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Database Application Developer – CAP805

Lab 3
This Lab is to be complete as a group.

Database Design, Creation and Sample Data Population

In this course, we will be taking the database first approach to development.

Part 1 – Entity Relationship Diagram
For part 1 of this week’s lab, each group will collaboratively produce a Crows Foot Entity Relationship
Diagram. These diagrams are appropriate for both relational and No-SQL database schemas.

Ensure to use standards as outlined below.

 Entity Names are in ALL CAPS,

 All fields/properties are lowercase or camel case,
 Required fields are bold,
 Primary Keys / unique identifiers are clearly indicated (underlined or PK notation),
 Foreign Keys / child fields are clearly indicated (FK notation),
 All relationships, referential integrity or not, are indicated with their 2 symbol relationships. (2
symbols on each side of relationship lines)
 Try to avoid crossing relationship lines,
 data types and sizes are optional at this point, but a good start if included.

Part 2 – Creation Script

Based on your ERD, create a script that will enable you to create the physical database. These will be
very different between relational and No-SQL databases, but still required for testing purposes.

Relational Databases
Each group using a relational database will create the DDL creation scripts including, all CREATE
statements, constraints, referential integrity, and indexes.

No-SQL Database
Each group using a relational database will create a script that will enable the creation of the collections
and records in the database. For No-SQL collection based databases, this means entering at least one
data entry in each table.

Part 3 – Hosting solution (Heroku or Atlas)

Create an online hosting environment for your database and enable all group members and the
professor to access (could simply be a URL or connection string)

Part 4 – Sample Data

Each group will obtain and insert into their databases an appropriate amount of data to be able to fully
test their application. This typically means the amount of data expected to be in the database after 1
year of use, for this course, I am okay with 3 months data.
Database Application Developer – CAP805

Overall Submission
Your submission should include:

 The ERD Diagram with the group and members names and date on the diagram, PDF format is
 The creation script for either a relational database or a No-SQL database
 A URL or a connection string to the hosted database that the professor can access in design
 The online database must be populated with sample data appropriate for 3 months use.

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