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1. Choose one of the following articles: Read the article- be able to summarize and share key
takeaways from the article to expand learning/discussion/higher level application.
*On this assignment, post your key takeaways and higher level questions/application.
Effective communication is key to collaboration. Poor communication in healthcare leads to
adverse patient outcomes. 6/10 medical errors are directly from communication breakdown.
There are many possible ways for medical errors but this many be the easiest way to prevent
errors. Effective communication also improves other factors such as job satisfaction and staff
morale. This decreases the risk of burn out. Organizational strategies to improve communication
include health IT, and culture change. Technology is a major solution to many communication
barriers. How to use technology safely and with proper use of HIPPA regulations?
2. Reflect on your current communication abilities as a nurse. What are your areas of strength,
what are your areas of needed development/growth? What communication skills or lessons
would you like to participate in or practice prior to becoming a professional nurse? *Post to this
I feel like I am able to well express myself and I am confident in my abilities. I think I need more
confidence in my ability to communicate with providers, because sometimes I am intimidated
which causes me to second guess myself. I think I just need more practice communicating with
new providers. I am able to build successful rapport with providers I have a previous relationship
with. However I need to improve my communication with providers I am not comfortable with. I
need to remember I am competent and that questions are very important to effective

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