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Formulas for Manufacturing Lead Time and Work-In-Process

MLTj = ∑(T_suj + Q_jT_cj + T_noj)


MLTj = Manufacturing lead time for a batch of part or product j, min

T_suj = Setup time for operation i on part or product j, min

Q_j = Batch quantity of part or product j

T_cj = Cycle time for operation i on part or product j, min/pc

T_noj = Nonoperation time associated with operation i, min

MLT = ∑(MLTj)/n_b


MLT = Average manufacturing lead time, min

n_b = Number of batches

MLT = n_o(T_su + QT + T_no)


MLT = Average manufacturing lead time for all parts or products in the plant, min

n_o = Number of operations

T_su = Setup time, min

QT = Total cycle time for all parts, min

T_no = Nonoperation time, min

MLT = n_o(Max T_j + T_r) + T_no


MLT = Time between start and completion of a given work unit on the line, min

n_o = Number of operations on the line

Max T_j = Maximum time of the production line, min/pc

T_r = Transfer time, min

T_no = Nonoperation time, min

MLT = n(Max T_j + T_r) + T_no


n = Number of workstations

WIP = R_pph(MLT)


WIP = Work-in-process in the plant, pc

R_pph = Hourly plant production rate, pc/hr

MLT = Average manufacturing lead time, hr

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