Complete Set of DB Drills

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Pedal Open Drill

Drill Title​ Pedal Open Drill Position used for​- DB

Purpose​: Teach DB when and how to open hips from backpedal in zone or man coverage

Equipment​: Football, Cones,and Line Field

Have players in off position. Start with a slow pedal to speed on a line. For zone coverage, drive
the hips open pressing the big toe into the ground when the Quarterback raises the front shoulder
(fade). For man coverage, open hips when receiver breaks 3 yard cushion. Can include ball drills
at the end to work on interception and highest point.

Coaching Points
● Drive big toe into the ground
● Throw the hips open

Drill Progression
1. Start on line -no ball- 15 yard slow(3 steps) to speed backpedal for 15 yards.
2. Add open the hips on zone key (QB) and man key (man covered)
3. Add football to drill for ball drills
4. Add a receiver and open to be in phase with the receiver down the field.
5. Monkey in the Middle
Pedal Drive Drill

Drill Title​ Pedal Drive Drill Position used for​- DB

Purpose​: Teach DB backpedal and drive on the ball

Equipment​: Football, Cones,and Line Field

Description​: Have players in off position about 5 yards off the Quarterback.. Teach players how to
backpedal and react to hand off ball.

Inside foot is back, first step with back foot. Slow pedal for 3 steps. Only show top of numbers in
backpedal. Keep L bend in elbows for proper back pedal technique. Drive straight at QB when hand
comes off ball.

Coaching Points​:

● Keep the chest down.

● T-Step or foot fire and drive downhill, keep feet underneath the hips.
● Don’t wait, attack the football.

Drill Progression

1. Add football to drill- with a break straight ahead on keys.

2. Bad ball drill - catch high and low balls.
3. Add a receiver, drive and separate his hands by attacking the wrist.
Pedal Break Drill

Drill Title​ Pedal Break Drive Drill Position used for​- DB

Purpose​: Teach DB backpedal and drive on the ball on an angle when reading QB key

Equipment​: Football, Cones,and Line Field

Description​: Have players in off position.Teach players how to backpedal and react to ball when keys
dictate to. Players should drive thru the ball on an angle.
1. Inside foot is back Slow pedal- only show top of #’s in backpedal
2. L bend in elbows to promote proper technique in backpedal
3. Chest down.First step on backpedal is back foot.
4. QB opens in the direction of the break. Break and drive on an angle and attack the football.

Coaching Points-

● Drive on the angle the QB points

● T Step footwork & drive, open the hips.
● No crossover step
● Keep shoulders over knees over toes.

Expansion Of Drill-

1. Same drill with partner, both backpedal as defenders going for ball (competitive)
2. Change the angle. Drive on 45 degree break (curl route) or 135 degree break (post route)
Monkey in the Middle

Monkey in the Middle (Deep ⅓ Drill) Defensive Backs

Purpose​: To teach proper technique for playing deep ⅓ or ½ of a zone, splitting 2 vertical receivers.

Equipment​: Football, Cones,and Line Field

Description​: Have safety start at 10-12 yard depth in middle of field with receiver on each hash. Corners
start at 7 yards depth with one receiver on hash, one on bottom of numbers. Read the QB keys with slow
pedal to speed, to open. Watch for Quarterback hand off ball and read the front shoulder to break on the
ball on either hash. Attack at highest point. Receiver gets out of the DB’s way when ball is thrown to avoid

Coaching Points
● Stay over top and in the middle.
● Key the quarterback.
● Attack the ball at the highest point.

Expansion Of Drill
1. Safeties start with cover ⅓ (zone) and work to bigger zone -½
2. Work corners and safeties together on 4 verticals.

3. 7 on 7 group drill against 4 verticals

Monkey in the Middle (Corners)

Drill Title​ Monkey in the Middle (Corners) ​ Position used for​- DB

Purpose​:​To teach proper technique for playing deep ⅓ or ½ of a zone

Equipment​: Football, Cones,and Line Field

Description​: Have Corners start at 7-8 Deep yard depth with 2 players .One player on Hash. One player
on bottom of numbers.Corners will read the QB keys and break on the ball. Receiver ​Will​ get out of the
way when the ball is thrown.Corners will start on a slow pedal- then speed. Stay as deep as deepest.
Read QB shoulder and Break thru the ball at its highest point.

Coaching Points

Long QB holds the ball the more he favors inside receiver.Corners will have help from safeties on Inside ,
while the sideline will help with outside receivers.

Expansion Of Drill
Combine Free Safety and Corners -monkey in the middle drill to include the entire field. 4
Press Shuffle- Kick Drill

Press Shuffle Kick Drill Cornerbacks

Purpose​: Teach how to defend receiver release in man coverage without using hands.

Equipment​: None

Description​: Have Corner align inside of the wide receiver in press coverage position. Shoulders stay
square with outside foot splitting the receiver. DB will perform 2-3 shuffle steps to force outside release by
making receiver run around him. Once the receiver has started to release off the line, use 2 more 45
degree kick steps to stay over top and continue re-routing the release. Do not allow the feet to cross over
at any point.

Coaching Points
● Keep the shoulders square and shuffle as long as possible.
● Kick to stay over top longer.

Expansion Of Drill

1. Start in press position, hands behind back. Start off no receiver and just work footwork on air.
2. Second phase uses the receiver and hands behind back. Emphasis on footwork.
3. Include off-hand jam once footwork is mastered.
4. Add inside release (slant route)
5. Work against receivers working on press release techniques.
Press Kick Open

Drill Title:​ Press Kick Open Cornerbacks

Purpose​: Teach the transition from press shuffle to in-phase on press man coverage.

Equipment​: None

Description​: Corner is in position after just completing shuffle steps, starting the drill with 45 degree kick
steps to stay over top. Receiver tries to release upfield. Corner kicks to stay over top until he can’t, then
drives the big toe into the ground and throws his hips open to stay on the top of the hip. Use near hand to
the hip disrupt the rhythm of receiver running and watch the receiver hands.

Coaching Points
1. Drive the big toe into the ground and throw the hips open.
2. Stay on top of his hip.
3. Contact your outside hand on the hip to feel the receiver.
4. Never cross the feet over.

Expansion Of Drill
1. Start with Hands behind back vs air then vs a man. Focus on footwork.
2. Work against receivers running vertical routes from kick start.
3. Add in double moves and releases by wide receiver.
Attack The Wrist Drill

Drill Title:​ Attack The Wrist (P.B.U. Drill) Defensive Backs

Purpose​: Teach attacking the hands to break up a pass reception.

Equipment​: Football or football on a string attached to wrist.

Description​: Have Defensive Back running in phase running with a receiver. Receiver will have
the ball in his hand before the start of drill. Receiver starts running to start the drill. DB watches
the hands to read when the receiver puts his hands up to catch the ball. Receiver puts the ball
up and the defender and attacks the far (outside) wrist of defender’s extended arms to break up
the catch, while securing the tackle with the near arm.

Coaching Points
● Attack the stop hand, outside wrist of receiver.
● Secure the tackle with the near arm.
● Key the hands. When the hands go up, the ball is coming.

Expansion Of Drill
1. Start with the receiver with the ball in his hand.
2. Increase reps by having a ball on a string looped around the wrist. Get multiple reps
running down a line, resetting the ball and putting hands up again.
3. Progress to throwing the ball to the receiver.
4. Add in highest point, jump balls to the receiver.
5. Work different routes and angles on routes (hitch, slant, etc.)
Off Hand Jam

Drill Title:​ Off Hand Jam Cornerbacks

Purpose​: Teach press coverage corners to use off-hand to disrupt receiver release

Equipment​: None

Description​: Using off hand or hand away from direction receiver is trying to run to jam or slow his route.
Start in press position, head up. Receiver tries to release to your left, jam with your right and vice versa.
Keep shuffle-kick footwork to stay over top through the entire drill. Do not cross your feet. Switch hands
when receiver changes direction. Run for 10 yards down the field (about 3 change of directions).

Coaching Points
● Use the off-hand. If you give the release side hand he will grab it and pull past you.
● Maintain the shuffle and stay over top.
● Never cross your feet over, keep your base.

Expansion Of Drill
1. Start with easy 1 jam in 1 direction with shuffle
2. Have the receiver work his way down field in a zigzag pattern at moderate speed. DB
must shuffle and change direction with him.
3. Receiver working full speed release off the line.
Defeat Stalk Block

Drill Title​ Defeat Stalk Block Drill Cornerbacks

Purpose​: Teach cornerbacks to block destruct against receivers blocking on run plays.

Equipment​: None

Description​: Cornerback starts 7 yards off of receiver. Corner Slow pedals out while the receiver comes
off at an angle attempting to stalk. DB reacts up on run read to attack and keep outside leverage. Attack
with block destruct (strike with hands, or rip move). Both players back pedal to ~10 yards apart and
receiver releases to stalk block again to repeat the drill. Repeat for 3-4 reps, then come back the other

Coaching Points
● Watch for your run key.
● Keep the chest down, feet under hips. T-step or foot fire and drive.
● Maintain outside leverage (secondary force).

Expansion Of Drill
1. Can start drill with DB and receiver in close proximity following same rules.
2. Add a ball carrier for form tackle the last rep.

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