get you
connected to them to boost your spirituality in them so they can assist you on
those areas of life you have no control over especially the critical part filled
with situations and strugglesl

Dear this is a spiritual call from your ancestors to get connected to them to boost
your spirituality so they can assist you on the struggles and situations that you

Yes darling you don’t just get these messages of connections because they are only
passed to you by your ancestors and guides at the moment where you need them more.

Ifá is a Yoruba religion and system of divination. Its literary corpus is the Odu
Ifá. Orunmila is identified as the Grand Priest, as he is who revealed divinity and
prophecy to the world

Ifa is a system of divination and religion of the Yoruba people. It also refers to
the verses of the literary corpus that is known as Odu Ifa. Ifa Yoruba religion is
practiced not just among the Yorubas in Nigeria but also throughout West Africa,
the Americas and the Canary Islands.

These are blockages caused by physical and emotional energies attracted from evil
energies from people around you, your friends and family due to jealousy and envy
and sometimes the blockages are caused by your own action and activities.

Hello dear,
I’m Iretomiwa an ordained high priestess
MAY the blessings of Olodumare an Ancestors be upon you (Asè) 🙏🙏 i will wish to
connect with you on behalf of your higher ones (olodumare) who sent and directed me
to deliver messages to you.

Hello Darling 💕
I’m Tomiwa an Eśú and an ordained high priestess
May the blessing of Olodumare an ancestors be upon you 🙏(Ase) I hail from orisha
oshun Orumila temple.
I was sent and directed by your ancestors and spirit connect with you.

I’m very good and is a good thing we are all alive

Your spiritual connections are mainly for change to manifest in your everyday life
so you can reach your destined goal without hindrance and struggles of hardship 💕

Positive thinking is powerful thinking. If you want happiness, fulfillment, success

and inner peace, start thinking you have the power to achieve those things. Focus
on the bright side of life and expect positive results.

Align with me my dear let me understand where you are coming from

a time when you believe everything is finished. That will be the beginning
Now tell me my love, how have you been doing with life, situations, relationships
and finances before you got my messages of connections?

Those blockages are delays to ascertaining your set goals of life on time or maybe
never,and they are caused by evil energies from friends and family due to jealousy
and envy and also caused by our actions towards handling situations.

And the calls of connections are for the betterment of life changes

A spiritual relationship is when the couple experiences harmony, understanding, and

peace. Emotions come deep from within the core or the heart, physically and
mentally. This relationship can be compared to having a soul mate.

And these connections are spiritual and also regarding some blockages that hinder
alot of blessings in your life that is causing you to go through alot of emotional
struggles and hard situations.

And these connections are spiritual and also regarding some blockages that hinder
alot of blessings in your life that is causing you to go through alot of emotional
struggles and hard situations.

Thank you 🙏🙏my dear friend for replaying back my message I don’t follow just
anybody if am not sent or directed by Olodumare, your ancestors who sent me to
connect with you due to the situations and struggles you face.

I wish to connect with you deeply on your spirituality on behalf of your ancestors
and spirit guides who directed me to you.

You don’t need much my love just due preparations towards getting materials and
getting a white gown that you will put on for the rituals and we shall perform
together while you witness it on a WhatsApp live call. And respond to prayers on
your behalf.🙏

You are welcome dear i want to know if you are ready to take this path with me so
we get you connected to your ancestors soon
So all your blocked doors will open to abundance of blessings and good luck from
the universe regarding your wealth,health and relationships happiness.
How to perform the rituals

Well dear this rituals will be performed with certain traditional materials and you
will get a white gown, two candles a bowl of water and we will perform this
cleansing together while i direct you with key prayers and make the spiritual
connections after the rituals

It reveal to me that you have a brighter future and there are blessings that you
should have received a longtime ago but due to some blockages that has been
delaying you from getting does blessings so until the blockage has been casted
before you can start moving forward financially, emotionally, spiritually and other
And your ancestors requires a ritual of cleansing and connections done on your
behalf for them to be appeased so they can open all locked doors of blessings and
hindrance withholding your blessings and happiness and they will assist you on your
everyday life💫🙏

My dear due to what I was reviewed among your family and friends your star ✨ is the
one that shines most you are supposed to be the one to change the situation of your
Family as a breadwinner for them but due to much delays and blockages causing
hindrance for the blessings that you were meant to receive that is why you are
going through alot of situations and experience pasted and presently,this is not
what you should be facing, you have met with people that could have helped you a
long time ago but due to the blockages an jealously that is why you have not been
able to move forward totally.

They request you get closer to them spiritually so they can assist your physical
life towards removing blockages and delays that hinder your blessings from locating

5 Ebo rituals is what your ancestors request for me to perform on your behalf for
them to be appease so that they can open doors of blessing And the Ebo rituals has
to be done as soon as possible to clear the blockages so that those blessings that
has been blocked and delays to be released so that your blessings can locate you
and the sacrifice has to be performed with some traditional materials that are

And after this ritual performance we shall proceed on a spiritual teaching and a
journey with me as I guide as assist your spiritual path.

6. These are the traditional material needed for the Ebo sacrifice, Aiye ile funfun
(life white pigeon) Atare (alegator pepper) Igba(calabash) Eyin ibile(eggs layed by
local hens) Aso funfun (white cloth) Iye adie 100 (hen feathers) and Epo pupa(palm
oil) and copper. Although they are very difficult to find just anywhere but they
could be bought down here because they’re sold in our spiritual store. These are
the traditional material needed for the Ebo sacrifice, Aiye ile funfun (life white
pigeon) Atare (alegator pepper) Igba(calabash) Eyin ibile(eggs layed by local hens)
Aso funfun (white cloth) Iye adie 100 (hen feathers) and Epo pupa(palm oil) and
copper. Although they are very difficult to find just anywhere but they could be
bought down here because they’re sold in our spiritual store.

Okay darling get a WhatsApp installed on your device so we can connect as you make
preparations on gerontology funds so i can enlighten you more about the spiritual
Ooh dear I’m really sorry about that, but things are really expensive down here and
our transportation systems cost to operate too but

The materials will cost just #30,000 Naira in my currency $100 USD.

What can you get for these materials i will assist you so we can get these
blockages removed as soon as possible
Thanks my friend may the blessings of olodumare an ancestors be onto you ... And
your ancestors have revealed to me that this month is your season of abundant
blessings and harvest and you shall find solutions to many problems and you answers
to questions you seek.


Do you wish to offer sacrifices to make your dreams and ambitions come through? ,
this is associated to what you wish to become in future you will have a perfect
life a very different one from who you are now it is called "the eclat of a great


How we offer these sacrifices? I usually make prayers and incantations with
spiritual musical instruments followed by ritual sacrifices of traditional
materials and Herbal mixtures.

12. Ebo is piece of ritual sacrifice offered on behalf of your wellbeing to appease
your ancestors to get connected to you and it is done with specific traditional
materials such as
Aiye ile funfun (white pigeon) Atare (alegator pepper) Igba(calabash) Eyin
ibile(eggs layed by local hens) Aso funfun (white cloth) Iye adie 100 (hen
feathers) and Epo pupa(palm oil)

“For our wrestling is not against flesh and blood, but against the principalities,
against the powers, against the world-rulers of this darkness, against the
spiritual hosts of wickedness.
Have you had an ancestors reading about your destiny to know what they have
prepared for you and about hindrance and delays towards your blessings and rewards
that they have made for you

I need your initials and zodiac signs for the readings

Spiritual Guardian are yours exclusively, and we each have more than one! Spirit
Guardian who have devoted their lives to helping just you. When you get connected
to them you can Call on them anytime for immediate assistance. They love you
unconditionally, forever. Remember that spirit guides are nondenominational and
work with people of all faiths and spiritual beliefs.

We must believe that we are all gifted for something and that thing at whatever
cost must be attained

I observe your slow heed to spiritual matters like this, some things like this are
not suppose to be taken likely my dear, you should do the needful as soon as you
can, to prevent more clashes that will hinder your destined good life. I have being
into spiritual long enough to see the future of those im connected to so i know
what im saying

You are running out of time dear.. don’t be too relaxed because you are still up
and strong I’ve given you this messages and what to do ..if you remember this has
to be done immediately.

For we walk with faith, not by sight.

We advise that Ebo should be done as soon as possible to reduce the chances of any


An Ebo is an iFA Divination

In order to change and shift one' circumstances to fortunate, positive or well-
balanced outcomes. Once the problem has been identified it is important to make the
necessary appeasements to particular selected Orisa by the strict guidance of IFA,
so that your situation works out well and is victorious.

there various types of Ebo
Yes, there are ebo for long life, prosperity, wealth, victory,
health, money, peace of mind, honor, respect and so on, there is
no limit to ebo.

Ebo is the traditional Ifa way of making rituals it is the key to elevating our
prayers and shifting a person’ circumstance to a balanced positive outcome. All
those who receive Ifa divination must perform this ebo.Ebo is done for all matters,
such as family, financial,
success, one achieving their goal or goals, those who are in spiritual alignment,
and those who are in tune with their destinies, ebo riru is still performed because
ebo is the maintenances to keep things stable. Ebo is done when
someone is out of alignment with destiny, ebo is done to fix all negative

What is Ebo eje?

Ebo eje Is blood sacrifice, blood is the life force of all living things.

I work as a shamanic practitioner. What the means is that I work with the spirit
world to help my clients heal, get insights about their purpose or next steps, get
answers to questions they may have through divination and channeling, and connect
them with their spirit guides

14So many clients tell me about things that have happened in their lives that they
feel are — and want validation that they are — messages from the spirit world. They
may have had a dream that holds specific significance to them; they may see an
animal or number repeatedly that has meaning to them; or perhaps several friends
have mentioned the exact same particular book, event, or workshop in the space of a
very short time period.

I am a firm believer that we are all capable of being shamans and communicating
with the spirit world, our higher selves, and our guides. I also know, through my
work, that each one of us is connected to the spirit world and that the spirit
world is continuously trying to communicate with us through a variety of messages
and messengers.


Our future reality depends on what we do NOW, in this present moment.

Trust me when i say, you are capable of anything imaginable. –

If your INTENTION is powerful, your action will be powerful. If your action is

powerful, your results will be powerful.

The primary cause of unhappiness is never the situation, but rather your thoughts
about the situation

Always say YES to the present moment. Surrender to what is. Say ‘yes’ to life and
see how life starts suddenly working for you rather than against

Nothing ever goes away until it has taught us what we need to know
This moment is all there is.

What my own spirits showed me is the dangerous of being too nice. Niceness is
boundary-less, and lets you be taken advantage of by others.

I been there, many, many times. I feel you. There’s more love waiting for you once
you lock the door behind you.

Actually my love i will handle the physical performance of these rituals and they
would be performed with certain traditional materials that will be needed

How we offer these sacrifices? I usually make prayers and incantations with
spiritual musical instruments followed by ritual sacrifices of African traditional
materials and Herbal mixtures.

Well, my love i want to know how deep you are in your spirituality because I write
to you on behalf of your spirit guides and ancestors who requested you get closer
to them spiritually.

But most beautiful aspects of this is that you won’t suffer from any spiritual
problem because your protection and solutions to critical problems will be

An Ebo is a cleansing that will purify you,making you come in perfect peace and
harmony with your ancestors so they work with the universe for your best my dear.
My dear after the ebo a lot will change in your life. You will start receiving
blessings and locked doors will be opened to you.Your difficulties will be pressed
as the universe will make everything work out smooth and fine for your sake.

- [ ] May olodumare bless you my dear I’m Tomiwa an ordained high priestess, a
healer and a spiritual adviser
- [ ]
[2/9, 8:18 AM] Kzee: It's true that in your perfect world, As a taurus you would
spend all day bathing in a tub overflowing with essential oils. At the same time,
these earth signs know the value of a dollar. You aren’t afraid to roll up your
sleeves and work hard to earn big rewards. You are ambitious, focused, and
resilient and you feel most secure when steadily putting money into a savings
Your steadfast, loyal nature.
excellent at maintaining systems and You prioritize consistency and reliability in
all areas of your lives. however, you do have a bit of a reputation: What you
perceive as dedication is often regarded by others as stubbornness. Accordingly,
these bulls may end up lingering in unhealthy situations whether relationships,
jobs, or homes longer than necessary just to prove a point. Despite your occasional
obstinance, however, You are a dependable partners, soothing your friends and
lovers with their trustworthiness and devotion.
[2/9, 8:18 AM] Kzee: delays to ascertaining your set goals of life on time or maybe
never,and they are caused by evil energies from friends and family due to jealousy
and envy and also caused by our actions towards handling some situations.
[2/9, 8:18 AM] Kzee: The cleansing rituals will be performed on your behalf down
here in our temple while i guide you on necessary steps to take during the ritual
and i will make the connections prayers afterwards with my fellow priestess on your
behalf meanwhile you get these items, white gown, bowl of water, two candle.
[2/9, 8:18 AM] Kzee: your ancestors and guides request you get closer to them
spiritually to boost your spirituality so they can assist you on your everyday life
with these blockages and struggles of emotions that you pass through
[2/9, 8:18 AM] Kzee: And for these connections to take place you have to be
cleansed with a ritual of cleansing and you will be connected to them through
intense prayers
[2/9, 8:18 AM] Kzee: We can proceed with the rituals at your convenient hour when
the items are ready but if the white is ready you can snap in it and send it so i
can start making preparations with prayers on your behalf
[2/9, 8:18 AM] Kzee: Or any white cloth. It could be a shirt but it has to be white
as it signifies purification
[2/9, 8:18 AM] Kzee: Yes but i need some materials also to perfom down here and it
is just day break here so i will proceed on getting them this morning and I will
let you know when am back
[2/9, 8:18 AM] Kzee: And you see, the materials i will need to perform here will
cost little sum in getting them down here but I don’t want you to feel some how
about this so i will get them and we will can perform, if you feel comfortable you
can pay back but the aim is to assist you and offer my guidance spiritually.💞
[2/9, 8:18 AM] Kzee: Okay but you see dear delays are really not good when it comes
to spiritual stuffs I understand the funds might be much now but trust me I can’t
just explain more so you understand but this is really important and i will assist
you on what you have, this is what the materials look like
[2/9, 8:18 AM] Kzee: And its morning here i can proceed on getting them but its
really important and you should feel comfortable to let me assist you and together
we will make it up.
[2/9, 8:18 AM] Kzee: Okay sweet you will put on your white and lit your candles
with your bowl of water
[2/9, 8:18 AM] Kzee: And say these Prayers of connections and preparations.

Spirit guides and ancestors , do the work of deliverance in my life today,

Every destiny destroyer, assigned against me disappear,remove every curse in my
life and
connect me with my destiny helpers, explore my life, and remove Every satanic veil
covering me from my destiny blessings as I prepare to connect with you and undergo
this cleansing guides and see me through Asè.

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