Handout - To Be An Effective Leader 10 Commandments of Leadership - Barbacena

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Bicol University

Daraga, Albay

MAELM 214 – Leadership Theories & Practices
1st Semester – Saturday 8:00 AM – 11:00 AM
TOPIC: Supervisory Leadership
 To be an effective leader,
 10 Commandments of Leadership


- to identify the characteristics of an effective leader

- to discuss the 10 Commandments of Leadership
- to analyze characteristics of a leader one has observed
- to show an awareness on the importance of leadership concepts
- to show related acts on developing one’s leadership characteristics

Supervision could be better explained by action rather than by words.

• Key person in the organization
• Supervision is viewed as working with people and as the initial contact between
management and the workers.
1. Ability to Influence Others
People are the greatest natural resources in any organization.
The supervisor prepares not only himself but also his people to meet the required
changes in the organization
 He is expected to motivate and lead his people to do more with a minimum of time
and effort.
 He also has to organize, direct, communicate, control, evaluate, and develop the
people in his work group.
 Provide encouragement to subordinates to contribute their best efforts towards the
success of such an organization. Proper motivation, firm commitment and inspired
creativity of the supervisor is encouraged.
 The success of an organization depends on the loyal, intelligent responsible people
working in that organization.
2. Transparency
 Transparency in leadership means keeping your employees in the loop, sharing the
good and the bad, and welcoming honest feedback from members of your team.

3. Encourage Risk-Taking and Innovation

 He invariably performs his supervisory and managerial tasks with considerable
determination, loyalty and courage. The outcome of such performance determines
his success or failure as a manager of his work group.
 Increased production remains the supervisor’s major responsibility to management
 He performs his tasks now with revised approaches and techniques and improves
the speed by which instructions could be transmitted and plans implemented within
his work group. Thus, his supervisory leadership is measured by the performance of
his organization.
 When new techniques are introduced, a supervisor must be prepared to apply them
in his work group

4. Integrity and Accountability

 He has a strong sense of personal integrity and the kind of organizational loyalty that
could make him turn down higher pay from other organizations.
 A supervisor has the position of trust and authority. He has a formally delegated
authority and responsibility for the work to be done.

5. Act Decisively
 To become an effective supervisor, he must understand the nature, mechanics, and
role that he has to assume or play. Otherwise, his efforts will remain unappreciated
by the very people he seeks to serve.
 As a manager, the supervisor is endowed not only with a higher degree of
responsibility but also with discretionary power. Thus, his responsibility and authority
includes coordinating all the resources of his work group to achieve a set goal.
 As the organization grows, so do the role and responsibilities of the supervisor. The
longer he stays with the company, the more he becomes systems-,procedures- and
organization-oriented. As a matter of personal integrity and organizational loyalty,
however, he performs high-quality work of the organization by giving to it the best of
himself, not just to get by or to meet common standards of the organization. In short,
he sets for himself a high criterion of ethics, morality and achievement qualified by
his knowledge and ability.

6. Demonstrate Resilience
 Embraces the difficulty of management and control of organization
 Resilience is the human capacity to meet adversity, setbacks and trauma, and then
recover from them in order to live life fully. Resilient leaders have the ability to
sustain their energy level under pressure, to cope with disruptive changes and
adapt. They bounce back from setbacks.

7. Manage Attention Not Time

 A supervisor is an organizational leader who wields influence in the formation of
opinions attitudes, values and behavior among his subordinates. He succeeds in
leading his work group to attain organizational goals through proper motivation and
exerting great influence on their behavior.
8. Empower Employees for Success
 Mervin Kohn, A supervisor must exercise leadership to guide subordinates, as
individuals and as a peer group, toward fulfilling organizational objectives. He must
communicate managerial decisions from higher levels to them; motivate them,
measure their response, and communicate their feelings and needs to higher
management echelons. He must also institute or put into operation remedial steps
when they are necessary. It takes real managerial ability to supervise effectively.
 The supervisor would only be able to perform his dual tasks effectively with a better
understanding of his unique network of relationships and his position in the
 He is more familiar with his people and knows how they are motivated in their work
and can see things as they are, not as he might like to see them afterwards.
 Provide encouragement to subordinates to contribute their best efforts towards the
success of such an organization. Proper motivation, firm commitment and inspired
creativity of the supervisor is encouraged.

10 Commandments for Leadership

1. Define the Destination- ‘The Goal’
 Leaders should clearly define, communicate and remain consistent with the vision so
that all stakeholders and the entire organization remains aligned and move as a single
unit towards that goal or vision.

2. Develop People
 Focuses on how leaders can develop impactful teams who align the needs of the team
members with the needs of the organization.
3. Be ‘Accountable’
 Expects a leader to be accountable for their own as well as the team's actions.

4. ‘Attribute all Successes to the Team’

 Expects the leader never robs the team of the credit and stand behind them at times of
their experiments going through tough times
5. “You shall give immediate, specific praise”
 The leader should design and implement the rewards and recognition program that
supports immediate and specific praise to motivate, boost morale and give a sense of
6. You shall not insist on being the smartest person in the room
 Encourages the leaders to be inclusive in utilization of talents and skills necessary to
achieve targets.

7. You shall Listen.

 Shows how a leader can be a better listener. Listening helps the leader be more
compassionate and team members feel heard and appreciated. Once you listen with
greater focus half the problem is solved.
8. The “What” and “How” of the goals
 Requires a leader to empower the team to make decisions by creating a supportive
climate where they can succeed.
9. Don't criticize or berate in Public
 Encourages the leader to create a conducive environment for evaluating failures without
demoralizing the team.
10. Continue to Learn and Grow
 Expects leaders to be lifelong learners so that they remain relevant at the top.
Leadership and Learning are indispensable to each other
 Leadership is multifaceted and it takes time, experience and effort to become a
successful leader.
 Supervisory Leadership is working with people to accomplish their assigned tasks.
Thus, its effectiveness is determined by many factors which when combined
situationally, create satisfactory or unsatisfactory spans of control in the organization.
 With good personality and strong leadership qualities, the supervisor will be able to
effectively handle his subordinates while maintaining close coordination with other
supervisors. This shows that the supervisor’s role as an organizational leader is to
provide supervisory leadership that is basically “action with people” made effective by
strong and cordial human relations.

Leveriza, Jose P., 1990, Supervisory Leadership, p. 1-17
Sandhu, Kiran Deep, April 15, 2021, https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/10-commandments-

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