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m and termination:
the date mentioned in Ter
Thi s Agreement is executed on T 2. This Agreement shall be for
a period mentioned in the
betw een IRC CR EDI
the Annexure (Ag reem ent) er party by 1 mon th
VIC ES LIM ITE D, a Annexure, unless terminated by eith
MA NA GE ME NT SER and will be renewed at
und er the Com panies Act, prior notice to the other herein,
com pan y duly inco rpor ated Termination of this
at 106 JOY VELENCIA the option of IRC CML.
its regi stere d offic e gations and liabilities
1956, having
repr esented Agreement, shall not affect any obli
T MUM BAI , here in accr ued prior to effective
refe rred to as of the Oth er Party that are
ed sign atory , (her eina fter
by its authoriz date of termination.
the party, whose
"IRC") AN D D B Corp Ltd. Bill ing & payment:
ed in the Annexure the Annexure, and
particulars, in detail, arc as mention "the 3. As per the consideration agreed in
fter refe rred to as irmation from IRC
of this Agreement (hereina ss after first obtaining the written conf
The expr essio ns shal l, unle iced, the Oth er Party
Oth er Party'').
cont ext or CML on the amount to be invo
repu gna nt to or inco nsis tent with the of subsequent mon th
the case may shall send its invoice within 7 days
mea n and inclu de (as CM L shall pay the
mea ning thereof,
adm inistrators, along with reports and IRC
lega l heir s, exec utor s, 30 wor king days of receipt,
be) their undisputed amount within
succ esso rs and assig ns. and veri ficat ion. The Oth er Party
subject to validation
WHEREAS: ble for any or all tax
SER VIC ESf a shall be fully liable and responsi
GEM ENT g of returns, etc.
1. IRC CRE DIT MA NA Risk related requirements, including filin
in Risk Man agem ent and
LID is engaged ns:
and Receivable Conditio as per the
Assessment Deb tor Analysis ices, 4. The Oth er Party shall provide the Services
and is look ing to avai l certa in serv time to time .
managem ent requirements o( IRC CML from
provide, and IRC onsible for and
whi ch the Oth er Party offered to - 5. The Oth er Party shall be liable and resp
Oth er Part y on non nces arising out nf the
CM L agreed to engage the ed also assume all risks and conseque
s and cond ition s agre contractor related
exclusive basis, on term Services being provided and sub-
herein. issues.
WITNESSETH AS ts associated with IRC
NO W TH IS AGREEMENT 6. The intellectual property righ
CML shall always vest with IRC CML only.
Services: l mai ntai n com plete confidentiality
by the Oth er 7. The Oth er Party shal
1. The services agreed to be prov ided CML or such othe r
nd veri ficat ion of any or all information of IRC
Part y herein shall inclu de: (i) back grou that it comes to be in
othe r than KYC, information, that are confidential,
king of docu men ts on shall survive the
of assets, chec
bles and other office possession of; and this obligati
of com pute r cons uma this Agr eem ent.
Various Kind of termination or expiration of
auto mat ion relat ed serv ices and l defe nd, hold harm less, indemnify
can incu rred from 8. The Oth er Party shal
Business Support Services whic h from and against all
and keep indemnified IRC CML
time to time. ng out of acts and
losses, damages, claims, etc., arisi
ractors, etc.
deeds of the Oth er Party, its sub-cont
assig n its rights and
9. The Oth er Party shall not
obligations under this Agr eem ent.
be compliant of
10. The Oth er Party shall at all times
/licenses, including
statutory/ regulatory requirements
le. The Oth er Part y
labour laws, to the extent applicab
and responsible for
shall be and alone be fully liable
of any non-compliance in
any consequences arising out
abso lve IRC CM L of any
this regard and shall fully
such conseque nces in this rega rd.
finally settled
11. Any dispute shall be referred to and
IRC CM con duc ted
by sole arbitration appointed by
and Conciliation Act
in accordance with Arbitration
seat, place & venu~
1996, with language as English and
the Arb itrat or shall be final
at Mumbai. The award of
and binding on the Parties.
d by and con stru ed in
12. This Agreement shall be governe
l be sub·Ject
accordan ce wjth the laws of India and shal
. . di . Mum bai.
to the Jurts ctton of the Courts in

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