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Senior Environmental Engineer

Senior Environmental Engineer

Senior Environmental Engineer

As proposed Consent is granted.

As proposed Consent is rejected.

In reference to OA NO 532/2022 " Rajveer Vs Govt of NCT of Delhi". As approved by worthy MS (N/11)
for the revocation of Consent to Establish and Operate. Therefore, this application is revoke.

As proposed Consent to Establish is granted.

As proposed Consent to Operate is granted.

Consent to Operate (Renewal) is granted.

(Other than banned SUP items)


Explain as to why you have started your operations in violations of Hon’ble NGT order dated 20.03.2020
when no water polluting unit is allowed in the said area. Please submit your reply within 07 days along
with all relevant documents.

Unit is directed to upload fresh emission monitoring report and effluent monitoring report along with all
relevant documents within 07 days failing to which application may be considered for refusal.

Unit is directed to upload all relevant documents within 07 days failing to which application may be
considered for refusal.

Unit is directed to clarify the name of proprietor as mentioned in undertaking is different and also about
contradictory activity of perfume and cosmetics and always add capital investment in fees column while
filling fees within 03 days.
Unit is directed to clarify the name of proprietor as mentioned in undertaking is different and Acc to
NGT order no new hazardous waste generating printing etc and water polluting unit is allowed after
20.03.2020 please clarify and always add capital investment in fees column while filling fees within 03

Explain as to why you have started your operations in violations of Hon’ble NGT order dated 20.03.2020
when no water polluting unit is allowed in the said area. Please submit your reply within 07 days along
with all relevant documents.

CAQMS has closed this unit. Unit has submitted requisite documents for Consent to establish. Therefore
committee may take the decision.

Status of Pollution Control System


(A) Stack analysis report dated - 22.12.2021- issued by - AS Consultancy & Analytical Services -


(A) Stack analysis report dated - 22.12.2021- issued by - AS Consultancy & Analytical Services -

(3)D.G.Set: N/A

Status of Inspection: Inspection conducted by CAQMS dated 08.12.2021 the said unit was found
operational and failed to provide consent to operate and without ventilation and suction system.
Closure direction issued to the unit on 10.12.2021.

CAQMS has closed this unit. Unit has submitted requisite documents for Consent to Operate along
emmission and effluent report within prescribed limits. Therefore committee may take the decision.

Status of Inspection: Inspection conducted by CAQMS dated 08.12.2021 the said unit was found
operational and failed to provide consent to operate and without ventilation and suction system.
Closure direction issued to the unit on 10.12.2021.

Status of Inspection: Inspection conducted by CAQMS dated 10.12.2021 the said unit was found
operational and failed to provide consent to operate. Closure direction issued to the unit on 13.12.2021.
CAQMS has closed this unit. Unit is asked to submit requisite documentsa as emission monitoring report
MSME certificate and apply under PWM Rules for Consent to Operate. Therefore committee may take
the decision.

Unit is directed to clarify the activity as unit has applied under green and orange category within 07

Unit is directed to clarify the activity as unit has applied under green and orange category and apply
under PWM rules upload MSME certificate emission and effluent report within 07 days.

Unit is directed to upload emission monitoring report and apply under PWM rules and MSME certificate
within 07 day.

Earlier consent granted Red category. This is old and same unit who has curtailed the phosphating
activity and applied fresh CTE and CTO. Therefore CTE may be granted.

As proposed Consent to Establish is granted.

As proposed Consent to Operate is granted.

As proposed Consent to Establish is rejected.

As proposed Consent to Operate is rejected.

As approved administratively unit has deposited imposed EDC and submitted required documents.
Therefore Consent to Operate is granted.

Status of Pollution Control System

(1)ETP- N/A


(A) Stack analysis report dated - 2.12.2020- issued by - Delhi Pollution Control Committee - submitted.

(3)D.G.Set: N/A

Status of Inspection: NO

Status of Pollution Control System

(1)ETP- N/A


(A) Stack analysis report dated - 05.10.2021- issued by – Centre for Research Analysis Pvt Ltd -

(3)D.G.Set: N/A

Status of Inspection: NO

Status of Pollution Control System

(1)ETP- N/A


(A) Stack analysis report dated - 10.01.2022- issued by – Delhi analytical research lab - submitted.

(3)D.G.Set: N/A

Status of Inspection: NO
Status of Pollution Control System


(A) Effluent analysis report dated - 30.01.2022 - issued by - Centre for Research Analysis Pvt Ltd -


(A) Stack analysis report dated - 13.01.2022- issued by – Centre for Research Analysis Pvt Ltd -

(3)D.G.Set: N/A

Status of Inspection: NO

Unit has submitted requisite documents along emission and effluent monitoring report within
prescribed limit. Therefore CTO may be granted.

Status of Pollution Control System


(A) Effluent analysis report dated - 14.02.2021 - issued by - Shree Krishna Analytical Service Pvt ltd. -


(A) Stack analysis report dated - 22.12.2021- issued by - AS Consultancy & Analytical Services -

(3)D.G.Set: N/A

Status of Inspection: Inspection conducted by CAQMS dated 17.12.2021 the said unit was found
operational and failed to provide consent to operate. Closure direction issued to the unit on 20.12.2021.

Status of Pollution Control System

(1)ETP- N/A

(A) Stack analysis report dated - 22.01.2021- issued by - Catt's Lab & Research Pvt. Ltd - submitted.

(3)D.G.Set: N/A

Status of Inspection :NO

Status of Pollution Control System

(1)ETP- N/A


(A) Stack analysis report dated - 11.11.2021- issued by - Sterling Test and research centre - submitted.

(3)D.G.Set: N/A

Status of Inspection :NO

Unit has submitted requisite documents along emission monitoring report within prescribed limit.
Therefore CTO may be granted.

Status of Pollution Control System

(1)ETP- N/A


(A) Stack analysis report dated - 04.01.2022- issued by - SIMA Labs Pvt. Ltd - submitted.

(3)D.G.Set: N/A

Status of Inspection :NO

Unit has submitted requisite documents along emission monitoring report within prescribed limit.
Therefore CTO may be granted.

Unit is directed to reply on clarification raised on EDC amount of Rs.50000 within 03 days so that
Consent may be granted.
Status of Pollution Control System

(1)ETP- N/A


(A) Stack analysis report dated - 13.12.2021- issued by - ITL Labs Pvt. Ltd - submitted.

(3)D.G.Set: N/A

Status of Inspection :NO

Status of Pollution Control System

(1)ETP- N/A


(A) Stack analysis report dated - 31.03.2021- issued by - Avon Food Labs Pvt. Ltd - submitted.

(3)D.G.Set: N/A

Status of Inspection :NO

Status of Pollution Control System

(1)ETP - YES

(A) Effluent analysis report dated - 14.02.2021 - issued by - Shree Krishna Analytical Service Pvt ltd. -


(A) Stack analysis report dated - 16.01.2021- issued by - Shree Krishna Analytical Service Pvt ltd. -

(3)D.G.Set: N/A

Status of Inspection :NO

ATR Remarks:
Unit has submitted requisite documents. Therefore CTE may be granted.

Unit has submitted requisite documents. Therefore CTO may be granted.

Unit has submitted requisite documents. Therefore Consent may be granted.

Unit has submitted requisite documents along emission monitoring report within prescribed limit.
Therefore CTO may be granted.

Unit has failed to submit requisite documents. Therefore Consent may be rejected.

Unit has failed to submit requisite documents. Therefore CTE may be rejected.

Unit has failed to reply against clarification raised. Therefore CTE may be rejected.

Unit has failed to reply against clarification raised. Therefore this application may be rejected.

Unit has failed to submit requisite documents. Therefore CTO may be rejected.

Unit has failed to submit balance consent fee of Rs 6000. Therefore CTO may be rejected.

As per NGT order dated 20.03.2020 no new hazardous activity is allowed. Therefore this CTE application
may be rejected.

As per NGT order dated 20.03.2020 no new water polluting activity is allowed. Therefore this CTE
application may be rejected.

Unit has submitted requisite documents along redevelopment map. Therefore CTE may be granted.

Unit has submitted requisite documents along redevelopment map. Therefore CTO may be granted.

Unit has submitted requisite documents along emission monitoring report within prescribed limit along
redevelopment map and confirmatory proof prior 07.02.2007. Therefore CTO may be granted.

Unit has submitted requisite documents along emission monitoring report within prescribed limit along
redevelopment map. Therefore CTO may be granted.
Unit has submitted requisite documents along emission and effluent monitoring report within
prescribed limit. Therefore CTO may be granted.

Unit has submitted requisite documents along emission monitoring report within prescribed limit and
applied on 13.03.2020 and submitted agreement with authorized agencies (Bharat Oil & waste
management )from DPCC for the incinerable / recyclable waste. Therefore CTO may be granted.

ATR could not be generated due to software issue. Unit has submitted requisite documents. Therefore
CTE may be granted.

ATR could not be generated due to software issue. Unit has submitted requisite documents. Therefore
CTO may be granted.

ATR could not be generated due to software issue. Unit has submitted requisite documents along
emission monitoring report within prescribed limit. Therefore CTO may be granted.

Having valid consent.

Unit has submitted requisite documents along redevelopment map and monitoring report within
prescribed limit. Therefore CTO may be granted.

Unit has submitted requisite documents along emission monitoring report within prescribed limit.
Therefore CTO may be granted.

Unit has submitted requisite documents and applied under HWM rules. Therefore CTE may be
considered for grant subject to submission of agreement with Bawana Hazardous waste TSDF site.

Unit has submitted requisite documents and applied under HWM rules along emission monitoring
report within prescribed limit. Therefore CTO and authorization under HWM rules may be considered
for grant subject to submission of agreement with Bawana Hazardous waste TSDF site.

Unit has submitted requisite documents and applied under HWM rules. Therefore CTO and
authorization under HWM rules may be considered for grant subject to submission of agreement with
Bawana Hazardous waste TSDF site.

Unit has submitted all the required documents along within authorized agreement for hazardous waste
confirmatory proof map and proof of possession before 07.02.2007. Therefore CTO may be granted.

Unit has submitted requisite documents along emission and effluent monitoring report within
prescribed limit. Therefore CTO may be granted.

CAQMS has closed this unit. Unit has submitted requisite documents for Consent to establish. Therefore
committee may take the decision.

Unit has failed to respond to clarification. CTE may be rejected.

Unit has applied before twice vide application no 5596541, 5621747 and failed to clarify the proper
undertaking and project report w.r.t activity mentioned in consent application and with same
contradiction of activities mentioned in this application 5825300. Therefore this application may be
considered for rejection.


Unit has submitted requisite documents and applied under HWM rules. Therefore
CTE may be considered for grant subject to submission of agreement with Bawana
Hazardous waste TSDF site.

Unit has submitted requisite documents and applied under HWM rules . Therefore
CTO and authorization under HWM rules may be considered for grant subject to
submission of agreement with Bawana Hazardous waste TSDF site.

Unit is hereby directed to upload any documents as proof of date of establishment prior to 07.02.2007
as mentioned at serial no. 21 in the enclosed format within 03 days.

Unit is directed to upload effluent monitoring report within 03 days failing to which application may be
considered for refusal.

Unit is directed to upload e signed application form within 03 days failing to which application shall be
considered for refusal.

Unit is directed to upload e signed application form and emission monitoring report with prescribed
standards within 03 days failing to which application shall be considered for refusal.

Unit is directed to upload project report and undertaking in prescribed format duly signed and CA
certificate emission monitoring report in prescribed standard within 03 days failing to which application
may be considered for refusal.

Unit is directed to upload emission monitoring report within 03 days failing to which application may be
considered for refusal.

Unit is directed to upload emission monitoring report with HCL mist and vapour (mg/Nm3) and
particulate matter standards within 03 days failing to which application may be considered for refusal.
As per Plastic waste management rules you are required to submit MSME certificate within 07 days
failing to which application may be considered for refusal.

Unit is directed to upload mention capital investment and pay fees accordingly within 03 days failing to
which application shall be considered for refusal.

Unit is directed to clarify as the activity mentioned of lamination comes under banned SUP items within
03 days failing to which application shall be considered for refusal.

Unit is directed to clarify as which type of containers are made as the activity mentioned of mfg of
containers comes under banned SUP items within 03 days failing to which application shall be
considered for refusal.

Unit is directed to upload mention capital investment and pay fees accordingly and activity is
contradictory as super enameling comes under Hazardous category Please clarify within 03 days failing
to which application shall be considered for refusal.

Acc to NGT order no new hazardous waste generating and water polluting unit is allowed after
20.03.2020. Please clarify within 03 days.

Unit is directed to apply under PWM rules form 3 within 03 days failing to which application shall be
considered for refusal.

Unit is directed to upload CA certificate within 03 days failing to which application shall be considered
for refusal.

As per norms plastic bag thickness should be more than 75 microns wef 30.09.2021 and above 120
microns wef 31.12.2022 and sheet thickness above 50 microns. Please clarify the thickness of the
product formed.

Unit is directed to upload signed application form within 03 days failing to which application may be
considered for refusal.

Unit is directed to upload redevelopment map with location of the unit within 03 days failing to which
application may be considered for refusal.

Unit is directed to upload signed application form within 03 days failing to which application may be
considered for refusal.

Unit is directed to clarify as the activity mentioned comes under banned SUP items within 03 days failing
to which application may be considered for refusal.

Unit is directed to upload signed application form and Undertaking in prescribed format duly signed by
applicant within 03 days failing to which application may be considered for refusal.
Unit is directed to clarify the activity as per Consent to establish your activity with buffing

Unit is directed to submit balance consent fee of Rs 10000 according to Capital investment 28 lacs within
03 days failing to which application may be considered for refusal.

Unit is directed to upload redevelopment map with location of the unit within 03 days failing to which
application shall be considered for refusal.

Unit is directed to upload proper project report mentioning whether plastic dana is manufactured in the
unit or purchased from market and full signed application form within 03 days.

Unit is directed to upload Undertaking in prescribed format duly signed by applicant within 03 days
failing to which application may be considered for refusal.

Unit is directed to clarify whether the unit is engaged in the same activity under green category as you
have obtained undertaking under white category within 03 days failing to which application may be
considered for refusal.

Unit is directed to submit EDC imposed for construction activity of Rs 30000 on the address of the unit
and upload all documents project report undertaking in prescribed format duly signed by applicant pan
card signed application form within 07 days failing to which application may be considered for refusal.

Unit is directed to apply new Consent to Establish as older one is rejected due to lack of documents
within 03 days failing to which your application for Consent to operate may be considered for refusal.

Unit is directed to upload Undertaking in prescribed format duly signed by applicant and proper proof of
possession as rent agreement or ownership proof 03 days failing to which application may be
considered for refusal.

Unit is directed to upload emission monitoring report within 03 days failing to which application may be
considered for refusal.

Unit is directed to upload emission monitoring report and signed application form within 07 days failing
to which application may be considered for refusal.

Unit is directed to upload emission monitoring report and application form within 03 days failing to
which application may be considered for refusal.

Unit is directed to upload emission monitoring report signed application form and as per sub activity of
rubber please upload MSME certificate within 07 days failing to which application may be considered for
Unit is directed to clarify whether Plastic dana is manufactured at the premises or purchased from
market within 03 days.

Unit is directed to water bill cetp bill CA certificate project report pan card sign application form and
balance fee of Rs 220 within 03 days failing to which application may be considered for refusal.

Unit is directed to upload emission monitoring report and apply under PWM rules with MSME
CERTIFICATE and e sign application form within 07 days failing to which application may be considered
for refusal.

Unit is directed to upload MSME CERTIFICATE and e sign application form within 07 days failing to which
application may be considered for refusal.

Unit is directed to upload signed undertaking and signed application form within 07 days failing to which
application may be considered for refusal.

Unit is directed to upload emission monitoring report and MSME CERTIFICATE form as all plastic units
have to submit msme within 07 days failing to which application may be considered for refusal.

Unit is directed to upload emission monitoring report MSME CERTIFICATE and all documents electricity
water bill cetp bill CA certificate project report undertaking pan card application form within 07 days
failing to which application may be considered for refusal.

Unit is directed to upload redevelopment map and confirmatory proof prior 07.02.2007 as
commencement date mentioned is 20.12.2021 along emission monitoring report. Please clarify within
07 days.

Unit is directed to upload MSME certificate and e signed application form within 07 days.

Unit is directed to apply under PWM rules upload MSME certificate and E sign application form and
redevelopment map within 07 days failing to which application shall be considered for refusal.

Unit is directed to upload redevelopment map within 07 days failing to which application shall be
considered for refusal.

Unit is directed to upload e sign application form within 07 days failing to which application shall be
considered for refusal.

Unit is directed to upload CA certificate within 07 days.

Unit is directed to deposit EDC of Rs 1187500 within 07 days failing to which application shall be
considered for refusal.

Unit is directed to apply under PWM rules upload MSME certificate and EPR action plan within 07 days
failing to which application shall be considered for refusal.

Unit is directed to within 07 days failing to which application shall be considered for refusal.

Unit is directed to upload e signed application form within 07 days failing to which application shall be
considered for refusal.

Unit is directed to deposit balance consent fee of Rs 330 within 07 days failing to which application shall
be considered for refusal.

Unit is directed to submit proper project report and Undertaking in prescribed format duly signed by
applicant adhaar card within 07 days failing to which application shall be considered for refusal.

Unit is directed to submit MSME CERTIFICATE and EPR action plan within 07 days failing to which
application shall be considered for refusal.

Unit is directed to submit MSME CERTIFICATE and EPR action plan and apply under PWM rules within 07
days failing to which application shall be considered for refusal.

Unit is directed to upload proper proof of possession as rent agreement or ownership proof within 07
days failing to which application shall be considered for refusal.

Unit is directed to deposit EDC of Rs 1187500 within stipulated time failing to which application shall be
considered for refusal.

Unit is directed to upload emission monitoring report CA certificate electricity water bill CETP
membership pan card and apply under PWM rules within 07 days failing to which application may be
considered for refusal.

Unit is directed to upload emission monitoring within 07 days failing to which application may be
considered for refusal.

Unit is directed to upload emission monitoring report MSME CERTIFICATE e sign application form within
07 days failing to which application may be considered for refusal.

Unit is directed to upload emission monitoring report and apply under PWM rules with MSME
CERTIFICATE and e sign application form within 07 days failing to which application may be considered
for refusal.
Unit is directed to clarify the commencement date Sep 2020 as Acc to NGT order no new hazardous
waste generating unit is allowed after 20.03.2020 within stipulated time.

Acc to NGT order no new hazardous waste generating and water polluting unit are allowed after
20.03.2020.Please clarify

Unit is directed to upload project report Undertaking in prescribed format duly signed by Applicant
adhaar card pan card within 07 days failing to which application shall be considered for refusal.

Unit is directed to upload redevelopment map as land confirmatory proof within 03 days.

Ask the unit to submit requisite documents within 15 days. If unit submits the requisite documents and
is complying with the norms, Consent to Establish be granted with the condition that unit shall make an
agreement with authorized agencies from DPCC for the incinerable / recyclable waste. If unit does not
submit the requisite documents, Consent to Establish be refused.

Unit is directed to register under PWM rules within stipulated time.

Unit is directed to register under PWM rules and upload MSME certificate within 03 days.

Unit is directed to upload emission monitoring report within stipulated time.

Unit is directed to upload effluent monitoring report within stipulated time.

Unit is directed to upload redevelopment map within 03 days.

Unit is directed to upload emission monitoring report within 03 days. Failing to which this application
shall be considered for refusal.

Unit is directed to upload land confirmatory proof as redevelopment map within 03 days.

Having valid consent.

Unit is directed to upload requisite documents mentioned in attached file and apply under PWM rules
within stipulated time.

Unit is directed to upload requisite documents mentioned in attached file within stipulated time.

Unit is directed to upload redevelopment map as land confirmatory proof within stipulated time.
Unit is directed to upload balance consent fee of Rs 100 according to capital investment within
stipulated time.

Unit is directed to upload Adhaar card and pan card within stipulated time.

Unit is directed to upload requisite documents as water bill CETP membership CA certificate within
stipulated time.

Unit is directed to upload redevelopment map as land confirmatory proof within stipulated time.

Unit is directed to clarify the correct activity as the activity mentioned and project reports is
contradictory and correct the activity or upload project report and undertaking mentioning the correct
activity within stipulated time.

Unit is directed to apply under HWM rules upload emission monitoring report and E sign application
form and submit Agreement with TSDF site Bawana regarding proper disposal of hazardous waste
within 07 days failing to which application shall be considered for refusal.

Unit is requested to submit the pending consent fee for DPCC Consent to establish and operate or
upload valid consent issued by DPCC within 03 days failing to which application may be rejected.

Unit is requested to submit the pending consent fee for DPCC Consent to establish and operate and
upload the receipt for the same or upload valid consent issued by DPCC within 03 days failing to which
application may be rejected.

Unit is directed to upload OGT pictures and OGT Test report within 03 days

Unit has failed to reply against clarification and failed to submit pending fees nor submitted valid
consent. Therefore this application is rejected.

Unit has failed to submit valid consent against clarification raised and uploaded consent is invalid.
Therefore this application is rejected.

Unit is requested to submit the pending consent fee for DPCC Consent to establish and operate or
upload valid consent issued by DPCC and Acc to NGT order no new water polluting unit is allowed after
20.03.2020. Please clarify within 03 days failing to which application may be rejected.

Unit has to apply for CTE & CTO portal within 3 days for further processing of your
MHA Application.

Consent to establish is granted. But unit shall not start its operation without obtaining consent to
operate from DPCC.

Having valid consent till 24-08-2023.

Having valid consent.

Having valid consent to establish.

Having valid consent to operate.

Having valid Consent to Establish and Consent to operate.

Having valid consent under white category for lifetime.

Having valid consent under white category.

Unit is directed to clarify the area of the unit whether comes under industrial area or not and if not unit
is directed to upload MCD factory license within 03 days failing which consent may be rejected.
Unit has only applied for CTE kindly pay fees on MHA for operate also and submit documents for CTE
and CTO as some documents uploaded are not properly visible.

According to capital investment mentioned of RS 1245030 unit is directed to submit balance consent fee
of Rs 300 within 2 days failing to which your application shall be considered for refusal.

Unit has failed to reply against clarification. Therefore this application is rejected.

Unit has failed to submit the pending consent fee for DPCC Consent to establish and operate and failed
to upload valid consent issued by DPCC. Therefore this application is rejected.

Unit has failed to submit the pending consent fee for DPCC Consent to operate and failed to upload valid
consent issued by DPCC. Therefore this application is rejected.

As your Consent to Operate has been expired. Unit is requested to apply for fresh Consent to operate or
upload valid consent issued by DPCC within 03 days failing to which application may be rejected.

Unit is directed to upload MCD license within 07 days failing to which this application shall be
considered for rejection.

Unit is directed to upload proper undertaking and balance consent fees of Rs.9900 with in stipulated
time of 03 days failing which application may be processed for rejection.

Unit is directed to upload land confirmatory proof as redevelopment map within 03 days.

We are manufacturing the plastic packaging material with the

thickness of above 50 micron and plastic carry bags with the
thickness of above 75 micron. We should also comply the norms of
thickness to manufacture the carry bags with the thickness of more
than 120 micron from 31.12.2022. We have already submitted the
Action Plan and also are complying with the PWM Rules. Regards,

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