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HOANG VAN VAN (Téng Chi bién) - PHAN HA (Chi bién} NGUYEN THI HAI HA - DO THI NGOC HEN - BAO NGOC LOC TRAN HUONG QUYNH - NGUYEN QUOC TUAN education NHA XUAT BAN GIAO DUC VIET NAM CONTENTS Page Unit 1: Hello 4 Unit 2: Our names 8 Unit 3: Our friends 12 Unit 4: Our bodies 16 Unit 5: My hobbies 20 Self-check1& Fun time 24 &27 Unit 6: Our school 28 Unit 7: Classroom instructions 32 Unit 8: My school things 36 Unit 9: Colours 40 Unit 10: Break time activities 44 Self-check 2 & Fun time 48 &51 Page Unit 11: My family 52} Unit 12: Jobs 56 Unit 13: My house 60 Unit 14: My bedroom 64 Unit 15: At the dining table 68 Self-check3 & Fun time 2275 Unit 16: My pets 76 Unit 17: Our toys 80 Unit 18: Playing and doing 84 Unit 19: Outdoor activities 88 Unit 20: At the zoo 92 Self-check 4 & Fun time 96 & 99 Answer keys 100 ] Hello bj ALON 8 Complete and say. OO + 8 Do the puzzle. bye 8 Read and match. 1. Mai J 2. Ben ] 3. Lucy 4. Minh J] B. IES 8 Read and match. eo Read and match. Qa, fo, io oo Qn, io fo 8 Make sentences. CCC C SE CCRT OS 1. 'm/Hi/ Lucy 2. Ben / Goodbye 3. are / How / you oo? 4. thank / Fine / you 5 Tiéng Anh 3 - Sa C. Bio Read and speak. Read and match. 1. Hello. I'm Ben. 2. Hi, Ben. I’m Minh. 3. Hi, Lucy. How are you? 4. Goodbye, Mai. 6 Unit’ @ Read and complete. E. 8 Look, complete and read. ie L It'san 2. It'sa ol/xl\|olulale sle|=][x]—alo siniolalolas xlalol Look, complete and read. a & th Hunk 1. A: What's your hobby? 2. A: What's your hobby? B:It’s Brit's sy re iene AP 3. A: What’s your hobby? 4. A:What's your hobby? B: like p B: I like 2 | Look, complete and read. Hi. My name is Mary. | like walking in the morning. = | like oe / (1) at noon and | like Pos (2) in the afternoon. | like -*%- (3) in the evening. What do you like? 22 units E. Io e Look and write. 1. A: What’s your hobby? 2. A: What's your hobby? B: B: 3. A: What’s your hobby? 4. A: What’s your hobby? B: : B 2) Write about your hobbies. Sg I like 4g | like What about you? — > 3. \éng Anh 3 - wo. 23 Self-check 1 A. LEO e Look, write and read. .* culy>Lucy 1 anem>n_ 2.ayrm>M_ 3.githe>e_ 4. mingwims>s_ 5. chout>t 8 Read and complete. MrLong: Hi. What's your (1) ? ne Mary: My name's (2) hobby Mr Long: How old are you? } Mary Mary: I'm (3) years old. pane MrLong: What's your (4) ? swimming Mary: It’s (5) 24 MrLong: Thank you, Mary. B. MSE e Listen and tick “or cross [x née) oY [x] & | rail Ti _§_ | 8 Listen and number. {&} £320. 2. ge iéng Anh3- Sach baitap 25 6 & & F 8 Interview your classmate. Us — = ed 8 4. How old are you? 5, What's this? 6. What's your hobby? 8 Tell your classmate to do actions. 1. Open your mouth! 2. Close your eyes! 3. Touch your face! 4. Touch your ears! 26 Fun time eG Read and complete. 1 How you? 2. How are you? 3. What's your ? 4. Open your ! 5. | like 2) Look, write and read. Lobygode > g. 2eirfdns => i 3B.nadh > h_ 4angdirw > d. Beunnnrig > Fr. Funtime 27 Our school a PHONICS AND VOCABULARY 4 8 Complete and say. @ © a) __assroom b ——ayground © 8 Do the puzzle. 1 ee 8 Read and match. aes ros ees ea — 28 nit € B. IE 8 Read and match. | 8 Look, complete and read. 8 Make sentences. 1. your / Is / classroom / that 2. Yes /is /it ? 3. the playground / goto/Let’s 4. library / our / Is / this éng AnhS-Sachoaitap 29 | SPEAKING 4 Ask and answer. a Is this our computer room? e Look, tick 7] and read. O playground Ogym (library (school 1. That is our . 2. This is our | Z (music room " (computer room Oclassroom Oart room & > 3. Let’s go to the . 4. Let’s go to the 30 Unité 8 Read and match. E. co e Look and write. 1. A’ls this our ? B:Yes, it is. 2. A‘ls that classroom? B:No, it isn't. My classroom is over there. 3. A: Let’s go to the B: OK, let’s go. 4. A: Let's go to the B: OK, let’s go. e Introduce your school. Classroom instructions 0. ETS eres e Complete and say. © 0 eo Look, write and read. 1. pnoe in OG bit af LB 5. tdnas 6. tsi —— — down 4. 0g out a o o 2 o i] 2 3 o o a =a o = ® ° 3 3 ° 2 | ” B. EEGs aos e Read and match. a on, os o OQ oa oo, fo 1. May / come in /| 2. open / the book / May | a ees ° sare t e) € by ie ul a Y 3. Vietnamese / speak / May | 4. go out /1 / May ? C. 0k Ask and answer. e Read and complete. 1 Nam: I sit down? Ms Hoa: Yes, you can. 2. Mai: May! Vietnamese? Ms Hoa: Yes, you can. 3. Linh: May | open the ? Ms Hoa: Yes, you can. 4, Minh: May | go out? Mr Long: No, you Unit 7 8 Read and match. E. Co e Read and write. 1. Close your please! 2. Sit please! 3. A: May! out? 4. A: May! English? B you can’t. B: Yes, you eo Look and write the questions. — 4 We a 1. Bill: 2? 2. Lucy: ? 3. Mary: ? 4. Ben: ? 8 Write your answers. 1. A: May I go out? 2. A: May | stand up? B ? B: 35 My school things 0 REO 8 Complete and say. © O vax ona Oe Do the puzzle. | Doaaer r 8 Look, complete and read. 1. Ihave . ge 2. Ihave . aS 2 = 4. Do you have 2 a 3. Do you have 36 units 3] SENTENCE PATTERNS e Read and match. © Look, complete and read. FEEr timo a i _ i iéng Anh S-Sachbaitap 37 8 Make sentences. 1. have / a notebook /1 2. an eraser / you / Do / have 2 3. do/|/Yes 4. you / Do /a school bag / have 2 5. don't /1/ No C. 0 Ask and answer. 6 D. ZI @ Read and circle. fa Ihave a school bag. ee b jj 2. | have a pencil case. a q oVa 3. | have a book and a notebook. he b lp a 7, 38 Units 8 Read and complete. Hi. My name is Lucy. This is my school bag) () . Look! | have a book, a (2) . case eraser a pencil (3) , a pen, a pencil, a ruler notebook “school 4 and an (4) . like my (5) things. i'm WRITING e Read and write the questions. 1. | have a pen. > es 2. | have a pencil. > 2 3. | have an eraser. > 2 4. | have a notebook. => ? 5. |have apencilcase. — ? eo Read and write your answers. 1. Do you have a school bag? 7 aan 2. Do you have a pen? , 3. Do you have a pencil? ye 4. Do you have an eraser? , 8 Write about your school things. CCUUCCE EEE lhavea ,a 4a . a san _and an English book. Do you have any school things? Colours 0. ETS eT) 8 Complete and say. @ © a)__ue b __own Oo Do the puzzle. 8 Read and complete with the colours from the puzzle. 1. The pen is . 2. The pencil is 3. The schoolbagis ===. «Ss 4. The erasersare 5. The notebooks are___—_——_—«.:«6. The pencil cases are 40 B. IES 8 Read and match. oe Read and match. (5 o Co o a a a o 8 Make sentences. 1. are / the pencils / What colour 2. the ruler / What colour / is 3. black / is / My school bag 4. green / The / are / pencil cases Mo) SPEAKING 4 Ask and answer. 2: = >. <2 Read and match. los] 8 Read and complete. This is my school bag. It is (1) aes That is my pen. (2) black. bre These (3) my pencils. bi (4) orange. (5) these are my erasers. They are green. 3 WRITING 1) Look and write. 1. This is my . 2. This is my , a SS Itis . Itis 3. These are my . 4, These are my . Theyre DD reyac © write about your school things. CCSCVSCU SECU ES Hi. My name is This is my «tis This is my - tis These are . They are And these are . They are ng Anh ach paitap §=43 Break time activities 0 Ree e Complete and say. @ @ a _olleyball b _ootball Oo Circle the odd one out. 1. a. football b. volleyball — c. badminton d. play 2. a. chat b. chess d. play 3. a. what b. football c. basketball d. table tennis 4. a word puzzle b. write c. chat d. read oO Look, complete and read. 21 at break time. 3 0 3.1 at break time. 41 at break time. 44 B. EE aos 8 Read and match. bist break ime) b 5.rmclooassoc @ Read and complete. | am in my classroom now. T basketball tis). (2) is my school bag. an English book, a pen, a pencil, a ruler and a notebook. It a break time now. | play have _______ at break time. 48 = Self-check 2 3 LISTENING e Listen and tick Zor cross. {@) 8 Listen and number. & C. BETO 8 Point and say. That’s our school. ws 2. | have A 3. The pencil case 4. The erasers are 6. I play at break time. 08 Ask and answer. 1. Is this yourschool? 2. Doyouhavearuler? 3. May! come in? ae 4. What colourisit? 5. What colour 6. What do you do are they? at break time? = @es & 50 — Self-check 2 Fun time eG Read, look and number the pictures. 1. | have a school bag. Itis black. 2. The notebooks are white. 3. | have a pencil case, apenanda pencil. 4. | have a ruler and an eraser. 5. | play badminton at break time. oe Do the puzzle. Os) ° aS Funtime 51 My family 0. EEE 8 Complete and say. OO. = 8 Look, write and read. Lmoerth +> m Zistres > Ss. B.rotherb > b. &) > 4.thfaer > f © 8 Look, complete and read. 1. My brother is years old. = oe 2. My sister is years old. ay +14. years old. = 4. I'm years old. 3B. My friend is ee 52 | | B. IE 8 Read and match. Th oe Read and circle. L old is your sister? a. What b. How 3. How old are 2 a. you b. your 8 Make sentences. 1. this / Who's 2. my / It’s / father 3. How old / is / brother / your 4. fourteen / My sister / is / years old 2. She thirteen. b. are 4. He's fifteen ‘ a. years b. years old Ask and answer. (Fm How old is your brother? aon 5 Wes &D Read and match. 1. Who's that? 2. How old are you? 3. How old is your sister? 4. How old is your brother? 540 unt Who's this? She's sixteen. He's eleven. It’s my mother. I'm thirteen @ Read and complete. brother eleven sister years $a My name is Nam. This is my (1) She is sixteen (2) old. Thisis my 3) -He is (4) _ years old. ( And look! This is me. | am eight years old. E. Dos @ Look ana write. Mai: Who's (1) : Ben: It’s my (2) : Mai: How old is she? Mai: Who's (4) ? Linh: (5) : Mai: How old is he? Linh: He's (6) lam years old. = This is He / She is lam years old. Jobs fA) PHONICS AND VOCABULARY 4 8 Complete and say. © @ adoct__ © b moth__ 8 Find and circle the jobs. Ae s|tlel|ri/b/r|/tl|d in clalwinjhicile|r a hidjole|tijo/r{i} () olfol/rjult|nfe|v| I hjc/k/b/rjcigie S$ e|tje/ajcjhje|r Bj nlu/rijsje|[h|rjo ft. Read and match. 1 nurse 2. farmer J 3. cook J 4. singer J 560 Unite B. IE 8 Read and match. eo Read and match. iy fit 8 Make sentences. 1. am/!/apupil 2. asinger / Is / your / sister 3. is / My/ a driver / brother 4. job / What's / his LH] SPEAKING 4 Ask and answer. What's her job? What's his job? She'sa He'sa a b +, Is your father a cook? c D. Zo e Read and complete. afarmer doctor is mother pupil This is my family. My mother is a (1) My father (2) a teacher. | am a (3) This is my family. My (4) is a cook. My father is (5) . lama pupil, too. - 58 Unt oe Read and circle True or False. Hi everyone. My name is Ben. This is a photo of my family. My father is a worker. My mother is a doctor. My brotherisa singer. | am a pupil. What about your family? 1. His father is a farmer. True False 2. His mother is a doctor. True False 3. His brother is a cook. True False 4. Ben is a pupil. True False E. ti e Look and write. My name is Linh. This is my (1) f My (2) m. ") is a worker. My father isa (3)n_____ a. This is my (4) b. a. He is a student. | love my family. eo Interview a classmate and write the answers. 1. Is your mother a cook? 2. Is your mother a teacher? 3. Is your father a farmer? 4. Is your father a driver? ' My house 0. ETS eT) 8 Complete and say. aa 8 Do the puzzle. i a > > ° i In 1 tables J 2. bathroom J 3. chairs J i 4 2 : room | ‘| | pa t oO 6. lamp J hse B. IE 8 Read and match. fii eo Look, match and read. 8 Make sentences. 1. is / bedroom / The / here 2. chairs / are / Where / the ” 3. are / the table/on/Thelamps 4. living room / is / Where / the ~ Tiéng Anh 3- Sachbaitap 61 Ask and answer. Where's the kitchen? Where's the table? =? Where are the books? Where are the lamps? They're They're . = ; Se uD Read and match. 1. This is my house. N The living room is here. 3. The kitchen and the bathroom are there. 4. This is my bedroom. 5. Look at the table and two chairs in my bedroom. 6. My school bag and toys are on the table. p eo Read and complete. bedroom on there This is my (1) . Come (2) , please! The desk and the chairs are (3) are (5) the table. E. in) 8 Write the answers. 1. Where is the living room? . 2. Where is the kitchen? . = 2 | ve. 3. Where is the table? . JG 4, Where are the lamps? . = 8 Look and write. @ . My school things and the (4) iéng Anh S-Sachoaitap 63 / My bedroom ° APE 8 Complete and say. © ado. b)r_m ¢ oe Do the puzzle. W jo as nv ow v 0 a . ° ° 3 eH 4 8 Look, write and read. 1. The dooris s . 4 : 2. The window is b- : a 3. The b are new. rR 4. Thec are old. 5. Thed is new. 64 Unt B. IE 8 Read and match. 8 Make sentences. 1. new/ The bed / is 2. There is / in the room / a table 3. The chair / old /is 4. in the living room / two windows / There are éngAnh3-Sachbaitap 65 C. Bio Point and say. a 8 Read and complete. Minh: |s this your (1) u Linh: Yes, it is. Minh: Oh, it’s (2) Linh: Yes. (3) a bed and there's a desk. Minh: And there are two (4) Linh: Yes. (5) small. 66 Lntie 8 Read and tick (“) True or False. This is my bedroom. It is big. There is a bed in the room. It is old. There is a desk and there are two chairs. The desk is new. The chairs are old. The door is big. The windows are small. True False The bedroom is small. The bed is old. There is one chair in the room. There are two desks in the room. ew nN The dooris big and the windows are small. E. Et Look and write. } @ ect 1. This is my __. It is small. — a 2. There is a in the bedroom. It is old. 3. There is a door in the bedroom. It is . 2 2 4. There are two in the bedroom. They are small. 4 3 0 Write about your bedroom. Hi. My name is . This is my bedroom. It is There is a in the room. It is There are . They are 8 Complete and say. @ a)br__d ¢ Oo Complete the table. b m. a 8 Look, write and read. we Ww lbrdea> 2ceri > ____ ~ u 4likm> 5.ciuje> 68 UF At the dining table A EERE Bsifho____ 3] SENTENCE PATTERNS 8 Look, complete and read. 1. A: What 2. A: Would you like some you like to eat? B: I'd like some please. 2 f B: No, . (on) 3. A: would you like to drink? ey, B: I'd like some please. 4. A: Would you like some ? B: oe Read and match. 8 Make sentences. 1. to eat / would you like / What ? please. i «Fine, thankyou 2. some beans / I'd like / please 3. would you like / What / to drink ? 4. some milk / please / I'd like 5. some / water / Would you like ? 6. thanks / No 69 C. ETO Ask and answer. Read and complete. 1. A: What would you like to ? B:I'd some fish, please. 2A: would you like to drink? B:\'d like some please. 3. A: Would you like some beans? B: please. 8 Read and complete the sentences. Hi. My name is Mai. My family and | are at the dining table. There is a lot of food and drinks on the table. My father and mother like rice, beans and water. My brother likes bread, meat. and milk. | like rice, fish and juice. 1. Mai’s family are at 2. Her father and mother like 3. Her brother likes 4. Mai likes 7O Unt PA weirIne 8 Look, choose and write. 1. Nam: Would you like some You: 2. Mai: What would you like to eat? ee Be You: I'd like some please. 3. Linh: What would you like to drink? f please. oe Read and write the questions. 2 You: I'd like some 1. A: Would B: Yes, please. 2. A: What B: I'd like some water, please. 8 Look and write your answers. Waiter: What would you 2. Waiter: What would you like to drink? You: 3. Waiter: Wo iéng Anh 3- Sé Self-check 3 A. EDI @ Look, write and read. a mh oe Read and complete. Minh: (1) that? driver Mary: It's my (2) job Minh: (3) old is she? How 3 Mary: She’s 40 years old. mother | Minh: What's her (4) ? ‘Who’s Mary: She’s a nurse. What about your mother? What's her job? Minh: She’s a (5) 72 Self-check 3 B. ISR e Listen and tick / or cross ® iéng Ann 3-Sachbaitap 73 C. Tom 8 Point and say. There's a bed in the room. 1. Would you like ? 2.Thebookis 3. She’s 4. The window p 5. She’s 8 Ask and answer. 1. Where's the table? 2. Where are the lamps? 3. How old is he? z 4. What's her job? 5. What would you like to drink? 74 Self-check 3 Fun time e Ask and answer. A:Who's this? 1. A: What's her 2 2. A:Where are? B: It’s my sister. B:She’s : B: They're . = f = 3. A: How old is he? 4. A: What would you 5. A: Would you an liketo _? like some __? B: I'd like some B: please. oe Do the puzzle. Funtime 75 My pets A. e Complete and say. © a g_Idfish bdg @ Look, write and read. Lrrpota > plo ag 2.brid > b. 3. bbarti > rb. 4shgoifdl > g f. 8 Read and match. 1. Ihave two dogs. J 2. [have a goldfish. J 3. | have three rabbits. J 4. | have many birds. J 76 vit 1 3] SENTENCE PATTERNS 8 Read and circle. 1. A: Do you have any 2? 2. A:Do you have any pets? B:Yes, | do. B: I don't. a. rabbits b. rabbit a. Yes b.No 3. A: How many do goldfish do you have? you have? B: have five. B:| have three. a. cats b. cat a.Howold b. Howmany 8 Read and match. 8 Make sentences. 1. have / any cats / you / Do 2. parrots / have /1/ some OQ da oo) ow Ny ¥ ill 3. birds / How many / have / do you 4. goldfish / have / many /| 77 C. ETO Ask and answer. B: | have two. 3. A:Do you have any parrots? kaw B: No, | don’t. But | have some birds. 4. A: How many dogs and cats do you have? B: | have two dogs and a cat. d e Read and complete. cats goldfish have There ) Hello. My name is Ben. (1) are many pets in my house. | (2) some cats and two parrots. | have a (3) three dogs and four (4) too. | like my pets very much. Read and match. A 2 1. A: Do you have any pets? (Em B: Yes, | do. t 2. A: How many rabbits do you have? cl Co) eS 7B Unitie E. Ui 8 Look and write. 1. A:Doyouhaveany =?) RB ADoyou B:Yes, . B:No, 3. A: How many ? B: Ihave eo Write about your pets. Hello. My name is . There are some pets in my house. I have dog, two anda . Do you have _ pets? Tiéng Anh S- Sach oaitap 79 / Our toys PY PHONcs AND VOCABULARY 4 Ge Complete and say. OO 8 Look, complete and read. 1 He has . A £3 2. She has Ve 3. They have 4. They have B. IES 8 Read and match. Hit oe Read and circle. 1. How cars do you have? 2. | three trains. a.many bold a. have b. has 3. My brother has one 7 4. Linh and Mai a. planes b. plane five dolls. a. have b. has 5. My friends Bill and Lucy have six a.ship b. ships 3) Make sentences. 1. has / two ships / He 2. She / one teddy bear / has 3. in the bedroom / three trains / There are 4. How many / does she have / trucks a iéng Anh 3-Sachbaitap 81 Point and say. 8 Read and match. Bee Fo ‘ok 2. Nam has one bus. J » yee Sap 3. Mai has two planes. ] Oe 3 | 82 Jnit 17 2) Read and tick Yor cross [x 1 Mary has two teddy bears. 2. She has two trains. 3. She has three cars. 4. She has three ships. 5. Her toys are new. E. I e Look and write. 1. Minh has and 2. Mai has 3. Lucy and Nam have and oe Write and colour. Bill and Mary have some toys. Bill has one Itis - Mary has two They are Playing and doing A EOE 8 Complete and say. SB @doe the puzzle. 5) > e mY ae 4 a . 3la{ fa ~« o G eI os 8 Look, complete and read. my a L I'm basketball. eo @ : = 2.1m a picture. obs o —. ws. 3.I'm wv. —_— . rt 4.1'm listening to | wel B. IE 8 Read and circle. L writing a book. a. Are you b.I'm BA: are you doing? B:I'm singing. a. What b. How oe Read and match. What are you doing? 1. I’m playing basketball. 2. I’m watching TV. 3. I’m drawing a picture. 4. I'm writing a song. 8 Make sentences. 1. I'm /a book / reading 2.1'm volleyball. a. playing b. play 4, A: What you do at break time? B: | play football with my friends. b. are 2. listening / to / I’m / music 3. playing /I’'m / chess/ with my friend 4. are you / What / doing / in the kitchen 2 8s C. ETO Ask and answer. 8 Look, circle and read. ‘ oH 1. A:What are you doing? = B:l'm a. reading a book b. drawing a picture a 2. A: What are you doing? = Bm . = a. playing basketball b. swimming 3A: ‘ig B: I'm watching TV. a. What are you doing? _b. What do you do at break time? 4. A: oe B: I’m writing a story. ag a. Do you have a book? _ b. What are you doing? eo Read and tick (”). 1 Nam: Hello, Lucy. What are you doing? L I'm And istening to 86 Lats é xs 2. Mary: Hi, Bill. What are you doing? &: & Bill; _'mwriting a song. And you? Pry . i 4 ? Mary: 'm reading a book. Activity Nam Lucy Mary Bill 1 drawing a picture 2. listening to music 3. writing a song v 4, reading a book [3 WRITING @ Look and write. @ * Be or I'm at school now. I’m playing n & Ss. od badminton with my friend. 1. I’m at home now. I’m : &. 2 2. ’'minmy now. . ale 3. I'm in the art now. P fe & oe Write about where you are and what you are doing. Hi. My name is . | like . Now I’m at home. min .m . What are you doing? 3) Outdoor activities A Ee 0 Complete and say. 00. = oe Do the puzzle. aaa a mf 5 ) .= 1s t] |n ee if [nm p 3 a n i eg g Oo. Look, » complete and read. u 2. He's in the park. 3. She’s in the park. aa ; 4. He's in the park. sen 88 Unt ls B. IES e Read and match. volleyball > hedoing? «skating. «eens eo Look, complete and read. 1 A: Where is she? B: She's in ‘ A: What's she doing? B: She's ‘2. A: Where is he? B: He’s in , too. A: What's he doing? B: He's 8 Make sentences. 1. in / Minh / the park / is cycling 2. volleyball / is playing / Lucy 3. doing / What's / Mary 4. painting / a picture / She's éngAnh3- Sach baitap 89 C. ETI Ask and answer. What's he doing? a He's b What's she doing? She's 8 Read and match. 1. A: Where's Lucy? B: She's in the park. A:What's she doing? B: She's painting a picture. 2. A: Where's Ben? B: He's in the park. A: What's he doing? B: He's flying a kite. 90 unte e Read and answer the questions. My name is Nam. Today | am in the park with my friends. We like sports and games. Mary is cycling. Minh is flying a kite. Lucy is playing badminton with Linh. | am playing volleyball with Mai. We have a lot of fun in the park. 1. Where is Nam? 2. What is Mary doing? 3. What is Minh doing? 4. What is Mai doing? WRITING e Look and write. LA: Mai? 2. A: Where’s Ben? B:She’s in the park. B: A: What's she doing? A: What’s he doing? B: She's ‘ B oe Write about your friend. My friend is . He is / She is in He is / She is éng Anh 3- Sachbaitap 91 At the zoo ARO 8 Complete and say. © @) porct ( @©)d_ndng! © Do the puzzle. & a 8 Look, complete and read. 1. Icanseea 2. |canseea 4. The monkey is i=] SENTENCE PATTERNS 8 Read and match. oe Look, complete and read. Bill: Where are you? Mai: I'm at (1) Bill: (2) can you see? Mai: |can (3) a tiger and a peacock. Bill: (4) the tiger doing? Mai: It’s (5) atree. Bill: What’s the peacock (6) ? Mai: It’s dancing. sachoaitao 93 ~) Make sentences. 1. We /an elephant / see / can 2. is / The parrot / counting 3. can / you see / What / 4. the horse / is / doing / at the zoo What ? Ask and answer. What can you see? sa / ae Ah What can you see? en Icansee 2 "\ ~D Read and match. 1. Where are you, Lucy? 2. What can you see? 3. What's the monkey doing? 4, What's the peacock doing? 94 4 It’s swinging ona tree. It’s dancing. I'm at the zoo. Ican see some monkeys and a peacock. oe Read and answer the questions. My mother and | are at the zoo now. We can see many animals. We can seea tiger. It is climbing a tree. Look! There is a parrot over there. It is counting. There are many peacocks here. We like the animals very much. 1. Where are you and your mother? 2. What can you see? 3. What is the tiger doing? 4. What is the parrot doing? 5. How many peacocks can you see? E. UI 8 Look and write. => bj 1. My father and | are at 2. | can see - Itis 3. Look! _is__ __atree. 4. Thereisa over there. Itis 8 Write what animals you can see at the zoo and what they are doing. My father and | are at the zoo. We can see many animals. Look! There is -Itis__ . Look! The is over there. It is . We like 95 Self-check 4 A. EDI 8 Look, write and read. acrcar Lhpis > 4.cyicIng > 5.rtabib > 2) Read and complete. and There are (1) pets in my house. Look ion at the (2) and the cat in the kitchen. The dog is (3) some meat. The cat is eating (4) at the dog. We also have a parrot. looki ooking It can count (5) talk, too. some 96 che B. BSE e Listen and tick 4 or cross ° Listen and number. | HH a. & iéng Anh3- Sach baitap 97 e Lo SPEAKING 8 Point and say. AE I'm writing. 1. Icanseea 2. The monkey 3. Ihave 9 4. They have . 5. She has SES > § wD [ 1. Doyou have 2. What are 3. What can any parrots? you doing? you see? 8 Ask and answer. 5. How many buses do you have? Fun time e Ask and answer. | ES) A: What's he doing? A: What's the A:What can B: He's singing. doing? B:| can see B: It’s 3. 4. | 5. FE 3. a A: Do you have any A: How many A: What's she doing? teddy bears? do you have? B: 7 B:\ have oe Do the puzzle. Funtime 99 @)ttet1o rere eco 1. Complete and say. a. bye b. hello 2. Do the puzzle. ° e f| oj/hlolw e|n|i e n 1 elblyle 1 @|yjoju 3. Read and match. lc 2a 3d 4b 1. Read and match. le 2d 3a 4.6 2. Read and match. ld 2a 3b 4. 3. Make sentences. 1. Hi. I'm Lucy. 2. Goodbye, Ben. 3. Howare you? 4. Fine, thank you. 100 \NS' Read and speak. a. Minh b. thank you c. Minh 1. Read and match. 1c 2d 3.b 4a 2. Read and complete. 1. P’'m; Mai 2. Fine 3. Goodbye; Ben 1. Look and write. 1. Ben 2. Lucy 3. How are you? 4. Goodbye / Bye 2. Write about you. Pupils’ answers @)our names 1. Complete and say. a. Mary 2. Do the puzzle. es °e M B A E ° o;u/R N/A|M/E|S Y 1 ° o A|M ejLijijN A I 3. Read and complete. ‘|. What's 2.My 3. How 4.!'m Soi td 1. Read and match. le 2a 3b 2. Read and match. Le 2a 3b 3. Make sentences. 1. My name's Mary. 2. What’s your name? 3. How old are you? 4.l'm ten years old. Ask and answer. Pupils’ answers bd 1. Read and match. Le 2a 3.b 2. Read and complete. 1. My 2. name's 3. How 4. are 5. seven 1, Look and write. 2. Bill 4. eight years old 1. Lucy 3. ten 2. Write about you. Pupils’ answers 101 @ Our friends ree Gc 1. Complete and say. a. that b. thank 2. Find and circle six names. WI 7 rE 3. Look, complete and read. 1. MsHoa 2. MrLong 3. this; Yes 4. that; No B. SENTENCE PATTERNS 1. Read and match. ld 2¢ 3a 4b 2. Look, complete and read. 1. This is 2. That's 3. Is this 4. Is that 3. Make sentences. 1. Is this Ms Hoa? 2. Yes, itis. 3. Is that Linh? 4. No, it isn’t. 102 Ask and answer. a itis b.itisn’t 1. Read and match. 1b 2a 2. Read and complete. Lis 2. That is 3. friend 4. Ms Hoa 1. Look and write. 1. Nam 2. Ms Hoa 5. This is Lucy. 4. That's / That is Mr Long 2. Look and write. 1. itis 2. itisn’t (It’s Nam.) 3. Yes, itis. 4. No, it isn’t. (It’s Lucy) 3. Draw and write about your friend. Pupils’ answers @ Our bodies FU ol Ue 1. Complete and say. a. ear b. hair 2. Find and circle five words. 3. Look, complete and read. 1. eye 2. hand 3. Touch 4. Open Pi ty 1. Read and match. ld 2a 3.b 4c 2. Look, complete and read. 1. an ear 2.a face 3. hair 4. eyes 3. Make sentences. 1. What's that? 2. Open your mouth! 3. It's an eye. 4. Touch your hand! Ask and answer. 1. It’s aneye. 2. It's a nose. 3. It's a hand. 4. It’s a mouth. 5. It’s an ear. 1. Read and match. Lb 2c 3a 2. Read, look and circle. la 2b 3.a 4.b 1. Look and write. 1. It's a mouth. 2. It's an eye. 3. It’s a nose. 2. Look and complete. 1. your nose 2. your eyes 3. Touch your 4. Open; mouth ai t 103 ©) my hobbies Pe a Ue ad D. READING 1. Complete and say. @. running b. painting 2. Read and match. lb 2¢ 3a 4d 3. Look, complete and read. 1. swimming 2. dancing 3. singing 4. painting PRS es Tt 1. Read and match. lb 2¢ 3d 4a 2. Read and match. ld 2¢ 3b 4a 3. Make sentences. 1. What's your hobby? 2. It’s dancing. 3. like running. 4. like cooking. Ask and answer. a. cooking b. running 104 1. Look, complete and read. 1. singing 2. painting 3. cooking 4. running 2. Look, complete and read. 1. cooking 2. swimming 3. painting 1. Look and write. 1. It’s drawing. / | like drawing, 2. It's swimming. / | like swimming. 5. It's running. / | like running. 4. It’s cooking. / | like cooking. 2. Write about your hobbies. Pupils’ answers Self-check 1 1. Look, write and read. 1. name 2. Mary 3. eight 4. swimming 5. touch 2. Read and complete. 2. Mary 4. hobby 1. name 3. eight 5. swimming SJ 1. Listen and or cross || 3. 4 5.x 2. Listen and number. le 2¢ 3d 4b 5a 1. Interview your classmate. Pupils’ answers 2. Ask and answer. 1. Yes, itis. 2. No, it isn’t. It’s Lucy. 3. No, it isn’t. 4, 'm seven years old. 5. It’s an eye. 6. It’s drawing. / | like drawing. Fun time ib N Read and complete. 1. are 2.0ld 3. hobby 4. eyes 5. cooking Look, write and read. 1. goodbye 2. friends 3. hand 4. drawing 5. running a 105 @)our school = 1. Complete and say. Ask and answer. a. classroom __b. playground a.itis 2. Do the puzzle. b. gym; it is c. the art room o(m[uls]i rlolo|m : olen . the music room; 7 alsis|rjojo|m OK, let's go. Oljalirit rijo|o|m epltlalyistrfelulnla Erg OLiljbirjalrly 1. Look, tick land read. 3. Read and match. |. playground Lb 2d 3a 4c 2 aia 3. classroom aa 4. computer room 1. Read and match. 2. Read and match. 1b 2¢ 3d 4a 1b 2¢ 3a 2. Look, complete and read. Boo 1. computer room 2. school 1. Look and write. 3. gym 1. playground 4. Let’s go 2. your 3. computer room 3. Make sentences. 4. art room 1. Is that your classroom? 2. Yes, it is. 2. Introduce your school. 3. Let’s go to the playground. Pupils’ answers 4.[s this our library? 106 8 Classroom instructions 1. Complete and say. a. stand b. speak 2. Look, write and read. 1. open 2. close 3.come —4.go S.stand sit 3.Read and match the opposites. Lb 2e Ba Ss 1. Read and match. lc 2d 3.b 4a 2.Read and match. ltd 2c 3b 4a 3.Make sentences. 1. May I come in? 2. May | open the book? 3. May I speak Vietnamese? 4, May I go out? Ask and answer. a. Yes b. you can 1. Read and complete. 1. May 2. speak 3. book 4.cant 2. Read and match. lc 2a 3d 4.b 1, Read and write. 1. book / books 2.down 3. go; No 4. speak; can N Look and write the questions. 1. May come in? 2. May | open the book? 3. May I sit down? 4, May I go out? 5 Write your answers. Pupils’ answers 5 107 @)my school things PHONICS AND VOCABULARY 1. Complete and say. a. eraser 2.Dothe ° b. book puzzle. elriu 3. Make sentences. 1. [have a notebook. 2. Do you have an eraser? 3. Yes, |do. 4, Do you have a school bag? 5. No, I don't. ° a[s lols zlo[=|o wW 1. aneraser 2. a pencil case 3. a school bag 4. a notebook B. SENTENCE PATTERNS 1. Read and match. 1d 2. Look, complete and read. 2¢ 1. aruler 2. an eraser; | don’t 3. a school bag; | do abt . Look, complete and read. 4a 4. a notebook; | don’t 108 Ask and answer. Yes, | do. / No, | don't. 1. Read and circle. Lb 2a 3.b 4b 2. Read and complete. 1. bag 2. notebook 3. case 4. eraser 5. school 1. Read and write the questions. 1. Do you have a pen? 2. Do you have a pencil? 3. Do you have an eraser? 4. Do you have a notebook? 5. Do you have a pencil case? 2. Read and write your answers. Pupils’ answers 3. Write about your school things. Pupils’ answers ©) colours spears 1. Complete and say. Ask and answer. a. blue b. brown b. blue 2.Do the puzzle. ° pl tule Peo + 5 ° 1. Read and match. lel lelufris|e[o[rlalnigje] ‘4 22 3b 4c k e ° 2. Read and complete. efylelt[1[olw a ee a n . 2.\tis 3.Read and complete with 5. are the colours from the puzzle. 4. They are 1. blue 2. orange 5. And 3. yellow 4. black Biiscen G.bronn oo SS 1. Look and write. 1. ruler; yellow 1. Read and match. 1b 2¢ 3d 4a 2. pencil case; orange 3. books; green 2. Read and match. Lec 2b 3d 4a 4. notebooks; red 2. Write about your school things. 3. Make sentences. . Pupils’ answers 1. What colour are the pencils? 2. What colour is the ruler? 3. My school bag is black. 4. The pencil cases are green. i 109 © Break time activities Ea 1. Complete and say. a. volleyball —_. football 2. Circle the odd one out. ld 2b 3a 4a 3. Look, complete and read. 1. doword puzzles 2. play chess 3. play basketball 4. play volleyball PR es tT 1. Read and match. ld 2¢ 3a 4b 2. Look, complete and read. 1. basketball 2. play table tennis 3. What; chat 4, do you do; play football 3. Make sentences. 1. I play chess at break time. 2. | play football at break time. 3. What do you do at break time? 4. | play badminton at break time. no ns) Ask and answer. a.| do word puzzles. b.1 do badminton. c.| play table tennis. 1 play volleyball. 1. Read and match. 1b 2d 3a 4c 2. Read and complete. 1. name 2. play 4. with 1, Look and write. 1. football 2. badminton 3. chess 4. volleyball at break time 5. chat with my friends at break time 2. Write about what you do at break time. Pupils’ answers Self-check2 Fun time 1. Read, look and number the pictures. 1. Look, write and read. 1. notebook 2. colours 3.speak 4. badminton 5. classroom 2. Read and complete. 1. brown 2. have 4, basketball 1. Listen and tick YJ or cross |! 3.[e 4M 5. 6. 2. Listen and number. IG ae 3.d 4.b Sa ° [» | a i d Ea efelal=[*[lelelm i [n| [t | ° n 1. Point and say. 1 artroom 2. anotebook 3. black 4. white 5.comein 6. football e 2. Ask and answer. 1. Yes, it is. / No, it isn’t. 2. Yes, |do. / No, I don’t. 3. Yes, you can. / No, you can’t. 4. It’s black. 5. They're white. 6. | play basketball. m @ My family rere Beco 1. Complete and say. a. sure b.old 2. Look, write and read. 1. mother 3. brother 2. sister 4. father 3. Look, complete and read. 1. twenty (20) 2. twelve (12) 5. fourteen (14) 4. Pupils’ answers DR es tT 1. Read and match. id 2a Ze 4b 26 2. Read and circle. lb 2a 3a 4b 3. Make sentences. 1. Who's this? 2. It’s my father. 3. How old is your brother? 4, My sister is fourteen years old. 2 ns) Ask and answer. a_mother b. twenty (years old) 1. Read and match. Le 2d 3.a 4b 2. Read and complete. 1. sister 2. years 3. brother 1. Look and write. |. this 4. eleven 2. sister 3. She's six (6) years old. 4. that 5. It's my brother. 6. twenty (20) years old 2. Write about you and a family member. Pupils’ answers

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