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Problem Solving Using Linear Systems.
Unit 1. Lesson 6-7

1. Simplewordproblems.

1. A crate of 36 grapefruit has a total mass of 4 kg. When 12 grapefruits are removed, the total mass
is 3 kg. Determine the mass of the crate and the mass of one grapefruit.
let x be the nass o 1 gretpe fuf
let y be re mąss he crnte

h*1y=4 Te mass of te crate is 1 and te

aus*y=3x-| mass oe a grape fuit s

(2.) The cost of renting a car depends on the number of days, for which it is rented, and the distance it is
driven. The cost for one day and 240 km is $39. The cost for three days and 800 km is $125. What
are the cost per day and the cost per kilometer?

let y be
be cost pe
cost Per km

xt a4oy3a
3* 4 s0y- 1a5 taxtau34
X 34-auoy
as It costs 15 dlollas a dy o cf
I Z-720+Sc0y (0 cen ts per km
3.) Two numbers have a difference of 118. The larger number is 27 less than twice the smaller. Find the

Iet < biggerunber X- 4ģ=I|2 Tle twc numbers

Ie y be Sngaller nesn ber are 263 which is tee

X-y= I8
xa63 bigger and 45i5
the Smaltr.
2y-7-. y=il8

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The sum of the digits of a certain two-digit number is 7. Reversing its digits increases the number by
9. What is the number?

let ab be te two digit winber

let ba be te [evcsed
(0 3Fb=7 ab=43
at b=7
abtq= ba b4) The num beriS
a (Lo)t bt4= blioj+ a

IOa + btq l0b +aq atbe 7

9a-96 -9- -9 a-b= -|
3. Money-valueofcoins/bills.
Emmais a cashier at the grocery store. Shehasa total of $580 n bills. She has76 þills, consisting
of $5 bills and $10 bills. How much of each type does she have?

let x be 5 billS
let y be l0 bills
() x+2y= 76
*ty= 76
->W 5(76-y)+ i0y = 5 80
Sxt (6y = 580

(0 x= 76-
360-5y t0 yb80 (x-5a
5y =560 -380 she has 5a 5 b;((S
and a4 0 bil|S.
Y= a4
From the soft drink machine,Veronikacollected(75coins consisting of only quarters anddimes. If
the total amount colected was $13.50,How many of each coin were collected?

let x bt f of4unters
Iety bc t of elime s
*+35= 75 There wqs 40 gut rs
Cllect cd and 35 di)
0.29 > + 0.10y - |350 75-$ cullec ee .

() =75-Y

0.à5(75-y) tOoloy=3.50
18.75 - 0.a9yt ioy 1.5o
- 0-15= -S.d5 - y= 35

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7. Find the values ofx and y.

F pattern ?? xt6(a0)= (33

Parallel= Soine (33-10

3y - x)°
4y = I80
x+ 6y = 138
linc is (so
3y- * = I60-(38 y að

Joshuainvestedhissavingsof $4800, part at9%and the rest at 10%. At the end of the year the
interest from the 9% investment was $43 less than the interest from the 10% investment. How much
was invested at each rate?
be hoWmuch mested at 4.1 * +as00 u800
huw muchiaested + 0
o.l0y~3 = 43~d.04y
0.10y-43= 0.041
(Y= 2500 Tosuhe iesel
*300 at a a' ate
y) and aGoo a l0l

8. Student council made $750 from a dance. They put part of the $750 in a saving account that earns
4% interest and the rest in a checkingaccount that pays2%. If the total interest for a year was
$27, how much was put in each account?
let be how men wus put in Svigs accat
let y oe ow cu in ch cene ecceun S tere was 6o0
put into a Savtg qned
Aty= 750 x + I50756 (5o into clreeky
Dourt o.02ya7 =750-30
(y=750 -Y - 400
o.64(0-y) +o•0hy= 27
30- 0.0uy to-0By 27

-o.09ja-3 -r=i50

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5.RoadTrips:distance-speed- time.
9. During a training exercise, a submarine travels 16km/h on the surface, but it goesonly 10 km/h
underwater. If the submarine traveled a distance of 160 km in 12.5 h, how long was it underwater?

let be time on sulrarc unk n 6wn

I-et y he Ae Untr rutr
x = 12.S-666
ty= (2,5 abo-lbyt/6y= t60
-6y- -40
*= 12.5-y I+ was nce
y= 6.66
I6/12:5*y)tloy z(60 watr fur aporsietey

10. Jack drove at 50 km/h from Smithsvile to DryGulch.From DryGulch to Streetsvile he drove at 80
kn/h. Thewholetripwas 550 km and took 8 hours.How far is it from DryGulch to Streetsville?
1et x bc now ur Smíthiviule t ry culen

30y = i50
*= 8-
x=8- x
30(5-y) 4Z0y =55o Y=3
tts 5 Rcurs to ge
tu stree tsiile em
6. Tripsbyaircrafts/boats. Diy Gulen)
11. It took Sean 8 hours to row 40 kmupstream. The return trip, with the aid of the current, took 5
hours. Find the speed of the current.
TleSyaerd or ne curen
Pcd o
Y cel oe re boat
wdhhe usent k spced isgonnabeSpe
eed t Currtnt ytx
igantted (Y= 6.5 45325tx
0=8y-*) 40 8y8*
4 025(Yt*) 5a0 50y (x=7.5)
0 40t4ox

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12. A traf chelicopter pilot ndsthat withatailwindher120kmtripawayfrom theairporTtakes .

min. On The refurn trip to the airport. into the wind she nds that her trip is 10min longer. What is
the speed of the helicopter? What is the speed of the wind?

let x be e Specd 6 ne helicoptor

30(3.$4 * )
Itt Y De ru spt ed ot e wnd a0
te -i054 30k
yt * with winl awa wnd is 3.5 oce
y-* wit fnciay wild te heli iis 0.5 sea e)
la0 40ly-*) 840= 40y
480 = 1a0y + a0x ->
120- 30y A 30a| xu
a040y- 403 60=1a0y-(20 Y3,5)
7. MixtureProblems.
13. Raisins worth $4.20/kg are mixed with dried fruit worth $6.90/kg to make a mixture worth
$5.28/kg. Howmany kilograms of dried fruit must be used to make 10 kg of mixture?

let bt amnt '0 Giss t orta ,10 DE M

lty be anuunt ot dice {ut Vortn b q6 (0

6.4 5.
tty= (0kg y. 0
.20+b90yS.d8(0) 6ego
de ed

U,a6 (10-Y)6.90y= 52.8

> 4a-4. 20y t6a by52. 6
14. Premiumgasoline sells for 75$/L. Regulargas sells for 70 ¢IL. Too boost sales, a middle octane
qasoline is formed by mixing premium and regular. If 1000 L of this middle octane gas is produced,
and is sold at 73.9 ¢/L, then how much of each type of gasoline can you assume was used in the

mixture? we Can
w aS$urn e 2804
+000 sethus lof prCin
was e Sed
l.15 4 0,70 y = 73. q
ttaa0 (00)
0.75(000-y)+ 0-79734|
750-0.75 y+0.70y> 73A ad

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8. MixingSolutions/makingalloys.

15.A lab technician needs to make 40 L of 51% alcohol solution. He has some 40% alcohol solution and
some 60% alcohol solution. How much 40% solution should he use?

he shuld v
lely be 0,1
So lu tion
* ty= 40
0.60x + Oloy = 0.4 40-18

x =40y
0.60(40- y ) o40 y =20.ų
al-Ca60y+0.40-a0u y=16 6 -6
16. At a silversmith's shop, they have alloys that contain 40% silver and others that are 50% silver. A
custom order for a bracelet requires 150g of 44% silver. How much of each alloy should be melted
together to make the bracelet?

Iedy be s01 Alloy
a0g o
aloy ancd 609
*/ 5o x+60=(56
O4x to.5y
x=(Sc-66 aley ail
necl to bC

(a4(150- y)t05y- 6o
60- 0.e y 6b
o.l y=6

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