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Foreign Trade

in Goods Statistics
(Q3 2022)

Report Date: December 2021

Report Date: December 2022

Report Date: December 2021

Table of Contents

Key Highlights: -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------3

1.0 Overview -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------7

1.1 Imports Classified by Standard International Trade Classification and Country of Origin --------------9

1.2. Exports Classified by Standard International Trade Classification and Country of Destination------10

2.0 Exports and Imports Products Classified by Sectors -----------------------------------------------------------11

2.1 Agricultural Goods Sector--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------11

2.2 Solid Minerals Sector--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------15

2.3 Manufactured Goods Sector----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------16

2.4 Raw Material Goods Sector -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------16

3.0 Trade by Mode of Transport ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------18

4.0 Trade by Custom Ports and Post -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------20

Methodology ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------22

Appendix --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------24

Key Highlights:

In the third quarter of 2022, Nigeria’s total trade stood at ₦11,597.93 billion, this was lower than the
value recorded in the second quarter of 2022 (₦12,841.54 billion) but was higher than the value recorded
in the corresponding period of 2021 which stood at ₦10,472.42 billion. Total Exports stood at ₦5,933.63
billion of which Re-exports were ₦25.04 billion, while total imports stood at ₦5,664.30 billion.

In the quarter under review, total exports declined by 19.89% when compared to the second quarter of
2022 (₦7,406.53 billion) but it increased by 15.52% of the value recorded in the third quarter of 2021
(₦5,136.56billion). On the other hand, total imports increased by 4.22% in the third quarter of 2022 when
compared to the value recorded in the second quarter of 2022 (₦5,435.01billion) and also grew by 6.16%
when compared to the value recorded in the corresponding quarter of 2021 (₦5,335.86 billion).

The value of Re-Exports in the third quarter of 2022 stood at ₦25.04 billion, showing an increase of
160.16% compared to the value recorded in the second quarter of 2022 but declined by 86.07%
compared to the corresponding quarter of 2021 (₦179.81 billion). In the quarter under review, the top
five re-export destinations were Cote d’Ivoire, Ghana, United Kingdom, China and The Netherlands while
the most re-exported commodity were ‘Vessels and other floating structures for breaking up’ with
₦8,046.60billion, this was followed by ‘Floating or submersible drilling or production platforms’ valued
at ₦4,966.63 billion and ‘Aeroplanes and other aircraft, of an un-laden weight exceeding 15,000 kg’
amounting to ₦3,434.73 billion.

The top five export destinations in the third quarter of 2022 were Spain with a share of 14.72%, followed
by India with 10.44%, France with 7.25%, the Netherlands and Indonesia with 7.09% and 7.00%
respectively. Altogether, the top five countries accounted for a share of 46.49% of the total value of
exports (₦5,933.63 billion). The commodity with the largest export values in the period under review was
‘Petroleum oils and oils obtained from bituminous minerals, crude’ with ₦4,658.30 billion representing
78.51%, followed by ‘Natural gas, liquefied’ with ₦757.36 billion accounting for 12.76%, and ‘Urea,
whether or not in aqueous solution’ with ₦133.17 billion or 2.24% of total exports.

In terms of Imports (CIF), in the third quarter of 2022, China, The Netherlands, India Belgium, and the
United States of America were the top five countries of origin of imports to Nigeria. The values of imports

from the top five countries amounted to ₦3,330.70 billion representing a share of 58.80% of the total
value of imports. The commodities with the largest values among the top imported products were ‘Motor
Spirit ordinary’ (₦1,199.64 billion), ‘Gas Oil’ (₦261.60billion), and ‘Durum wheat (Not in seeds)’(₦252.62

The value of total imports stood at ₦5,664.30 billion in the third quarter of 2022, this was an increase of
4.22% when compared with the value recorded in Q2, 2022 (₦5,435.01 billion); and by
6.16%compared to the value recorded in the corresponding quarter of 2021 (₦5,335.86billion).
• The value of agricultural imports in the third quarter of 2022 stood at ₦512.91 billion showing an
increase of 10.44% when compared to the value recorded in the second quarter of 2022 (₦464.45
billion) and by 6.37% when compared to the value recorded in the corresponding quarter of 2021
• The value of raw material imports stood at ₦649.21 billion in Q3, 2022. The value fell by 6.74%, when
compared to the value in Q2, 2022 (₦696.12 billion) but rose by 23.90% when compared to the value
recorded in Q3, 2021 (₦523.97 billion).
• The value of solid minerals imports in the third quarter of 2022 stood at ₦37.66billion, this value was
2.58% lower than the value recorded in Q2, 2022 (₦38.66 billion) and 28.60% higher than the value
recorded in Q3, 2021 (₦29.93billion).
• The value of energy goods imports stood at ₦4.28billion in Q3, 2022 which was (-58.49%) lower than
the value recorded in the second quarter of 2022 (₦10.31billion) and (-20.34%) lower than the
corresponding period value of 2021 (₦5.38 billion).
• The value of imported manufactured goods in the quarter under review stood at ₦2,849.96 billion
with an increase of 3.41% against the value recorded in Q2, 2022 (₦2,756.02 billion). This value also
increased by 9.33% compared to the value recorded in Q3, 2021 (₦2,606.79 billion).
• The value of other oil products imports in the third quarter of 2022 stood at ₦1,614.56billion
indicating an increase of 9.11% from the value recorded in Q2, 2022 (₦1,479.76 billion) but declined
by 4.63% compared to the value recorded in the corresponding quarter of 2021(₦1,692.95 billion).

The value of total exports in Q3, 2022 stood at ₦5,933.63 billion indicating a decline of (-19.89%)
when compared to the value of exports in Q2, 2022 (₦7,406.53 billion) and rose by 15.52% when
compared to the value recorded in Q3, 2021 (₦5,136.56 billion).

• The value of agricultural goods exports stood at ₦84.21 billion in Q3, 2022 indicating a sharp
decline of (-40.60%) when compared to the value recorded in Q2, 2022 (₦141.77 billion) and
an increase of 6.03% when compared to the value recorded in Q3, 2021 (₦79.41 billion).
• The value of raw material goods exports in Q3, 2022 was valued at ₦186.02 billion showing
a drastic decrease of (-49.87%) and an increase of 23.58% than the value recorded in Q2,
2022(₦371.10 billion) and Q3, 2021 (₦150.52billion) respectively.
• The value of solid minerals exports in Q3, 2022 were valued at ₦22.47billion indicating an
increase of 7.07% compared to the value (₦20.99 billion) recorded in Q2, 2022, this also
increased by 22.69% compared to the value recorded in the corresponding quarter in
• The exports value of energy goods in Q3, 2022 stood at ₦13.84billion indicating a decrease
of -36.20% when compared to the value recorded in Q2, 2022 (₦21.70 billion); and also
decreased by -28.21% compared to Q3, 2021 (₦19.28billion).
• The value of manufactured goods exports was valued at ₦131.46billion in Q3, 2022 showing
an increase of 9.98% compared to the value recorded in Q2, 2022 (₦119.53 billion) and also
decreased by (-53.87%) compared to the value recorded in Q3, 2021 (₦284.99billion).
• The value of crude oil exports in Q3, 2022 stood at ₦4,658.30billion showing a decrease of (-
21.15%) compared to ₦5,907.97 billion, the value recorded in Q2, 2022; and it rose by
15.70% compared to the corresponding period of 2021(₦4,026.18billion).
• The value of other oil products exports in Q3, 2022 was ₦837.33 billion, this marginally
increased by 1.68% compared to the value recorded in Q2, 2022 (₦823.48 billion), but grew
by 50.10% when compared to the value in the same period of 2021 (₦557.85billion).

Country of Destination % Share of Total Export
Spain 14.72
India 10.44
France 7.25
Netherlands 7.09
Indonesia 7.00

Country of Origin % Share of Total Export
China 26.95
Netherlands 9.99
India 7.95
Belgium 7.46
United States 6.46


1 Superior quality Cocoa beans
2 Sesamum seeds
3 Cashew nuts In shell
4 Standard quality Cocoa
5 Other Frozen shrimps and prawns
6 Other cut flowers & flower buds of kind suitable ornamental purposes fresh,
dried, dyed
7 Cashew nuts Shelled
8 Crude Palm kernel oil
9 Natural cocoa butter
10 Ginger, neither crushed nor ground

1.0. Overview
Nigeria's total merchandise trade stood at ₦11,597.93billion in the third quarter of 2022, indicating
a decrease of (-9.68%) over the value recorded in the second quarter of 2022 and 10.75% higher
when compared to the value recorded in the third quarter of 2021. The export trade in the quarter
under review stood at ₦5,933.63 billion showing a decrease of (-19.89%) over the value recorded
in the preceding quarter and also increased by 15.52% over the corresponding period of the
preceding year. Furthermore, the share of exports in total trade stood at 51.16% in Q3, 2022.

On the other hand, total imports were valued at ₦5,664.30 billion in Q3, 2022 indicating an increase
of 4.22% over the value recorded in the preceding quarter. Furthermore, the value also increased
by 6.16% over what was recorded in the corresponding period of 2021. Imports' value in the third
quarter of 2022 accounted for 48.84% of total trade. The balance of trade in the period under
review stood at ₦269.34 billion.

The value of exports trade in the third quarter of 2022 was dominated by crude oil exports valued
at ₦4,658.30 billion which accounted for 78.51% of total exports while non-crude oil exports value
stood at ₦1,275.33 billion or 21.49% of total exports of which non-oil products contributed ₦438.00
billion representing 7.38% of total exports.





Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3
2018 2019 2020 2021 2022

Balance Imports Exports(fob)

1.1. Imports Classified by Standard International Trade Classification and Country of Origin

During the third quarter of 2022, total imports were valued at ₦5,664.30 billion accounting for
48.84% of total trade. The import value rose by 4.22% in Q3, 2022 compared to the value recorded
in Q2, 2022 and also increased by 6.16% compared to the imports value in Q3, 2021. Using the
Standard International Trade Classification, the top-ranked group was “mineral fuels” with
₦1,623.38 billion (28.66% of total imports), this was followed by “imported machinery & transport
equipment” with ₦1,523.04 billion (26.89% of total imports) and “chemicals & related products”
with ₦833.20 billion (14.71% of total imports).


1% 3% 10% 1,600.00
36% 1,000.00



During the quarter under review, Nigeria imported goods mainly from Asia, valued at ₦2,822.29
billion or 49.83% of total imports. This was followed by Europe with ₦2,038.29 billion or 35.98%,
America with ₦598.27 billion or 10.56%, Africa with ₦160.64 billion or 2.84% and Oceania with
₦44.85billion or 0.79%. Imports from ECOWAS countries accounted for ₦26.24 billion, or 0.46% of
the value of total imports. By country of origin, imported goods originated mainly from China and
were valued at ₦1,526.31 billion, representing 26.95% of total imports. This was followed by The
Netherlands with ₦565.90 billion (9.99% of total imports), India with ₦450.21billion (7.95% of total
imports), Belgium with goods imported valued at ₦422.34 billion or 7.46% of total imports, and the
United States of America with ₦365.94 billion (6.46% of total imports).

1.2. Exports Classified by Standard International Trade Classification and Country of
The value of total export stood at ₦5,933.63 billion in the third quarter of 2022, the value
accounted for 51.16% of total trade. The export value declined drastically in Q3, 2022 by
19.89% against the level recorded in Q2, 2022 and rose by 15.52% when compared to Q3 2021.
Exports by section revealed that Nigeria exported mainly ‘mineral products’ which amounted
to ₦5,531.95 billion, or 93.23% of total export value; followed by ‘Products of the chemical
and allied industries’, which were valued at ₦140.48 billion (or 2.37% of the value of total
exports) and ‘Prepared foodstuffs; beverages, spirits and vinegar; tobacco’ worth ₦66.81
billion (1.13% of the value of total exports).

Exports trade by region in Q3, 2022 shows that Nigeria exported most products to Europe with
goods valued at ₦2,619.97billion or 44.15% of total exports, followed by exports to Asia valued
at ₦1,747.48billion (29.45% of total exports), exports to Africa stood at ₦812.35 billion or
13.69% of total exports of which ₦507.44 billion worth of goods were exported to ECOWAS
countries while exports to America was valued at ₦723.30 billion, (12.19% of total exports)

Nigeria’s exports to her trading partners revealed Spain with goods valued at ₦873.62 billion
or14.72% as Nigeria’s top export destination during the quarter under review. This was
followed by India, France, The Netherlands, and Indonesia with goods valued at ₦619.22 billion
or 10.44%, ₦430.40billion or 7.25%, ₦420.41 billion or 7.09%, and ₦415.16 billion or 7.00% of
export trade respectively. These five countries collectively accounted for 46.49% of the value
of total exports in Q3, 2022.
1% 14% 800.00
12% 500.00
44% 400.00



2.0 Exports and Imports Products Classified by Sectors Q3, 2022
2.1 Agricultural Goods Sector

The value of total trade in agricultural goods in Q3, 2022 stood at ₦597.12 billion of which exports
were valued at ₦84.21 billion in Q3, 2022. Exports of agricultural goods fell by 40.60% and increased
by 6.03% when compared to the value recorded in Q2, 2022 (₦141.77 billion) and Q3, 2021
(₦79.41billion) respectively. During this quarter, most agricultural products were exported to Asia,
valued at₦44.04 billion, followed by Europe with ₦22.95 billion. Export of agricultural products was
dominated by ‘Superior quality Cocoa beans’ valued at ₦24.58 billion followed by ‘Sesamum seeds,
whether or not broken’ with₦19.80 billion and ‘Cashew nuts in shell’ with ₦7.20 billion.

By direction of trade, ‘Superior quality Cocoa beans’ worth ₦8.07 billion and ₦6.63 billion were
exported to Indonesia and Malaysia respectively. Furthermore, ‘Sesamum seeds’ worth ₦5.62 billion
and ₦5.49 billion were exported to Japan and China respectively, followed by exports of ‘Cashew
nuts in shell’ worth ₦3.86 billion and ₦2.21 billion to Vietnam and India respectively.

On the other hand, total imports of agricultural goods imported in Q3, 2022 stood at ₦512.91 billion
or 9.06% of total imports in Q3, 2022. This shows an increase of 10.44% when compared to the value
recorded in Q2, 2022 (₦464.45 billion) and also increased by 7.00% compared to the value recorded
in Q3, 2021(₦482.21 billion). The major agriculture goods imported in Q3, 2022 included ‘Durum
wheat (not in seeds)’ from the United States of America with ₦78.29 billion and Poland with ₦45.62
billion. This was followed by ‘Jack and horse mackerel (Trachurus spp.) meat, frozen’ From Chile
valued at ₦15.87billion and The Netherlands with ₦1.69 billion.







Superior Sesamum Cashew nuts Standard Other Frozen Other cut Cashew nuts
quality Cocoa seeds In shell quality Cocoa shrimps and flowers & Shelled
beans prawns flower buds
of kind

Major Traded Agriculture Products
Superior quality Cocoa beans 24,584.96
Sesamum seeds 19,797.37
Cashew nuts In shell 7,201.66
Standard quality Cocoa 5,724.82
Other Frozen shrimps and prawns 4,415.27
Other cut flowers & flower buds of kind suitable ornamental purposes fresh, dried, dyed 3,978.43
Cashew nuts Shelled 3,229.88
Crude Palm kernel oil 2,483.38
Natural cocoa butter 2,384.21
Ginger, Neither crushed nor ground 1,756.78
Soya beans (excluding seeds) 1,486.57
Frozen Rock lobster and other sea crawfish (Palinurus spp., Panulirus spp., Jasus spp.) 1,378.74
Ginger, Crushed or ground 1,187.42
Other Plants or parts, used in perfumery, pharmacy or insecticidal, in any form. 791.01
Gum Arabic 665.34
Other quality Cocoa beans not specified in 18.01 450.56
Ginseng roots 291.18
Other cereals not elsewhere specified. 275.16
Soya beans Seed 266.31
Flour, meal and powder Of the dried leguminous vegetables of heading 07.13 203.3

2.2 Solid Minerals Sector

The value of total trade in solid minerals goods in Q3, 2022 stood at ₦60.13 billion representing
0.52% of total trade in Q3, 2022 of which solid minerals exports stood at ₦22.47 billion, showing an
increase of 7.07% and 22.69% when compared to the value recorded in Q2, 2022 (₦20.99 billion)
and the corresponding quarter of 2021 (₦18.31 billion). The major exported solid mineral goods
were ‘Other excluding white cement’ to Niger, valued at ₦4.33 billion, followed by ‘Tin ores and
concentrates’ worth ₦2.95 billion to Malaysia. On the other hand, solid mineral imports were
dominated by ‘Other coal’ imported from South Africa worth ₦4.97 billion and Mozambique valued
at ₦4.71 billion. Other products imported under this category were ‘Gypsum; anhydrite’ from Spain
(₦4.19 billion) and Turkey (₦2.08 billion), as well as ‘Plasters’ (₦3.63 billion) from Turkey.

2.3 Manufactured Goods Sector

The value of manufactured goods traded in Q3, 2022 stood at ₦2,981.42 billion representing 25.71%
of total trade. Of this, the export component accounted for ₦131.46 billion. The major export goods

in this category were ‘Aluminium alloys, unwrought’ exported to Japan in values worth ₦16.61
billion. This was followed by ‘Cigarettes containing tobacco’ valued at ₦4.56 billion and ₦2.53 billion
to Niger and Cameroon respectively and ‘Vessels and other floating structures for breaking up’
exported to Ivory Coast valued at ₦8.05 billion. Exports by region showed that manufactured goods
were mainly exported to other African countries valued at ₦48.83 billion followed by Asia at ₦46.25
billion and Europe valued at ₦29.20 billion.

In the third quarter of 2022, manufactured goods mainly imported were ‘Used Vehicles, with diesel
or semidiesel engine, of cylinder capacity >2500cc’ from The United States of America and Italy
worth ₦75.15 billion and ₦3.27billion, followed by ‘Filters’ from China and United Arab Emirates
valued at ₦56.66 billion, ₦0.99 billion respectively. ‘Motorcycles and cycles fitted with an auxiliary
motor, petrol fuel, capacity >50<250cc, CKD’ was also imported from India (₦37.89 billion) and China
(₦21.74 billion). Other goods imported in this category were ‘Other Herbicides, anti-sprouting
products and planting’ from China (₦37.63 billion) and ‘Other appliances’ from China (₦33.26

2.4 Raw Material Goods Sector

The value of total trade of raw materials stood at ₦835.23 billion in the third quarter of 2022 of
which imports were valued at ₦649.21 billion while exports stood at ₦186.02 billion. During the
quarter, ‘Urea whether or not in aqueous solution’ was exported to Brazil at a value of₦63.69 billion.
This was followed by ‘Nonmonetary Gold (including gold plated with platinum) in Powder form’
exported to Switzerland valued at ₦17.32 billion.
In terms of imports, ‘cane sugar’ worth ₦86.58 billion was imported from Brazil, this was followed
by ‘Potassium sulphate’ imported from Canada valued at ₦29.18 billion. Another product imported
under this category was ‘Milk preparations containing vegetable fats /oils, powdered/granular,
packings > 25 kg’ imported from Ireland valued at ₦15.65 billion.

3.0. Trade by Mode of Transport

In the review quarter, the majority of commodities exported out of Nigeria were by sea. Maritime
transport accounted for ₦5,867.03 billion or 98.88% of total exports. Air transport accounted
for₦30.92 billion or 0.52%, while Road transport recorded ₦21.85 billion or 0.37%. Similarly, on the
import side; maritime transport accounted for ₦5,375.45 billion or 94.90% of the value of total
imports, while Air transport accounted for goods valued at ₦270.87 billion or 4.78%.

4.0. Trade by Custom Ports and Post

In Q3, 2022, the bulk of export transactions were carried through Apapa Port with goods valued at
₦5,649.51 billion or 95.21% of total exports. This was followed by Port Harcourt (3) which recorded
₦115.34 billion or 1.94% of total export. In terms of imports, Apapa Port also recorded the highest number
of transactions valued at ₦3,335.24 billion or 58.88% of total imports. This was followed by Tin can Island
which accounted for goods valued at ₦832.64 billion or 14.74%, while Port Harcourt (3) handled ₦481.69
billion or 8.50% of total imports.

The National Bureau of Statistics publishes this Trade Statistics report on a quarterly basis. Trade Statistics
compilation by NBS is largely from secondary data sources.
Data Sources:
The data sources for the compilations include; The Nigerian Customs Service (NCS) through the Nigeria
Integrated Customs Information System (NICIS), Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation (NNPC) Ltd, Various
companies in the upstream and downstream sectors of the oil industry, Nigerian Midstream and Downstream
Petroleum Regulatory Authority (NMDPRA), Nigeria Liquefied Natural Gas Ltd (NLNG), Central Bank of Nigeria
(CBN), Angila International Limited, Neroli Technologies Limited, Gojopal Nigeria Limited, Carmine Assayer Ltd
Inspection Services, Nigerian Export Processing Zone Agency (NEPZA), Oil and Gas Free Zone Agency (OGFZA),
Nigerian Electricity Regulatory Commission (NERC), Federal Airports Authority of Nigeria (FAAN), Nigeria Civil
Aviation Authority (NCAA) and Nigerian Ports Authority (NPA).
Validation & Quality Assurance:
Once data is collected from the above-stated sources, it is screened and verified for outliers. Data validation is
undertaken through a sample of the various Nigerian Customs Service outposts in Nigeria. Weight harmonization
is also carried out through the various entry ports in Nigeria.
Data processing is done using the Global Eurotrace software and the processed data is banked in the trade
database. Standard International Trade Classification (SITC) is used to classify and categorize trade items.
• Domestic exports – These are goods grown, extracted or manufactured in Nigeria and are sold in another
• Re-export – These are goods of foreign origin which entered Nigeria to be consumed but are subsequently
sold to another country without any substantial transformation. In other words, they are exported in the
same condition as imported.
• Raw material goods – This refers to products of agriculture, forestry, fishing and any other mineral that are
in their natural form or which have undergone the minimal transformation required to prepare it for
international marketing.
• Agricultural goods – These are goods that come from the planting of crops and/or the raring of animals.
• Solid minerals – These are elements found in the earth; and naturally organic substances that are solid like
precious stones, kaolin etc.
• Energy goods – This only refers to fuel woods in logs; for example, hard wood, charcoal, coniferous wood
in chips or particles etc.
• Manufactured goods – These are tangible goods created from the conversion of raw materials into
consumable or useful products
• Other Petroleum products – This consist of mineral fuels like natural gas, oil, bituminous coal etc.
• Crude oil – These are naturally occurring, unrefined petroleum products composed of hydrocarbon
deposits and other organic materials.

Top Fifteen Import Traded Products Q3 2022
Import Third Quarter 2022
Rankin HS10 Products Value (₦) %
g Share
of Total
1st 2710125000 Motor spirit, ordinary 21.18
2nd 2710192100 Gas oil 4.62
3rd 1001190000 Durum wheat (Not in seeds) 4.46
4th 2710191100 Kerosine type jet fuel 1.64
5th 8703332000 Used Vehicles, with diesel or semidiesel 1.60
engine, of cylinder capacity >2500cc 90,775,731,860.00
6th 1701141000 Cane sugar specified in Subheading Note 2 to 1.53
Chapter 17, Meant for sugar refinery 86,584,946,215.00
7th 8711201000 Motorcycles and cycles fitted with auxiliary 1.06
motor,petrol fuel, capacity >50<250cc, CKD 59,856,212,035.00
8th 9002200000 Filters 1.05
9th 3004909000 Other medicaments not else where specified 0.86
10th 8481800000 Other appliances 0.79
11th 3902100000 Polypropylene 0.77
12th 3808939000 Other Herbicides, antisprouting products and 0.68
plantgr 38,303,974,381.00
13th 8411990000 Parts of other gas turbines not specified. 0.67
14th 8517620000 Machines for reception, conversion and 0.66
transmission ... of voice, images or data. 37,415,888,022.00
15th 9901100007 Other lubricating oils meant to be mixed further 0.60

Top Fifteen Export Traded Products Q3 2022
Export Third Quarter 2022
Ranking HS10 Products Value (₦) % Share
of Total
1st 2709000000 Petroleum oils and oils obtained from 78.51
bituminous minerals, crude. 4,658,301,229,432.19
2nd 2711110000 Natural gas 12.76
3rd 3102100000 Urea, whether or not in aqueous solution 2.24
4th 2711290000 Other petroleum gases etc in gaseous state 0.99
5th 7601200000 Unwrought aluminium. alloys 0.44
6th 1801001100 Superior quality Cocoa beans 0.41
7th 1207400000 Sesamum seeds 0.33
8th 7108110000 Nonmonetary Gold (including gold plated 0.29
with platinum) in Powder form 17,315,017,508.00
9th 2402200000 Cigarettes containing tobacco 0.26
10th 2716000000 Electrical energy. (optional heading) 0.23
11th 2711120000 Propane 0.18
12th 7403110000 Cathodes and sections of cathodes 0.14
13th 8908000000 Vessels and other floating structures for 0.14
breaking up. 8,046,601,478.00
14th 7801100000 Refined lead 0.13
15th 4001220000 Technically specified natural rubber (TSNR) 0.13

Top Ten Export Trading Partners Q3 2022
2022 Export Third Quarter


% Share of
Country of

Crude Oil
Value (₦)

Oil Value



1st ES Spain 293,357,082,530 14.72
873,620,751,064.35 580,263,668,534.65
2nd IN India 59,876,115,982 10.44
619,224,691,178.84 559,348,575,197.16
3rd FR France 16,573,178,997 7.25
430,403,938,719.10 413,830,759,722.48
4th NL Netherlands 23,894,143,965 7.09
420,405,479,380.18 396,511,335,415.14
5th ID Indonesia 9,118,629,819 7.00
415,163,392,498.62 406,044,762,679.59
6th US United States 43,115,870,307 5.66
335,948,238,216.97 292,832,367,910.32
7th ZA South Africa 3,046,076,790 4.83
286,755,940,669.70 283,709,863,879.36
8th CI Ivory Coast 20,384,737,559 4.52
268,120,933,249.04 247,736,195,690.29
9th PT Portugal 92,762,595,760 3.95
234,503,685,571.21 141,741,089,811.00
10th IT Italy 20,221,978,200 3.59
212,838,253,846.03 192,616,275,646.52
% Share of Top ten countries in total Exports 69.05

Top Ten Import Trading Partners Q3 2022
2022 Import Third Quarter

% Share of Total
Country of Origin Value ( ₦)


1st CN China 1,526,308,426,341.00 26.95

2nd NL Netherlands 565,896,175,254.34 9.99

3rd IN India 450,213,190,031.00 7.95

4th BE Belgium 422,339,963,692.00 7.46

5th US United States 365,940,436,024.00 6.46

6th KR Korea, South 184,645,465,407.00 3.26

7th AE United Arab Emirates 173,967,017,715.98 3.07

8th GB United Kingdom 165,041,128,459.00 2.91

9th DE Germany 153,578,748,520.00 2.71

10th NO Norway 111,913,135,085.00 1.98

% Share of Top ten countries in total imports 72.73

CODE OF Value (₦)
8904000000 Tugs and pusher craft. Ivory Coast 1,947,866,929.
1,947,866,9 0
8901101100 Passenger, cruise ships, excursion boats Netherlands 29.00 1,532,887,500.
mechanically propelled, =< 500 tonnes 1,532,887,5 0
8901901100 Mechanically propelled vessels for the transport Ivory Coast 00.00 1,021,924,591.
of goods, gross tonnage=< 500 tonnes 1,021,924,5 0
8479890000 Other machines and mechanical appliances having Guinea, Rep 91.00 253,437,400.0
individual functions, nes 253,437,400
8905900000 Lightvessels, firefloats, floating cranes, and other Ghana .00 67,072,674.0
vessels not specified in 8905 67,072,674.
8807300000 Other parts of aeroplanes, helicopters or South 00 17,392,023.0
unmanned aircraft Africa 17,392,023.
8473300000 Parts and accessories of the machines of heading France 00 14,704,626.0
84.71 14,704,626.
8309909000 Other articles of heading 83.09 not for Togo 00 22,901,705.0
pharmaceutical industry 9,160,682.0 13,741,023.0
8908000000 Vessels and other floating structures for breaking Ivory Coast 0 0 8,046,601,478.
up. 8,046,601,47 0
8905200000 Floating or submersible drilling or production Ghana 8.00 4,966,633,330.
platforms 4,966,633,33 0
8477800000 Other machinery South 0.00 144,624,462.0
Africa 144,624,462.
8426410000 Other machinery, selfpropelled : On tyres South 00 195,456,308.0
Africa 104,669,074. 90,787,234.0
8462190000 Other Netherlands 00 0 28,340,430.0
24,117,430.0 4,223,000.00
8309909000 Other articles of heading 83.09 not for Benin, 0 8,405,619.0
pharmaceutical industry Republic of 8,405,619.00
8708100000 Bumpers and parts thereof of the motor vehicles Ghana 8,235,489.0
6,500,260.00 1,735,229.00
6704190000 Other False beards, eyebrows eyelashes of Ghana 1,201,784.0
synthetic textile materials not complete wig 1,201,784.00
8518400000 Audio frequency electric amplifiers Ghana 408,770.0
8802400000 Aeroplanes and other aircraft, of an unladen United 3,434,731,019.
weight exceeding 15,000 kg Kingdom 3,434,731,01 0
8905100000 Dredgers China 9.00 2,250,742,445.
2,250,742,44 0
8905900000 Lightvessels, firefloats, floating cranes, and other Ghana 5.00 508,880,920.0
vessels not specified in 8905 508,880,920.
9015800000 Other instruments and appliances for Surveying Netherlands 00 292,302,799.0
not specified in 9015 292,302,799.
8905900000 Lightvessels, firefloats, floating cranes, and other China 00 234,349,794.0
vessels not specified in 8905 234,349,794.
8429510000 Frontend shovel loaders Niger 00 18,581,200.0
Republic 18,581,200.0
8309909000 Other articles of heading 83.09 not for Togo 0 17,163,574.0
pharmaceutical industry 17,163,574.0
8431100000 Parts suitable for use solely with the machinery of Zimbabwe 0 2,681,294.0
machinery of heading 84.25 2,681,294.00
3304100000 Lip makeup preparations Ghana 1,475,938.0
8542390000 Other Electronic integrated circuits not specified. Ghana 1,305,611.0
8538900000 Parts suitable for Boards, panels, consoles, desk... Canada 864,459.0
equipped with their apparatus 864,459.00
3926909900 Other articles of plastics and articles of other Angola 55,895.0
mater 55,895.00

TOTAL 4,864,446,425.0 13,316,903,230.00 6,859,880,411.00 25,041,230,066.00

Table 1 Summary of Foreign Trade (₦'Million) Q3 2022

% Change Exports
% Change Imports
Crude Oil Exports

Non Oils Exports

Crude Oil /Total

Non_Crude Oil

Exports / Total

Exports (%)
Total Trade

Trade (%)


Non Oil
2018 Jan-Dec 13,165,127.35 18,532,039.98 5,366,912.63 31,697,167.33 15,156,394.70 3,375,645.28 1,191,970.44 58.47 81.78 6.43
2019 Jan-Dec 16,959,875.06 19,192,234.12 2,232,359.05 36,152,109.18 14,690,021.45 4,502,212.67 2,518,564.26 53.09 76.54 13.12 28.82 3.56
2020 Jan-Dec 12,700,943.81 12,522,684.44 -178,259.36 25,223,628.25 9,444,655.98 3,078,028.46 1,433,402.52 49.65 75.42 11.45 -25.11 -34.75
2021 Jan-Dec 20,843,964.95 18,907,788.71 -1,936,176.24 39,751,753.67 14,410,769.08 4,497,019.63 2,141,085.51 47.56 76.22 11.32 64.11 50.99
2022 Jan-Sept 17,000,133.44 20,440,618.58 3,440,485.14 37,440,752.01 16,187,261.03 4,253,357.55 1,828,268.37 54.59 79.19 8.94
2018 Q1 2,943,283.14 4,719,358.71 1,776,075.57 7,662,641.85 3,579,535.51 1,139,823.20 577,581.62 61.59 75.85 12.24
Q2 2,425,622.78 4,503,540.93 2,077,918.15 6,929,163.71 3,768,807.96 734,732.97 218,593.37 64.99 83.69 4.85 -17.59 -4.57
Q3 4,213,925.19 4,852,989.15 639,063.96 9,066,914.33 4,146,635.55 706,353.60 163,230.32 53.52 85.44 3.36 73.73 7.76
Q4 3,582,296.24 4,456,151.19 873,854.95 8,038,447.43 3,661,415.68 794,735.51 232,565.13 55.44 82.17 5.22 -14.99 -8.18
2019 Q1 3,703,711.71 4,535,331.67 831,619.95 8,239,043.38 3,376,729.99 1,158,601.68 604,437.27 55.05 74.45 13.33 3.39 1.78
Q2 4,007,394.20 4,597,865.52 590,471.32 8,605,259.73 3,936,291.85 661,573.68 227,606.53 53.43 85.61 4.95 8.20 1.38
Q3 3,899,140.52 5,288,466.29 1,389,325.77 9,187,606.82 3,747,760.42 1,540,705.88 1,080,098.85 57.56 70.87 20.42 -2.70 15.02
Q4 5,349,628.63 4,770,570.63 -579,057.99 10,120,199.26 3,629,239.19 1,141,331.44 606,421.60 47.14 76.08 12.71 37.20 -9.79
2020 Q1 3,576,567.85 4,109,769.94 533,202.08 7,686,337.79 2,944,596.78 1,165,173.16 623,998.51 53.47 71.65 15.18 -33.14 -13.85
Q2 2,433,232.08 2,224,953.15 -208,278.92 4,658,185.23 1,553,939.08 671,014.07 352,961.95 47.76 69.84 15.86 -31.97 -45.86
Q3 3,184,592.73 2,993,464.33 -191,128.39 6,178,057.06 2,424,774.05 568,690.29 215,159.25 48.45 81.00 7.19 30.88 34.54
Q4 3,506,551.15 3,194,497.02 -312,054.13 6,701,048.17 2,521,346.07 673,150.95 241,282.81 47.67 78.93 7.55 10.11 6.72
2021 Q1 4,875,187.85 2,984,931.95 -1,890,255.89 7,860,119.80 2,042,897.99 942,033.96 367,870.64 37.98 68.44 12.32 39.03 -6.56
Q2 4,692,334.32 5,019,682.72 327,348.40 9,712,017.05 4,072,324.47 947,358.26 409,814.60 51.69 81.13 8.16 -3.75 68.17
Q3 5,335,861.30 5,136,555.15 -199,306.15 10,472,416.45 4,026,183.44 1,110,371.71 552,525.18 49.05 78.38 10.76 13.71 2.33
Q4 5,940,581.48 5,766,618.89 -173,962.59 11,707,200.36 4,269,363.18 1,497,255.70 810,875.09 49.26 74.04 14.06 11.33 12.27
2022 Q1 5,900,825.85 7,100,457.43 1,199,631.58 13,001,283.29 5,620,992.17 1,479,465.26 715,193.23 54.61 79.16 10.07 0.67 23.13
Q2 5,435,010.96 7,406,528.24 1,971,517.28 12,841,539.20 5,907,967.62 1,498,560.61 675,076.65 57.68 79.77 9.11 -7.89 4.31
Q3 5,664,296.62 5,933,632.90 269,336.28 11,597,929.52 4,658,301.23 1,275,331.67 437,998.49 51.16 78.51 7.38 4.22 -19.89
2018 Jan 1,056,385.43 1,505,676.96 449,291.53 2,562,062.40 1,276,409.38 229,267.58 62,542.38 58.77 84.77 4.15
Feb 910,323.03 1,758,574.11 848,251.08 2,668,897.14 1,115,690.76 642,883.35 470,068.73 65.89 63.44 26.73 -13.83 16.80
Mar 976,574.68 1,455,107.64 478,532.97 2,431,682.32 1,187,435.37 267,672.27 44,970.51 59.84 81.60 3.09 7.28 -17.26
Apr 749,158.64 1,422,763.03 673,604.38 2,171,921.67 1,216,146.76 206,616.26 51,384.89 65.51 85.48 3.61 -23.29 -2.22
May 961,490.27 1,559,884.37 598,394.10 2,521,374.64 1,279,043.29 280,841.08 100,437.15 61.87 82.00 6.44 28.34 9.64
Jun 714,973.87 1,520,893.54 805,919.67 2,235,867.40 1,273,617.91 247,275.63 66,771.32 68.02 83.74 4.39 -25.64 -2.50
Jul 1,022,670.80 1,511,821.58 489,150.78 2,534,492.38 1,299,722.30 212,099.28 53,074.23 59.65 85.97 3.51 43.04 -0.60
Aug 2,209,385.78 1,587,281.94 -622,103.84 3,796,667.73 1,351,725.59 235,556.36 50,995.09 41.81 85.16 3.21 116.04 4.99
Sep 981,868.61 1,753,885.62 772,017.01 2,735,754.23 1,495,187.66 258,697.96 59,161.01 64.11 85.25 3.37 -55.56 10.50
Oct 1,379,272.38 1,744,993.90 365,721.52 3,124,266.28 1,498,432.86 246,561.04 59,832.84 55.85 85.87 3.43 40.47 -0.51
Nov 1,259,407.56 1,318,954.48 59,546.93 2,578,362.04 1,071,260.73 247,693.75 92,046.45 51.15 81.22 6.98 -8.69 -24.41
Dec 943,616.31 1,392,202.81 448,586.50 2,335,819.12 1,091,722.09 300,480.72 80,685.84 59.60 78.42 5.80 -25.07 5.55
2019 Jan 1,772,273.52 1,650,060.84 -122,212.68 3,422,334.35 1,057,438.39 592,622.45 373,094.52 48.21 64.08 22.61 87.82 18.52
Feb 929,475.94 1,433,273.96 503,798.02 2,362,749.90 1,124,057.11 309,216.85 141,379.84 60.66 78.43 9.86 -47.55 -13.14
Mar 1,001,962.25 1,451,996.87 450,034.62 2,453,959.12 1,195,234.49 256,762.38 89,962.92 59.17 82.32 6.20 7.80 1.31
Apr 1,417,924.56 1,634,941.71 217,017.14 3,052,866.27 1,372,328.75 262,612.96 77,387.90 53.55 83.94 4.73 41.51 12.60
May 1,547,034.65 1,510,134.29 -36,900.36 3,057,168.94 1,279,809.03 230,325.26 111,842.02 49.40 84.75 7.41 9.11 -7.63
Jun 1,042,434.99 1,452,789.53 410,354.54 2,495,224.52 1,284,154.06 168,635.46 38,376.61 58.22 88.39 2.64 -32.62 -3.80
Jul 1,403,219.46 1,579,622.85 176,403.38 2,982,842.31 1,230,042.92 349,579.93 195,720.44 52.96 77.87 12.39 34.61 8.73
Aug 1,356,107.95 1,489,856.90 133,748.95 2,845,964.85 1,229,865.08 259,991.82 93,006.23 52.35 82.55 6.24 -3.36 -5.68
Sep 1,139,813.11 2,218,986.55 1,079,173.44 3,358,799.66 1,287,852.42 931,134.13 791,372.18 66.06 58.04 35.66 -15.95 48.94
Oct 2,518,686.57 1,543,245.42 -975,441.14 4,061,931.99 1,240,631.76 302,613.66 126,770.00 37.99 80.39 8.21 120.97 -30.45
Nov 1,434,594.11 1,468,292.31 33,698.20 2,902,886.42 1,138,666.78 329,625.53 135,967.25 50.58 77.55 9.26 -43.04 -4.86
Dec 1,396,347.95 1,759,032.90 362,684.95 3,155,380.85 1,249,940.65 509,092.25 343,684.36 55.75 71.06 19.54 -2.67 19.80
2020 Jan 1,243,317.89 1,706,683.59 463,365.69 2,950,001.48 1,224,559.95 482,123.63 278,021.72 57.85 71.75 16.29 -10.96 -2.98
Feb 1,104,347.30 1,438,825.13 334,477.83 2,543,172.43 1,057,258.60 381,566.53 220,017.90 56.58 73.48 15.29 -11.18 -15.69
Mar 1,228,902.66 964,261.22 -264,641.44 2,193,163.88 662,778.23 301,482.99 125,958.89 43.97 68.73 13.06 11.28 -32.98
Apr 735,170.94 686,158.33 -49,012.60 1,421,329.27 415,842.4 270,315.93 159,615.61 48.28 60.60 23.26 -40.18 -28.84
May 749,205.80 752,669.55 3,463.75 1,501,875.35 514,825.4 237,844.11 115,116.69 50.12 68.40 15.29 1.91 9.69
Jun 948,855.3 786,125.27 -162,730.07 1,734,980.62 623,271.2 162,854.03 78,229.65 45.31 79.28 9.95 26.65 4.44
Jul 1,010,882.2 1,104,890.18 94,007.94 2,115,772.43 876,896.5 227,993.73 110,488.31 52.22 79.37 10.00 6.54 40.55
Aug 1,126,294.6 992,111.02 -134,183.61 2,118,405.66 806,258.6 185,852.44 62,926.71 46.83 81.27 6.34 11.42 -10.21
Sep 1,047,415.9 896,463.13 -150,952.73 1,943,878.98 741,619.0 154,844.11 41,744.24 46.12 92.48 4.66 -7.00 -9.64
Oct 1,185,140.95 998,403.40 -186,737.55 2,183,544.35 829,069.78 169,333.62 37,913.73 45.72 81.38 3.80 13.15 11.37
Nov 1,339,819.71 1,025,050.17 -314,769.54 2,364,869.88 812,454.21 212,595.96 75,657.41 43.34 85.83 7.38 13.05 2.67
Dec 981,590.49 1,171,043.45 189,452.96 2,152,633.94 879,822.08 291,221.37 127,711.67 54.40 215.31 10.91 -26.74 14.24
2021 Jan 1,315,216.67 895,199.01 -420,017.67 2,210,415.68 631,898.66 263,300.35 107,990.91 40.50 70.59 12.06 33.99 -23.56
Feb 1,582,037.54 984,812.73 -597,224.81 2,566,850.27 694,808.12 290,004.61 79,845.87 38.37 70.55 8.11 20.29 10.01
Mar 1,977,933.64 1,104,920.22 -873,013.42 3,082,853.86 716,191.22 388,729.00 180,033.86 35.84 64.82 16.29 25.02 12.20
Apr 1,311,391.77 1,651,887.74 340,495.96 2,963,279.51 1,341,688.56 310,199.17 135,976.23 55.75 81.22 8.23 -33.70 49.50
May 1,475,773.16 1,575,938.35 100,165.20 3,051,711.51 1,307,029.46 268,908.89 140,941.29 51.64 82.94 8.94 12.53 -4.60
Jun 1,905,169.39 1,791,856.64 -113,312.76 3,697,026.03 1,423,606.45 368,250.19 132,897.08 48.47 79.45 7.42 29.10 13.70
Jul 1,740,754.9 1,677,197.8 -63,557.07 3,417,952.67 1,444,686.9 232,510.91 85,286.87 49.07 86.14 5.09 -8.63 -6.40
Aug 2,005,917.8 1,421,104.6 -584,813.17 3,427,022.38 1,073,795.2 347,309.44 143,972.96 41.47 75.56 10.13 15.23 -15.27
Sep 1,589,188.7 2,038,252.7 449,064.08 3,627,441.40 1,507,701.4 530,551.36 323,265.35 56.19 73.97 15.86 -20.77 43.43
Oct 2,084,494.3 1,977,179.4 -107,314.94 4,061,673.64 1,487,004.7 490,174.69 260,115.89 48.68 75.21 13.16 31.17 -3.00
Nov 2,215,736.5 2,065,113.0 -150,623.45 4,280,849.51 1,511,558.6 553,554.45 368,370.45 48.24 73.19 17.84 6.30 4.45
Dec 1,640,350.7 1,724,326.5 83,975.80 3,364,677.21 1,270,799.9 453,526.56 182,388.75 51.25 73.70 10.58 -25.97 -16.50
2022 Jan 2,014,232.8 2,199,495.1 185,262.32 4,213,727.90 1,739,430.0 460,065.10 194,782.68 52.20 79.08 8.86 22.79 27.56
Feb 2,052,525.6 2,095,512.6 42,986.97 4,148,038.22 1,671,939.2 423,573.44 176,406.99 50.52 79.79 8.42 1.90 -4.73
Mar 1,834,067.4 2,805,449.7 971,382.29 4,639,517.17 2,209,623.0 595,826.72 344,003.55 60.47 78.76 12.26 10.64 -33.88
Apr 1,713,699.2 2,263,980.7 550,281.5 3,977,679.9 1,743,208.9 520,771.8 219,550.3 56.92 77.00 9.70 -6.56 -19.30
May 2,051,814.0 2,634,362.3 582,548.3 4,686,176.2 2,180,188.3 454,173.9 239,352.4 56.22 82.76 9.09 19.73 16.36
June 1,669,497.8 2,508,185.3 838,687.5 4,177,683.1 1,984,570.4 523,614.8 216,173.9 60.04 79.12 8.62 -18.63 -4.79
July 2,245,351.0 2,179,556.6 - 65,794.4 4,424,907.6 1,718,187.3 461,369.3 135,448.0 49.26 78.83 6.21 34.49 -13.10
August 2,026,462.0 1,959,180.3 - 67,281.7 3,985,642.2 1,536,472.3 422,708.0 168,312.3 49.16 78.42 8.59 -9.75 -10.11
September 1,392,483.7 1,794,896.0 402,412.4 3,187,379.7 1,403,641.6 391,254.4 134,238.2 56.31 78.20 7.48 -31.28 -8.39

Tab 2 Quarterly Imports By Section (₦'Million) Q3, 2022
2018 2019 2020 2021 Jul-Sept 2018 Jul-Sept 2019 Jul-Sept 2020 Jul-Sept 2021 Jul-Sept 2022

I. Value (cif N million)

1 Live animals; animal products 364,981.81 422,943.69 454,519.50 551,225.96 101,754.60 99,968.48 132,143.07 183,622.16 154,675.06
2 Vegetable products 526,675.65 585,882.70 749,386.85 1,351,406.42 131,911.30 157,694.81 210,011.10 326,740.77 365,888.66
3 Animal and vegetable fats and oils and other cleavage prod. 72,889.74 84,277.11 119,809.03 262,284.39 19,138.96 19,177.82 32,623.07 44,019.10 41,152.59
4 Prepared foodstuffs; beverages, spirits and vinegar; tobacco 529,087.49 676,364.25 594,083.17 903,476.96 127,723.20 169,798.33 161,537.81 262,863.01 237,489.09
5 Mineral products 3,971,207.40 2,718,829.74 2,965,201.74 6,563,003.47 1,075,347.14 548,528.88 680,532.90 1,722,204.98 1,651,154.77
6 Products of the chemical and allied industries 990,846.32 1,388,030.86 1,456,617.90 1,799,433.24 243,340.82 385,779.91 351,606.43 404,786.26 556,356.79
7 Plastic, rubber and articles thereof 607,207.80 695,205.24 609,211.15 1,161,272.64 168,932.58 223,698.97 176,446.96 333,541.23 307,895.93
8 Raw hides and skins, leather, furskins etc.; saddlery 10,887.13 23,342.73 29,692.97 36,099.36 2,655.75 6,151.38 9,897.64 9,785.05 18,875.42
9 Wood and articles of wood, wood charcoal and articles 22,504.27 39,095.22 51,499.73 59,339.88 4,807.79 10,317.76 13,213.14 16,450.51 31,265.44
10 Paper making material; paper and paperboard, articles 214,370.71 491,108.51 188,638.80 328,923.40 57,765.07 59,035.85 46,646.31 104,103.38 112,773.76
11 Textiles and textile articles 168,669.31 220,468.04 182,534.16 278,767.27 43,949.25 49,700.62 50,937.42 63,137.99 98,867.97
12 Footwear, headgear, umbrellas, sunshades, whips etc. 31,223.29 39,632.67 23,479.48 25,845.56 8,262.09 10,944.75 7,251.81 6,125.57 6,343.70
13 Articles of stone, plaster, cement, asbestos, mica, ceramic 63,032.42 606,902.57 71,439.65 100,988.29 14,472.50 25,415.30 19,898.35 28,072.81 31,281.33
14 Pearls, precious and semi-precious stones, precious metals 1,254.34 1,561.41 1,296.49 1,287.98 370.88 445.79 236.76 343.47 77,860.70
15 Base metals and articles of base metals 641,400.17 784,976.55 672,496.87 1,060,164.24 186,239.66 181,214.72 158,363.47 223,478.69 230,357.04
16 Boilers, machinery and appliances; parts thereof 2,608,882.77 4,541,153.10 3,029,165.92 4,195,174.56 543,150.18 1,238,059.85 794,039.56 1,061,585.97 1,104,284.70
17 Vehicles, aircraft and parts thereof; vessels etc. 2,091,185.02 2,351,983.42 1,149,412.32 1,555,881.21 1,398,956.11 603,504.17 243,821.38 385,625.18 434,511.24
18 Optical, photographic, cinematographic, measuring appliances 201,567.97 1,209,951.06 263,963.31 446,706.80 72,269.96 82,152.45 77,099.98 115,790.25 151,518.29
19 Arms and ammunition, parts thereof 1,946.63 12,773.83 29,236.39 72,497.14 1,212.93 7,347.31 955.77 23,372.98 8,368.12
20 Miscellaneous manufactured articles 45,227.52 65,221.36 59,157.36 89,967.33 11,645.63 20,149.93 17,289.23 20,122.58 43,375.83
21 Works of art, collectors' pieces and antiques 79.59 171.01 101.05 218.85 18.78 53.43 40.57 89.37 0.20
22 Special items not classified according to kind - - - - - - - - -
Total 13,165,127.35 16,959,875.06 12,700,943.81 20,843,964.95 4,213,925.19 3,899,140.52 3,184,592.73 5,335,861.30 5,664,296.62

ii. Proportion/ Share of Total

1 Live animals; animal products 2.77 2.49 3.58 2.64 2.41 2.56 4.15 3.44 2.73
2 Vegetable products 4.00 3.45 5.90 6.48 3.13 4.04 6.59 6.12 6.46
3 Animal and vegetable fats and oils and other cleavage prod. 0.55 0.50 0.94 1.26 0.45 0.49 1.02 0.82 0.73
4 Prepared foodstuffs; beverages, spirits and vinegar; tobacco 4.02 3.99 4.68 4.33 3.03 4.35 5.07 4.93 4.19
5 Mineral products 30.16 16.03 23.35 31.49 25.52 14.07 21.37 32.28 29.15
6 Products of the chemical and allied industries 7.53 8.18 11.47 8.63 5.77 9.89 11.04 7.59 9.82
7 Plastic, rubber and articles thereof 4.61 4.10 4.80 5.57 4.01 5.74 5.54 6.25 5.44
8 Raw hides and skins, leather, furskins etc.; saddlery 0.08 0.14 0.23 0.17 0.06 0.16 0.31 0.18 0.33
9 Wood and articles of wood, wood charcoal and articles 0.17 0.23 0.41 0.28 0.11 0.26 0.41 0.31 0.55
10 Paper making material; paper and paperboard, articles 1.63 2.90 1.49 1.58 1.37 1.51 1.46 1.95 1.99
11 Textiles and textile articles 1.28 1.30 1.44 1.34 1.04 1.27 1.60 1.18 1.75
12 Footwear, headgear, umbrellas, sunshades, whips etc. 0.24 0.23 0.18 0.12 0.20 0.28 0.23 0.11 0.11
13 Articles of stone, plaster, cement, asbestos, mica, ceramic 0.48 3.58 0.56 0.48 0.34 0.65 0.62 0.53 0.55
14 Pearls, precious and semi-precious stones, precious metals 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 1.37
15 Base metals and articles of base metals 4.87 4.63 5.29 5.09 4.42 4.65 4.97 4.19 4.07
16 Boilers, machinery and appliances; parts thereof 19.82 26.78 23.85 20.13 12.89 31.75 24.93 19.90 19.50
17 Vehicles, aircraft and parts thereof; vessels etc. 15.88 13.87 9.05 7.46 33.20 15.48 7.66 7.23 7.67
18 Optical, photographic, cinematographic, measuring appliances 1.53 7.13 2.08 2.14 1.72 2.11 2.42 2.17 2.67
19 Arms and ammunition, parts thereof 0.01 0.08 0.23 0.35 0.03 0.19 0.03 0.44 0.15
20 Miscellaneous manufactured articles 0.34 0.38 0.47 0.43 0.28 0.52 0.54 0.38 0.77
21 Works of art, collectors' pieces and antiques 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
22 Special items not classified according to kind 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Total 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00

Tab3: Quarterly Exports By Section (₦'Million) Q3, 2022
2018 2019 2020 2021 Jul-Sept 2018 Jul-Sept 2019 Jul-Sept 2020 Jul-Sept 2021 Jul-Sept 2022
I. Value (fob N million)
1 Live animals; animal products 19,998.50 15,427.65 14,439.20 21,924.07 5,604.71 3,847.32 4,106.39 7,884.94 6,576.83
2 Vegetable products 176,320.49 155,226.70 189,913.74 259,305.35 24,809.11 22,669.73 44,463.45 31,388.04 42,310.85
3 Animal and vegetable fats and oils and other cleavage prod. 7,506.30 4,303.33 6,053.52 6,841.11 2,158.26 378.54 30.02 462.38 2,713.55
4 Prepared foodstuffs; beverages, spirits and vinegar; tobacco 180,281.12 174,256.77 169,269.29 345,301.81 34,610.79 33,359.25 27,609.41 79,018.84 66,807.36
5 Mineral products 17,444,901.24 16,729,111.79 11,120,986.13 16,910,118.79 4,709,219.55 4,220,070.76 2,788,398.62 4,621,601.28 5,531,945.97
6 Products of the chemical and allied industries 75,312.34 67,759.28 78,969.11 405,879.49 14,158.86 14,295.33 3,574.56 121,612.10 140,484.64
7 Plastic, rubber and articles thereof 40,923.71 31,542.86 10,603.82 44,635.11 10,493.69 8,335.94 1,942.83 17,268.04 13,193.28
8 Raw hides and skins, leather, furskins etc.; saddlery 33,715.00 26,936.48 23,533.98 37,216.48 10,258.71 8,934.53 4,523.71 8,869.30 12,174.09
9 Wood and articles of wood, wood charcoal and articles 6,199.95 1,401.27 545.24 4,554.33 1,658.90 250.88 49.12 125.67 71.19
10 Paper making material; paper and paperboard, articles 1,569.02 1,281.91 1,076.31 2,165.64 290.32 342.83 312.60 811.01 798.76
11 Textiles and textile articles 3,674.05 3,314.29 6,022.89 12,292.47 1,225.41 757.90 973.03 2,881.05 1,902.05
12 Footwear, headgear, umbrellas, sunshades, whips etc. 6,238.00 3,968.46 1,816.92 4,260.92 1,269.13 704.54 704.29 1,501.02 1,580.85
13 Articles of stone, plaster, cement, asbestos, mica, ceramic 2,446.79 3,393.53 1,089.00 22,072.84 442.34 1,296.34 96.43 6,988.88 21,337.31
14 Pearls, precious and semi-precious stones, precious metals 19.36 186.15 779.29 3,560.78 - 100.84 357.42 348.56 85.02
15 Base metals and articles of base metals 59,174.67 805,330.40 35,616.94 152,238.25 15,741.65 771,627.64 10,608.32 49,945.73 58,934.44
16 Boilers, machinery and chemical appliances; parts thereof 8,521.57 3,996.42 17,867.09 19,298.42 212.22 872.01 2,072.27 603.03 1,940.24
17 Vehicles, aircraft and parts thereof; vessels etc. 464,853.72 1,163,672.01 841,996.85 654,167.00 20,731.87 200,065.01 103,280.24 185,037.91 30,262.43
18 Optical, photographic, cinematographic, measuring appliances 17.85 908.61 2,079.53 1,077.37 - 533.36 347.40 24.00 302.18
19 Arms and ammunition, parts thereof - - - 192.64 - - - - -
20 Miscellaneous manufactured articles 366.24 216.22 25.59 685.82 103.62 23.56 14.24 183.36 211.85
21 Works of art, collectors' pieces and antiques 0.05 - - - - - - - -
22 Special items not classified according to kind - - - - - - - - -
Total 18,532,039.98 19,192,234.12 12,522,684.44 18,907,788.71 4,852,989.15 5,288,466.29 2,993,464.33 5,136,555.15 5,933,632.90

ii. Proportion/ Share of Total

1 Live animals; animal products 0.11 0.08 0.12 0.12 0.12 0.07 0.14 0.15 0.11
2 Vegetable products 0.95 0.81 1.52 1.37 0.51 0.43 1.49 0.61 0.71
3 Animal and vegetable fats and oils and other cleavage prod. 0.04 0.02 0.05 0.04 0.04 0.01 0.00 0.01 0.05
4 Prepared foodstuffs; beverages, spirits and vinegar; tobacco 0.97 0.91 1.35 1.83 0.71 0.63 0.92 1.54 1.13
5 Mineral products 94.13 87.17 88.81 89.43 97.04 79.80 93.15 89.97 93.23
6 Products of the chemical and allied industries 0.41 0.35 0.63 2.15 0.29 0.27 0.12 2.37 2.37
7 Plastic, rubber and articles thereof 0.22 0.16 0.08 0.24 0.22 0.16 0.06 0.34 0.22
8 Raw hides and skins, leather, furskins etc.; saddlery 0.18 0.14 0.19 0.20 0.21 0.17 0.15 0.17 0.21
9 Wood and articles of wood, wood charcoal and articles 0.03 0.01 0.00 0.02 0.03 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
10 Paper making material; paper and paperboard, articles 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.02 0.01
11 Textiles and textile articles 0.02 0.02 0.05 0.07 0.03 0.01 0.03 0.06 0.03
12 Footwear, headgear, umbrellas, sunshades, whips etc. 0.03 0.02 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.03
13 Articles of stone, plaster, cement, asbestos, mica, ceramic 0.01 0.02 0.01 0.12 0.01 0.02 0.00 0.14 0.36
14 Pearls, precious and semi-precious stones, precious metals 0.00 0.00 0.01 0.02 - 0.00 0.01 0.01 0.00
15 Base metals and articles of base metals 0.32 4.20 0.28 0.81 0.32 14.59 0.35 0.97 0.99
16 Boilers, machinery and appliances; parts thereof 0.05 0.02 0.14 0.10 0.00 0.02 0.07 0.01 0.03
17 Vehicles, aircraft and parts thereof; vessels etc. 2.51 6.06 6.72 3.46 0.43 3.78 3.45 3.60 0.51
18 Optical, photographic, cinematographic, measuring appliances 0.00 0.00 0.02 0.01 - 0.01 0.01 0.00 0.01
19 Arms and ammunition, parts thereof - - - 0.00 - - - - -
20 Miscellaneous manufactured articles 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
21 Works of art, collectors' pieces and antiques 0.00 - - - - - - - -
22 Special items not classified according to kind - - - - - - - - -
Total 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00

Tab4 Imports by Region and Major Trading Partners (₦'million) Q3 2022
Africa America Europe Asia Oceania Total
Total ECOWAS Others Total USA Canada Brazil Others Total Germany UK Netherlands Italy France Spain others Total Japan India China Others
2018 Jan-Dec 467,038.19 74,697.06 392,341.13 1,400,977.31 966,910.25 123,506.05 236,929.80 73,631.21 5,392,597.50 357,731.50 332,479.25 1,501,640.12 240,961.30 377,569.91 235,765.78 2,346,449.64 5,792,203.85 112,002.06 688,644.63 2,555,435.72 2,436,121.44 112,310.50 13,165,127.35
2019 Jan-Dec 1,105,778.65 215,792.74 889,985.91 2,282,565.52 1,674,203.29 179,625.58 252,492.82 176,243.82 5,080,860.88 521,540.90 481,440.11 1,250,516.05 312,384.69 340,811.90 198,143.58 1,976,023.64 8,419,927.23 258,053.11 2,041,764.20 4,317,930.80 1,802,179.12 70,742.78 16,959,875.06
2020 Jan-Dec 406,882.65 75,018.47 331,864.18 1,571,578.66 1,026,145.83 135,365.02 283,307.48 126,760.34 4,659,558.71 395,300.58 282,149.18 1,163,118.01 272,050.67 269,948.73 194,120.93 2,082,870.60 5,968,827.23 140,594.46 1,104,562.38 3,227,000.37 1,496,670.02 94,096.55 12,700,943.81
2021 Jan-Dec 551,309.74 82,480.19 468,829.55 2,100,699.74 1,271,602.04 188,407.80 462,900.95 177,788.94 8,357,959.39 509,761.11 326,045.52 2,142,110.44 422,857.34 469,707.61 275,668.21 4,211,809.15 9,687,078.21 119,639.41 1,841,064.35 5,155,749.22 2,570,625.23 146,917.87 20,843,964.95
2022 Jan-Sept 558,121.59 80,654.37 477,467.22 1,793,554.57 1,066,195.22 238,418.15 264,829.85 224,111.35 6,571,705.56 391,973.42 395,151.98 1,615,806.07 260,772.66 399,416.03 163,421.22 3,345,164.18 7,967,427.82 107,164.15 1,324,984.91 4,452,345.66 2,082,933.09 109,264.41 17,000,073.95
2018 Q1 101,374.04 17,810.02 83,564.02 281,406.26 191,028.54 16,854.15 61,979.99 11,543.58 1,486,489.36 76,140.76 57,296.55 426,931.32 38,630.51 113,128.21 75,869.87 698,492.13 1,048,043.37 27,308.09 158,045.09 531,501.14 331,189.05 25,970.10 2,943,283.14
Q2 112,638.06 16,775.01 95,863.05 257,249.66 178,357.52 26,138.65 30,046.79 22,706.70 1,011,388.82 70,995.27 59,536.13 245,056.54 55,774.50 62,188.59 76,988.39 440,849.40 1,007,835.07 28,921.77 145,023.78 532,522.53 301,366.99 36,511.17 2,425,622.78
Q3 138,696.48 16,908.80 121,787.67 351,616.87 224,221.30 37,533.95 70,767.62 19,093.99 1,499,357.45 88,446.04 68,635.51 502,204.24 50,853.44 112,212.07 47,256.72 629,749.42 2,198,036.42 23,068.72 154,608.54 591,362.27 1,428,996.88 26,217.98 4,213,925.19
Q4 114,329.61 23,203.23 91,126.39 510,704.51 373,302.89 42,979.29 74,135.39 20,286.94 1,395,361.87 122,149.43 147,011.05 327,448.02 95,702.84 90,041.05 35,650.79 577,358.69 1,538,288.99 32,703.47 230,967.22 900,049.78 374,568.53 23,611.26 3,582,296.24
2019 Q4 113,996.67 22,821.09 91,175.57 668,570.39 484,341.83 76,151.49 78,950.08 29,126.99 1,550,357.31 133,477.56 111,284.67 460,575.28 63,198.33 149,183.36 32,331.18 600,306.93 3,008,690.36 87,382.17 1,207,243.26 1,096,144.87 617,920.07 8,013.91 5,349,628.63
Q3 106,013.90 19,122.90 86,891.01 576,716.75 442,439.84 46,007.94 58,058.84 30,210.13 1,194,162.60 125,867.10 115,239.20 265,156.59 89,020.33 57,605.26 93,340.72 447,933.40 1,998,452.91 68,975.43 292,021.77 1,221,898.14 415,557.57 23,794.35 3,899,140.52
Q2 241,654.28 146,139.42 95,514.85 544,326.71 422,124.64 35,795.33 53,685.40 32,721.35 1,422,891.81 131,779.68 159,577.95 374,067.80 71,822.21 80,754.28 37,875.74 567,014.14 1,777,778.16 59,106.19 299,792.32 1,020,590.20 398,289.44 20,743.24 4,007,394.20
Q1 644,113.80 27,709.33 616,404.48 492,951.67 325,296.99 21,670.82 61,798.51 84,185.36 913,449.15 130,416.56 95,338.28 150,716.38 88,343.82 53,269.00 34,595.94 360,769.18 1,635,005.80 42,589.33 242,706.84 979,297.59 370,412.04 18,191.28 3,703,711.71
2020 Q4 105,317.69 14,131.90 91,185.79 434,436.56 270,359.39 48,806.15 92,474.47 22,796.83 1,367,993.33 101,275.38 69,764.80 265,503.76 92,059.83 93,922.64 57,660.92 687,806.00 1,588,922.09 37,618.31 309,093.50 879,750.92 362,459.37 9,881.47 3,506,551.15
Q3 91,981.55 8,507.86 83,473.68 398,640.75 246,216.63 38,010.76 68,211.46 46,201.90 1,217,289.53 103,976.52 78,659.38 314,635.85 79,018.99 70,991.42 52,830.11 517,177.27 1,441,474.39 28,350.63 244,570.49 846,696.73 321,856.54 35,206.51 3,184,592.73
Q2 103,201.49 19,797.55 83,403.94 346,561.17 244,905.00 23,459.46 54,869.41 23,327.30 718,088.57 90,855.22 49,692.42 154,964.36 43,244.68 38,081.46 40,799.07 300,451.36 1,238,433.50 31,754.91 211,319.41 693,359.64 301,999.54 26,947.35 2,433,232.08
Q1 106,381.93 32,581.16 73,800.77 391,940.19 264,664.81 25,088.64 67,752.14 34,434.59 1,356,187.27 99,193.46 84,032.58 428,014.04 57,727.17 66,953.21 42,830.84 577,435.97 1,699,997.25 42,870.61 339,578.98 807,193.08 510,354.57 22,061.22 3,576,567.85
2021 Q4 161,471.58 35,761.83 125,709.75 571,700.66 340,356.87 54,269.70 131,026.08 46,048.01 2,422,413.63 135,822.42 83,208.47 416,516.57 120,625.88 137,042.78 68,154.14 1,461,043.37 2,743,755.57 33,903.56 430,384.00 1,652,654.89 626,813.13 41,240.04 5,940,581.48
Q3 138,120.65 16,588.12 121,532.53 580,443.41 344,003.36 46,137.51 148,353.79 41,948.75 2,103,082.03 146,370.63 77,377.74 553,341.10 108,828.81 127,417.12 61,196.84 1,028,549.79 2,472,798.04 30,778.11 468,420.73 1,275,038.76 698,560.44 41,417.18 5,335,861.30
Q2 156,527.59 17,671.92 138,855.67 518,713.94 295,769.13 54,843.74 107,068.97 61,032.10 1,701,002.54 128,693.29 75,141.35 484,280.59 58,215.85 99,373.05 52,210.12 803,088.28 2,279,586.87 34,385.64 478,981.39 1,164,889.59 601,330.25 36,503.39 4,692,334.32
Q1 95,189.92 12,458.31 82,731.60 429,841.74 291,472.67 33,156.86 76,452.13 28,760.08 2,131,461.20 98,874.77 90,317.96 687,972.18 135,186.81 105,874.66 94,107.12 919,127.70 2,190,937.73 20,572.10 463,278.23 1,063,165.98 643,921.42 27,757.26 4,875,187.85
2022 Q1 152,612.88 22,371.37 130,241.51 604,665.83 337,331.57 55,841.34 122,207.50 89,285.42 2,554,276.80 112,268.83 125,323.59 618,892.74 101,848.14 226,570.65 62,214.06 1,307,158.80 2,556,345.47 36,073.03 415,574.19 1,507,522.91 597,175.33 32,924.87 5,900,825.85
Q2 244,864.58 32,047.70 212,816.88 590,618.70 362,923.21 129,040.32 33,167.12 65,488.04 1,979,184.72 126,125.85 104,787.26 431,017.15 62,503.27 64,464.02 51,619.85 1,138,667.32 2,588,848.79 38,235.71 459,197.53 1,418,514.32 672,901.23 31,494.17 5,435,010.96
Q3 160,644.13 26,235.30 134,408.83 598,270.04 365,940.44 53,536.50 109,455.22 69,337.89 2,038,244.04 153,578.75 165,041.13 565,896.18 96,421.26 108,381.37 49,587.31 899,338.06 2,822,233.56 32,855.41 450,213.19 1,526,308.43 812,856.54 44,845.37 5,664,237.14
2018 Jan 38,721.43 4,791.93 33,929.50 108,953.54 73,351.24 4,627.00 26,803.48 4,171.82 504,730.80 43,828.14 21,711.87 121,150.87 14,587.35 40,360.29 14,250.38 248,841.90 394,127.34 10,010.91 61,019.51 203,046.62 120,050.29 9,852.32 1,056,385.43
Feb 39,655.79 8,904.29 30,751.50 78,837.58 57,059.52 11,481.37 8,673.07 1,623.62 459,324.65 18,621.53 16,878.78 151,241.39 16,466.42 22,825.72 24,944.46 208,346.35 326,213.81 6,448.80 55,968.94 155,596.13 108,199.94 6,291.21 910,323.03
Mar 22,996.83 4,113.80 18,883.02 93,615.14 60,617.78 745.79 26,503.43 5,748.14 522,433.91 13,691.09 18,705.90 154,539.07 7,576.74 49,942.19 36,675.03 241,303.89 327,702.23 10,848.38 41,056.64 172,858.39 102,938.82 9,826.57 976,574.68
Apr 41,566.09 3,655.00 37,911.09 81,021.88 55,073.82 9,203.84 5,544.59 11,199.62 304,963.90 25,981.40 18,755.86 68,170.15 21,770.27 21,164.69 16,406.56 132,714.98 316,043.46 9,073.87 44,151.19 158,515.61 104,302.79 5,563.32 749,158.64
May 39,191.45 7,633.10 31,558.34 103,463.88 77,176.88 7,213.21 12,240.13 6,833.65 422,450.99 20,645.96 23,234.02 134,999.55 20,254.18 23,796.76 37,192.29 162,328.23 377,101.49 8,523.05 48,257.70 182,363.21 137,957.54 19,282.46 961,490.27
Jun 31,880.53 5,486.91 26,393.62 72,763.91 46,106.82 9,721.60 12,262.07 4,673.42 283,973.93 24,367.91 17,546.25 41,886.85 13,750.05 17,227.14 23,389.54 145,806.19 314,690.11 11,324.84 52,614.90 191,643.72 59,106.65 11,665.39 714,973.87
Jul 58,293.94 3,808.82 54,485.12 105,087.01 63,078.12 14,797.56 20,970.64 6,240.69 506,728.88 32,001.04 30,264.18 160,233.05 15,798.20 30,015.25 35,802.73 202,614.44 345,612.43 8,049.22 54,984.45 186,505.57 96,073.18 6,948.54 1,022,670.80
Aug 44,047.79 8,984.44 35,063.35 129,011.91 80,961.09 10,050.81 30,935.60 7,064.41 512,510.51 28,173.57 21,019.11 178,880.62 15,983.48 35,852.98 5,997.07 226,603.67 1,513,134.83 7,043.53 51,119.90 212,403.09 1,242,568.31 10,680.74 2,209,385.78
Sep 36,354.75 4,115.54 32,239.20 117,517.94 80,182.09 12,685.58 18,861.38 5,788.89 480,118.06 28,271.43 17,352.22 163,090.57 19,071.76 46,343.84 5,456.93 200,531.31 339,289.16 7,975.98 48,504.19 192,453.61 90,355.38 8,588.70 981,868.61
Oct 45,164.99 6,403.49 38,761.50 170,185.15 125,543.51 13,141.59 27,271.34 4,228.71 628,148.70 44,532.21 51,306.56 160,352.64 40,278.87 36,530.07 18,679.46 276,468.90 530,274.10 9,794.72 78,363.49 308,427.01 133,688.88 5,499.44 1,379,272.38
Nov 38,907.05 7,604.46 31,302.59 188,682.50 149,052.61 12,322.49 21,160.45 6,146.95 504,784.71 33,581.57 59,925.42 142,876.56 19,268.65 32,620.97 9,040.32 207,471.23 517,584.31 11,832.21 76,139.59 294,419.18 135,193.33 9,448.99 1,259,407.56
Dec 30,257.58 9,195.28 21,062.30 151,836.85 98,706.76 17,515.22 25,703.60 9,911.27 262,428.46 44,035.65 35,779.08 24,218.83 36,155.32 20,890.01 7,931.02 93,418.56 490,430.59 11,076.54 76,464.15 297,203.59 105,686.32 8,662.82 943,616.31
2019 Jan 558,143.71 5,059.10 553,084.61 179,096.43 102,345.76 5,368.46 18,578.91 52,803.31 357,091.67 56,324.36 34,826.03 84,147.94 31,320.32 13,660.90 10,061.83 126,750.27 672,469.61 16,582.12 110,241.25 405,665.56 139,980.67 5,472.10 1,772,273.52
Feb 39,209.68 10,207.63 29,002.05 141,272.17 107,119.69 3,829.25 17,824.72 12,498.51 285,332.04 34,194.55 31,011.03 40,849.18 26,072.30 22,264.29 11,867.22 119,073.47 456,128.14 11,623.41 56,968.12 282,666.66 104,869.95 7,533.92 929,475.94
Mar 46,760.42 12,442.60 34,317.82 172,583.08 115,831.54 12,473.12 25,394.87 18,883.54 271,025.44 39,897.65 29,501.21 25,719.26 30,951.19 17,343.81 12,666.89 114,945.44 506,408.05 14,383.80 75,497.47 290,965.37 125,561.41 5,185.26 1,001,962.25
Apr 163,494.05 134,455.66 29,038.39 164,318.91 138,172.93 8,015.41 10,208.87 7,921.69 456,795.92 41,977.64 44,166.73 117,783.88 25,510.29 28,056.76 10,447.86 188,852.78 626,246.75 20,263.60 104,147.63 342,155.15 159,680.37 7,068.93 1,417,924.56
May 37,425.05 3,769.31 33,655.74 196,349.60 154,093.23 10,867.77 18,899.72 12,488.88 726,400.24 45,069.80 82,476.05 224,072.99 24,946.44 38,284.23 12,124.33 299,426.42 581,679.12 17,076.10 106,095.01 335,969.66 122,538.35 5,180.64 1,547,034.65
Jun 40,735.18 7,914.45 32,820.73 183,658.21 129,858.47 16,912.15 24,576.80 12,310.78 239,695.65 44,732.24 32,935.18 32,210.94 21,365.49 14,413.30 15,303.55 78,734.95 569,852.28 21,766.48 89,549.68 342,465.39 116,070.73 8,493.67 1,042,434.99
Jul 40,438.45 9,620.46 30,817.99 189,973.37 150,598.28 20,892.24 11,042.44 7,440.41 436,916.44 43,910.45 55,219.70 63,589.42 31,743.86 16,961.44 51,596.37 173,895.20 727,164.03 15,048.48 98,631.87 454,803.65 158,680.03 8,727.17 1,403,219.46
Aug 35,996.30 7,256.09 28,740.22 188,026.97 154,824.34 5,394.67 18,785.34 9,022.62 456,502.90 35,765.05 28,931.15 120,083.25 28,596.46 22,446.15 30,862.87 189,817.97 667,965.72 17,261.14 94,458.38 424,188.39 132,057.81 7,616.04 1,356,107.95
Sep 29,579.15 2,246.35 27,332.81 198,716.40 137,017.22 19,721.03 28,231.06 13,747.10 300,743.26 46,191.61 31,088.35 81,483.91 28,680.01 18,197.67 10,881.48 84,220.23 603,323.16 36,665.80 98,931.52 342,906.10 124,819.73 7,451.14 1,139,813.11
Oct 36,925.53 5,106.97 31,818.56 232,880.30 180,299.28 11,098.46 24,811.10 16,671.46 655,377.38 43,873.32 38,681.69 209,777.43 18,357.80 21,542.92 9,893.77 313,250.45 1,589,681.34 49,140.51 977,054.59 393,862.83 169,623.41 3,822.02 2,518,686.57
Nov 40,303.00 13,487.19 26,815.82 169,072.35 130,726.15 12,412.85 20,071.64 5,861.71 582,769.95 36,029.84 24,310.53 205,397.60 27,079.07 105,296.92 9,369.01 175,286.98 640,678.77 24,743.53 126,345.38 395,885.92 93,703.93 1,770.04 1,434,594.11
Dec 36,768.13 4,226.94 32,541.19 266,617.74 173,316.40 52,640.18 34,067.35 6,593.81 312,209.98 53,574.40 48,292.46 45,400.25 17,761.47 22,343.52 13,068.39 111,769.50 778,330.25 13,498.13 103,843.29 306,396.11 354,592.72 2,421.85 1,396,347.95
2020 Jan 35,681.09 11,261.68 24,419.42 148,577.56 94,191.34 9,722.32 27,525.17 17,138.74 498,904.24 33,144.40 23,449.85 168,627.33 18,408.03 19,902.26 11,077.90 224,294.47 551,168.07 18,947.56 101,178.72 296,389.42 134,652.37 8,986.92 1,243,317.89
Feb 37,859.47 14,393.08 23,466.39 135,280.05 94,882.92 11,347.60 17,604.69 11,444.84 420,348.72 26,804.13 25,453.50 143,925.40 29,187.94 22,499.44 7,932.93 164,545.38 503,235.09 16,046.24 94,996.68 224,982.28 167,209.88 7,623.98 1,104,347.30
Mar 32,841.37 6,926.40 25,914.97 108,082.57 75,590.56 4,018.73 22,622.28 5,851.01 436,934.32 39,244.93 35,129.23 115,461.31 10,131.20 24,551.51 23,820.01 188,596.13 645,594.09 7,876.81 143,403.58 285,821.37 208,492.32 5,450.32 1,228,902.66
Apr 27,069.48 7,454.12 19,615.37 106,872.52 78,477.33 8,069.98 15,155.75 5,169.47 193,526.45 31,129.83 15,803.13 37,478.98 8,612.88 8,316.88 10,278.54 81,906.21 399,969.35 11,425.85 71,855.81 210,159.73 106,527.96 7,733.13 735,170.94
May 41,298.80 3,449.07 37,849.72 96,372.55 70,050.56 4,288.20 11,723.35 10,310.44 221,299.16 30,051.36 17,163.11 42,344.33 11,247.87 11,022.67 6,497.20 102,972.62 381,239.36 8,888.73 67,034.42 206,196.64 99,119.57 8,995.94 749,205.80
Jun 34,833.21 8,894.37 25,938.85 143,316.10 96,377.11 11,101.29 27,990.31 7,847.39 303,262.97 29,674.03 16,726.18 75,141.06 23,383.93 18,741.92 24,023.32 115,572.53 457,224.79 11,440.33 72,429.17 277,003.27 96,352.02 10,218.28 948,855.34
Jul 28,184.96 2,055.17 26,129.79 126,285.53 79,652.15 15,346.42 19,487.63 11,799.33 396,344.25 33,673.90 17,365.67 111,225.05 29,274.33 20,009.70 23,600.08 161,195.51 444,387.73 8,019.37 57,917.44 269,324.58 109,126.33 15,679.77 1,010,882.24
Aug 35,499.18 3,184.77 32,314.41 146,637.95 87,100.09 14,009.44 20,245.71 25,282.71 438,532.86 34,114.98 30,178.40 132,094.64 24,481.84 16,492.93 18,669.76 182,500.31 492,595.11 9,558.87 78,113.00 294,066.45 110,856.78 13,029.53 1,126,294.63
Sep 28,297.40 3,267.92 25,029.48 125,717.27 79,464.39 8,654.90 28,478.12 9,119.86 382,412.42 36,187.64 31,115.31 71,316.16 25,262.82 34,488.78 10,560.26 173,481.45 504,491.55 10,772.39 108,540.04 283,305.70 101,873.42 6,497.21 1,047,415.85
Oct 30,273.69 5,168.56 25,105.14 135,935.81 81,725.05 18,248.56 31,065.27 4,896.93 489,541.12 20,268.15 29,903.26 139,073.96 30,878.37 30,908.68 25,523.53 212,985.16 525,020.85 7,311.54 116,680.78 254,886.44 146,142.08 4,369.48 1,185,140.95
Nov 33,330.22 5,064.06 28,266.16 135,945.52 77,994.49 22,436.90 26,226.99 9,287.14 564,156.42 49,944.74 18,013.04 90,055.04 30,131.50 33,037.27 21,678.70 321,296.12 604,750.46 23,476.10 98,073.79 352,267.28 130,933.29 1,637.09 1,339,819.71
Dec 41,713.77 3,899.28 37,814.49 162,555.23 110,639.84 8,120.69 35,182.22 8,612.48 314,295.79 31,062.48 21,848.50 36,374.75 31,049.96 29,976.69 10,458.69 153,524.73 459,150.78 6,830.67 94,338.92 272,597.19 85,384.00 3,874.91 981,590.49
2021 Jan 30,765.60 2,826.62 27,938.97 123,013.23 77,557.97 15,194.37 17,172.08 13,088.81 574,765.65 32,791.86 29,440.40 108,690.08 51,543.35 49,185.73 22,601.31 280,512.93 579,139.63 6,638.61 117,921.96 340,420.94 114,158.12 7,532.57 1,315,216.67
Feb 29,600.31 5,271.43 24,328.87 124,891.22 87,788.46 13,062.05 20,822.58 3,218.13 821,782.54 38,155.75 34,031.07 340,908.84 41,175.13 28,487.46 18,239.21 320,785.07 600,856.60 7,564.73 181,913.56 287,714.90 123,663.40 4,906.87 1,582,037.54
Mar 34,824.01 4,360.26 30,463.76 181,937.28 126,126.24 4,900.44 38,457.47 12,453.13 734,913.01 27,927.16 26,846.49 238,373.26 42,468.33 28,201.47 53,266.59 317,829.70 1,010,941.50 6,368.76 163,442.71 435,030.13 406,099.89 15,317.83 1,977,933.64
Apr 59,216.83 5,778.13 53,438.70 173,581.61 96,538.25 21,587.44 28,967.09 26,488.83 417,182.96 41,456.68 18,173.75 61,776.03 17,514.82 34,193.65 16,164.50 227,903.51 652,848.01 9,443.88 114,558.67 403,090.28 125,755.18 8,562.36 1,311,391.77
May 33,565.61 7,996.65 25,568.96 149,820.88 92,156.79 11,619.15 25,593.85 20,451.09 589,610.04 39,564.56 29,645.55 215,286.37 15,286.81 33,663.94 15,309.59 240,853.23 692,049.21 13,494.30 157,698.40 348,114.91 172,741.61 10,727.41 1,475,773.16
Jun 63,745.14 3,897.14 59,848.01 195,311.45 107,074.09 21,637.15 52,508.03 14,092.19 694,209.54 47,672.05 27,322.05 207,218.19 25,414.22 31,515.46 20,736.03 334,331.54 934,689.65 11,447.47 206,724.33 413,684.40 302,833.45 17,213.62 1,905,169.39
Jul 44,746.56 3,735.54 41,011.01 180,694.11 111,772.07 13,781.18 42,451.45 12,689.41 716,403.12 46,058.64 20,761.60 211,465.82 36,229.91 39,193.76 15,444.26 347,249.13 788,692.66 11,506.44 148,982.60 385,758.75 242,444.87 10,218.42 1,740,754.87
Aug 40,781.59 5,026.52 35,755.07 215,207.05 139,198.20 22,312.67 41,474.15 12,222.04 829,316.19 48,187.86 28,035.70 211,894.63 45,264.13 43,975.48 26,104.69 425,853.71 910,636.00 11,461.64 164,055.27 444,908.26 290,210.83 9,976.94 2,005,917.77
Sep 52,592.50 7,826.06 44,766.45 184,542.24 93,033.10 10,043.65 64,428.19 17,037.30 557,362.72 52,124.13 28,580.44 129,980.64 27,334.77 44,247.88 19,647.90 255,446.95 773,469.38 7,810.03 155,382.86 444,371.75 165,904.74 21,221.81 1,589,188.66
Oct 44,244.71 9,099.50 35,145.21 196,369.34 120,318.52 22,020.50 29,407.20 24,623.13 910,264.96 36,813.60 23,528.28 185,568.39 42,585.29 58,664.29 35,148.25 527,956.87 921,055.39 12,494.15 154,521.36 494,224.54 259,815.34 12,559.88 2,084,494.29
Nov 68,079.14 15,064.25 53,014.89 188,979.21 124,103.64 11,147.27 42,982.39 10,745.91 1,018,802.57 57,524.29 28,571.49 193,833.28 47,835.09 43,804.76 17,411.23 629,822.41 924,718.30 9,483.63 162,980.75 573,177.94 179,075.98 15,157.25 2,215,736.48
Dec 49,147.73 11,598.09 37,549.64 186,352.11 95,934.71 21,101.94 58,636.48 10,678.98 493,346.09 41,484.53 31,108.70 37,114.90 30,205.50 34,573.73 15,594.65 303,264.09 897,981.88 11,925.77 112,881.88 585,252.41 187,921.81 13,522.91 1,640,350.71
2022 Jan 41,191.73 6,533.69 34,658.04 192,548.03 117,057.60 7,813.72 56,664.25 11,012.46 803,095.69 36,872.65 26,974.56 193,533.78 25,725.17 85,412.82 17,519.11 417,057.61 967,578.55 16,545.81 189,740.77 509,830.98 251,460.98 9,818.78 2,014,232.79
Feb 37,266.07 5,137.55 32,128.51 164,341.00 86,246.29 27,894.28 17,089.74 33,110.68 1,096,579.77 32,514.14 53,428.84 322,652.72 52,236.16 29,722.72 30,307.70 575,717.50 741,359.97 10,232.38 98,640.58 466,348.72 166,138.29 12,978.82 2,052,525.62
Mar 74,155.09 10,700.13 63,454.96 247,776.80 134,027.68 20,133.33 48,453.52 45,162.28 654,601.33 42,882.04 44,920.19 102,706.24 23,886.81 111,435.11 14,387.25 314,383.69 847,406.95 9,294.84 127,192.83 531,343.21 179,576.06 10,127.27 1,834,067.44
Apr 83,678.08 13,282.34 70,395.74 179,513.73 96,465.35 42,663.29 7,243.36 33,141.73 513,366.13 41,299.93 37,348.62 49,044.49 17,945.00 13,431.96 19,184.59 335,111.53 929,904.10 15,771.50 148,647.98 464,223.77 301,260.84 7,237.16 1,713,699.19
May 98,975.49 4,313.53 94,661.96 172,237.57 111,790.34 45,470.03 2,162.70 12,814.50 891,523.11 34,731.83 36,074.50 213,241.59 18,533.19 33,765.89 10,895.93 544,280.20 879,360.08 11,610.16 172,541.75 488,374.39 206,833.78 9,717.71 2,051,813.96
Jun 62,211.02 14,451.84 47,759.18 238,867.41 154,667.52 40,907.00 23,761.06 19,531.82 574,295.48 50,094.09 31,364.14 168,731.07 26,025.08 17,266.17 21,539.34 259,275.59 779,584.61 10,854.05 138,007.80 465,916.15 164,806.61 14,539.30 1,669,497.81
Jul 65,848.99 11,268.97 54,580.02 210,648.28 100,271.07 40,749.92 48,146.56 21,480.72 982,359.48 45,153.77 81,825.49 228,614.74 51,436.48 36,998.79 12,171.66 526,158.54 973,539.80 11,119.92 206,667.95 444,936.69 310,815.24 12,894.96 2,245,291.51
Aug 43,260.27 6,191.48 37,068.79 204,736.57 138,538.71 9,596.45 22,641.52 33,959.89 717,246.25 53,707.17 57,960.93 276,432.80 24,664.83 43,616.48 15,220.59 245,643.45 1,041,919.24 9,270.01 135,947.54 600,421.53 296,280.16 19,299.63 2,026,461.96
Sep 51,534.87 8,774.84 42,760.02 182,885.19 127,130.65 3,190.13 38,667.14 13,897.27 338,638.32 54,717.80 25,254.70 60,848.63 20,319.95 27,766.10 22,195.06 127,536.07 806,774.53 12,465.48 107,597.70 480,950.21 205,761.14 12,650.77 1,392,483.67
Tab5 Exports by Region and Major Trading Partners (N'million) Q3 2022
Africa America Europe Asia Oceania Total
Total ECOWAS Others Total USA Canada Brazil Others Total Germany UK Netherlands Italy France Spain Others Total Japan India China Others
2018 Jan-Dec 2,331,608.40 1,041,085.65 1,290,522.75 2,416,938.62 1,094,529.34 483,146.52 438,217.82 401,044.93 8,182,666.46 429,085.80 697,228.56 2,038,142.83 637,801.19 1,305,725.91 1,957,501.13 1,117,181.03 5,397,197.24 174,880.63 3,020,948.72 378,541.60 1,822,826.28 203,629.26 18,532,039.98
2019 Jan-Dec 3,922,453.86 2,240,030.56 1,682,423.30 2,048,388.05 1,008,343.29 481,037.24 304,823.13 254,184.39 7,617,291.12 415,056.11 416,408.25 1,742,592.77 761,747.04 1,270,718.27 1,903,834.18 1,106,934.49 5,421,550.33 102,636.54 2,957,817.46 595,989.20 1,765,107.14 182,550.77 19,192,234.12
2020 Jan-Dec 2,374,887.87 841,332.50 1,533,555.36 850,175.87 382,197.74 287,047.38 53,873.22 127,057.53 4,868,971.67 116,892.19 310,162.23 1,072,294.57 440,198.57 565,612.78 1,361,963.97 1,001,847.36 4,307,663.29 100,540.79 1,880,450.34 633,481.58 1,693,190.58 120,985.75 12,522,684.44
2021 Jan-Dec 2,413,388.75 1,241,507.26 1,171,881.49 2,470,454.90 800,345.22 857,940.64 496,797.45 315,371.59 7,475,598.97 330,703.38 448,579.86 1,135,125.84 759,172.56 1,190,544.08 2,232,077.65 1,379,395.61 6,386,957.62 153,899.99 3,095,942.66 739,002.75 2,398,112.22 161,388.48 18,907,788.71
2022 Jan-Sept 1,720,384.06 1,196,653.57 523,730.49 2,814,839.05 1,369,869.51 631,736.09 463,894.40 349,339.04 8,946,551.91 203,769.30 472,921.14 1,995,458.64 839,903.46 1,054,959.05 2,586,863.35 1,792,676.97 6,887,436.86 257,680.23 2,895,515.06 278,718.38 3,455,523.19 71,406.70 20,440,618.58
2018 Q1 483,029.18 198,830.09 284,199.09 610,682.17 408,655.10 67,481.15 20,482.43 114,063.49 2,363,497.81 67,927.06 184,067.97 989,639.54 70,164.90 303,219.78 421,885.62 326,592.93 1,225,647.23 64,910.31 745,600.50 65,758.70 349,377.72 36,502.32 4,719,358.71
Q2 618,345.16 262,493.58 355,851.58 653,256.72 350,450.87 63,976.70 144,445.35 94,383.79 1,824,839.74 116,895.35 90,451.88 456,493.69 186,174.62 214,297.85 420,686.15 339,840.21 1,304,895.21 42,704.20 741,736.98 45,940.06 474,513.97 102,204.10 4,503,540.93
Q3 714,958.22 340,910.88 374,047.34 727,032.24 201,652.05 199,005.61 226,201.32 100,173.27 2,033,465.69 105,942.56 206,319.82 276,367.56 157,515.35 500,309.25 522,123.90 264,887.24 1,361,425.71 45,447.87 764,882.13 81,867.43 469,228.27 16,107.29 4,852,989.15
Q4 515,275.84 238,851.09 276,424.75 425,967.49 133,771.32 152,683.06 47,088.72 92,424.38 1,960,863.22 138,320.83 216,388.89 315,642.04 223,946.32 287,899.03 592,805.46 185,860.65 1,505,229.09 21,818.26 768,729.11 184,975.41 529,706.31 48,815.55 4,456,151.19
2019 Q1 936,845.52 300,561.58 636,283.94 405,767.33 120,731.83 109,983.47 83,310.75 91,741.29 1,833,424.13 89,905.72 85,276.41 405,384.34 179,823.68 302,331.33 487,117.62 283,585.03 1,324,819.74 19,883.90 744,984.29 146,484.83 413,466.73 34,474.95 4,535,331.67
Q2 576,418.03 217,061.58 359,356.45 684,845.51 470,495.40 64,428.55 95,552.66 54,368.91 1,954,356.36 87,758.40 119,367.69 461,628.89 213,458.78 331,675.48 468,173.88 272,293.23 1,318,103.02 22,687.94 808,675.80 133,884.40 352,854.88 64,142.60 4,597,865.52
Q3 1,459,741.89 1,140,125.80 319,616.09 598,283.99 332,200.15 149,508.27 74,333.33 42,242.24 1,861,012.75 66,895.86 109,509.46 519,268.73 199,173.27 265,345.28 454,660.07 246,160.09 1,361,320.56 21,788.54 775,695.29 168,270.93 395,565.81 8,107.10 5,288,466.29
Q4 949,448.42 582,281.61 367,166.81 359,491.22 84,915.92 157,116.95 51,626.39 65,831.95 1,968,497.87 170,496.13 102,254.70 356,310.80 169,291.31 371,366.18 493,882.61 304,896.14 1,417,307.00 38,276.16 628,462.08 147,349.04 603,219.72 75,826.12 4,770,570.63
2020 Q1 979,804.74 298,043.25 681,761.49 217,247.30 102,399.93 29,039.00 27,521.84 58,286.52 1,575,660.57 37,263.56 147,679.90 396,931.77 162,307.46 159,574.41 409,371.42 262,532.05 1,291,867.15 31,212.63 637,258.04 127,978.96 495,417.52 45,190.18 4,109,769.94
Q2 401,388.58 149,034.17 252,354.41 105,771.68 61,160.40 26,561.20 6,546.74 11,503.34 978,657.89 37,236.71 29,323.10 245,818.60 62,431.39 120,249.45 310,747.31 172,851.33 737,404.19 35,813.48 195,550.88 223,622.50 282,417.33 1,730.81 2,224,953.15
Q3 442,568.23 188,894.09 253,674.14 150,784.04 48,275.92 95,800.05 35.87 6,672.20 1,243,265.65 14,506.88 84,772.34 235,047.22 118,409.07 142,221.84 328,468.49 319,839.82 1,119,517.12 18,830.78 500,626.23 125,095.78 474,964.33 37,329.29 2,993,464.33
Q4 551,126.31 205,360.99 345,765.33 376,372.85 170,361.49 135,647.12 19,768.77 50,596.08 1,071,387.55 27,885.04 48,386.89 194,496.98 97,050.65 143,567.09 313,376.76 246,624.16 1,158,874.83 14,683.88 547,015.20 156,784.35 440,391.40 36,735.47 3,194,497.02
2021 Q1 419,687.29 260,040.88 159,646.40 336,221.35 90,427.84 77,162.32 126,813.53 41,817.66 1,030,931.28 20,753.39 72,561.13 169,277.44 50,400.44 141,410.74 302,681.60 273,846.55 1,191,433.71 60,213.50 515,345.71 199,245.29 416,629.21 6,658.33 2,984,931.95
Q2 543,312.12 374,279.59 169,032.52 805,816.11 256,363.15 355,083.99 48,456.88 145,912.09 1,808,261.28 64,827.16 181,634.68 297,872.71 69,541.53 200,482.84 513,156.15 480,746.22 1,839,384.97 23,757.86 947,599.36 185,691.88 682,335.86 22,908.25 5,019,682.72
Q3 676,561.50 356,664.98 319,896.52 625,679.01 229,334.32 204,797.41 106,230.58 85,316.71 2,228,017.99 152,914.42 65,736.27 242,121.46 446,036.96 363,299.24 627,007.10 330,902.54 1,480,581.05 26,277.10 758,135.55 109,895.92 586,272.48 125,715.59 5,136,555.15
Q4 773,827.84 250,521.80 523,306.04 702,738.43 224,219.91 220,896.92 215,296.46 42,325.13 2,408,388.42 92,208.41 128,647.78 425,854.23 193,193.64 485,351.26 789,232.80 293,900.30 1,875,557.88 43,651.53 874,862.03 244,169.66 712,874.67 6,106.31 5,766,618.89
2022 Q1 442,761.95 329,639.81 113,122.14 895,869.48 372,727.72 261,180.04 212,035.11 49,926.61 3,046,072.37 101,442.68 193,265.64 660,588.99 366,182.44 338,774.09 677,691.56 708,126.97 2,713,199.71 48,510.06 1,176,768.89 148,984.32 1,338,936.44 2,553.93 7,100,457.43
Q2 465,273.97 359,579.59 105,694.37 1,195,674.15 661,193.56 229,740.05 118,898.87 185,841.66 3,280,514.11 60,225.78 152,669.34 914,464.17 260,882.77 285,781.02 1,035,551.03 570,940.00 2,426,752.34 109,221.64 1,099,521.49 71,113.73 1,146,895.48 38,313.67 7,406,528.24
Q3 812,348.15 507,434.17 304,913.98 723,295.42 335,948.24 140,816.00 132,960.42 113,570.76 2,619,965.43 42,100.84 126,986.16 420,405.48 212,838.25 430,403.94 873,620.75 513,610.00 1,747,484.80 99,948.53 619,224.69 58,620.32 969,691.27 30,539.09 5,933,632.90
2018 Jan 201,952.35 80,559.33 121,393.02 191,646.13 102,658.35 27,011.68 5.93 61,970.16 707,154.12 23,522.03 105,692.10 261,366.72 26,191.00 72,481.53 154,705.24 63,195.49 396,276.68 16,770.83 229,910.84 23,780.96 125,814.04 8,647.68 1,505,676.96
Feb 148,975.15 65,980.21 82,994.94 199,952.45 144,043.73 21,166.03 5,468.18 29,274.51 956,228.61 22,634.28 19,385.22 530,104.52 41,993.52 110,095.73 108,936.40 123,078.94 446,867.36 21,850.45 291,598.99 27,082.16 106,335.76 6,550.54 1,758,574.11
Mar 132,101.68 52,290.55 79,811.13 219,083.59 161,953.03 19,303.43 15,008.31 22,818.82 700,115.08 21,770.75 58,990.65 198,168.30 1,980.38 120,642.53 158,243.99 140,318.49 382,503.19 26,289.03 224,090.67 14,895.57 117,227.92 21,304.10 1,455,107.64
Apr 182,008.80 69,755.38 112,253.42 208,794.68 102,555.44 63,864.32 5,195.23 37,179.69 678,028.84 45,446.78 21,462.30 175,786.47 80,635.44 47,306.81 185,502.20 121,888.85 351,646.38 17,085.96 176,735.26 1,761.03 156,064.13 2,284.33 1,422,763.03
May 260,158.19 108,716.80 151,441.39 237,704.19 139,561.28 107.84 68,176.57 29,858.50 654,604.48 46,314.47 45,830.08 165,014.79 49,814.55 95,449.43 154,216.98 97,964.17 337,978.52 3,977.71 221,058.66 11,180.18 101,761.97 69,438.98 1,559,884.36
Jun 176,178.17 84,021.40 92,156.77 206,757.85 108,334.15 4.54 71,073.56 27,345.60 492,206.42 25,134.10 23,159.50 115,692.42 55,724.63 71,541.61 80,966.97 119,987.19 615,270.31 21,640.52 343,943.07 32,998.84 216,687.88 30,480.79 1,520,893.54
Jul 219,530.54 111,790.60 107,739.94 221,274.85 29,192.89 62,996.05 90,243.10 38,842.81 737,229.47 60,139.23 68,536.73 128,162.42 67,898.08 169,647.39 210,948.88 31,896.75 330,693.40 8,607.11 201,569.30 17,897.18 102,619.81 3,093.32 1,511,821.58
Aug 310,680.95 193,448.22 117,232.73 228,224.53 63,336.43 66,471.79 63,905.01 34,511.30 610,052.94 44,940.48 66,319.55 118,943.53 38,750.87 165,586.49 105,635.28 69,876.73 435,814.32 19,597.12 264,591.07 10,659.43 140,966.69 2,509.20 1,587,281.94
Sep 184,746.73 35,672.06 149,074.67 277,532.86 109,122.73 69,537.76 72,053.21 26,819.16 686,183.28 862.86 71,463.54 29,261.61 50,866.39 165,075.37 205,539.75 163,113.76 594,917.99 17,243.64 298,721.77 53,310.82 225,641.77 10,504.77 1,753,885.63
Oct 160,634.24 83,298.47 77,335.77 100,706.23 26,473.85 29.55 28,417.81 45,785.01 879,503.66 100,518.39 122,191.43 171,312.63 125,995.24 81,751.53 210,446.67 67,287.78 593,023.75 10,510.69 317,900.61 63,390.47 201,221.98 11,126.03 1,744,993.90
Nov 199,775.09 88,474.99 111,300.10 180,259.09 62,569.44 75,635.56 8,001.09 34,053.00 533,084.60 23,364.02 57,642.48 56,675.26 35,055.76 100,216.96 198,364.64 61,765.48 390,117.55 6,637.63 217,444.35 29,912.18 136,123.40 15,718.15 1,318,954.48
Dec 154,866.52 67,077.64 87,788.88 145,002.17 44,728.03 77,017.95 10,669.82 12,586.37 548,274.96 14,438.43 36,554.99 87,654.15 62,895.32 105,930.54 183,994.15 56,807.39 522,087.79 4,669.94 233,384.15 91,672.77 192,360.93 21,971.37 1,392,202.81
2019 Jan 434,388.07 107,835.01 326,553.06 135,626.50 20,345.44 53,085.92 9,197.39 52,997.75 575,597.34 41,666.95 40,571.47 79,369.16 85,798.86 87,677.85 139,687.90 100,825.16 501,754.40 11,677.55 273,211.94 66,109.11 150,755.80 2,694.53 1,650,060.84
Feb 259,660.63 135,937.01 123,723.62 166,792.57 39,646.93 56,855.55 50,290.39 19,999.70 630,135.30 23,989.84 39,673.45 176,362.67 33,808.89 52,278.59 200,173.61 103,848.25 355,325.71 5,001.90 167,232.17 44,833.00 138,258.63 21,359.75 1,433,273.96
Mar 242,796.82 56,789.56 186,007.26 103,348.25 60,739.46 42.00 23,822.96 18,743.84 627,691.49 24,248.93 5,031.48 149,652.51 60,215.93 162,374.89 147,256.12 78,911.62 467,739.64 3,204.45 304,540.18 35,542.71 124,452.29 10,420.67 1,451,996.87
Apr 218,157.12 101,764.20 116,392.92 306,138.43 187,532.99 64,350.22 23,806.97 30,448.24 638,792.12 22,945.16 72,820.44 132,082.80 82,651.05 160,739.44 111,768.35 55,784.88 448,322.23 6,133.72 200,172.33 54,019.43 187,996.75 23,531.80 1,634,941.71
May 165,460.94 52,916.13 112,544.81 165,608.04 83,282.40 37.92 67,180.08 15,107.65 746,278.82 24,790.86 46,359.46 176,638.02 98,262.88 63,043.08 218,692.05 118,492.48 408,354.09 11,215.57 292,037.57 46,097.93 59,003.01 24,432.40 1,510,134.29
Jun 192,799.97 62,381.24 130,418.72 213,099.04 199,680.01 40.40 4,565.61 8,813.02 569,285.42 40,022.38 187.79 152,908.08 32,544.85 107,892.96 137,713.48 98,015.87 461,426.70 5,338.65 316,465.90 33,767.04 105,855.11 16,178.40 1,452,789.53
Jul 355,961.41 263,933.92 92,027.48 207,497.56 125,160.47 59,216.41 22,939.17 181.52 624,486.39 43,306.63 66,262.21 121,624.50 70,256.88 102,345.86 120,243.19 100,447.11 388,746.54 9,234.21 288,915.69 11,842.06 78,754.58 2,930.94 1,579,622.85
Aug 197,381.60 66,266.81 131,114.80 184,089.23 75,005.79 57,995.53 36,378.80 14,709.10 612,291.88 2,296.03 24,288.60 221,088.34 76,158.02 52,419.80 191,409.55 44,631.54 493,344.68 10,108.28 250,684.91 77,744.34 154,807.15 2,749.51 1,489,856.90
Sep 906,398.88 809,925.07 96,473.81 206,697.20 132,033.88 32,296.33 15,015.36 27,351.62 624,234.49 21,293.20 18,958.65 176,555.89 52,758.36 110,579.62 143,007.32 101,081.44 479,229.34 2,446.05 236,094.69 78,684.53 162,004.07 2,426.64 2,218,986.55
Oct 284,812.09 162,304.84 122,507.25 119,964.75 37,326.57 38,453.25 25,006.70 19,178.23 639,754.91 40,258.40 36,910.38 144,082.95 37,728.79 119,585.02 187,626.75 73,562.61 459,578.56 15,724.30 223,697.96 61,324.05 158,832.26 39,135.12 1,543,245.42
Nov 189,806.10 50,408.86 139,397.25 153,643.68 22,073.27 77,480.37 11,733.37 42,356.66 662,374.74 86,606.87 20,408.64 77,663.42 48,779.22 130,714.66 174,523.99 123,677.94 449,106.69 7,408.20 206,076.36 63,225.73 172,396.41 13,361.09 1,468,292.31
Dec 474,830.23 369,567.91 105,262.31 85,882.79 25,516.07 41,183.33 14,886.32 4,297.07 666,368.22 43,630.86 44,935.67 134,564.43 82,783.30 121,066.50 131,731.86 107,655.60 508,621.75 15,143.66 198,687.76 22,799.26 271,991.06 23,329.91 1,759,032.90
2020 Jan 409,384.17 116,590.27 292,793.90 83,419.04 42,726.32 318.82 10,177.50 30,196.40 671,869.04 24,702.00 33,332.07 198,070.33 67,595.49 54,605.18 162,803.98 130,759.99 538,693.40 12,544.34 243,419.42 83,929.40 198,800.24 3,317.94 1,706,683.59
Feb 366,712.26 112,945.59 253,766.66 79,832.85 39,054.77 17,626.32 6,174.21 16,977.55 551,427.72 3,180.14 97,543.26 119,642.40 74,799.37 49,840.31 128,177.32 78,244.91 421,786.50 3,647.39 246,498.11 16,784.09 154,856.90 19,065.80 1,438,825.13
Mar 203,708.31 68,507.38 135,200.93 53,995.42 20,618.84 11,093.86 11,170.13 11,112.58 352,363.81 9,381.41 16,804.57 79,219.04 19,912.60 55,128.92 118,390.12 53,527.15 331,387.25 15,020.90 147,340.50 27,265.47 141,760.38 22,806.43 964,261.22
Apr 133,766.24 54,910.90 78,855.34 38,322.53 32,899.23 548.82 3,058.03 1,816.45 329,348.60 13,539.11 4,919.19 46,572.06 12,104.31 25,663.33 173,553.44 52,997.16 183,424.29 10,674.95 101,434.74 27,295.03 44,019.57 1,296.67 686,158.33
May 187,912.21 71,259.46 116,652.74 34,358.17 14,136.40 9,495.86 3,481.77 7,244.14 314,451.87 502.95 11,025.33 123,972.66 9,272.09 72,453.30 54,882.51 42,343.02 215,893.33 10,646.92 41,140.21 68,752.97 95,353.22 53.97 752,669.55
Jun 79,710.13 22,863.81 56,846.32 33,090.97 14,124.77 16,516.53 6.93 2,442.74 334,857.43 23,194.65 13,378.58 75,273.89 41,054.98 22,132.81 82,311.36 77,511.15 338,086.57 14,491.61 52,975.93 127,574.50 143,044.53 380.17 786,125.27
Jul 111,098.79 50,560.09 60,538.69 50,128.28 14,745.15 32,088.82 35.87 3,258.43 476,074.62 2,716.22 32,915.63 93,022.16 46,619.08 30,630.54 142,079.62 128,091.36 447,703.88 8,733.40 197,994.86 92,716.98 148,258.64 19,884.61 1,104,890.18
Aug 184,846.54 92,511.50 92,335.04 53,407.58 19,840.45 33,561.27 - 5.86 396,473.31 1,256.21 7,928.96 97,131.59 45,718.95 55,080.36 96,660.43 92,696.80 356,811.76 9,653.21 149,150.77 14,875.95 183,131.83 571.83 992,111.02
Sep 146,622.90 45,822.50 100,800.41 47,248.18 13,690.31 30,149.96 - 3,407.91 370,717.72 10,534.44 43,927.74 44,893.46 26,071.03 56,510.94 89,728.44 99,051.66 315,001.48 444.17 153,480.60 17,502.85 143,573.86 16,872.84 896,463.13
Oct 181,831.78 79,652.72 102,179.06 96,845.13 49,171.42 29,479.75 3,823.25 14,370.70 383,994.58 25,269.30 33,044.20 21,140.90 43,524.75 63,613.10 115,988.75 81,413.58 331,427.93 4,451.53 120,805.75 80,366.63 125,804.01 4,303.98 998,403.40
Nov 158,410.61 67,738.68 90,671.93 87,278.23 36,562.47 31,074.59 3,317.80 16,323.36 403,655.09 316.74 15,297.85 162,245.11 7,988.73 21,786.48 102,057.19 93,962.98 348,064.37 965.55 183,254.99 36,101.37 127,742.46 27,641.88 1,025,050.17
Dec 210,883.92 57,969.59 152,914.33 192,249.49 84,627.59 75,092.78 12,627.72 19,901.41 283,737.89 2,299.00 44.83 11,110.96 45,537.16 58,167.51 95,330.82 71,247.60 479,382.53 9,266.81 242,954.46 40,316.34 186,844.93 4,789.62 1,171,043.45
2021 Jan 154,689.42 82,620.67 72,068.75 55,487.11 36,842.87 10,890.77 7,747.88 5.59 311,922.86 701.10 23,052.97 47,949.26 19,366.14 34,073.54 93,516.59 93,263.26 368,011.12 13,844.36 180,802.24 51,859.24 121,505.28 5,088.50 895,199.01
Feb 140,292.17 92,308.60 47,983.56 76,135.76 27,159.44 25,331.29 14,789.58 8,855.46 373,700.85 1,501.60 29,878.39 57,076.44 11,502.21 40,277.16 148,030.26 85,434.79 393,848.61 37,891.42 143,739.07 60,967.84 151,250.28 835.34 984,812.73
Mar 124,705.70 85,111.61 39,594.09 204,598.47 26,425.54 40,940.26 104,276.07 32,956.61 345,307.57 18,550.69 19,629.77 64,251.73 19,532.09 67,060.04 61,134.75 95,148.50 429,573.98 8,477.72 190,804.40 86,418.21 143,873.65 734.49 1,104,920.22
Apr 302,662.53 223,898.98 78,763.55 245,109.44 67,591.46 102,655.81 23,074.17 51,788.00 483,363.56 2,329.72 49,596.53 131,715.41 1,481.89 49,667.39 163,012.61 85,560.01 617,524.46 6,615.49 270,405.49 30,838.54 309,664.94 3,227.74 1,651,887.74
May 123,731.73 74,121.89 49,609.84 367,995.90 168,668.88 139,127.84 16.89 60,182.29 551,239.85 1,882.67 60,914.92 14,865.31 35,155.79 98,703.12 153,489.79 186,228.26 525,528.11 7,189.76 314,253.22 24,322.31 179,762.81 7,442.75 1,575,938.35
Jun 116,917.85 76,258.72 40,659.12 192,710.77 20,102.81 113,300.34 25,365.81 33,941.81 773,657.87 60,614.78 71,123.22 151,291.98 32,903.86 52,112.33 196,653.75 208,957.95 696,332.39 9,952.61 362,940.65 130,531.03 192,908.10 12,237.75 1,791,856.64
Jul 143,088.02 109,990.70 33,097.32 261,272.21 105,403.67 88,431.66 7,486.76 59,950.12 715,961.80 1,826.47 273.62 34,428.76 183,254.14 88,093.27 289,705.25 118,380.29 447,405.52 5,436.22 281,413.47 29,599.96 130,955.87 109,470.25 1,677,197.80
Aug 141,128.40 80,426.00 60,702.40 143,197.78 33,827.79 55,961.76 43,384.89 10,023.34 597,407.03 57,964.25 463.65 59,420.03 95,774.73 99,759.66 151,326.86 132,697.84 532,817.87 13,160.17 278,658.62 60,772.92 180,226.16 6,553.53 1,421,104.61
Sep 392,345.09 166,248.28 226,096.81 221,209.02 90,102.86 60,403.99 55,358.93 15,343.24 914,649.16 93,123.71 64,999.00 148,272.67 167,008.09 175,446.31 185,974.99 79,824.41 500,357.66 7,680.71 198,063.46 19,523.04 275,090.45 9,691.80 2,038,252.74
Oct 294,655.05 61,335.68 233,319.38 132,095.79 71,600.82 35,682.55 22,974.58 1,837.86 894,540.98 36,995.01 67,219.26 165,696.24 15,287.10 142,805.34 361,231.29 105,306.74 654,777.20 4,476.92 365,095.56 89,590.02 195,614.69 1,110.33 1,977,179.35
Nov 353,333.45 133,595.20 219,738.25 383,114.00 150,507.10 119,937.75 111,184.68 1,484.47 707,847.65 43,083.29 29,548.83 92,142.80 69,760.62 155,111.21 253,130.89 65,070.01 616,877.84 19,065.70 254,699.22 81,606.09 261,506.83 3,940.09 2,065,113.03
Dec 125,839.34 55,590.93 70,248.41 187,528.63 2,112.00 65,276.63 81,137.20 39,002.80 805,999.79 12,130.12 31,879.70 168,015.19 108,145.91 187,434.70 174,870.63 123,523.55 603,902.85 20,108.90 255,067.24 72,973.55 255,753.15 1,055.89 1,724,326.50
2022 Jan 147,918.52 137,371.23 10,547.29 256,722.67 91,530.80 73,271.35 90,759.95 1,160.57 713,943.19 10,299.36 41,176.13 184,800.54 75,969.82 74,684.57 125,352.70 201,660.07 1,080,231.17 21,092.83 488,591.67 99,408.75 471,137.92 679.55 2,199,495.11
Feb 38,694.41 29,593.39 9,101.02 195,619.87 108,550.96 41,467.92 32,948.91 12,652.08 1,030,206.43 37,252.02 76,165.48 196,661.44 122,437.89 125,058.97 226,413.22 246,217.41 829,953.86 17,275.06 347,904.45 30,345.59 434,428.76 1,038.03 2,095,512.60
Mar 256,149.02 162,675.18 93,473.84 443,526.94 172,645.95 146,440.77 88,326.25 36,113.97 1,301,922.75 53,891.30 75,924.03 279,127.01 167,774.73 139,030.55 325,925.64 260,249.49 803,014.67 10,142.17 340,272.76 19,229.98 433,369.76 836.35 2,805,449.73
Apr 108,124.26 78,908.93 29,215.33 280,918.89 161,726.17 42,913.89 14,666.41 61,612.43 1,037,171.55 4,798.54 53,249.27 488,635.06 26,173.35 104,644.05 187,337.69 172,333.59 837,056.79 19,770.87 529,851.77 10,434.86 276,999.29 709.21 2,263,980.71
May 290,234.38 235,007.29 55,227.09 465,797.84 297,780.96 82,316.88 30,496.71 55,203.29 1,236,547.04 52,121.26 48,714.20 239,534.87 131,333.58 72,015.91 485,681.67 207,145.55 641,220.91 13,453.55 260,378.30 49,183.00 318,206.06 562.11 2,634,362.27
Jun 66,915.32 45,663.38 21,251.94 448,957.42 201,686.44 104,509.28 73,735.76 69,025.94 1,006,795.52 3,305.97 50,705.87 186,294.24 103,375.84 109,121.05 362,531.68 191,460.86 948,474.65 75,997.22 309,291.42 11,495.87 551,690.13 37,042.35 2,508,185.26
Jul 366,999.04 231,379.16 135,619.88 315,378.24 155,575.60 94,760.94 38,261.61 26,780.08 993,600.93 3,319.29 73,957.22 132,397.95 2,519.64 123,688.70 369,238.33 288,479.80 502,815.19 46,992.84 104,192.13 7,992.33 343,637.89 763.18 2,179,556.58
Aug 218,792.06 162,520.25 56,271.81 223,420.96 99,413.76 45,350.37 66,411.55 12,245.27 793,462.88 2,178.29 47,743.31 135,188.97 90,962.02 143,644.38 234,252.23 139,493.69 694,170.37 32,951.41 230,462.87 9,409.48 421,346.60 29,334.02 1,959,180.28
Sep 226,557.06 113,534.76 113,022.30 184,496.23 80,958.88 704.69 28,287.25 74,545.42 832,901.62 36,603.27 5,285.63 152,818.56 119,356.60 163,070.86 270,130.19 85,636.52 550,499.24 20,004.28 284,569.69 41,218.51 204,706.77 441.89 1,794,896.05

Tab6: Summary of Imports by SITC (₦'million) Q3, 2022

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2018 Jan-Dec 1,294,276.61 66,039.70 179,087.78 3,903,089.39 71,804.71 1,498,498.60 1,063,528.18 4,703,582.53 385,219.15 0.70 13,165,127.35
2019 Jan-Dec 1,493,736.08 98,394.38 232,973.79 2,631,708.09 80,059.58 1,966,924.77 1,833,242.38 7,731,699.52 891,109.09 27.39 16,959,875.06
2020 Jan-Dec 1,685,181.23 56,148.41 161,277.66 2,895,774.95 120,216.56 2,013,771.73 1,121,645.66 4,157,705.57 489,221.46 0.58 12,700,943.81
2021 Jan-Dec 2,654,288.58 79,417.14 241,863.54 6,459,879.29 217,299.21 2,865,388.02 1,760,883.37 5,725,182.79 839,748.77 14.24 20,843,964.95
2022 Jan-Sept 2,017,719.16 86,656.07 252,752.23 5,018,586.62 96,783.02 2,586,651.21 1,468,219.95 4,646,938.41 825,762.69 64.07 17,000,133.44
2018 Q1 294,777.50 21,047.78 39,079.75 1,269,134.38 13,904.56 338,711.00 224,681.01 678,669.39 63,277.69 0.08 2,943,283.14
Q2 313,650.46 9,157.86 40,032.89 745,872.29 13,105.48 373,394.57 262,804.71 600,568.19 67,036.13 0.19 2,425,622.78
Q3 336,604.82 11,391.46 46,840.37 1,057,863.04 18,847.51 388,329.06 290,068.00 1,940,178.96 123,801.92 0.03 4,213,925.19
Q4 349,243.83 24,442.59 53,134.76 830,219.68 25,947.16 398,063.97 285,974.46 1,484,165.98 131,103.42 0.40 3,582,296.24
2019 Q4 372,287.32 22,216.39 55,927.99 848,062.83 21,404.91 573,987.56 331,537.43 2,708,986.82 415,212.72 4.66 5,349,628.63
Q3 376,825.04 22,543.10 49,339.12 527,774.75 18,652.23 561,380.01 344,951.63 1,842,446.60 155,205.34 22.70 3,899,140.52
Q2 391,649.80 22,359.25 65,294.65 909,707.17 19,375.47 428,184.01 315,449.45 1,674,384.93 180,989.46 0.02 4,007,394.20
Q1 352,973.92 31,275.64 62,412.03 346,163.34 20,626.97 403,373.19 841,303.87 1,505,881.16 139,701.57 0.01 3,703,711.71
2020 Q1 384,814.86 9,817.55 43,331.99 1,164,133.80 29,072.69 394,404.36 310,574.69 1,108,233.20 132,184.70 0.00 3,576,567.85
Q2 364,894.98 15,643.08 35,197.06 294,679.70 25,855.04 439,584.90 272,672.06 883,821.66 100,883.40 0.18 2,433,232.08
Q3 475,505.51 14,121.62 41,953.20 664,394.52 33,483.95 511,773.09 277,284.41 1,038,020.45 128,055.57 0.40 3,184,592.73
Q4 459,965.88 16,566.16 40,795.41 772,566.92 31,804.87 668,009.38 261,114.50 1,127,630.25 128,097.78 0.00 3,506,551.15
2021 Q1 546,637.10 15,015.27 47,949.64 1,700,307.85 45,843.65 663,089.37 339,015.83 1,287,200.11 230,128.86 0.17 4,875,187.85
Q2 593,545.71 19,579.08 60,286.36 1,363,118.83 34,382.36 695,671.54 434,611.71 1,344,085.33 147,052.96 0.45 4,692,334.32
Q3 715,592.69 21,067.39 64,015.13 1,696,318.26 43,485.95 732,955.46 412,865.62 1,454,237.70 195,322.99 0.11 5,335,861.30
Q4 798,513.08 23,755.40 69,612.41 1,700,134.34 93,587.26 773,671.65 574,390.21 1,639,659.65 267,243.95 13.52 5,940,581.48
2022 Q1 636,931.09 28,249.85 83,276.36 1,908,208.15 27,080.59 812,889.62 470,713.45 1,654,963.67 278,492.26 20.82 5,900,825.85
Q2 686,474.63 33,522.01 77,622.97 1,486,997.99 28,126.49 940,561.99 466,079.26 1,468,936.05 246,688.49 1.09 5,435,010.96
Q3 694,313.45 24,884.22 91,852.90 1,623,380.47 41,575.94 833,199.61 531,427.24 1,523,038.70 300,581.93 42.16 5,664,296.62
2018 Jan 111,625.97 5,681.36 14,722.12 391,783.63 3,218.96 146,014.24 87,822.93 272,562.85 22,953.36 0.01 1,056,385.43
Feb 88,373.69 7,949.78 11,515.48 402,765.76 2,801.11 106,260.12 71,728.68 197,243.98 21,684.42 0.00 910,323.03
Mar 94,777.84 7,416.64 12,842.16 474,584.99 7,884.49 86,436.64 65,129.39 208,862.56 18,639.91 0.07 976,574.68
Apr 91,132.92 3,405.28 11,531.43 190,256.46 6,050.78 119,098.51 86,488.97 219,280.44 21,913.86 0.00 749,158.64
May 108,518.45 3,058.42 14,881.01 406,172.59 3,139.06 124,589.53 83,921.67 193,875.38 23,333.97 0.19 961,490.27
Jun 113,999.09 2,694.16 13,620.45 149,443.24 3,915.65 129,706.53 92,394.07 187,412.37 21,788.30 0.00 714,973.87
Jul 109,318.08 3,794.01 13,275.39 343,250.83 5,491.53 149,491.09 92,941.59 237,621.54 67,486.71 0.03 1,022,670.80
Aug 124,917.49 2,835.91 15,603.82 387,048.69 4,757.59 119,744.16 90,682.80 1,434,770.87 29,024.45 0.00 2,209,385.78
Sep 102,369.26 4,761.55 17,961.16 327,563.52 8,598.39 119,093.81 106,443.61 267,786.55 27,290.76 0.00 981,868.61
Oct 109,090.40 10,031.28 17,200.27 451,334.68 5,264.96 134,047.90 103,216.47 504,341.40 44,745.00 0.00 1,379,272.38
Nov 118,088.42 7,272.45 19,560.52 345,434.41 14,067.61 139,148.85 96,156.55 470,701.19 48,977.14 0.40 1,259,407.56
Dec 122,065.01 7,138.85 16,373.97 33,450.58 6,614.59 124,867.21 86,601.43 509,123.40 37,381.27 0.00 943,616.31
2019 Jan 108,165.22 10,766.48 21,388.36 164,397.76 5,428.18 137,976.44 634,203.63 632,827.94 57,119.50 0.00 1,772,273.52
Feb 102,325.53 8,284.26 22,113.56 120,863.67 10,225.94 114,688.44 96,037.92 415,133.00 39,803.64 0.00 929,475.94
Mar 142,483.18 12,224.90 18,910.12 60,901.91 4,972.85 150,708.31 111,062.32 457,920.22 42,778.44 0.01 1,001,962.25
Apr 127,085.38 7,546.39 23,813.32 398,388.10 7,915.55 133,163.69 117,590.91 560,459.92 41,961.29 0.02 1,417,924.56
May 129,660.87 8,386.95 22,422.17 463,029.99 2,427.12 149,711.54 91,519.15 586,380.61 93,496.26 0.00 1,547,034.65
Jun 134,903.54 6,425.91 19,059.15 48,289.09 9,032.80 145,308.78 106,339.40 527,544.41 45,531.92 0.00 1,042,434.99
Jul 132,744.86 8,359.39 17,285.60 210,304.56 5,296.41 199,134.90 112,574.54 668,645.06 48,874.13 0.00 1,403,219.46
Aug 108,964.56 6,297.11 13,629.75 275,053.60 6,781.22 169,867.18 118,012.90 606,312.29 51,166.63 22.70 1,356,107.95
Sep 135,115.61 7,886.60 18,423.76 42,416.59 6,574.60 192,377.93 114,364.19 567,489.26 55,164.58 0.00 1,139,813.11
Oct 137,739.62 7,912.12 21,579.46 450,104.31 4,520.51 208,945.58 105,686.21 1,531,149.73 51,049.01 0.00 2,518,686.57
Nov 116,120.97 7,634.80 14,921.44 324,269.84 9,974.83 235,598.92 137,933.61 539,966.67 48,171.72 1.31 1,434,594.11
Dec 118,426.73 6,669.46 19,427.09 73,688.68 6,909.57 129,443.06 87,917.61 637,870.41 315,991.99 3.35 1,396,347.95
2020 Jan 131,713.81 5,045.60 18,728.09 385,041.60 9,426.75 122,822.40 114,974.05 415,804.35 39,761.25 0.00 1,243,317.89
Feb 111,782.21 2,683.74 11,475.64 376,925.35 11,928.10 125,657.75 100,454.24 332,293.43 31,146.85 0.00 1,104,347.30
Mar 141,318.84 2,088.21 13,128.27 402,166.85 7,717.84 145,924.22 95,146.40 360,135.42 61,276.61 0.00 1,228,902.66
Apr 126,911.28 3,807.03 11,201.35 72,403.71 13,401.30 126,132.41 84,839.20 271,368.73 25,105.93 0.00 735,170.94
May 111,560.24 5,460.97 12,089.39 86,542.03 5,717.76 147,191.03 84,733.76 261,193.22 34,717.40 0.00 749,205.80
Jun 126,423.47 6,375.07 11,906.33 135,733.97 6,735.98 166,261.46 103,099.11 351,259.71 41,060.06 0.18 948,855.34
Jul 152,199.88 2,728.37 14,526.24 229,802.32 12,009.25 159,468.71 90,658.08 312,744.42 36,744.74 0.24 1,010,882.24
Aug 162,291.47 5,565.90 14,250.46 262,169.84 9,746.74 179,702.50 90,701.29 354,751.59 47,114.69 0.16 1,126,294.63
Sep 161,014.16 5,827.35 13,176.50 172,422.36 11,727.97 172,601.89 95,925.04 370,524.45 44,196.14 0.00 1,047,415.85
Oct 127,843.19 4,277.53 13,688.62 492,907.21 5,704.66 126,894.03 70,684.79 310,336.67 32,804.25 0.00 1,185,140.95
Nov 173,640.96 6,277.21 12,009.88 213,569.58 17,759.45 347,664.78 99,064.82 428,495.96 41,337.06 0.00 1,339,819.71
Dec 158,481.73 6,011.41 15,096.92 66,090.13 8,340.76 193,450.56 91,364.88 388,797.62 53,956.47 0.00 981,590.49
2021 Jan 163,892.13 5,578.65 17,648.02 382,878.97 25,778.31 162,410.84 81,734.41 396,828.13 78,467.04 0.17 1,315,216.67
Feb 188,175.33 4,043.44 13,917.02 520,260.31 13,558.08 313,300.62 95,946.90 383,901.81 48,934.03 0.00 1,582,037.54
Mar 194,569.64 5,393.19 16,384.60 797,168.57 6,507.26 187,377.91 161,334.52 506,470.17 102,727.79 0.00 1,977,933.64
Apr 200,464.97 6,936.88 21,031.37 157,169.85 13,026.39 240,970.30 171,121.03 441,887.56 58,783.42 0.00 1,311,391.77
May 181,663.17 5,797.73 16,637.03 492,860.20 15,710.44 205,863.22 111,795.83 404,417.70 41,027.81 0.02 1,475,773.16
Jun 211,417.57 6,844.46 22,617.96 713,088.77 5,645.53 248,838.02 151,694.84 497,780.08 47,241.74 0.43 1,905,169.39
Jul 189,475.09 6,563.07 22,396.57 617,271.22 17,237.67 243,698.02 115,637.19 456,363.81 72,112.22 0.01 1,740,754.87
Aug 266,505.51 7,227.17 21,717.55 704,882.37 14,942.69 272,354.47 154,170.97 502,658.41 61,458.62 0.00 2,005,917.77
Sep 259,612.09 7,277.16 19,901.00 374,164.67 11,305.59 216,902.97 143,057.46 495,215.48 61,752.15 0.09 1,589,188.66
Oct 205,409.24 7,622.93 21,094.11 813,551.79 52,879.55 237,122.08 141,551.94 517,058.44 88,191.16 13.04 2,084,494.29
Nov 236,609.68 8,318.21 25,533.22 803,741.20 16,544.91 281,328.45 193,731.74 556,168.15 93,760.46 0.47 2,215,736.48
Dec 356,494.16 7,814.26 22,985.09 82,841.35 24,162.81 255,221.12 239,106.52 566,433.06 85,292.34 0.00 1,640,350.71
2022 Jan 177,410.17 7,827.56 28,471.10 701,326.32 12,528.10 265,604.48 142,831.75 598,718.83 79,493.67 20.81 2,014,232.79
Feb 214,285.76 9,047.78 25,929.26 868,661.64 3,984.81 238,723.51 152,367.93 451,240.94 88,283.99 0.00 2,052,525.62
Mar 245,235.16 11,374.51 28,876.00 338,220.19 10,567.68 308,561.62 175,513.77 605,003.90 110,714.60 0.01 1,834,067.44
Apr 191,080.66 9,149.26 26,758.95 439,041.74 8,530.97 324,918.12 157,292.46 473,485.45 83,441.59 0.00 1,713,699.19
May 197,877.65 17,330.64 25,186.09 776,565.21 9,808.18 321,496.96 147,608.20 482,853.49 73,087.54 0.00 2,051,813.96
Jun 297,516.32 7,042.11 25,677.92 271,391.04 9,787.34 294,146.90 161,178.61 512,597.11 90,159.36 1.09 1,669,497.81
Jul 217,261.64 9,078.02 21,232.67 964,723.00 15,599.04 284,419.28 181,931.76 467,351.99 83,753.41 0.17 2,245,350.99
Aug 238,591.92 8,096.12 37,306.39 585,675.30 2,472.00 255,311.87 188,396.04 589,517.43 121,094.90 0.00 2,026,461.96
Sep 238,459.88 7,710.07 33,313.84 72,982.17 23,504.91 293,468.46 161,099.44 466,169.27 95,733.62 41.99 1,392,483.67

Tab7 Imports Classified by Broad Economic Categories (BEC) (₦'million) Q3, 2022
2018 2019 2020 2021 Jul-Sept 2018 Jul-Sept 2019 Jul-Sept 2020 Jul-Sept 2021 Jul-Sept 2022
a. Value (₦ million)
1 Food and Beverage 1,399,980.48 1,649,046.49 1,804,392.20 2,924,630.38 359,609.29 419,955.75 498,089.11 776,581.03 765,153.62
11 Primary 730,727.01 811,073.16 928,368.68 1,562,424.97 194,655.12 211,173.82 254,129.45 385,208.48 425,001.86
111 Mainly for industry 432,201.21 471,255.94 590,206.13 1,095,732.83 109,817.25 132,397.82 162,057.14 258,678.34 271,180.86
112 Mainly for household consumption 298,525.80 339,817.22 338,162.55 466,692.14 84,837.87 78,776.00 92,072.31 126,530.14 153,821.01
12 Processed 669,253.47 837,973.33 876,023.52 1,362,205.41 164,954.18 208,781.93 243,959.66 391,372.55 340,151.76
121 Mainly for industry 309,685.92 393,266.30 495,940.68 827,736.71 87,542.82 91,111.13 148,570.98 248,946.92 216,336.44
122 Mainly for household consumption 359,567.55 444,707.03 380,082.84 534,468.70 77,411.36 117,670.80 95,388.68 142,425.63 123,815.32
2 Industrial Supplies (nec) 1/ 2,524,070.17 3,957,602.20 3,090,815.90 4,383,181.27 666,994.09 829,868.74 783,501.52 1,129,015.35 1,412,219.82
21 Primary 139,324.49 200,066.69 145,411.34 169,476.50 33,474.85 43,772.84 44,927.00 42,433.81 54,530.02
22 Processed 2,384,745.68 3,757,535.50 2,945,404.56 4,213,704.77 633,519.25 786,095.90 738,574.52 1,086,581.54 1,357,689.81
3 Fuels and lubricants 3,838,500.10 2,560,923.75 2,840,382.54 6,339,830.99 1,044,551.80 510,430.48 654,583.53 1,671,712.51 1,591,934.57
31:Fuels and Lubricants, Primary 2,316.88 2,216.13 2,374.46 8,794.82 205.67 23.04 1,174.78 5,026.66 9,772.03
32:Fuels and Lubricants, Processed 3,836,183.22 2,558,707.62 2,838,008.08 6,331,036.16 1,044,346.13 510,407.44 653,408.75 1,666,685.85 1,582,162.54
321 Motor spirit 2,952,549.72 1,712,737.59 2,007,581.43 4,563,500.49 883,564.57 371,799.77 532,615.29 1,025,806.27 1,199,644.16
322 Other 883,633.50 845,970.03 830,426.65 1,767,535.68 160,781.56 138,607.66 120,793.47 640,879.58 382,518.38
4 Capital Goods and parts of 2/ 3,741,577.27 5,259,918.54 3,012,713.39 4,222,247.49 1,735,481.71 1,200,997.78 800,558.99 1,081,627.13 1,009,833.94
41 Capital goods 3,099,709.01 4,350,407.52 2,108,212.87 2,973,028.73 1,577,072.70 950,048.14 548,680.24 771,994.33 675,642.28
42 Parts and accessories 641,868.25 909,511.02 904,500.51 1,249,218.76 158,409.01 250,949.63 251,878.75 309,632.80 334,191.66
5 Transport Equipment and parts 1,075,026.13 2,544,461.30 1,217,935.55 1,676,460.32 260,437.69 682,084.29 266,508.74 411,589.66 518,715.75
51 Passenger motor cars 371,984.99 961,982.31 546,794.69 695,400.64 104,292.51 226,803.19 127,181.79 199,348.54 183,559.05
52 Other 331,778.46 946,571.67 414,467.26 611,973.62 70,438.65 235,014.50 76,654.61 137,516.15 215,475.63
521 Industrial 107,366.42 420,404.71 172,398.32 350,872.78 25,386.41 97,025.20 35,754.50 71,802.45 150,035.73
522 Non-industrial 224,412.04 526,166.97 242,068.94 261,100.84 45,052.24 137,989.30 40,900.11 65,713.70 65,439.90
53 Parts and accessories 371,262.69 635,907.32 256,673.59 369,086.06 85,706.53 220,266.61 62,672.34 74,724.96 119,681.06
6 Consumer Goods (nec) 584,411.64 968,510.71 681,565.65 1,222,890.96 145,639.09 247,926.22 176,996.20 254,934.51 345,033.94
61 Durable 148,523.42 293,662.97 159,037.04 269,784.59 33,998.74 79,029.03 33,709.56 79,360.25 70,925.98
62 Semi-durable 88,830.93 129,810.23 106,765.65 144,418.64 27,073.33 33,491.54 30,392.57 33,335.64 99,114.16
63 Non-durable 347,057.29 545,037.51 415,762.96 808,687.73 84,567.02 135,405.64 112,894.07 142,238.62 174,993.80
7 Goods not elsewhere specified 1,561.55 19,412.07 53,138.59 74,723.55 1,211.52 7,877.27 4,354.63 9,485.33 21,404.97
Total Imports 13,165,127.35 16,959,875.06 12,700,943.81 20,843,964.95 4,213,925.19 3,899,140.52 7,592,983.30 13,241,188.72 5,664,296.62

b. Proportion/Share of Total
1 Food and Beverage 10.6 9.7 14.2 14.0 8.53 10.8 6.6 5.9 13.51
11 Primary 5.6 4.8 7.3 7.5 4.62 5.4 3.3 2.9 7.50
111 Mainly for industry 3.3 2.8 4.6 5.3 2.61 3.4 2.1 2.0 4.79
112 Mainly for household consumption 2.3 2.0 2.7 2.2 2.01 2.0 1.2 1.0 2.72
12 Processed 5.1 4.9 6.9 6.5 3.91 5.4 3.2 3.0 6.01
121 Mainly for industry 2.4 2.3 3.9 4.0 2.08 2.3 2.0 1.9 3.82
122 Mainly for household consumption 2.7 2.6 3.0 2.6 1.84 3.0 1.3 1.1 2.19
2 Industrial Supplies (nec) 1/ 19.2 23.3 24.3 21.0 15.83 21.3 10.3 8.5 24.93
21 Primary 1.1 1.2 1.1 0.8 0.79 1.1 0.6 0.3 0.96
22 Processed 18.1 22.2 23.2 20.2 15.03 20.2 9.7 8.2 23.97
3 Fuels and lubricants 29.2 15.1 22.4 30.4 24.79 13.1 8.6 12.6 28.10
31 Primary 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.00 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.17
32 Processed 29.1 15.1 22.3 30.4 24.78 13.1 8.6 12.6 27.93
321 Motor spirit 22.4 10.1 15.8 21.9 20.97 9.5 7.0 7.7 21.18
322 Other 6.7 5.0 6.5 8.5 3.82 3.6 1.6 4.8 6.75
4 Capital Goods and parts of 2/ 28.4 31.0 23.7 20.3 41.18 30.8 10.5 8.2 17.83
41 Capital goods 23.5 25.7 16.6 14.3 37.43 24.4 7.2 5.8 11.93
42 Parts and accessories 4.9 5.4 7.1 6.0 3.76 6.4 3.3 2.3 5.90
5 Transport Equipment and parts 8.2 15.0 9.6 8.0 6.18 17.5 3.5 3.1 9.16
51 Passenger motor cars 2.8 5.7 4.3 3.3 2.47 5.8 1.7 1.5 3.24
52 Other 2.5 5.6 3.3 2.9 1.67 6.0 1.0 1.0 3.80
521 Industrial 0.8 2.5 1.4 1.7 0.60 2.5 0.5 0.5 2.65
522 Non-industrial 1.7 3.1 1.9 1.3 1.07 3.5 0.5 0.5 1.16
53 Parts and accessories 2.8 3.7 2.0 1.8 2.03 5.6 0.8 0.6 2.11
6 Consumer Goods (nec) 4.4 5.7 5.4 5.9 3.46 6.4 2.3 1.9 6.09
61 Durable 1.1 1.7 1.3 1.3 0.81 2.0 0.4 0.6 1.25
62 Semi-durable 0.7 0.8 0.8 0.7 0.64 0.9 0.4 0.3 1.75
63 Non-durable 2.6 3.2 3.3 3.9 2.01 3.5 1.5 1.1 3.09
7 Goods not elsewhere specified 0.0 0.1 0.4 0.4 0.03 0.2 0.1 0.1 0.38
Total 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.0 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00

1/ nec: Not elsewhere classified or specified

2/ Capital Goods (except for transport equipment) and parts etc.

Table 9: Summary of Trade (Exports and Imports) by Sectors (N'million) Q3, 2022
GOODS Percetage Share of Goods to Total Exports




















































2022 Jan-Sept 20,440,633.28 427,571.18 816,591.55 63,143.65 50,899.46 470,077.22 16,187,261.03 2,425,089.18 2.09 3.99 0.31 0.25 2.30 79.19 11.86
2021 Jan-Dec 18,907,788.71 504,894.89 505,858.93 56,075.85 89,694.94 984,560.98 14,410,769.08 2,355,934.12 2.67 2.68 0.30 0.47 5.21 76.22 12.46
2020 Jan-Dec 12,522,684.44 321,539.25 118,874.88 13,342.66 18,823.05 960,822.68 9,444,655.98 1,644,625.94 2.57 0.95 0.11 0.15 7.67 75.42 13.13
2019 Jan-Dec 19,192,234.12 269,829.29 117,997.54 24,788.00 31,511.59 2,074,437.83 14,690,021.45 1,983,648.41 1.41 0.61 0.13 0.16 10.81 76.54 10.34
2018 Jan-Dec 18,532,039.98 302,282.14 137,245.57 64,412.99 42,293.80 645,735.94 15,156,394.70 2,183,674.84 1.63 0.74 0.35 0.23 3.48 81.78 11.78
2022 Q3 5,933,632.90 84,205.12 186,020.54 22,469.52 13,842.05 131,461.27 4,658,301.23 837,333.18 1.42 3.14 0.38 0.23 2.22 78.51 14.11
Q2 7,406,528.24 141,766.65 371,095.36 20,986.46 21,695.08 119,533.09 5,907,967.62 823,483.97 1.91 5.01 0.28 0.29 1.61 79.77 11.12
Q1 7,100,457.43 201,586.27 259,475.65 19,687.68 15,362.33 219,081.30 5,620,992.17 764,272.03 2.84 3.65 0.28 0.22 3.09 79.16 10.76
2021 Q4 5,766,618.89 132,714.65 248,454.43 13,561.55 20,663.59 395,480.86 4,269,363.18 686,380.61 2.30 4.31 0.24 0.36 6.86 74.04 11.90
Q3 5,136,555.15 79,414.80 150,524.03 18,314.04 19,281.28 284,991.11 4,026,183.44 557,846.53 1.55 2.93 0.36 0.38 5.55 78.38 10.86
Q2 5,019,682.72 165,460.28 63,933.01 14,877.08 25,181.63 140,362.61 4,072,324.47 537,543.65 3.30 1.27 0.30 0.50 2.80 81.13 10.71
Q1 2,984,931.95 127,305.17 42,947.47 9,323.17 24,568.44 163,726.40 2,042,897.99 574,163.32 4.26 1.44 0.31 0.82 5.49 68.44 19.24
2020 Q4 3,194,497.02 55,778.78 46,891.31 4,499.44 5,064.06 129,049.21 2,521,346.07 431,868.14 1.75 1.47 0.14 0.16 4.04 78.93 13.52
Q3 2,993,464.33 60,639.33 11,227.75 5,674.17 4,469.28 133,148.73 2,424,774.05 353,531.03 2.03 0.38 0.19 0.15 4.45 81.00 11.81
Q2 2,224,953.15 78,032.56 15,004.10 1,566.39 4,303.02 254,055.88 1,553,939.08 318,052.12 3.51 0.67 0.07 0.19 11.42 69.84 14.29
Q1 4,109,769.94 127,088.57 45,751.73 1,602.66 4,986.68 444,568.86 2,944,596.78 541,174.65 3.09 1.11 0.04 0.12 10.82 71.65 13.17
2019 Q4 4,770,570.63 68,163.31 21,124.49 1,914.94 5,990.56 509,228.30 3,629,239.19 534,909.84 1.43 0.44 0.04 0.13 10.67 76.08 11.21
Q3 5,288,466.29 42,105.51 29,336.45 6,294.62 5,583.78 996,778.49 3,747,760.42 460,607.03 0.80 0.55 0.12 0.11 18.85 70.87 8.71
Q2 4,597,865.52 73,472.07 31,124.33 7,591.38 9,314.88 106,103.87 3,936,291.85 433,967.14 1.60 0.68 0.17 0.20 2.31 85.61 9.44
Q1 4,535,331.67 86,088.41 36,412.27 8,987.06 10,622.36 462,327.18 3,376,729.99 554,164.41 1.90 0.80 0.20 0.23 10.19 74.45 12.22
2018 Q4 4,456,151.19 97,703.88 40,761.55 7,689.23 10,766.72 75,643.76 3,661,415.68 562,170.38 2.19 0.91 0.17 0.24 1.70 82.17 12.62
Q3 4,852,989.15 45,422.23 32,181.84 9,679.52 10,151.72 65,795.02 4,146,635.55 543,123.28 0.94 0.66 0.20 0.21 1.36 85.44 11.19
Q2 4,503,540.93 85,908.67 31,666.21 20,118.39 10,978.70 69,921.40 3,768,807.96 516,139.60 1.91 0.70 0.45 0.24 1.55 83.69 11.46
Q1 4,719,358.71 73,247.37 32,635.97 26,925.85 10,396.66 434,375.77 3,579,535.51 562,241.58 1.55 0.69 0.57 0.22 9.20 75.85 11.91
2018 Jan 1,505,676.96 26,014.78 6,651.51 7,025.13 3,223.97 19,626.98 1,276,409.38 166,725.21 1.73 0.44 0.47 0.21 1.30 84.77 11.07
Feb 1,758,574.11 33,717.50 15,883.02 13,595.54 3,393.86 403,478.82 1,115,690.76 172,814.62 1.92 0.90 0.77 0.19 22.94 63.44 9.83
Mar 1,455,107.64 13,515.09 10,101.44 6,305.18 3,778.83 11,269.98 1,187,435.37 222,701.76 0.93 0.69 0.43 0.26 0.77 81.60 15.30
Apr 1,422,763.03 25,306.77 10,177.42 1,823.98 3,357.99 10,718.72 1,216,146.76 155,231.37 1.78 0.72 0.13 0.24 0.75 85.48 10.91
May 1,559,884.37 36,070.92 10,590.05 3,669.64 3,826.89 46,279.66 1,279,043.29 180,403.93 2.31 0.68 0.24 0.25 2.97 82.00 11.57
Jun 1,520,893.54 24,530.99 10,898.73 14,624.77 3,793.82 12,923.02 1,273,617.91 180,504.31 1.61 0.72 0.96 0.25 0.85 83.74 11.87
Jul 1,511,821.58 19,237.77 5,289.94 4,189.21 3,579.50 20,777.81 1,299,722.30 159,025.05 1.27 0.35 0.28 0.24 1.37 85.97 10.52
Aug 1,587,281.94 12,261.54 12,027.50 2,800.24 3,305.15 20,600.66 1,351,725.59 184,561.27 0.77 0.76 0.18 0.21 1.30 85.16 11.63
Sep 1,753,885.62 13,922.91 14,864.40 2,690.07 3,267.07 24,416.55 1,495,187.66 199,536.95 0.79 0.85 0.15 0.19 1.39 85.25 11.38
Oct 1,744,993.90 25,396.02 8,337.28 3,225.99 3,511.39 19,362.17 1,498,432.86 186,728.20 1.46 0.48 0.18 0.20 1.11 85.87 10.70
Nov 1,318,954.48 38,717.96 16,460.87 1,669.09 3,641.46 31,557.07 1,071,260.73 155,647.30 2.94 1.25 0.13 0.28 2.39 81.22 11.80
Dec 1,392,202.81 33,589.90 15,963.40 2,794.15 3,613.87 24,724.52 1,091,722.09 219,794.88 2.41 1.15 0.20 0.26 1.78 78.42 15.79
2019 Jan 1,650,060.84 37,662.07 15,954.78 2,993.47 3,684.09 312,800.10 1,057,438.39 219,527.93 2.28 0.97 0.18 0.22 18.96 64.08 13.30
Feb 1,433,273.96 24,803.20 12,426.25 2,404.05 3,340.20 98,406.14 1,124,057.11 167,837.01 1.73 0.87 0.17 0.23 6.87 78.43 11.71
Mar 1,451,996.87 23,623.14 8,031.23 3,589.54 3,598.07 51,120.93 1,195,234.49 166,799.47 1.63 0.55 0.25 0.25 3.52 82.32 11.49
Apr 1,634,941.71 27,959.72 11,507.30 1,897.13 3,369.24 32,654.51 1,372,328.75 185,225.06 1.71 0.70 0.12 0.21 2.00 83.94 11.33
May 1,510,134.29 29,957.01 12,449.90 3,952.10 3,114.92 62,368.09 1,279,809.03 118,483.23 1.98 0.82 0.26 0.21 4.13 84.75 7.85
Jun 1,452,789.53 15,555.33 7,167.13 1,742.15 2,830.73 11,081.27 1,284,154.06 130,258.86 1.07 0.49 0.12 0.19 0.76 88.39 8.97
Jul 1,579,622.85 18,570.01 8,794.97 2,588.78 2,838.85 162,927.83 1,230,042.92 153,859.49 1.18 0.56 0.16 0.18 10.31 77.87 9.74
Aug 1,489,856.90 9,612.30 12,089.11 2,996.43 1,325.40 66,983.00 1,229,865.08 166,985.58 0.65 0.81 0.20 0.09 4.50 82.55 11.21
Sep 2,218,986.55 13,923.20 8,452.37 709.41 1,419.53 766,867.65 1,287,852.42 139,761.96 0.63 0.38 0.03 0.06 34.56 58.04 6.30
Oct 1,543,245.42 20,076.49 9,748.89 712.97 2,111.78 94,119.86 1,240,631.76 175,843.66 1.30 0.63 0.05 0.14 6.10 80.39 11.39
Nov 1,468,292.31 27,547.86 6,789.35 637.44 2,109.16 98,883.44 1,138,666.78 193,658.28 1.88 0.46 0.04 0.14 6.73 77.55 13.19
Dec 1,759,032.90 20,538.96 4,586.25 564.54 1,769.62 316,224.99 1,249,940.65 165,407.89 1.17 0.26 0.03 0.10 17.98 71.06 9.40
2020 Jan 1,706,683.59 50,490.67 23,250.81 283.68 1,404.88 202,591.69 1,224,559.95 204,101.91 2.96 1.36 0.02 0.08 11.87 71.75 11.96
Feb 1,438,825.13 41,715.86 6,069.77 518.30 1,870.47 169,843.49 1,057,258.60 161,548.63 2.90 0.42 0.04 0.13 11.80 73.48 11.23
Mar 964,261.22 34,882.04 16,431.15 800.68 1,711.34 72,133.68 662,778.23 175,524.10 3.62 1.70 0.08 0.18 7.48 68.73 18.20
Apr 686,158.33 15,722.77 5,062.41 374.96 1,379.16 137,076.31 415,842.40 110,700.32 2.29 0.74 0.05 0.20 19.98 60.60 16.13
May 752,669.55 24,718.57 6,621.37 252.91 1,617.09 81,906.75 514,825.44 122,727.42 3.28 0.88 0.03 0.21 10.88 68.40 16.31
Jun 786,125.27 37,591.21 3,320.32 938.51 1,306.78 35,072.82 623,271.24 84,624.38 4.78 0.42 0.12 0.17 4.46 79.28 10.76
Jul 1,104,890.18 24,239.37 5,497.85 2,119.85 1,568.54 77,062.70 876,896.45 117,505.43 2.19 0.50 0.19 0.14 6.97 79.37 10.64
Aug 992,111.02 19,502.19 3,531.63 2,015.67 1,472.79 36,404.42 806,258.58 122,925.73 1.97 0.36 0.20 0.15 3.67 81.27 12.39
Sep 896,463.13 16,897.77 2,198.26 1,538.65 1,427.95 19,681.60 741,619.01 113,099.88 1.88 0.25 0.17 0.16 2.20 82.73 12.62
Oct 998,403.40 10,478.84 12,399.20 917.96 1,604.16 12,513.58 829,069.78 131,419.88 1.05 1.24 0.09 0.16 1.25 83.04 13.16
Nov 1,025,050.17 18,491.23 16,379.83 1,999.03 1,704.63 37,082.69 812,454.21 136,938.55 1.80 1.60 0.20 0.17 3.62 79.26 13.36
Dec 1,171,043.45 26,808.71 18,112.28 1,582.46 1,755.27 79,452.94 879,822.08 163,509.70 2.29 1.55 0.14 0.15 6.78 75.13 13.96
2021 Jan 895,199.01 19,035.37 13,539.08 1,760.16 7,378.14 66,278.16 631,898.66 155,309.45 2.13 1.51 0.20 0.82 7.40 70.59 17.35
Feb 984,812.73 34,892.27 12,016.40 2,354.81 7,503.42 23,078.97 694,808.12 210,158.74 3.54 1.22 0.24 0.76 2.34 70.55 21.34
Mar 1,104,920.22 73,377.52 17,391.99 5,208.20 9,686.88 74,369.27 716,191.22 208,695.14 6.64 1.57 0.47 0.88 6.73 64.82 18.89
Apr 1,651,887.74 69,369.22 17,079.80 4,305.92 9,361.41 35,859.87 1,341,688.56 174,222.94 4.20 1.03 0.26 0.57 2.17 81.22 10.55
May 1,575,938.35 49,073.01 10,778.52 6,316.72 8,841.97 65,931.06 1,307,029.46 127,967.60 3.11 0.68 0.40 0.56 4.18 82.94 8.12
Jun 1,791,856.64 47,018.05 36,074.68 4,254.44 6,978.25 38,571.67 1,423,606.45 235,353.11 2.62 2.01 0.24 0.39 2.15 79.45 13.13
Jul 1,677,197.8 26,026.59 17,413.76 2,982.36 7,498.19 31,365.97 1,444,686.89 147,224.04 1.55 1.04 0.18 0.45 1.87 86.14 8.78
Aug 1,421,104.6 30,473.37 59,997.20 5,296.46 6,359.78 41,846.15 1,073,795.17 203,336.48 2.14 4.22 0.37 0.45 2.94 75.56 14.31
Sep 2,038,252.7 22,914.84 73,113.07 10,035.22 5,423.30 211,779.00 1,507,701.37 207,286.02 1.12 3.59 0.49 0.27 10.39 73.97 10.17
Oct 1,977,179.4 31,831.06 31,691.45 5,870.90 6,167.79 184,555.00 1,487,004.67 230,058.80 1.61 1.60 0.30 0.31 9.33 75.21 11.64
Nov 2,065,113.0 46,501.89 129,338.90 3,825.98 7,583.33 181,120.00 1,511,558.58 185,184.00 2.25 6.26 0.19 0.37 8.77 73.19 8.97
Dec 1,724,326.5 54,381.70 87,424.08 3,864.67 6,912.48 29,805.82 1,270,799.94 271,137.81 3.15 5.07 0.22 0.40 1.73 73.70 15.72
2022 Jan 2,199,495.1 69,323.61 80,471.55 4,287.29 6,919.90 33,780.3 1,739,430.01 265,282.41 3.15 3.66 0.19 0.31 1.54 79.08 12.06
Feb 2,095,512.6 62,355.93 56,156.66 4,502.33 7,313.05 46,079.0 1,671,939.16 247,166.45 2.98 2.68 0.21 0.35 2.20 79.79 11.80
Mar 2,805,449.7 69,906.73 122,847.44 10,898.05 1,129.38 139,222.0 2,209,623.00 251,823.17 2.49 4.38 0.39 0.04 4.96 78.76 8.98
Apr 2,263,980.7 54,881.30 118,623.84 6,468.56 7,503.89 32,072.7 1,743,208.87 301,221.52 2.42 5.24 0.29 0.33 1.42 77.00 13.30
May 2,634,362.3 50,339.12 131,148.96 5,865.41 7,742.08 44,256.8 2,180,188.34 214,821.52 1.91 4.98 0.22 0.29 1.68 82.76 8.15
Jun 2,508,185.3 36,546.22 121,322.56 8,652.49 6,449.11 43,203.5 1,984,570.42 307,440.93 1.46 4.84 0.34 0.26 1.72 79.12 12.26
Jul 2,179,556.6 33,038.3 55,373.83 6,729.84 6,548.49 33,757.5 1,718,187.27 325,921.28 1.52 2.54 0.31 0.30 1.55 78.83 14.95
Aug 1,959,180.3 24,946.2 73,893.70 9,424.96 6,556.93 53,490.5 1,536,472.32 254,395.66 1.27 3.77 0.48 0.33 2.73 78.42 12.98
Sep 1,794,896.0 26,220.6 56,753.01 6,314.71 736.63 44,213.3 1,403,641.64 257,016.23 1.46 3.16 0.35 0.04 2.46 78.20 14.32

Table 9a: Summary of Trade (Exports and Imports) by Sectors (N'million) Q3, 2022
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2022 Jan-Sept 17,000,133.4 1,420,712.1 1,883,858.6 117,403.2 23.5 8,578,348.3 - 4,999,787.8 8.36 11.08 0.69 0.00 50.46 - 29.41
2021 Jan-Dec 20,843,964.95 1,966,893.49 1,926,628.15 113,363.97 57.83 10,384,174.64 - 6,453,930.51 9.44 9.24 0.54 0.00 49.82 - 30.96
2020 Jan-Dec 12,700,943.81 1,145,121.49 1,397,137.87 73,553.60 31.06 7,191,622.71 - 2,893,477.07 9.02 11.00 0.58 0.00 56.62 - 22.78
2019 Jan-Dec 16,959,875.06 959,508.38 1,342,779.71 85,284.53 78.03 11,936,715.62 - 2,635,508.80 5.66 7.92 0.50 0.00 70.38 - 15.54
2018 Jan-Dec 13,165,127.35 851,624.43 1,126,901.10 66,553.36 178.18 7,461,991.13 - 4,014,480.73 6.47 8.56 0.51 0.00 56.68 - 30.49
2022 Q3 5,664,296.62 512,909.92 649,210.76 37,657.30 4.28 2,849,955.90 - 1,614,558.46 9.06 11.46 0.66 0.00 50.31 - 28.50
Q2 5,435,010.96 464,445.33 696,118.89 38,656.24 10.31 2,756,016.52 - 1,479,763.66 8.20 12.29 0.68 0.00 48.66 - 26.12
Q1 5,900,825.9 443,356.8 - 41,089.67 - 2,972,375.8 - 1,905,465.63 7.51 9.13 0.70 0.00 50.37 - 32.29
2021 Q4 5,940,581.48 667,158.93 543,872.66 29,809.68 32.65 3,000,656.85 - 1,700,134.34 11.23 9.16 0.50 0.00 50.51 - 28.62
Q3 5,335,861.30 482,211.86 523,965.29 29,933.75 5.38 2,606,791.83 - 1,692,953.19 9.04 9.82 0.56 0.00 48.85 - 31.73
Q2 4,692,334.32 408,492.88 492,930.80 30,058.49 0.92 2,398,243.06 - 1,362,608.18 8.71 10.51 0.64 0.00 51.11 - 29.04
Q1 4,875,187.85 409,029.81 365,859.39 23,562.05 18.89 2,378,482.91 - 1,698,234.79 8.39 7.50 0.48 0.00 48.79 - 34.83
2020 Q4 3,506,551.15 305,322.29 402,794.03 17,563.17 14.57 2,007,713.75 - 773,143.34 8.71 11.49 0.50 0.00 57.26 - 22.05
Q3 3,184,592.73 312,657.22 387,294.25 19,108.28 6.37 1,803,744.19 - 661,782.43 9.82 12.16 0.60 0.00 56.64 - 20.78
Q2 2,433,232.08 261,006.80 304,174.80 15,783.03 7.42 1,557,659.92 - 294,600.11 10.73 12.50 0.65 0.00 64.02 - 12.11
Q1 3,576,567.85 266,135.19 302,874.79 21,099.12 2.71 1,822,504.85 - 1,163,951.19 7.44 8.47 0.59 0.00 50.96 - 32.54
2019 Q4 5,349,628.63 233,330.20 335,811.12 18,487.56 9.73 3,912,209.65 - 849,780.36 4.36 6.28 0.35 0.00 73.13 - 15.88
Q3 3,899,140.52 239,942.54 330,412.32 19,875.11 28.02 2,779,735.90 - 529,146.63 6.15 8.47 0.51 0.00 71.29 - 13.57
Q2 4,007,394.20 249,953.45 346,474.27 29,111.75 8.15 2,471,823.89 - 910,022.70 6.24 8.65 0.73 0.00 61.68 - 22.71
Q1 3,703,711.71 236,282.18 330,081.99 17,810.10 32.14 2,772,946.18 - 346,559.11 6.38 8.91 0.48 0.00 74.87 - 9.36
2018 Q4 3,582,296.24 218,818.34 309,582.89 17,588.92 40.32 2,204,051.03 - 832,214.75 6.11 8.64 0.49 0.00 61.53 - 23.23
Q3 4,213,925.19 223,814.44 282,859.90 18,565.52 7.24 2,880,084.72 - 1,165,194.94 5.31 6.71 0.44 0.00 68.35 - 27.65
Q2 2,425,622.78 224,523.16 261,109.96 17,293.79 98.17 1,175,860.44 - 746,737.25 9.26 10.76 0.71 0.00 48.48 - 30.79
Q1 2,943,283.14 184,468.49 273,348.35 13,105.13 32.45 1,201,994.94 - 1,270,333.79 6.27 9.29 0.45 0.00 40.84 - 43.16
2018 Jan 1,056,385.43 59,886.77 116,922.06 5,443.49 1.91 482,473.10 - 391,658.11 5.67 11.07 0.52 0.00 45.67 - 37.08
Feb 910,323.03 65,884.46 73,379.86 3,854.45 27.04 363,412.89 - 403,764.33 7.24 8.06 0.42 0.00 39.92 - 44.35
Mar 976,574.68 58,697.26 83,046.44 3,807.19 3.50 356,108.94 - 474,911.35 6.01 8.50 0.39 0.00 36.47 - 48.63
Apr 749,158.64 72,125.24 79,427.82 4,564.34 14.77 401,901.61 - 191,124.86 9.63 10.60 0.61 0.00 53.65 - 25.51
May 961,490.27 72,565.78 89,056.85 8,041.45 77.92 386,540.61 - 405,207.65 7.55 9.26 0.84 0.01 40.20 - 42.14
Jun 714,973.87 79,832.14 92,625.28 4,688.00 5.48 387,418.22 - 150,404.73 11.17 12.96 0.66 0.00 54.19 - 21.04
Jul 1,022,670.80 71,597.85 109,784.87 5,702.92 4.64 491,373.63 - 344,206.90 7.00 10.74 0.56 0.00 48.05 - 33.66
Aug 2,209,385.78 74,633.97 103,506.36 6,230.69 3.77 1,638,112.68 - 386,898.31 3.38 4.68 0.28 0.00 74.14 - 17.51
Sep 981,868.61 78,071.22 78,296.95 5,504.36 0.99 492,355.11 - 327,639.97 7.95 7.97 0.56 0.00 50.14 - 33.37
Oct 1,379,272.38 71,109.25 101,056.60 6,830.46 2.48 749,616.93 - 450,656.66 5.16 7.33 0.50 0.00 54.35 - 32.67
Nov 1,259,407.56 78,309.89 101,647.12 6,268.60 24.60 726,073.04 - 347,084.31 6.22 8.07 0.50 0.00 57.65 - 27.56
Dec 943,616.31 69,399.20 106,879.17 4,489.87 13.23 728,361.06 - 34,473.78 7.35 11.33 0.48 0.00 77.19 - 3.65
2019 Jan 1,772,273.52 65,436.56 116,439.06 4,424.74 0.78 1,421,594.10 - 164,378.28 3.69 6.57 0.25 0.00 80.21 - 9.27
Feb 929,475.94 76,139.69 91,671.75 6,884.58 - 634,475.82 - 120,304.10 8.19 9.86 0.74 - 68.26 - 12.94
Mar 1,001,962.25 94,705.94 121,971.19 6,500.78 31.36 716,876.26 - 61,876.73 9.45 12.17 0.65 0.00 71.55 - 6.18
Apr 1,417,924.56 87,407.22 100,092.47 14,274.94 - 817,869.22 - 398,280.72 6.16 7.06 1.01 - 57.68 - 28.09
May 1,547,034.65 81,402.80 118,088.12 6,074.55 7.03 877,147.30 - 464,314.84 5.26 7.63 0.39 0.00 56.70 - 30.01
Jun 1,042,434.99 81,143.43 128,293.67 8,762.25 1.12 776,807.37 - 47,427.15 7.78 12.31 0.84 0.00 74.52 - 4.55
Jul 1,403,219.46 89,735.58 111,711.38 6,905.39 7.85 982,881.90 - 211,977.36 6.39 7.96 0.49 0.00 70.04 - 15.11
Aug 1,356,107.95 66,080.58 100,081.70 4,694.18 13.34 910,337.94 - 274,900.20 4.87 7.38 0.35 0.00 67.13 - 20.27
Sep 1,139,813.11 84,126.38 118,619.25 8,275.54 6.83 886,516.05 - 42,269.06 7.38 10.41 0.73 0.00 77.78 - 3.71
Oct 2,518,686.57 80,111.16 120,007.95 6,816.35 0.76 1,861,630.00 - 450,120.35 3.18 4.76 0.27 0.00 73.91 - 17.87
Nov 1,434,594.11 82,630.54 94,794.74 4,316.34 4.80 927,156.45 - 325,691.24 5.76 6.61 0.30 0.00 64.63 - 22.70
Dec 1,396,347.95 70,588.50 121,008.44 7,354.88 4.17 1,123,423.20 - 73,968.77 5.06 8.67 0.53 0.00 80.45 - 5.30
2020 Jan 1,243,317.89 82,591.20 113,113.81 7,080.31 0.14 653,955.13 - 386,577.30 6.64 9.10 0.57 0.00 52.60 - 31.09
Feb 1,104,347.30 83,639.06 86,512.11 4,999.51 2.52 552,354.53 - 376,839.58 7.57 7.83 0.45 0.00 50.02 - 34.12
Mar 1,228,902.66 99,904.93 103,248.87 9,019.31 0.06 616,195.19 - 400,534.31 8.13 8.40 0.73 0.00 50.14 - 32.59
Apr 735,170.94 94,167.93 95,142.50 5,177.23 6.79 468,203.49 - 72,472.99 12.81 12.94 0.70 0.00 63.69 - 9.86
May 749,205.80 76,046.59 99,413.05 5,068.47 0.07 482,180.63 - 86,496.99 10.15 13.27 0.68 0.00 64.36 - 11.55
Jun 948,855.34 90,792.29 109,619.25 5,537.32 0.56 607,275.80 - 135,630.13 9.57 11.55 0.58 0.00 64.00 - 14.29
Jul 1,010,882.24 98,085.33 122,687.31 6,327.41 0.49 555,131.58 - 228,650.12 9.70 12.14 0.63 0.00 54.92 - 22.62
Aug 1,126,294.63 102,597.12 133,731.86 5,723.95 - 622,193.77 - 262,047.94 9.11 11.87 0.51 - 55.24 - 23.27
Sep 1,047,415.85 111,974.77 130,875.07 7,056.92 5.88 626,418.85 - 171,084.37 10.69 12.50 0.67 0.00 59.81 - 16.33
Oct 1,185,140.95 80,868.68 107,273.40 6,459.73 14.51 496,765.52 - 493,759.11 6.82 9.05 0.55 0.00 41.92 - 41.66
Nov 1,339,819.71 124,371.14 141,614.75 4,548.02 - 855,767.56 - 213,518.23 9.28 10.57 0.34 - 63.87 - 15.94
Dec 981,590.49 100,082.46 153,905.89 6,555.43 0.05 655,180.67 - 65,865.99 10.20 15.68 0.67 0.00 66.75 - 6.71
2021 Jan 1,315,216.67 132,405.63 107,908.22 10,284.62 0.49 683,072.42 - 381,545.30 10.07 8.20 0.78 0.00 51.94 - 29.01
Feb 1,582,037.54 145,898.71 113,954.05 5,054.90 16.98 795,828.36 - 521,284.53 9.22 7.20 0.32 0.00 50.30 - 32.95
Mar 1,977,933.64 130,725.46 143,997.13 8,222.54 1.42 899,582.12 - 795,404.97 6.61 7.28 0.42 0.00 45.48 - 40.21
Apr 1,311,391.77 144,396.74 163,079.26 9,752.84 - 837,166.58 - 156,996.34 11.01 12.44 0.74 - 63.84 - 11.97
May 1,475,773.16 139,980.53 134,773.35 8,911.45 0.66 699,557.88 - 492,549.29 9.49 9.13 0.60 0.00 47.40 - 33.38
Jun 1,905,169.39 124,115.61 195,078.19 11,394.20 0.26 861,518.60 - 713,062.55 6.51 10.24 0.60 0.00 45.22 - 37.43
Jul 1,740,754.9 124,062.11 164,772.26 12,551.47 1.96 824,291.74 - 615,075.32 7.13 9.47 0.72 0.00 47.35 - 35.33
Aug 2,005,917.8 196,503.89 178,901.46 7,328.92 3.42 918,445.91 - 704,734.18 9.80 8.92 0.37 0.00 45.79 - 35.13
Sep 1,589,188.7 161,645.86 180,291.56 10,053.36 - 864,054.18 - 373,143.69 10.17 11.34 0.63 - 54.37 - 23.48
Oct 2,084,494.3 208,125.71 149,308.24 9,084.72 7.03 904,592.23 - 813,551.79 9.98 7.16 0.44 0.00 43.40 - 39.03
Nov 2,215,736.5 159,821.80 208,187.09 10,700.01 7.75 1,033,557.73 - 803,741.20 7.21 9.40 0.48 0.00 46.65 - 36.27
Dec 1,640,350.7 299,211.41 186,377.33 10,024.94 17.86 1,062,506.88 - 82,841.35 18.24 11.36 0.61 0.00 64.77 - 5.05
2022 Jan 2,014,232.8 114,359.3 174,592.12 15,892.64 8.88 1,010,428.4 - 698,951.38 6.67 10.19 0.93 0.00 58.96 - 40.79
Feb 2,052,525.6 158,477.1 142,431.84 11,768.81 - 871,329.0 - 868,518.82 7.72 6.94 0.57 - 42.47 - 42.33
Mar 1,834,067.4 170,520.4 221,505.01 13,428.22 0.04 1,090,618.3 - 337,995.42 10.21 13.27 0.80 0.00 65.33 - 20.25
Apr 1,713,699.2 133,755.4 206,540.80 15,778.47 4.63 922,052.1 - 435,567.76 7.81 12.05 0.92 0.00 53.80 - 25.42
May 2,051,814.0 115,225.7 260,055.88 14,066.34 0.49 889,577.6 - 772,887.90 5.62 12.67 0.69 0.00 43.36 - 37.67
Jun 1,669,497.8 215,464.2 229,522.20 8,811.43 5.19 944,386.8 - 271,308.00 12.91 13.75 0.53 0.00 56.57 - 16.25
Jul 2,245,351.0 141,895.4 249,478.26 16,372.54 3.84 881,360.0 - 956,240.89 6.32 11.11 0.73 0.00 39.25 - 42.59
Aug 2,026,462.0 179,639.6 187,155.76 10,041.68 0.44 1,064,158.1 - 585,466.35 8.86 9.24 0.50 0.00 52.51 - 28.89
Sep 1,392,483.7 191,374.9 212,576.74 11,243.07 - 904,437.8 - 72,851.22 13.74 15.27 0.81 - 64.95 - 5.23
Table 10 Monthly Export, Import and Total Trade Value by Sectors (N'million) and Market Shares by Sectors Q3,2022

SECTORS July August September Q3,2022 % Share of Total Exports

AGRICULTURAL GOODS 33,038.34 24,946.22 26,220.56 84,205.12 1.42
RAW MATERIAL GOODS 55,373.83 73,893.70 56,753.01 186,020.54 3.14
SOLID MINERAL GOODS 6,729.84 9,424.96 6,314.71 22,469.52 0.38
ENERGY GOODS 6,548.49 6,556.93 736.63 13,842.05 0.23
MANUFACTURED GOODS 33,757.51 53,490.49 44,213.27 131,461.27 2.22
Crude Oil 1,718,187.27 1,536,472.32 1,403,641.64 4,658,301.23 78.51
Other Petroleum Oil Products 325,921.28 254,395.66 257,016.23 837,333.18 14.11
Total 2,179,556.58 1,959,180.28 1,794,896.05 5,933,632.90 100.00


SECTORS July August September Q3,2022 % Share of Total Imports

AGRICULTURAL GOODS 141,895.41 179,639.62 191,374.89 512,909.92 9.06
RAW MATERIAL GOODS 249,478.26 187,155.76 212,576.74 649,210.76 11.46
SOLID MINERAL GOODS 16,372.54 10,041.68 11,243.07 37,657.30 0.66
ENERGY GOODS 3.84 0.44 - 4.28 0.00
MANUFACTURED GOODS 881,360.04 1,064,158.10 904,437.75 2,849,955.90 50.31
Crude Oil - - - - -
OtherPetroleum Oil products 956,240.89 585,466.35 72,851.22 1,614,558.46 28.50
Total 2,245,350.99 2,026,461.96 1,392,483.67 5,664,296.62 100.00


SECTORS July August September Q3,2022 % Share of Total Trade

AGRICULTURAL GOODS 174,933.76 204,585.84 217,595.45 597,115.04 5.15
RAW MATERIAL GOODS 304,852.09 261,049.46 269,329.75 835,231.30 7.20
SOLID MINERAL GOODS 23,102.39 19,466.65 17,557.78 60,126.81 0.52
ENERGY GOODS 6,552.34 6,557.37 736.63 13,846.33 0.12
MANUFACTURED GOODS 915,117.56 1,117,648.59 948,651.02 2,981,417.17 25.71
Crude Oil 1,718,187.27 1,536,472.32 1,403,641.64 4,658,301.23 40.16
Other Petroleum Oil products 1,282,162.18 839,862.01 329,867.46 2,451,891.64 21.14
Total 4,424,907.57 3,985,642.24 3,187,379.72 11,597,929.52 100.00

Table 13: Major Traded Agricultural Products (N'million) Q3, 2022

EXPORTS Quarter 3 2022

Code HS10 Value
1801001100 Superior quality Cocoa beans 24,584.96
1207400000 Sesamum seeds 19,797.37
0801310000 Cashew nuts In shell 7,201.66
1801001200 Standard quality Cocoa 5,724.82
0306170000 Other Frozen shrimps and prawns 4,415.27
0603900000 Other cut flowers & flower buds of kind suitable ornamental purposes fresh,dried,dyed3,978.43
0801320000 Cashew nuts Shelled 3,229.88
1513210000 Crude Palm kernel oil 2,483.38
1804002000 Natural cocoa butter 2,384.21
0910110000 Ginger, Neither crushed nor ground 1,756.78
1201900000 Soya beans (excluding seedss) 1,486.57
0306110000 Frozen Rock lobster and other sea crawfish (Palinurus spp., Panulirus spp., Jasus spp.)
0910120000 Ginger, Crushed or ground 1,187.42
1211909000 Other Plants or parts, used in perfumery, pharmacy or insecticidal, in any form. 791.01
1301200000 Gum Arabic 665.34
1801001900 Other quality Cocoa beans not specified in 18.01 450.56
1211200000 Ginseng roots 291.18
1008900000 Other cereals not elsewhere specified. 275.16
1201100000 Soya beans Seed 266.31
1106100000 Flour, meal and powder Of the dried leguminous vegetables of heading 07.13 203.30

Table 14. Sectorial Exports to Economic Regions of the World (N'million) Q3 2022
Sector Region July August September Q3, 2022
ECONOMIC REGIONS TOTAL 2,179,556.58 1,959,180.28 1,794,896.05 5,933,632.90
AFRICA 366,999.04 218,792.06 226,557.06 812,348.15
AMERICA 315,378.24 223,420.96 184,496.23 723,295.42
ASIA 502,815.19 694,170.37 550,499.24 1,747,484.80
EUROPE 993,600.93 793,462.88 832,901.62 2,619,965.43
OCEANIA 763.18 29,334.02 441.89 30,539.09
AGRICULTURAL GOODS TOTAL 33,038.34 24,946.22 26,220.56 84,205.12
AFRICA 671.90 853.62 677.62 2,203.15
AMERICA 2,262.32 3,095.30 2,648.17 8,005.79
ASIA 19,660.04 12,171.50 12,210.45 44,041.99
EUROPE 10,444.08 8,825.79 10,683.05 29,952.92
OCEANIA - - 1.28 1.28
RAW MATERIAL GOODS TOTAL 55,373.83 73,893.70 56,753.01 186,020.54
AFRICA 4,635.35 15,276.34 5,448.78 25,360.47
AMERICA 35,938.07 39,859.49 22,243.04 98,040.60
ASIA 2,417.57 2,742.30 2,344.32 7,504.19
EUROPE 11,874.12 15,510.04 26,318.33 53,702.49
OCEANIA 508.72 505.53 398.53 1,412.78
SOLID MINERAL GOODS TOTAL 6,729.84 9,424.96 6,314.71 22,469.52
AFRICA 3,525.48 4,085.02 2,202.41 9,812.91
AMERICA 2.45 - - 2.45
ASIA 3,198.20 5,339.95 4,112.30 12,650.44
EUROPE 3.71 - - 3.71
OCEANIA - - - -
ENERGY GOODS TOTAL 6,548.49 6,556.93 736.63 13,842.05
AFRICA 6,548.49 6,556.93 736.63 13,842.05
AMERICA - - - -
ASIA - - - -
EUROPE - - - -
OCEANIA - - - -
MANUFACTURED GOODS TOTAL 33,757.51 53,490.49 44,213.27 131,461.27
AFRICA 13,382.31 25,016.34 10,429.81 48,828.45
AMERICA 2,954.17 1,825.08 2,402.23 7,181.47
ASIA 11,179.18 15,670.29 19,396.04 46,245.51
EUROPE 6,241.86 10,975.24 11,985.20 29,202.30
OCEANIA - 3.53 - 3.53
Crude oil TOTAL 1,718,187.27 1,536,472.32 1,403,641.64 4,658,301.23
AFRICA 338,235.50 160,367.67 204,392.22 702,995.39
AMERICA 249,100.36 166,976.76 110,364.54 526,441.67
ASIA 341,298.51 562,394.61 447,093.37 1,350,786.49
EUROPE 789,552.90 618,477.49 641,791.51 2,049,821.90
OCEANIA - 28,255.78 - 28,255.78
Other Oil products TOTAL 325,921.28 254,395.66 257,016.23 837,333.18
AFRICA - 6,636.14 2,669.58 9,305.72
AMERICA 25,120.86 11,664.32 46,838.26 83,623.44
ASIA 125,061.71 95,851.71 65,342.78 286,256.19
EUROPE 175,484.25 139,674.32 142,123.53 457,282.11
OCEANIA 254.46 569.17 42.08 865.72

Table 15 Major Traded Agricultural EXPORT/IMPORTS By Direction (N'million)

RANKING Product Product Description Country Description Value (N)

1 1801001100 Superior quality Cocoa beans Indonesia 8,072.08
Malaysia 6,630.28
Netherlands 4,949.54
Belgium 1,919.86
Canada 1,313.69

2 1207400000 Sesamum seeds Japan 5,621.94

China 5,491.28
Turkey 1,984.08
Germany 1,465.67
Greece 995.72

3 0801310000 Cashew nuts In shell Vietnam, Soc Republic of 3,863.28

India 2,210.11
United States 338.79
Qatar 268.17
United Arab Emirates 192.64

4 0306170000 Other Frozen shrimps and prawns Netherlands 3,375.41

France 401.55
United States 364.09
United Kingdom 191.48
Belgium 82.74

5 1801001200 Standard quality Cocoa beans Malaysia 2,301.74

Netherlands 1,806.80
Indonesia 521.04
Belgium 394.88
Italy 354.74

RANKING Product Product description Country Description Value (N)

1 1001190000 Durum wheat (Not in seeds) United States 78,292.99
Poland 45,615.31
Lithuania 36,170.67
Latvia 25,250.94
Argentina 19,592.22

2 0303550000 Jack and horse mackerel (Trachurus spp.) meat, frozen. Chile 15,869.74
Netherlands 1,693.42
Mauritania 1,563.95
Russia 1,191.02
Poland 605.66

3 1511100000 Crude palm oil Malaysia 19,972.75

4 1201900000 Soya beans (excluding seedss) Malaysia 17,621.29

China 3.70

5 1107100000 Malt Not roasted Belgium 7,844.40

France 5,893.01
Germany 1,015.76
South Africa 37.78

Table 16 Major Traded Solid mineral products Export/Import by direction of Trade(N'million)

RANKING Product Product Description Country Description Value (N)

1 2523290000 Other excluding White cement Niger Republic 4,329.51
Togo 1,453.25

2 2609000000 Tin ores and concentrates Malaysia 2,954.23

China 506.93

3 2607000000 Lead ores and concentrates China 3,004.95

Korea, South 40.30
Malaysia 1.98

4 2608000000 Zinc ores and concentrates China 1,724.35

5 2701200000 Briquettes, ovoids and similar solid fuels manufactured from coal Togo 782.31
Niger Republic 401.45
Benin, Republic of 329.39


RANKING Product Product description Country Description Value (N)
1 2701190000 Other coal South Africa 4,971.93
Mozambique 4,714.03

2 2520100000 Gypsum; anhydrite Spain 4,188.52

Turkey 2,079.67
Tunisia 1,195.49
China 7.82

3 2520200000 Plasters Turkey 3,629.66

Egypt 1,351.09
China 171.26
Tunisia 141.78
Morocco 120.31

4 2501009000 Other salt not specified. Brazil 2,877.97

United Kingdom 71.18
Germany 23.88
South Africa 6.95
Jordan 0.82

5 2503000000 Sulphur of all kinds, other than sublimed, precipitated and colloidal sulphur.
Turkey 1,447.08
Russia 517.90
Uzbekistan 305.31

Table 17 Major Traded Manufactured products Export/Import by direction of Trade(N'million)

RANKING Product Product Description Country Description Value (N)

1 7601200000 Aluminium alloys, unwrought Japan 16,610.21
China 3,256.47
United Kingdom 2,111.31
India 1,748.74
Saudi Arabia 685.48

2 2402200000 Cigarettes containing tobacco Niger Republic 4,561.51

Cameroon 2,525.05
Burkina Faso 2,120.00
Ghana 1,578.90
Guinea, Rep 1,092.78

3 8908000000 Vessels and other floating structures for breaking up. Ivory Coast 8,046.60

4 8708920000 Silencers (mufflers) and exhaust pipes; parts thereof of motor vehicle Belgium 5,929.06
Germany 102.94

5 8905200000 Floating or submersible drilling or production platforms Ghana 4,966.63


RANKING Product Product description Country Description Value (N)
1 8703332000 Used Vehicles, with diesel or semidiesel engine, of cylinder capacity >2500cc United States 75,146.42
Italy 3,265.24
Canada 2,107.90
Belgium 1,878.49
United Kingdom 1,650.49

2 9002200000 Filters China 56,655.96

United Arab Emirates 987.60
India 675.18
Turkey 315.53
Kenya 289.53

3 8711201000 Motorcycles and cycles fitted with auxiliary motor,petrol fuel, capacity >50<250cc, CKD India 37,890.31
China 21,737.34
Indonesia 228.57

4 3808939000 Other Herbicides, antisprouting products and plantgr China 37,632.89

India 612.19
Hungary 27.15
Malaysia 20.53
Spain 9.84

5 8481800000 Other appliances China 33,260.29

India 2,453.33
Italy 1,982.29

Table 18. Major Traded Raw Material Products Export/Import by Direction of Trade (N'million)

RANKING Product Product Description Country Description Value (N)

1 3102100000 Urea, whether or not in aqueous solution Brazil 63,689.44
Argentina 25,514.48
Poland 13,242.56
Chile 7,173.81
Netherlands 6,596.63

2 7108110000 Nonmonetary Gold (including gold plated with platinum) in Powder form Switzerland 17,315.02

3 4001220000 Technically specified natural rubber (TSNR) Spain 1,621.00

France 1,174.46
South Africa 890.58
Italy 843.89
Poland 802.51

4 4112000000 Leather further prepared after tanning or crusting, includi India 2,919.37
Spain 2,389.85
Italy 953.78
Pakistan 18.45
United Arab Emirates 15.81

5 4113100000 Of goats or kids Spain 3,284.92

Italy 1,394.08


RANKING Product Product Description Country DescriptionValue (N)

1 1701141000 Cane sugar specified in Subheading Note 2 to Chapter 17, Meant for sugar refinery Brazil 86,584.95

2 3104300000 Potassium sulphate Canada 29,179.42

3 1901901000 Milk preparations containing vegetable fats /oils, powdered/granular, packings > 25 kg Ireland 15,648.87
Malaysia 3,639.72
Chatham Island, NZ 2,973.51
Netherlands 922.42
Germany 733.57

4 2922429000 Other Glutamic acid and its salts Not specified or included China 13,649.98
Brazil 3,230.58
Hong Kong 2,655.21
Taiwan 76.59

5 2914790000 Other Halogenated, sulphonated, nitrated or nitrosated derivatives China 11,916.16

United Kingdom 797.43
Pakistan 539.87
Brazil 82.01
India 78.38

Table 19 TRADE BY MODE OF TRANSPORT (N'million) Q3, 2022

MODE OF TRANSPORT July August September Q3,2022 % share of Domestic Exports

MARITIME 2,153,953.97 1,921,771.40 1,766,633.37 5,842,358.74 98.88
ROAD 5,874.43 8,860.35 7,032.06 21,766.83 0.37
AIR 8,315.24 8,674.70 13,634.11 30,624.06 0.52
OTHER TRANSPORT 6,548.49 6,556.93 736.63 13,842.05 0.23
TOTAL 2,174,692.13 1,945,863.38 1,788,036.17 5,908,591.67 100.00


MODE OF TRANSPORT July August September Q3,2022 % share of Re-Exports

MARITIME 4,855.29 13,286.65 6,527.32 24,669.25 98.51
RAIL 0.00
ROAD 9.16 30.26 40.26 79.68 0.32
AIR - - 292.30 292.30 1.17
MAIL 0.00
TOTAL 4,864.45 13,316.90 6,859.88 25,041.23 100.00


MODE OF TRANSPORT July August September Q3,2022 % share of Total Exports

MARITIME 2,158,809.26 1,935,058.05 1,773,160.68 5,867,027.99 98.88
ROAD 5,883.59 8,890.60 7,072.32 21,846.51 0.37
AIR 8,315.24 8,674.70 13,926.42 30,916.36 0.52
OTHER TRANSPORT 6,548.49 6,556.93 736.63 13,842.05 0.23
TOTAL 2,179,556.58 1,959,180.28 1,794,896.05 5,933,632.90 100.00

MODE OF TRANSPORT July August September Q3,2022 % share of Total Import
MARITIME 2,160,972.41 1,932,537.09 1,281,941.18 5,375,450.68 94.90
ROAD 3,546.58 10,178.07 4,188.42 17,913.08 0.32
AIR 80,772.51 83,746.80 106,354.07 270,873.38 4.78
TOTAL 2,245,291.51 2,026,461.96 1,392,483.67 5,664,237.14 100.00

Rank Code PORTS Value % Share of Total export
1 01AP APAPA PORT 5,649,514.17 95.21
2 05PN PORT HARCOURT(3) Onne 115,336.35 1.94
3 01TC TIN CAN ISLAND 94,623.84 1.59
5 05PH PORT HARCOURT(1) Area-1 12,410.89 0.21
6 04SO SOKOTO AREA COMMAND 7,519.02 0.13
7 04KE KEBBI AREA COMMAND 6,489.09 0.11
8 06WR WARRI PORT 4,902.69 0.08
9 01SM SEME BORDER POST 4,584.58 0.08
10 01TG PTML CUSTOMS OFFICE 3,463.07 0.06


Rank Code PORTS Value % Share of total imports
1 01AP APAPA PORT 3,335,238.90 58.88
2 01TC TIN CAN ISLAND 832,637.93 14.70
3 05PN PORT HARCOURT(3) Onne 481,685.23 8.50
4 01TG PTML CUSTOMS OFFICE 273,571.01 4.83
5 01MC MUHAMMED MURTALA CARGO 162,086.45 2.86
6 05PH PORT HARCOURT(1) Area-1 135,460.75 2.39
7 06WR WARRI PORT 75,230.43 1.33
9 02KN KANO AIRPORT 53,552.97 0.95
10 01FZ Lagos Free Trade Zone 39,259.03 0.69

NBSNigeria NBSNigeria Nbsnigeria


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