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Learner Workbook Student Name:

MARCH 2023

Teacher: Sarah Mccabe

Student: Mathobela Ezeagbai
Due: 30 March 2023

Infection Prevention and Control

Student Workbook
2022 - 2023

This workbook is part of your Infection Prevention and Control Module.

It accounts for 20% of the overall mark for the module

It is used by the Student to demonstrate their knowledge of particular areas of infection prevention and control.

In order to complete this workbook, the student will have to study, carry out general research AND carry out
research in their work placement setting.

Students must complete this workbook during the year and your tutor will give you the submission date for the
final completed record.

Structure of this Workbook

The workbook is divided into 3 sections and each section must be fully completed by the student. The student
should read the questions in each section and answer them fully.

Section 1 covers the following topics;

● The role of the infection prevention and control team.

● Your role in the event of an outbreak of infection
● Local policy in relation to uniform/dress, staff health and travel associated infections.
● Policies for dealing with clean and soiled linen.
Section 2 covers the following topics;

● The methods used to prevent the spread of infections.

● Cleaning standards, procedures and frequencies
● The local terminal cleaning procedure in a range of settings
● Differences between various levels of hand hygiene.
● The need for good personal skin care and efficient hand washing
● The main blood borne viruses which pose a threat of infection
Section 3 covers the following topics;

● The role of antibiotics

● The importance of correct and safe antibiotic use to avoid antibiotic resistance.

● Appropriate use of “single use” items


If the policies you are asked about in this workbook do not exist in your place of work, the student
must state this in their response, then research the HSE policies and report on these!

● Please ensure that all questions in the workbook are attempted – unanswered questions will result
in automatic loss of marks!!

Name and Address of Work Placement

Orwell Healthcare
112 Orwell Road, Rathgar, Dublin6
D06 TN66

Work Placement Phone number

+3531 14 999 00

Name of Workplace Supervisor

Claire Hoban
Title of Workplace Supervisor
Clinical Manager

Section 1

Infection control team

Make enquiries in your work placement and read the policies in order to carry out the
task below

● Describe the composition of the Infection Control team. How many members are
● Describe the role and responsibilities of each member of the infection control team.


 Nurses
 Nurses Manager
 Microbiologist.
 Consultant



- They manage compliance

- The provide up to date information skill to stuff


- They provide advice and education to stuff and the community a large
- The also manage the outbreak of infection


- They are working in the laboratory

- They identify varies pathogens and information consultants

-They are overseers of the infection control team and overall responsibility among the team on

- The are overseas of management of outbreaks and lianse with necessary personal

- They also produce reports for H.I.Q. A

Role in outbreak of infection Describe what YOUR role would be in the event of an
outbreak of a norovirus infection (the “winter vomiting” bug) in your work placement

 Abide by all precautions in force

 Always employ safe practises

 ICT may require increased cleaning frequencies or the use of more straight

decontamination process

 Participate in immunisation programs if necessary

 Report to management if you develop any symptoms

 Co-operate in provision of spacemen if requested

 Comply with immunisation possess.

Policies – dress & uniform

Find out about the policy in your workplace regarding the appropriate uniform/dress for
work. Describe any guidelines or rules that are in place. Where are they recorded and
how are staff informed about these guidelines/rules?


 All employees are expected to dress neatly and appropriately, consistent with maintaining
public confidence in the services we provide, (HSE, 2)
 You wear uniform at work and when you are coming out of hospital you remove and
wash 60degrees
 Uniform is important for the infection control and easily identified
 Hair must be clean, tidy always tied away from the face above the collar
 Shoes must be clean and free from obvious dirt
 No jewellery can be worn on the hands or wrists except for a plain wedding band
 Fingernails must be kept short and clean

The rules about uniforms sometimes are recorded from the contract or the manger will explain
it to the stuff even the HR management informs of importance of uniforms.

Policies – staff health

Find out about the policy in your workplace regarding staff health.

Describe any guidelines or rules that are in place to protect staff health or to guide staff
about what they should do if they are ill.

Where are these guidelines/rules recorded and how are staff informed about these


 You call in supervisor / person in charge as early as possible

 Medical certificates must be provided on day 3 must be signed by medical practitioner
 If you are still unwell and due back to work, contact must be made with place of work
and doctor. Contact work and inform them when you will be returning
 The stuff should make themselves aware of the number of sick days that are allowed
 If you become sick immediately contact or report to your manager
 And follow the guidelines from occupational health
 Follow all recommendations
 Certain illness like covid, hepatitis B may have to be reported once consent gained from
the person.
 Information on the sickness should be kept in staff handbook
 Since 1 January 2023 you have the right to 3 days, sick pay year
 Sick leave act 2022 gives you guidelines regarding sick leaves.

Policies – travel associated infections

Find out about the policy in your workplace regarding infections which may be carried by
staff, patients or visitors as a result of returning from a foreign country (these are known
as travel associated infections).

Describe any guidelines, information or rules that are in place about this. Where is this
information recorded and how are staff informed about this guidelines/ this information?

 Follow all guidelines this includes wearing PPe, vaccination and testing
 Inform employer, isolate if you experience symptoms.
 Very important to follow all public advice when travelling and returning from aborad
 Certain country requirements with certain vaccine example Maria, Hepatise B, Typhoid,
and places like Thailand you need to take 6 weeks before you are travelling.
 Know the guidelines for the county travelling you are going.
 follow recombinational policy
 Always isolate if feeling unwell
 Guidelines for travel associated infections should be kept in the staff handbook

Policies – Linen
Read about the HSE policy regarding how to deal with linen and describe it below. This
should include how to deal with clean linen and soiled linen. Consider the following and
include in your answer:

● HSE Categorisation/classification of linen
● Segregation of linen
● Laundering
● Handling and Storage of linen
HSE Categorisation/classification of linen

 Clean linen
 Soiled linen
 Contaminated linen

Segregation of linen

 Segregated lined is to protect patient and the stuff from cross infection from used linen.
 Reduce the number of micro-organisms
 Linen is separated with white bags (Dirty linen) and \Red bags for (infection linen)

Cleaning clothes coloured cording in HSE: -

Aims to prevent cross contamination

Linen bags should be colour coded so that infected/dirty /clean can be easily identified and the
risk of cross infection reduced.

(i) Red Cloths- Cloths/equipment in sanitary areas/washroom floors

(ii)Yellow Clothes- Hand wash sinks & all other washroom areas.
(iii) Blue /Purple- Cloths/equip all general areas – ward, dept, office etc.
(iv) Green – Kitchen, ward or General Area
(v) White- cloths for isolation rooms and theatre disposable.

Laundering decontamination processed by Three ways:

- By Detergent
- By Dilution (Water)

- Mechanical

Contaminated means there is blood or Fluid on linen.

This linen goes into an orange /red bag This alginate bag melts in washing machine so when
household staff don’t have to touch contaminated linen. When doing laundry must use correct
temperature to kill micro-organism (71 degrees for 3 minutes 65degrees for 10min.Soiled /Dirty
laundry for 10min –6 degrees or 71degrees for 3min.Laundry contaminated with waste like
faeces, blood, vomit etc the alginate bag goes into washing machine washed 65degrees-10min
or 71degrees- 3min


 Linen that is contaminated with urine, faeces, blood, vomit, sputum or any other body
fluid or from a person with a known infectious condition i.e. Clostridium difficile
 Do not manually sluice pre cycle than clean washes before the main wash.
 Place into an alginate bag/water soluble bag wearing gloves and apron PPE
 Use appropriate sluice cycles.
 Launder at 65°C for at least 10 minutes, or 71°C for 3 minutes.



Dirty or Used Linen – transported in either WHITE / BLUE / GREEN laundry bags

Body linen, scrub suits etc. to be segregated from whites BLUE

All theatre linen, (scrub suits separately) GREEN

Handling and Storage of linen

Clean linen should be stored in a press/ trolly 8-10 inches above the floor level, linen should be

Clean and dirty linen should not be stored together, we should always handle with clean hands.

Soiled or dirty linen into white bags is then transferred to a large green bag and brought to

Always to wear PPE

Linen that has been laundered and ready for use

Clean linen is stored physically in a clean closed cupboard to prevent contamination.

OR on a trolley covered with a protective covering, it must always be delivered to the wards in
clean closed containers.

All used linen should be placed in bags appropriate to the category, secured and stored in proper
place for transport to laundry.

Colour coding is used to separate soiled linen from contaminated linen.

E.G. - Dirty used theatre linen placed in water soluble bag and secured.

Transported to Laundry in green laundry bag

Section 2

Importance of skin care

Explain the reasons why good personal skin care and efficient hand washing are essential
to help prevent the spread of infection.

effective handwashing is the most effective way to remove or destroying micro-organisms.

 Good personal skin care and washing hand is essential and prevention because people
they mostly touch their eyes, nose and mouth without even realizing it. So is very easy to
get germs into one's body through eyes, nose and mouth and can make them sick.
 Hand washing can protect you and patients from infection

 Good skin care is very important as we must make sure our hands are dried properly as
bacteria can live in and creases hands.
 Germs from Unwashed hands can get into foods and drinks while people prepare or eat
 It is very important to keep the hands moisturise as dry skin can n itchy and sthe skin can
break down
 And can cause infection to enter.
 It is important to maintain overall good standard.

 To prevent the infection and spreading of germs through our hands and nose, one
can normalise the following: -

1. After blowing your nose or after sneezing in your hands, wash them immediately

2. Wash your hands before and after eating, handling, food, preparing meals even


3. After handling garbage or contaminated surface such as garbage bins, dirty cloth that

have been used for cleaning


● A) Social hand hygiene,

● B) Antiseptic hand hygiene

● C) Surgical hand hygiene.

For each type, briefly describe the objective of each type and give an example of a
situation in healthcare where it is most appropriate to use this method

(i) Social Hand Hygiene:

• Clinical hand wash Washing your hands with soap and warm water aims to remove
transmitted microbes

• After 10 to 15 seconds – dead skin, and organic materials are removed too

• Social hand washing can be done also with gel once the hands are visibly clean

Example of appropriate situation to use: -

• When hands are visibly dirty (contaminated with dirt soil organic material)

• Beginning and end of each work shift

• After being to the bathroom or blowing one's nose

• Before preparing or handling food


• Antiseptic hand washing is a more stringent procedure for washing hands when
compared to social hand washing.
• This procedure is used to destroy microorganisms on the surface of the skin.
• It also reduces resident bacteria or viruses that typically live on the surface. This
type of hand washing procedure is usually performed before coming into contact
with someone in the medical or healthcare setting.

Example of situation: -

• Before and after each patient contact in critical care units

• Those who are immune compromised or with large wounds or burns and before entering
units or wards with such patients

• After all contact with patients on transmission-based precautions and prior to leaving
wards or rooms those who are possibly infected with infections that are contagious


• Surgical hand washing is the most stringent type of hand washing
procedure with significant differences.

• This is a cleaning procedure that is used prior to sterile operations, including surgical
• This hand washing procedure removes resident microorganisms that live on the surface of
the skin in addition to transient microorganisms.

Example of situation: -

• To removes all transient flora and reduce a substantial amount of residual flora

• Involves thorough washing and disinfecting

• Hands are scrubbed with running warm water and soap for at least 15 seconds, under the
nails, wrists, forearms

• Then Antiseptic soap is used followed by an alcohol rub for at least two to six minutes
depending on manufacturer's instructions.

Preventing the spread of Infection

The “chain of infection” describes how a pathogen (a microorganism which causes infection
or disease) passes from the source to another person, who gets the infection. This type of
person is known as “a susceptible host”. Infection can be spread because of Direct or
Indirect Contact.

Precautions must be taken to prevent the spread of infection. The precaution used will
depend on how the pathogen is spread (the method of transmission)

In the spaces below, identify and describe 4 different precautions which can be used to
prevent the spread of infection. Explain briefly how this method prevents the spread of

Method 1.


There is the form of hygiene hands washing technique that involve the use of warm water
and soap to thoroughly wash hands: -

 Start washing hands with soap and water

 Rub hands to palm to palm with to fingers interlaced each other , palm to palm with
fingers interlaced, rub with back of the fingers to opposing palm with fingers
interlocked , sweeping hand finger to thumb, rubbing tips of fingers in opposite palm in
circular motion , rub each wrist with opposite hand and rinse hater to take off the soap by
running water for more than 20 seconds, then wipe with a separate paper towel . This
form hand-hygiene is applied before and during shifts, nailed should be kept short, dry
clothing closing technique using elbows t open and close taps, sleeve rolled up
 These method removes bacteria that have attached to your hands through the help of
running water and soap.

Method 2.

Correct way of using sharps, disposal in the box sharps following the below steps:

Sharps are described as any object that can cause and injury to any user including staff and
patients as well as visitors at is responsibility of health care worker to protect
themselves and others by following steps when disposing the sharps:

 Gather the floor sign for caution so that everyone aware of the danger zone.
 Donning PPE in sequence before staring using the sharps and doffing proper way
in sequence and getting the sharp container.
 The lift sharp object and put in the bin with a tweezer. Close the sharp container
(yellow bin) to the ¾ and take it back to clinical room and disinfect the area and
write a report.
Method 3.


 We follow the sequence way we call it Donning on (A.M.G.G) we put on the Musk
Googles, Mask and lastly, we put on Gloves. Correct sequence of application.

 The proper way to remove the PPE is also followed called Doffing off firstly you wash
your hands

Method 4.


 Vaccination is a way of boosting the immune system so it can respond to infection

 Health care workers should also be vaccinated against Hepatitis B for a boosted body
response to pathogen,
 Sterilization of equipment


Name 2 viruses which are carried in the blood and passed on by contact with the infected blood

Virus 1 HIV – Human immune efficiency virus- this virus attacks the immune system and
invades the body cells I can led on the aids.

Virus 2 HEPETITIS – attacks the liver it causes inflammation jaundice purities of the skin

Describe what illness might be caused if one became infected with Virus 1

- Not wearing PPE, sharp contamination and blood and fluid contamination. not dispose
the infected immediately

Describe what illness might be caused if one became infected with Virus

 One can be in a risk of being infected with Human Immunodeficiency Virus (H.I.V) that
is an illness were the virus attacks your immune system.

 People who infected with this virus may take longer to recover from illness

Give 2 examples of how a healthcare worker might become infected with these viruses when
carrying out their healthcare duties:

Example 1
•Sharing contaminated needles
•In the past via blood transfusions, screening for HCV will eliminate this
•Skin piercing and tattoo can increase the risk
•Transmission from mother to baby during delivery/birth
•Sexual Transmission

Example 2
Healthcare workers at risk of getting HCV during needle exposure
•3% of exposure to infected blood resulted in getting virus
•Patients are at risk from healthcare carriers if they have invasive procedures
•NO vaccine to protect from HCV
Antiviral treatment clears virus in approx. 50% of carrier.

Cleaning Standards in Healthcare

“Decontamination” an overall term for the process used to make an item safe for re use.
In the healthcare environment, a “Risk Assessment” is carried out in order to decide
which method of decontamination is to be used. This information is published in HSE
standards documents. Find a document which describes these standards and complete the
information below.

Define the term “Cleaning” in the healthcare setting and give an example of when it
should be used

Definition: Cleaning - It is the process of physically removes dirt or decontamination

but does not necessary destroy micro-organism.

Example of when to use when using cleaning in health is when, sometimes is clearly dirty
e.g., patient walking stick beside locker.

Define the term “Disinfection” in the healthcare setting and give an example of
when it should be used

Definition: Disinfection is a process that reduces the number of living micro-organisms,

but which may not inactive some bacterial spores.

Example of when to use:

 When cleaning patients' equipment like a hoist or if the is a blood spillage

 Or if the is a blood spillage.

Define the term “Sterilisation” in the healthcare setting and give an example of
when it should be used


Sterilisation is the process that renders an object free from all micro-organisms,
including virus and bacterial spores
Example of when to use:

 Equipements used in theatre

 Or commode/bed pan

Dusting: Name the only type of Dusting which is allowed in the HSE and explain why
this is the case

 Dry dusting banned in patient areas, but you are allowed to use a dust attractive mop in a
laundry and vacuum clear. Because dry dusting will spread dust around an area but as in
the case of vacuum cleaner will suck all the dust so that cannot be transmitted in the air.
 Dumb dusting is the only type of dusting allowed by the law.

Cleaning schedules are used in healthcare to ensure each area and item is cleaned at
correct intervals.

Briefly Define the following cleaning schedules

Scheduled cleaning – means routine cleaning

Reactive cleaning – Means on the spot cleaning

Terminal Cleaning
● Explain briefly, in the space below, what is meant by the term “Terminal cleaning”
and when it is carried out.

Terminal cleaning is when the patient leaves the ward and should done straight away before
new patient is admitted in the ward.

● Make enquiries in the workplace and describe the exact procedure which would be
used for terminal cleaning of a room or department. Find out the following and
describe below;


 Gather all the necessary equipment to be used.

 Put on your Protective Personal Clothing
 Have 2 different colour cloths and have a basin of warm water
 Damp dust with a cloth all hard patient surface
 Wash with water and detergent patient ‘s bed
 Change water and add disinfectant and using a different colour cloth, wash / disinfected
all surfaces
 Uses a paper towel to dry the area.
 Open window for ventilation
 Inform to the supervisor to contact household stuff so that vacuum can occur

2.What order things would be done in.

3.What equipment and solutions would be used.

 Water that is warm
 Different colour clothes
 Paper towels
 Disinfectant as per hospital policy
4. When the area would be safe for re-use.

 When fully dried

 Full clean has been performed.

Section 3

Antibiotics and avoidance of antibiotic resistance

Describe what the term “antibiotic resistance” means

 Antibiotic resistance occurs when bacteria develop defences against the antibiotics
designed to kill them.
 Antimicrobial resistance is a broader term that applies not only to bacteria but also to
other germs, such as viruses or fungi, that may develop such defences.
 This renders the drugs useless against the new resistant strains, allowing resistance to
grow and spread to other germs, creating drug-resistant infections (sometimes known as
superbugs) that can be difficult to treat. Bacteria and viruses become drug-resistant,
people do not. certain antibiotic

Why is antibiotic resistance dangerous: -

•The overuse of antibiotics in recent years means they're becoming less effective and has led to
the emergence of "superbugs". These are strains of bacteria that have developed resistance to
many different types of antibiotics, including:
• Methicillin resistant staphylococcus aureus (MRSA)- We can get through Airborne <|Direct
and Indirect signs and symptoms including Feeling unwell, High Temperature, Wound not
healing, Redness around wounds or chills

•Clostridium difficile (C. diff) - Can be dangerous due to taking continuous antibiotic that can
upset the good bacteria in the bowel, therefore you get multiplication of bacteria, and you
get a very bad diarrhoea
•And these bacteria that cause multi-drug-resistant Tuberculosis-These types of infections can
be serious and challenging to treat and are becoming an increasing cause of disability and
death across the world.
Describe how antibiotics should be prescribed and used to reduce the risk of antibiotic

 Only take antibiotic prescribed by the health care

 Finish full course
 Always take correct dose
 Never share Antibiotics
 Follow the advice of doctors

Appropriate use of single use items

Any item which is marked for single use only must be discarded after it has been used once.
These items are identified by a particular standard symbol in the HSE.

Find out what this symbol is and draw a detailed diagram of it in the space below.


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