Pnja Oral Exam

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Monday, 28 March 2022


Unit 1A

1. What is meant by team-building?

Team building is the process of turning a group of individual contributing employees into a
cohesive team—a group of people organized to work together to meet the needs of their
customers by accomplishing their purpose and goals.

For the employees to feel a part of the group, of the team, everybody must make the e ort
to give a warm welcome. Not only to get to know another person but also to integrate with
each other.

Many companies encourage their employees to go on team-building courses. Frequently, at

the same time, they are the organizers of such events.

The better ambiance of the workplace, the more e ective the employees are.

2. What are the bene ts of team-building activities?

To be frank there are numerous advantages of doing team-building activities. Certainly the
most visible one is better communication between sta and sometimes separate
departments. Not knowing people, who one is working with must be terrible and
intimidating. I think that communication is the key to the success in almost every situation.
Some people think that having a chat with your work colleagues leads to making to many
friends. Of course, that is not true. Giving someone a nudge to start talking is just being

Second bene t of taking part in team-building activities can be increased motivation and
productivity. Being motivated to achieved the same goal, the employees start to be extra
productive. Not only does that improve the morale of the team, but also, for instance,
increase the sales in the company. Moreover, the better company is doing the greater the
bonus payments are.

Furthermore, the respect and trust people have in each other a ects the ambiance in their
workplace. While working together on problem-solving tasks and team games, a level of
respect is gained between employees because they can see that their colleagues are there
to give them a helping hand. They can also identify skills and qualities that each other have.

There are many more advantages but I would say those three are the main ones.

3. Give some examples of team-building activities. Which of them sound like fun?
Which wouldn’t you enjoy?

One of the simplest activities would simply be o ce trivia. Sometimes there needs to be a
quick activity to break the ice and get people involved in the event. Asking questions about
the workplace or the coworkers works well. This game doesn't require any equipment or
signi cant preparation. It can also be held indoors or outdoors, with small teams or large
teams, making it a exible option for team building.

Additionally, a simple game called Truth and Lies to get people to open up would a great
idea. Teams gather together in an intimate environment. Each team member says three
truths and one lie about himself. Team members have to guess the lie out of the four
statements. Playing in smaller groups can bring ner experience.

The activity that would take place outdoors is building the bridge — a literal and non-
physical one. Two teams are provided with materials to build a bridge and they have to
work together to make the halves meet/ t. It’s a game that awakens creativity and connects

If I were to take a part in any of the mentioned team-building activities, I think I would
choose the game of Truth and Lies. I have played it with my friends before, and I enjoyed it.
Not only does it gets people talking, but also helps with creating a pleasant ambiance.

I would be interested in the building bridge activity as well. It is a great opportunity to get
some fresh air and enjoy the weather, if it’s warm, of course. Having everyone contribute
helps with creating a well-organized team. The person who takes the initiative, who is the
brain of the operation, is responsible for the team’s success. Of course, they are not the
only people responsible for that, but without their calmness and plan the disruption and
chaos would take over and the group would simply not nish building the bridge.

4. What do you need to take into account when planning a team-building event? What
can go wrong?

Planning an event takes plenty of preparation. An organizer has to take into account several
circumstances and conditions, for instance, weather, time, and employees' opinions.

First and foremost, one needs to take a look at the weather forecast. Come what may,
without sunshine, or at least no rain clouds, outdoor team-building activities are nonsense.
No one with a sane mind would willingly participate in it when it’s raining or when it’s so
cold that everyone would freeze to death, not literally, of course.

Secondly, being overambitious may be an issue, when an organizer wants to do too many
games/activities in a short time. Everything needs to be planned but not to the very exact
minute. If too many team-building activities are planned, everything will feel rushed to the
participants. An organizer should give the employees a break during which, they can also
interact with each other. When there are too many things to do, people start to be stressed
about the time and that is not the point of the whole idea of team-building activities.

Furthermore, starting the team-building day in the morning is not such a great idea. Many
people are not talkative in the morning, not to mention lifeless. Certainly, starting at, let’s
say, 10 am, would not be a problem. It would give people time to get themselves a cup of
co ee to gain the necessary energy for the day. If the event starts too early people will be
less likely to actually be interested in what is going on or what is going to happen.

In conclusion, planning a team-building day is not an easy job. One needs to take into
consideration the weather forecast, and the timing and de nitely not plan too many things
to do. People are already sick of having too many tasks on their typical workday. Team-
building should be a stepping-stone from all the stress, not a factor adding up to it.

Unit 1B
1. What things irritate you when you’re online? What about when you’re o ine?

When it comes to me I’m de nitely far more reserved in person. Even if something drives
me up the wall I always try to bite my tongue and be nice. Not to mention, I’m not that easy
to rile me up. It’s much easier to upset me. When I feel like my emotions are getting out of
control I try to take a step back. Surely, that is not always the case because some people
really know how to get under my skin.

One of the things that irritates me is o ine is being rude to someone without a reason. I
don’t see any point in this behavior, it’s just simply irritating. Of course, some people do that
to make a scene, to get the attention they want. But that what annoys me even more.
Attention seekers are willing to do and say anything just for someone to look at them or
simply acknowledge them.

Another thing that very much irritates me is not answering to calls or text messages. I think
it counts both as an online and an o ine thing. I know some people that ignore messages
and then forget about it and post something on their social media as if the ignored person
would not be able to see that. I don’t see any point in this. All I want to do then is to lash
out, but I know better and don’t do it. Instead I bottle my emotions up. But sometimes
enough is enough and I say a few words about how much that irritates me.

When I’m online there are de nitely more thing that rile me up because, to be frank, there
are more not to clever people there. One of the things that annoys me is cyberbullying. I
can’t comprehend how someone can even gain any kind of pleasure from this. Whatever
people say online hurts as much, or even for some twice as much, as the things said o ine.
For bullies it may seem like a joke or a troll, but for the person being bullied it is a
nightmare. I do not wish anyone to experience anything like this.

What also irritates me online are in uencers. They do not act like normal people, at least the
more recognizable ones. Whenever I scroll through the Instagram I see hundreds of
wannabe be in uencers trying to gain more followers, either through provocative photos or
through provocative or stupid opinions. The in uencers with millions of followers usually
don’t have anything wise to say to their audience. What people are interested are their
private life and their money. That is why our society is changing, for worse in my opinion.

2. Is there a di erence between the way you (and other people) handle frustrating
situation online and o ine? Why?

I think there is a huge di erence between o ine and online interactions between people.
When it comes to me, I’m much more reserved in o ine communication. I always try to
keep calm and not lash out at somebody. It wouldn’t be an exaggeration if I said that I’m
emotionally mature. I know there is no point in yelling at people and saying more than
necessary. Of course, it’s not always easy to remain composed. The point is not to make a
scene but rather to not bottle up one's emotions and still be able to argue. Whenever
someone starts to raise their voice during an argument I try to not do the same. But
frustrating situations do not always occur during a conversation. Sometimes just basic life
situations make me annoyed or frustrated, for example when I’m late for a tram or when my

computer is loading the website for too long. I get easily frustrated and automatically my
head is occupied with the curse words and sentences that express my irritation. I try to let
o the steam by listening to music and it usually works.

Whereas, when I’m online, it’s easier to say whatever I want to say. I always get everything
o my chest, even if it’s too honest. Sometimes my ngers are working faster than my mind
is and I just send a message without thinking of the consequences. This usually results in
misunderstandings, arguments, or in being mad at each other. Only after some time did I
put things into the perspective. I see so many words that shouldn’t have been said, so
many raw emotions. Su ce to say, both sides say things they shouldn’t have said.

I think, for me, it’s easier to argue and deal with my frustrations online because I’m not met
face to face with the person I’m talking with. I’m not in uenced by other persons’ emotions
and behavior. I’m on my own, and I actually have more time to respond. This doesn’t always
change my attitude towards a certain situation but it helps me to say all the things I want to

3. Discuss some of the reasons why people change when they go online.

People change not only in online interactions but also when they talk to di erent people.
For instance, with their closest friends, they’re far more relaxed so they stay true to
themselves. I think that everyone has, at least once in their lifetime, changed their behavior
when met with a new group of people. Everybody tries to show themselves o , by either
doing stupid things, being funny, or being timid.

When it comes to online interaction several individuals become the versions of themselves
they wish to be in real life and some start to act as if there weren’t any consequences to
their actions.

Being timid for someone's whole life is not easy. It signi cantly lowers one’s self-esteem
and discourages them from making new friends. Timidness is a limitation. What are some
signs/behaviors of a timid person? They stutter, aren’t talkative, don’t try to steal the
spotlight from others, and are just trying to blend in. Online interactions don’t require having
face-to-face contact. Shy people can unleash their real personalities and can make new
friends. After some time they start to feel comfortable with an individual which helps them in
case of the rst meeting in the real life.

Another reason for behavior changes in online communication/interaction is the feeling of

being able to go unpunished. Some individuals are vicious and they tend to hide their
tendencies in real life. However, when it comes to online communication they express
themselves and their thoughts. It seems as if their behavior was strictly based on the want
to bully or o end an individual. This kind of person is very spiteful and full of hate. They are
behaving this way because they feel as if their actions didn’t have any actual

4. Discuss a good or bad experience where you (or someone you know) expressed or
controlled strong emotions. What happened? Why? How did it make you feel? What did
you do? What happened as a result?

5. What is code switching? Give some reasons for code switching.

6. When do you think code switching happens most often? Give examples.

7. Do you think that code switching is positive, negative, both or neither? Why?

Unit 1C

1. Do you know any in uencers or kid uencers? What do you know about them?

2. What sort of people are in uenced by in uencers and kid uencers? Have you ever been
in uenced by them?

3. Would you like to be an in uencer? Why? Why not?

4. Think about arguments for and against each statement below.

a. Social media platforms should be responsible for the content that users post on them.

b. It shouldn’t be possible to post anonymous comments on the internet.

c. In uencers provide a valuable public service – sometimes it’s good to be told what to

d. It’s reasonable for ‘free’ websites and apps to make money from advertisers.

Unit 1D

1. Have you ever attended a face-to-face networking event (e.g. a conference)? Why were
you there?

2. Why do you think some people don’t like networking events?

3. Give examples of tips for joining a conversation. What’s the best way to join a group that
is already in conversation?

4. Why is it a good idea to prepare a story before a networking event?

5. Tell a story you might want to use at a networking event. Use one of the ideas below or
your own ideas:

a. your best/worst experience as a language learner

b. your best/worst experience of trying to network with strangers

c. anything else that will grab people’s attention

Unit 2A

1. What are some new trends in the following areas: education, sport, health, technology,
the environment, transport?

2. Do you think these developments have been good or bad? Why?

3. How much of the news is made up of negative and positive stories? Why do you think
that is?

4. What reasons are there to be positive about the future

5. What are the advantages and disadvantages of the following workplace trends: hot-
desking, exible working hours, remote working and gig work?

6. Do you think people often exaggerate how much they work? If so, why?

7. Why is su cient sleep important?

8. How does lack of sleep a ect you? Do you often su er from lack of sleep?

Unit 2B

1. Think back to when you were eight years old. What job did you want to do when you
were older? What job do you want to do now? Is it the same or di erent?

2. Describe your ideal workplace.

3. What changes would you introduce in Collegium Heliodori to make it a better place for

Unit 2C

1. What issues might people have with their local area relating to:

a. cyclists and cars sharing road space

b. litter/recycling collection

c. pedestrianisation of town centres

2. Present arguments for and against the following proposals put forward by a city council:

a. to install speed bumps/tra c calming on every residential road

b. to increase the number of cycle lanes around the city

c. to build 100 new a ordable homes on green land

d. to introduce free public transport for under 18s and over 60s

Unit 2D

1. Do you prefer speaking to one person or in a group?

2. How easy do you nd speaking in a group of English speakers?

3. What do you do when you don’t understand something in a conversation?

4. What do you do to keep a conversation going?

Unit 3A

1. In what situations do you need to generate ideas?

2. What techniques do you know to generate ideas?

3. Discuss the following brainstorming techniques:

a. quiet brainstorm

b. reverse brainstorming

c. round robin

d. role storming

4. Do you think choice is a good thing? Why? Why not?

5. What is ‘choice overload’? What is its e ect and how can it be prevented?

Unit 3B

1. Do you like solving logic puzzles? Why? Why not?

2. What problem-solving techniques do you know?

3. Discuss at least three of the following problem solving techniques:

a. take a deep breath

b. unleash your inner ve-year-old

c. context, not content

d. try on a newhat

e. brainstorm

f. walk away

Unit 3C

1. Do you think it’s important to check the news regularly?

2. Where do you usually get your news from? What are your most trusted news sources?
Which sources are famous for being inaccurate or very biased?

3. Can you think of any recent news stories which turned out to have been false?

4. Discuss some fact-checking techniques.

Unit 3D

1. What kind of information do you need to summarise in these situations

a. at school/university?

b. at work?

c. socially?

2. What techniques can you use to help you summarise?

Unit 4A

1. What makes you scared or anxious? Why?

2. Do you ever enjoy being scared? Why? Why do some people like being scared?

3. What’s the di erence between a fear and a phobia?

4. Why are some people scared of certain foods?

5. Why do many people hate giving presentations?

6. Explain the term ‘emotional reappraisal’. What’s the connection between sports and
emotional reappraisal?

7. Describe a phobia (What is it? What does it mean in in practice? What are its causes/
symptoms? What can be done to deal with/treat the phobia?)

8. When was the last time that you wrote a letter on paper (if ever)? Explain the

9. Compare and contrast the experience of receiving a letter versus receiving an email.

10. Have you read any biographies or autobiographies of well-know people? If so, which
ones? What did you think of them?

11. Which famous people would you like to read about? Why?

Unit 4B

1. What jobs can people volunteer for?

2. Have you ever worked as a volunteer? Is so, what happened? If not, would you like to?

3. What are the bene ts of volunteering? What does the volunteer get out of it?

4. What is intergenerational volunteering? What are the bene ts of intergenerational

volunteering for the two groups of people (teenagers/young adults and retired people)?
What are the bene ts for the society as a whole?

5. How could you help people in your community?

Unit 4C

1. Do you nd visualisations easy?

2. Are you more like an aphantasiac or a hyperphantasiac – or somewhere in the middle?

3. Describe your memories from primary school (your classroom, your desk, your teacher’s
voice, etc.)

4. Have you ever been in total darkness? If so, give details about where you where and how
it felt. If not, imagine how it might feel.

5. How long do you think you could spend it total darkness and isolation without su ering ill
e ects?

6. Which of these things do you think you could do? Which would be hardest?

a. stay in bed for a week

b. eat pizza every day for a year

c. stay silent for a full day

d. stay o ine for a week

Unit 4D

1. What sort of negotiator are you (or do you think you would be)?

2. Discuss some negotiating skills which can help to de-escalate a con ict.

3. What is involved in renting a at? What are some possible sources of con ict between
landlord/landlady and a tenant?

4. What can happen if the relationship between the landlord/landlady turns sour? What
options do they each have?

Unit 5A

1. What are the three most important jobs for the society, i.e. jobs that society couldn’t
function properly without?

2. Who can be described as an ‘unsung’ hero? Give examples relating to the following
A. Films, TV, music
B. Sport
C. Scienti c research
D. Business
E. Creating and maintaining a great city/country

3. Describe 3 people you fell are ‘unsung heroes’. Why do you think they should receive
more recognition?

4. How would you de ne an ‘idol’? Why? What kind of people are usually considered to be
idols these days? Give examples. Rank the people on your list from most heroic to least
heroic. Justify your ideas.

5. Who is your idol? Would you ever want to meet a famous hero of yours? If yes, what
would you say or do? If not, why not?

Unit 5B

1. “The great question is not whether you have failed, but whether you are content with
failure” (Chinese proverb), “The rst pancake is always a failure” (Russian proverb) —
How do you understand these two proverbs? WHich do you agree with?

2. Do you agree that failure is necessary for success?

3. Are mistakes and accidents always a sign of progress? Think about counterexamples.

4. Describe a true or invented anecdote about a positive or negative event in the past that
has a ected your life (Where and when did it happen? What exactly happened? How
did you feel? How did it a ect your life? What did you learn from the experience?)

Unit 5C

1. Think of at least three chores/tasks that are necessary but dull or unpleasant (e.g.
cleaning windows). How could you turn each of them into a game or a fun social

2. Discuss the following activities: trashtagging, plogging and strawkling. Which of them
would you be willing to try?

3. What can we all do to reduce the amount of litter?

Unit 5D

1. Have you ever made a di cult request of a stranger? Has a stranger ever made a
di cult request of you? What happened?

2. Is it ever OK to make up an excuse to avoid doing something you don’t want to do?
Give examples.

3. In your culture, do people generally use the direct or indirect language to refuse

4. What are some examples of cultures/nationalities that prefer direct or indirect language?

5. Think about possible ‘culture clashes’ where people from di erent cultures
misunderstand each other. What can happen is such situations? Have you ever been in
such a situation?

Unit 6A

1. Discuss a dystopian book or lm. What are the main characteristics of dystopian books
or lms? Why do you think this theme is so popular?

2. The best futuristic stories are those which explore alternative realities by tapping into
real contemporary situations. Do you agree with this statement?

Unit 6B
1. Do you prefer to do shopping in traditional shops or online? What’s most important to
you in an online store (e.g. delivery, times, ease of use, recommendations, etc.)?

2. How do online shops encourage you to buy more? Which od the techniques used do
you nd most/least e ective?

3. What advice would you give to someone who feels they are spending too much time
and money shopping online?

4. What advice would you give to someone who has problems managing their nances?

5. How can people’s nancial literacy be improved?

Unit 6C

1. Give some examples of di erent types of word play. What makes word play

2. What is your favourite kind of comedy to listen to or watch (e.g. romantic comedy lms,
stand-up comedians, funny podcasts, etc.)? Give examples.

Unit 7A

1. What’s the most beautiful place you’ve ever visited? What made it beautiful?

2. What is the best way to travel long distance? What is your favourite way to travel?

3. What is ‘overlanding’? Why do you think there has been a boost in overlanding

Unit 7B

1. What are some ploys that con artists use to lull their victims into a false sense of

2. What can you do to avoid being taken by a scam?

3. Are you generally gullible or streetwise when it comes to seeing through scams?

Unit 7C

1. What skills and abilities does a young person need before leaving home and living
alone? Include both practical and more theoretical skills.

2. How much 'me-time' do you get? What do you like to do with it?

3. Do you (or anybody you know) use any apps to outsource non-essential parts of your

Unit 7D

1. How important is tourism in your country? Which parts of your country are most popular
with tourists?

2. Tourism is bad for our city and should be discouraged. Do you agree with this

Unit 8A

1. Think of when you have learnt a language – what unusual things did you do to make the
process more e cient (e.g. using post-it notes to label all the things in your house)?

2. Describe some quirky things people do. Which of these things do you do yourself?

3. When you read a novel or watch a lm, what sort of main characters do you prefer?

4. Who is your favourite main character from a novel or a lm? Describe him or her.

Unit 8B

1. Discuss top 2-3 moments in history that shaped the world today.

2. Describe a pivotal moment in your life or in the history of your country.

3. Who is the rst person you call or speak to when something goes wrong in your life?
Why do you call that person?

Unit 8C

1. Discuss 3 advantages and 3 disadvantages of living in a big city.

2. What advice would you give for living in a big city?

Unit 8D

1. What communication problems can there be when you make a call? What additional
problems might there be when making calls in English?


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