Semana 01 Tarea Asignación Un Sábado Diferente

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Now it's time for you to do the Task for this week. I invite you to check the instructions

below. Remember that if you need to review a topic, you can always go back as many

times as you need. Keep in mind that you have to present this homework during this


1. Learning outcome:

Students are able to explain changes in their routines using present simple, past

simple of verb be and the vocabulary introduce during the week.

2. Description:

a. Complete the following chart about the activities you do on Saturdays.

Activities Saturday


I have breakfast

In the morning with my daughter

2.- I clean my


1.- My daughter

and I had lunch at

In the
a restaurant

2.- I watch a movie

In the evening 1.-

I watch a movie

with my husband

2.- I have dinner

with my family

b. Think about a Saturday when you did something different.

What was different? Celebrate my daughter's birthday

Where were you? In my aunt's house

Who was with you? All my family

Was it fun? The show

c. Write a short paragraph (between 60-80 words) about that Saturday.

On Saturday morning I usually clean my house and have breakfast with my

daughter. In the afternoon my daughter and I had lunch at a restaurant and at

night I watched a movie with my husband. But last Saturday was different. It was

my daughter's birthday. I was at a party at my aunt's house. It was very fun and

my daughter was very happy.

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