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Task 3. Match the English word in the first column with its Ukrainian translation.

1) Felony a) вбивство

2) misdemeanor b) зґвалтування

3) murder c) тяжкий кримінальний злочин

4) manslaughter d) підпал

5) rape e) незначне правопорушення

6) assault f) крадіжка

7) arson g) шантаж

8) burglary h) обмова, усний наклеп

9) theft / robbery i) нічна крадіжка зі зломом

10) slander j) ненавмисне вбивство

11) blackmail k) напад, погроза фізичною силою

12) abuse of power l) викрадання людей

13) perjury m) розтрата, привласнення чужого майна

14) mugging n) шахрайство

15) shoplifting o) крадіжка зі зломом

16) bribery p) хабарництво

17) kidnapping q) лжесвідчення

18) embezzlement r) крадіжка у магазині

19) fraud s) хуліганство, вуличний грабіж

20) breaking and entering t) зловживання владою

1a 2e 3a 4j 5b 6k 7d 8i 9f 10h 11g 12t 13q 14s 15r 16p 17l 18m 19n 20o

Task 4. Define the kinds of crime which were committed in each case described below. Use the
following words as prompts:
drug smuggling hijacking pick pocketing assault armed robbery
shop-lifting kidnapping mugging murder drunken driving
fraud arson theft parking offence

1. They broke the window of his car and stole the SatNav system. theft
2. They sold paintings that they knew weren’t genuine masterpieces. Fraud
3. They illegally carried drugs into another country.drug smuggling
4. They held a pistol at the pilot’s head and he had to do what they said. hijacking
5. They set fire to the shop. arson
6. They took some things off the shelves and left the shop without paying for them.
7. They took away the rich man’s son and asked for a lot of money for the boy’s return.
8. They hit the man on the head as he was walking along the street and stole all his money
and credit cards. mugging
9. They took her purse out of her handbag in the crowded bus. pickpocketing
10. They murdered a man during a robbery. murder
11. They drove a car under the influence of drink. Drunken driving
12. They stole £1,000 from a bank by threatening someone with a gun. Armed robbery
13. They hurt a boy in a fight in a nightclub. Assault
14. They parked a car in a no-parking zone. Parking offence

Task 5. Fill in the missing crimes and offences in the sentences below. Use essential vocabulary
or the dictionary.
1. The chief cashier admitted taking £30,000 of the firm’s money during the previous three
years and was found guilty of embezzlement.
2. She sued the newspaper for libel when it printed a story about her in which it claimed she
had once been arrested for taking drugs.
3. The supermarket decided to install closed-circuit television in order to combat the
problem of shoplifting.
4. This is the sixth fire in the area in the past month. The police suspect
arson .
5. He pleaded not guilty to murder but guilty to manslaughter saying that the gun had gone
off and killed his wife by accident.
6. There have been so many cases of breaking and entering??? in the street recently that the
police are advising residents to install alarms and to notify neighbours when they go out.
7. The customs officer found nearly £20,000 worth of cut diamonds hidden in the men’s
guitar case. He was arrested and charged with theft.
8. Pop stars and famous people often employ bodyguards for themselves and members of
their families as they are constantly worried about assaults/kidnapping.
9. Most people of my generation remember the murder of President Kennedy in Dallas in
November 1963.
10. It looked like a real £20 note but on closer examination you could see that it was a very
clever fraud.

Task 6. Fill in the gaps with an appropriate word from the following list.
culprit perpetrator offender wrongdoer
criminal villain thug outlaw
1. The police have described the man as a violent and dangerous criminal 2. Community
Service is used as a punishment for offender of less serious offences. 3. The police finally
managed to catch culprit 4. In my opinion, the main character of this play seems to be a real
villain 5. Last week he was beaten up by gang of several young thugs 6. The wrongdoer
made a mistake and deserved the blame for breaking the new vase. 7. perpetrator of racially
motivated violence must be punished. 8. Outside the Nottingham castle you can see a statue of
Robin Hood, one of England’s most infamous outlaws.

Task 7. Choose the right answer.

1. The spy _______ the desk in an attempt to find the secret documents.
a) invaded b) kidnapped c) looted d) ransacked обшукати
2. The safe deposit box _______a high-pitched sound when it was moved.
3. He_______ his fist and threatened to hit me.
a) clenched b) clutched c) grabbed d) gripped
4. Thieves got away with a_______of jewelry worth thousands of pounds.
a) catch b) haul c) loot d) snatch
5. The burglar’s presence was betrayed by a _______floorboard.
a) cracking b) creaking c) crunching d) groaning
6. Smugglers consistently_______ import regulations.
a) break b) flaunt c) float d) flout
7. Luckily my wallet was handed in to the police with its ______contents.
a) contained b) intact c) missing d) preserved
8. The intruder was badly ______by the guard dog in the palace garden.
a) damaged b) eaten c) mauled d) violated
9. When the police examined the house they found that the lock had been_______with.
a) broken b) hindered c) tampered d) touched
10. The hooligan_______the money out of my hands and ran away.
a)grasped b) gripped c) snatched d) withdrew

Task 8. Match the following terms in the left-hand column with their definitions the right-hand
column. Give Ukrainian equivalents to them.

1) Robber a) person who steals things secretly, usually without violence

2) thief b) a person who breaks into a building by using force

3) burglar c) a soldier who runs away from the army

4) house- d) a person who enters a building during the hours of darkness in order to
breaker steal

5) shop-lifter e) a person who makes false money or signatures

6) bigamist f) a person who betrays his or her country to another state

7) deserter g) a person who steals from the shops

8) traitor h) a person who steals something from a person or place, especially by

violence or threat
9) forger
i) a person who marries illegally, being married already
10) hijacker
j) a person who gets secret information from another country
11) smuggler k) a person who takes control of a plane by force and makes the pilot
change course
12) spy
l) someone who brings goods into a country illegally without paying a
13) kidnapper tax
14) arsonist m) someone who takes away people by force and demands money for their
15) stowaway return

16) drug dealer n) a person who buys and sells drugs illegally

17) accomplice o) a person who sets fire to property illegally

18) gangster p) a person who helps a criminal in a criminal act

q) someone who hides on a ship or plane to get a free journey

r) a member of a criminal group

1h 2a 3d 4b 5g 6i 7c 8f 9e 10k 11l 12j 13m 14o 15q 16n 17p 18r

Task 9. More criminals and people to do with crime and wrongdoing. Match up the people 1-16
with the correct definitions.
1) a drug addict/ a a) is a formal or legal word for someone who is guilty of a crime
b) takes things or people illegally into or out of a country
2) an assailant
c) deceives others in order to get money from them
3) a bigamist
d) gives information to the police in return for money
4) a conspirator
e) is unable to stop himself or herself from taking drugs
5) a culprit
f) hides on board a ship or inside a plane in order to get a free ride
6) a hostage
g) sees a crime being committed
7) an informer
h) is the person blamed for a crime or for doing something wrong
8) a murderer
i) is a formal or legal word for someone who attacks another person
9) an offender
j) is someone who has been attacked or against whom a crime has
10) a pickpocket been committed

11) a recidivist k) is kept as a prisoner by a person or organization and may be killed

if people don’t do what the person or organization are demanding
12) a smuggler
l) steals things from people’s pockets and handbags in crowded
13) a stowaway places
14) a swindler m) takes part in a secret plan to do something against the law
15) a victim
16) a witness n) keeps going back to a life of crime even after

o) being punished. In other words, an incurable criminal

p) marries illegally because he or she is already married to someone


q) deliberately kills someone

1e, 2i, 3p, 4m, 5h, 6k, 7d, 8q, 9o, 10l, 11o, 12b, 13f, 14c, 15j, 16g
Task 10. Complete the table below using the names of some types of crimes. Give their associate
verbs and the name of the person who commits the crimes.

Task 11. Read through the following newspaper extracts and fill in the missing words in the
headlines. The word is either a type of crime or a type of criminal.


Last night the police broke into the cellar of a house in Highgate and found thousands of newly-
made twenty pound notes which …
A famous painting by the Dutch artist, Rembrandt, has disappeared from the National Gallery in
London. It was taken some time during the night of August 3rd. The police think it may be the
work of an international gang of …
The mutilated body of 19-year-old Sam Robertson was found yesterday in Pembroke Park. The
police say he was stabbed fourteen times with …
4. FIFTH breaking and entering IN WILSON DRIVE
When Mr and Mrs Simmons returned home last night from the theatre they found that someone
had broken into their house and taken a TV set, a video, £250 and a valuable diamond necklace.
This is the fifth …
28-year-old Dwight Kelly was caught last night by detectives when he tried to pick up £250,000
from a phone box in Manchester. This was the sum he had demanded for the safe return of the 7-
year-old son of property millionaire Frank Groves who …
91-year-old Agnes Drew took £40 worth of clothes from Marks & Spencer to give to her 16-
year-old granddaughter, Carol, for her birthday.
‘I couldn’t afford to buy her anything, ’ she said, ‘so I decided to …
Prince Charles came close to being shot yesterday afternoon while inspecting a factory in
Gateshead. Police spotted a man with a high power rifle in the top window of a building minutes
before the Prince was due to pass by. If he had not been spotted the chances are that …
When a man walked into Barclays Bank in Brighton and demanded £10,000 from the cashier he
got the shock of his life when a huge Alsatian dog suddenly attacked him. It belonged to one of
the bank’s customers who was waiting in the queue. When he realized what was happening he
immediately told his dog, Prince, to …
9. _____ FREED
Teresa Black, the 17-year-old schoolgirl and her boyfriend, 21-year-old David Barker who were
captured by guerillas while on holiday in Nepal, have been allowed to go free. A spokesman for
the …
Oscar-winning actress Amanda Milligan is suing the Daily Mirror newspaper for _____ after an
article was published last Saturday claiming that Miss Milligan had undergone extensive plastic
surgery to alter her looks and figure. This is not the first time …
a-drunk driving and manslaughter, b-money laundering, c-murder, d-embezzlement, e-arson, f-
hijacking, g-rape/harrasement, h-blackmail, i-breaking and entering, j-pickpocketing, k-
shoplifting, l-mugging, m-drug trafficking, n-treason

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