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Data Structures and Algorithms

Bonus Project
University Registration System

It is required to write a computer program (C, C++, Python, Java, …) to perform all the functions of
the registration system of an educational institution (e.g. Alexandria University). The program should
include a data structure for each one of the possible students available in the institution. The data
structure should include at least the following:
1. Student name, which is to be defined as a structure containing the following:
a) First name
b) Middle name
c) Last name
2. Student registration number, which may be automatically generated for new students or
entered (e.g., year: 2022 - term 2 - faculty: Data Sciences and Computing (25) – Department:
General (01) - student number: 13 => 2022225010013) by the user according to the user
requirements. Please assume numbers for different options. Student data must be preserved
in the data structure.
3. Student nationality.
4. Student ID, which is a structure containing the following:
a) type of ID (e.g., national ID, passport, …)
b) ID number
c) Validity of ID which is a structure of the type date as will be explained later on in the
student age section
5. Student home address which is a structure containing the following:
a) Flat number
b) House number
c) Street name
d) Area/District name
e) City name
f) Governorate name
g) Country
h) Postal code
6. Student mailing address which is a structure containing the same as the previous address field.
Please note that the operator should only enter this address in case it is different from the home
address. Otherwise, the program has to set the data to be the same automatically.
7. Student age (calculated automatically) in addition to his/her date of birth, which is a structure
containing the following:
a) Day of birth (restricted between 1 and 31)
b) Month of birth (restricted between 1 and 12)
c) Year of birth (restricted between 1980 and present date)
8. Student gender.
9. First enrolment term and year.
10. Student department of enrolment.
11. Student tutor name and code.
12. Current term, which is calculated according to the credit hours finished.
13. Payments, which is a structure containing the following:
a) Type of funding (e.g., self-funded or grant-funded)

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b) Number of payments done
c) Total amount paid so far
d) An array of structure containing the details of each payment. These include:
i. Amount paid
ii. Transaction number
iii. Bank of transaction
iv. Date/Time of transaction, which is a structure for the date containing the day, month
and year of the transaction as explained above in the date of birth.
14. Student contact, which is a structure containing the following:
a) Contact e-mail of the student
b) Student home phone number
c) Student mobile number
15. Credit hours, which is a structure containing the following:
a) Maximum required for the degree
b) Finished
c) Current
d) Remaining (The remaining hours = Maximum -Finished – Current)
The maximum credit hours required should be entered by the operator. The finished and
current hours should be computed from the sum of finished and current courses' credit
hours entered in the field relating to the course finished and current. The remaining hours
should be computed from the equation presented above.
16. Student GPA, which is a structure containing the following:
a) Overall GPA attained so far by the student (should be initialised to zeros for a new student).
b) Number of semesters finished so far.
c) An array of 10 elements constituting the individual semester GPAs (should be initialised
to zeros for a new student).
17. Courses, which is a structure containing the following:
a) Finished
b) Current (number of courses bound by the student status calculated above)
Each one of the above (Finished and Current) group of courses is a structure containing the
a) Number of courses
b) Total number of credit hours for these courses
c) Array (of size 100 for the finished courses and 8 for the current courses) of structure for
the course data, which should include the following:
i. Course code
ii. Course name
iii. Course credit hours
iv. Number of times taking the course
v. Semester and year for taking the course in the case of finished courses
vi. Course tutors which is a structure containing the following:
• Course lecturer (first, middle and last) name
• Course GTA (first, middle and last) name
• Course lab GTA (first, middle and last) name
vii. Marks acquired during the course which is a structure containing the following:
• 7th mark out of 30 (nay contain fractions)
• 12th mark out of 20 (nay contain fractions)
• year work mark out of 10 (nay contain fractions)
• final exam mark out of 40 (nay contain fractions)
• sum of all the above out of 100 (nay contain fractions)
viii. Grade of the student in this course according to the standard grading scheme
ix. Student percentage absence during the course

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For the above data structure, it is required to perform the following:
1. Implement the above data structure in C.
2. Define new data types (in the programming language chosen) to incorporate the above data
structure as well as all its requirements.
3. A dynamic data structure containing the data of all the students should be defined as a local
variable inside the “main” function. This array should be sized so as to exactly contain the
data of the students defined in the program according to the new type implemented above.
Dynamic allocation is used to ensure no waste of space occurs in the memory if needed.
4. Write functions to perform the required tasks from the system. Such functions may include
(but are not limited to) the following:
a) A function to read the data of on student from the user.
b) A function to print the data of one student on the screen.
c) A set of functions, which would return (get) the value of each of the items belonging to
the data of a certain student (e.g., a function to return the age of a student, a function to
return the GPA of a student, ...)
d) A set of functions which would write a new value (set) to the value stored in each one of
the items belonging to the data of a certain student (e.g., a function to set the value of the
age of the student, a function to set the value of the GPA of a student, ...)
e) A function to calculate the age of the student.
f) A function to calculate the current number of credit hours finished and being currently
g) A function to calculate the overall GPA of the student in case of any of his/her course data
is edited.
h) A function to enter a new payment for one of the students with all its details outlined
i) A function to edit/change the contact details of one of the students (e-mail, phone number
and mobile number).
j) A function to sort and retrieve students of a certain department and batch based on their
k) A function to retrieve students coming from a certain family to apply discounts on paid
5. This registration system program would be implemented to run on a certain machine
(server/terminal e.g., localhost) on a network. Simulate this system and run it on a localhost
on a network. The system is required to be run from a different terminal on the same network.
6. If this system is used by more than one administrator at the same time from different terminals.
You are required to simulate the running of the same program from different terminals. The
system should be able to run for concurrent data arriving from the various terminals. Design
a system to implement the above data handling technique without any data loss.
7. The above system should be designed to be adaptable to be implemented for different faculties
and universities where the naming of the data and course codes and ratings would be different.
It is required to implement a generalised system which would adapt to different situations and
data changes even during the program run. The data structure is required to be adaptable to
these situations. Your design should show the above implemented technique for all the above.
8. A Graphical User Interface (GUI) of the above system is required for the good user
friendliness operation of the system. You are required to implement the GUI of the system
for the terminal data entry as well as data handling and the running of the program on the

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Please take into consideration the following:
• Any function taking an input from the user in order to set a value in a student record should
test the validity of the data presented to it before committing the changes otherwise, erroneous
data changes may occur beyond repair in the database.
• The program should present the user with a user-friendly environment, which allows the user
to select one of the allowed options involved. The main screen of the program should list the
options (tasks to be performed) on the screen numbered. The user is then prompted to enter
his/her selection. The program will then execute the required task and print the result on the
screen or at least a message stating to the user that the task has been performed correctly. The
options in the main screen should include the functions stated above.

Important notes:
1. The due date is to be announced on the Microsoft Team of the course.
2. If you do not finish all the requirements, please still hand in what you have finished. You will
be graded accordingly (instead of zero in case you do not submit anything).
3. Good, neat and properly commented coding is greatly appreciated and generously rewarded.
4. Adherence to good programming practice rules is greatly appreciated and generously
5. Group work of up to 5 students is allowed.
6. Bonuses are awarded for early submission.
7. Projects should be submitted before the due date.
8. Marks will be awarded only after discussion.
9. Please refer to the appointment (To be announced later) for the discussion of the project.
10. The marking scheme is subdivided as follows:
a) Working code amounts to 20%
b) Good structured coding, commenting of the code, and adherence to requirements amounts
to 20%
c) Understanding of the project problem, possible solutions of each part, code, tackling of
problems arising, coding techniques, … amount to 40% of the mark.
d) A power point presentation outlining what has been accomplished in the project (10%).
e) A document report outlining what has been accomplished in the project (10%).

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