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I, the person, have written this document to outline the

life I shall live in its most prosperous fashion

1. Find the right occupation. Find a job that you love but can also
live off.

2. Find time for your passions. Do not stop kiteboarding or playing

music, no matter the circumstances.

3. Find time for your family. You may not always like them, but you
will always love them. Unless they truly are unlovable.

4. Find time to live. Do not get sucked into your work once you have
made a good living. Take breaks and see the world.

5. Find the friends that care about you and keep them close. You do
not want to lose them.

6. Find new things to do. Just because you love your hobbies, does
not mean they are the only ones you can ever try.

7. Find her. Do not settle for her. Find the one that makes you
genuinely laugh and smile. Find the one that you can trust and
never let go of her, you may only have one chance.

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