Roles and Significance of Filipinos

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Roles and Significance of

Indigenous Social Ideas to
There is enormous diversity among
communities of Indigenous peoples, each of
which has its own distinct culture, language,
history, and unique way of life. Despite
these differences, Indigenous peoples across
the globe share some common values
derived in part from an understanding that
their lives are part of inseparable from the
natural world.
Indigenous peoples are custodians of some
of the most biologically diverse territories
in the world. They are also responsible for
a great deal of the world’s linguistic and
cultural diversity, and their traditional
knowledge has been and continues to be
an invaluable resource that benefits all of

Have you ever encountered a situation where an elder

warned you not to do a certain action because it is bad
and has a negative meaning? How about doing a
traditional task but you did it your own style rather than
conforming to the usual way?

Explain your experiences.

Indigenous knowledge to understand its connection to
indigenous social work, social welfare, and social

Local and indigenous knowledge refers to the

understandings, skills, philosophies developed by societies
with long histories of interaction with their natural
surroundings. For rural and indigenous peoples, local
knowledge informs decision –making about fundamental
aspects of day-to-day life.
This knowledge is integral to a complex that also
encompasses language, systems of classification,
resource use practice, social interactions, rituals and

These unique ways of knowing are important facets

of the world’s cultural diversity, and provide a
foundation for locally appropriate sustainable
Indigenous knowledge is a part of a larger
process that brings to light new paradigms
and conceptions of indigenous social work,
social welfare and social development
practice and research.
Social works
is a practice-based profession and an academic
discipline that promotes social change and
development, social cohesion, and the
empowerment and liberation of people.
Social works

✓ Principles of social justice, human rights,

collective responsibility and respect for
diversities are central to social work.
✓ Underpinned by theories of indigenous
knowledge, social work engages people and
structures to address life challenges and
enhance wellbeing.
Social welfare
✓ is a group of assistance programs that is
designed to ensure the wellbeing of
nation’s citizens.

✓ It is a system that aims to provide quality

care to society participants.
Social welfare

This means that it can be designed as a

systematic set of programs that assist the
population in different stages of their lives
but, that system comes from an effort and
intention to provide that social welfare
situation on the first place.
Social Development
✓ is about improving the wellbeing of every
individual in society so they can reach their full
✓ The success of society is linked to the wellbeing of
each and every citizen.
✓ It requires the removal of barriers so that all citizens
can journey toward their dreams with confidence
and dignity.
Social Development
✓ It is about refusing to accept that people who
live in poverty will always be poor.
✓ It is about helping people so they can move
forward on their path to self-sufficiency.
Indigenous knowledge system technologies and
1. Farming System
2. Wood Carving
3. Livestock Farming
4. Fishing
5. Weaving
6. Food Preparation
Seen from a wider perspective, the
farming system consists of the
payoh (rice terraces), muyung
(wood lot) and the uma (swidden)
as practiced by the Northern Luzon
farmers. These indigenous
knowledge believe to originate in
the high mountains of Cordilleras
✓ Wood carving is both
livelihood and an art.
✓ It has an ancient origin.
✓ Many indigenous groups are
involved in wood carving in
combination with farming.
✓ This craft is done during the
dry season.
For many residents, it is
more profitable to remain at
home carving than to work
for wages in any industry in
faraway places.

The tribe people also raise livestock including

swine pigs, chickens and carabao. The main reason
for raising animals especially chicken and pig,
relate to the tradition of performing cañao for the
Ifugao, atang for the Ilocano and or simply paying
the gods and goddesses during the harvest.
Moreover, it is a source of additional income.
Fishing is the lifeblood and
way of life for some
indigenous group. Before
seaweeds farming was
introduced, the sustenance
and survival depend solely on
fishing. The fishing methods
employed are environmental
These include
✓ linggih (net fishing)
✓ pag-ambit (deep sea fishing)
✓ paubik or panah (spearand
arrow or hook and line),
✓ bubu (bamboo fish trap),
pitikan (diving weapon)
✓ and sangkaliyah (shark
Another home-based
livelihood among tribes
is weaving.
Their woven produced
✓ placemats
✓ bags
✓ purses
✓ Wallet
✓ bed sheet
✓ chaleco and
✓ pencil case to name a few.
Root crops are gathered from the forest or from
the hills with the use of rough tools like wooden
dibble stick (tagad) or iron tipped dibble stick

Answer the following questions based on your understanding.

Write your answer on a separate sheet of paper.

1. Enumerate the influences of indigenous people to your

culture and how these affects to your wellbeing?
2. What indigenous tradition would you like to revive that
could contribute to national development?
3. How can you preserve indigenous practices?

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