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Quaternary International 357 (2015) 58e69

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Contributions to the knowledge of Quaternary formations in the

southwest Romanian Plain
Petru Enciu*, Dan Balteanu, Cristina Dumitrica
Institute of Geography, Romanian Academy of Sciences, Romania

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: The processing of geological information obtained from some 1055 wells drilled in the southwestern
Available online 14 October 2014 Romanian Plain over an area of about 5200 km2 has led to a better understanding of the structure and
stratigraphy of Quaternary formations. The bending of the Danube River southwestwards and then
Keywords: westwards, between the Iron Gate Gorge and Brza Palanka, as well as the unbraiding at Ostrovul Corbului
Romanian plain (Batoti) and 20 km farther downstream, at Ostrovu Mare (Gogosu), are the result of major trans-
Quaternary stratigraphy
extensional movements of compartments buried west of the Timok fault, broken mainly from south to
Aeolian Formation
north due to the compression of the Southwestern Carpathians at the contact with the Moesian Platform.
Danube Formation
The morphostratigraphy of the Lower Member of the Danube Formation alluvia (Lower Pleistocene)
deposited by the Danube and its tributaries on the High Fields of the Romanian Plain (250e110 m
altitude) and of the Upper Member of the Danube Formation alluvia, of Middle PleistoceneeHolocene
age (170e20 m elevation, with 5e8 layers of terrace alluvia and a present-day floodplain) is partially
elucidated. This is due to the existence of active earthquake-affected faults, involving unequal move-
ments of alluvial layers. The 5e8 stepped fluvial terraces and floodplain relief is blanketed by the Aeolian
Formation (up to 35 m thick in the High Plains and between 20 and 25 m-thick over the old terraces).
Zoning the alluvial thickness of the Upper Member of the Danube Formation, omnipresent in the
Lower Danube Valley, reveals the dominance (69.3%) of the 5e10 m and 10e15 m ranges. Terrace and
floodplain alluvia are 15e20 m, 20e25 m and 25e30 m-thick on about 20.5% of the studied area: (i) near
Miro c Tableland, on the subsiding sectors divided by faults (ii) stacked alluvial sequences) and (iii) at the
confluence of the Blahnita and the Drincea rivers with the Danube Valley (3 stacked alluvial sequences).
© 2014 Elsevier Ltd and INQUA. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction (250e110 m elevation) with outcrops in the Upper Miocene-

Pliocene formations covered by coarse and sorted alluvia (~25 m-
Knowledge of the geological structure underlying the stratig- thick) deposited by the Danube and its tributaries in the first part of
raphy of Quaternary formations within the first 50 m depth of the the Lower Pleistocene (the Lower Member of the Danube Forma-
Romanian Plain is of major importance for a better understanding tion, 2.6e0.8 Ma).
of natural resources and environmental hazards. The investigated The current conceptual model of the Lower Danube Valley
area covers southwest Romania, well-known for agriculture (Fig. 1). Quaternary Stratigraphy, illustrated on the Geological Map of
Geographically, this region corresponds to the western part of Romania scale 1:200,000, dates from the 1970s. As far as
Lower Danube Valley subunit, namely the Danube terraces and geographical research is concerned, the first reference papers on
floodplain (170e20 m elevation), about 300 km long between the Iron Gate Gorge (Cviji c, 1908; Dimitrescu-Aldem, 1911) and on
Batoti Commune in the west (14 km south of Drobeta Turnu the Oltenia Plain (Va^lsan, 1915; Popescu-Voiteşti, 1925) were pub-
Severin) and Turnu Magurele in the east (at the confluence of the lished at the beginning of the 20th century.
Danube with the Olt). This study targeted also portions of the After World War II, new and significant investigations focused
surrounding Balacita, Salcuta and Leu-Rotunda High Plains on the geomorphology of the surrounding Getic Piedmont
(Mihailescu, 1947; Stroe, 2003) and the western part of the Lower
Danube Valley (Coteţ, 1957; Oancea et al., 1967; Badea and Coteţ,
1969; Badea et al., 1969; Posea et al., 2005). Geological research
* Corresponding author. after World War II, more precisely the boreholes drilled in the
E-mail addresses:, (P. Enciu).
1040-6182/© 2014 Elsevier Ltd and INQUA. All rights reserved.
P. Enciu et al. / Quaternary International 357 (2015) 58e69 59

Fig. 1. Main geomorphological subunits and the location of the study area. a) on the High Plain: I. Balacita Plain; II. Salcuta Plain; III. Leu-Rotunda Plain; b) in the Lower Danube
Valley: IV. Jiana Plain; V. Punghina Plain; VI. Bailesti Plain; VII. Segarcea Plain; VIII. Dabuleni Plain; IX. Danube Floodplain; X. Jiu Floodplain; b) on the righthandside of the Danube
River: XI. Miroc Tableland; XII. Prebalkan Tableland.

south-western Romanian Plain, were aimed at investigating the Information on the surrounding Miro c and Prebalkan Tablelands
terrain's Pliocene-Quaternary paleontology and stratigraphy (e.g. were published in the Donji Milanovac, Turnu Severin and Negotin
Liteanu, 1955; Liteanu and Bandrabur, 1957; Stoian, 1959; sheets of the Geological Map of Serbia, scale 1:100,000 (Dolic and
Bandrabur et al., 1963; Ghenea et al., 1963; Schoverth et al., 1963). Rakic, 1974; Bogdanovic et al., 1978a, 1978b) and later on, in the
The results were published by the Geological Institute of Romania Bregovo, Vidin and Lom sheets of the Geological Map of Bulgaria,
in the Geological Map scale 1: 200,000, sheets “Turnu Severin” scale 1:100,000 (Filipov et al., 1988, 1990, 1992). Subsequently, one
(Savu et al., 1966), “Calafat-Bechet” (Mihaila and Patrulius, 1966), collection of papers dedicated to the geology of the Iron Gate area
“Turnu Magurele” (Bandrabur et al., 1966) and “Craiova” (Mihaila was published (Knezevic, 1997; Marovi c et al., 1997; Raki
c and
et al., 1968). Simonovic, 1997).

Fig. 2. Stratigraphic chart of the study area.

60 P. Enciu et al. / Quaternary International 357 (2015) 58e69

2. Regional setting thick in the PermianeTriassic, the third one, about 3.5 km thick, in
the Liassic-Late Cretaceous, and the last one, up to 2 km, in the
2.1. Geomorphological issues Middle Miocene (Badenian)-Holocene (Pauliuc et al., 1979;
poanca , 2004).
In this section, the morphogenetic model of the Danube Gorge In the studied area, outcrops occur only in the Uppermost
terraces, at some distance farther west is discussed in brief. This Miocene (Pontian)-Holocene formations. In terms of lithology,
model, devised by Cviji c in 1908, was later revised by a group of Pontian deposits consist of coarse-to-fine detrital rocks (sands,
geomorphologists from the University of Bucharest (Posea et al., siltic clays, clays, marly clays). Recent investigations, conducted at
1963), and then by specialists from the Institute of Geography of the outflow of the Danube from the Iron Gate Gorge, suggest that
the Romanian Academy (Niculescu and Sencu, 1969). According to the first Danube delta was built at the beginning of the Meotian
the last paper, the Danube Gorge has a Pontian valley floor at (Leever, 2007; Leever et al., 2010) or Late Pontian (Popescu-Suc,
260e320 m relative altitude (r.a.), the “Sip” terrace t7 at 200e210 m 2001; Clauzon et al., 2005). Around Drobeta Turnu-Severin Town,
r.a., “Brza” terrace t6 at 150e160 m r.a., “Klju c” terrace t5 at Pontian rocks, accumulated in a deltaic environment, contain
90e115 m r.a., “Kosovica” terrace t4 at 60e80 m r.a., “Turnu” terrace gravels and sands with oblique cross-bedding. These rocks are
t3 at 30e50 m r.a., “Kladovo” terrace t2 at 10e20 m r.a., and the attributed to the Cartojani Formation (Figs. 3 and 8). Farther to the
lower terrace (t1) at 6e8 m r.a. Between the Danube to the west and south, on the same western margin of the Dacian Basin, Pontian
the River Olt to the east, the left hand side of the Lower Danube deposits consist of some 150 m-thick siltstones with sand in-
Valley includes the Jiana, Punghina, Bailesti, Segarcea and Dabuleni tercalations, rich in brackish water fauna and riparian forest flora
Plain subunits, with the Blahnita, Drincea, Desnatui and Jiu streams (Acer, Betula, Castanea, Fagus, Laurus, Oreodaphe, Platanus, Zelkova;
acting as dividing boundaries (Fig. 1; Posea and Badea, 1984). Krstic et al., 1997). The rocks strike NeS and dip 10e15 to the east.
In Romanian geosciences, the number of terraces in the studied To the southeast, in Bulgaria in the Arciar, Skomlia, Lom and
area is highly debatable because, after deposition, the Danube Ogosta valleys, Pontian rocks consist of sands with clay in-
terrace alluvia were overlain by 30 m-thick wind-borne aeolian tercalations (80e100 m, Arciar Formation; Filipov et al., 1988, 1990).
clayey silts and sands from the Danube, Jiu and Olt floodplains in At Dolni Ciba r (10 km south of the Danube) and Hajredin (20 km
the west and the south (Fig. 4). Not all geomorphological and south of the Danube), specimens of Tetralophodon longirostris
geological schools entirely agree on the number of terraces. The Kaüper, Trilophodon longirostris Kaüper, Hipparion mediterraneum
Geological Map of Romania, scale 1: 200,000, displays five such Gervais, Dicerorhinus schleirmacheri Kaüper and Anancus arvernesis
levels (Savu et al., 1966; Mihail
a et al., 1968). The Geomorphological have been identified in the Pontian-Dacian rocks (Evloghiev et al.,
Map of Romania, scale 1: 1 million, shows eight terrace levels 1995; Evloghiev and Enciu, 2001). On the present territory of
(Badea et al., 1976). Romania, offshore of the Dacian Basin, siltstones and clays (Figs. 3
and 8) prevail (Caladacna dv. sp., Pseudocatillus dv. sp., Pontalmyra
2.2. Pre-Quaternary formations dv. sp. a.o. (Bandrabur, 1971; Enciu and Andreescu, 1990).
The Dacian stage (~4.9e4.1 Ma, Fig. 2) was defined by Teisseyre
From a geological point of view, the studied area occupies the in the guidebook to the 3rd International Oil Congress held in
westernmost part of the Moesian Platform (Sandulescu, 1984; Bucharest (1907). During the first part of the Dacian, sedimentation
Visarion et al., 1988). The sedimentary cover of the Moesian Plat- in the westernmost part of the Dacian Basin took place in the
form includes four major sequences, deposited as follows: the first, littoral-lacustrine environment, with the accumulation of fairly
about 5.5 km thick, in the Paleozoic, the second one, some 5 km widespread sheets of sands, replaced at the mouths of the main

Fig. 3. a e Geological cross-section between the Salcuta High Plain and the Danube River. b e General legend of the geological cross-sections.
P. Enciu et al. / Quaternary International 357 (2015) 58e69 61

Fig. 3. (continued).

rivers (Motru, Cosustea, Danube, Timok, Lom) by deltaic deposits of (3.7e2.6 Ma), an alluvial plain environment including lakes formed
gravel and sand (the Berbeşti Formation; defined by Andreescu by major floods, developed (Jipa, 2009; Jipa and Olariu, 2013). As a
et al., 1985; Andreescu et al., 2012; symbol dc1 in Figs. 3 and 8). result, the second part of the JiueMotru Formation (thick layers of
Gravels (up to 53%) with sands, belonging to the first delta of the pebbles with sands, sands, clays, thin coal layers) accumulated. The
Danube are exposed along the left hand side bank of the river, stratigraphic level of the Late Romanian contains an association
extending about 20 km between Erghevita and Hinova (Enciu, with Mammuthus rumanus (Ştefa nescu), Zygolophodon borsoni
2009). Hays, Anancus arvernensis Crois. et Job., Dicerorhinus elatus Falconer,
During the Late Dacian, as the western Dacian Basin was being Dicerorhinus etruscus Falconer and Metacervoceros pardinenisis
silted, swampy forests were extending over a significant part of that (Athanasiu, 1907, 1908; Schoverth et al., 1963).
territory. During the Early Romanian interval (Siensian, 4.1e3.7 As boggy, river and subaerial environments prevailed in the
Ma), the region appeared as a riverine boggy plain environment, Dacian Basin since the Romanian stage, mollusks were used to
with clayey sand and coal deposits (the clayey-coaly member of the assess age and basin horizons. The following Unionidae Family
JiueMotru Formation, Andreescu et al., 1985; symbol dc2-ro) species have been identified: Cuneopsidea dv. sp., Jaskoa dv. sp.
accumulating. Subsequently, in the Middle and Late Romanian Psilunio dv. sp, Pristinunio dv. sp., Rugunio dv. sp., Rythia dv. sp.,
62 P. Enciu et al. / Quaternary International 357 (2015) 58e69

Fig. 4. Isopach map of Danube Formation.

Sulcopotomida dv sp., Wenziella dv. sp. a.o. (Pana et al., 1981; Enciu, (“ISPIF SA”) over 1965e1985. The drillings, to depths of 50 m, were
2007, 2009). studied during 2010e2013. The lithostratigrapical data obtained
come from 1055 wells dug by continuous mechanical coring for
3. Materials and methods land reclamation in the irrigation systems of Crivina e Vanju Mare
(212 wells), Izvoarele e Cujmir (167 wells), Cetate e Galicea (101
To understand the pre-Quaternary geological evolution of the wells), Calafat e Bailesti (214 wells), Nedeia e Macesu (181 wells),
western part of the Lower Danube Valley, we synthesized the in- Sadova e Corabia (124 wells) and Corabia terrace (85 wells). The
formation found in the specialist literature (Andreescu et al., 1985; entire surface-area analyzed covers 5195 km2, and average well
Filipov et al., 1988, 1990; Krstic et al., 1997; Clauzon et al., 2005; density is 1 to every 5 km2.
Leever, 2007; Enciu, 2007, 2009; Leever et al., 2010; a.o.). Based The drillings made at spacings of 150e250 m, followed the route
on this, pre-Quaternary formations (lithology, fossils specific to of irrigation channels. The aim was to get an insight into the grain
depositional environments, etc.) were briefly characterised. size, lithology and thickness of strata in the Danube Formation and
In order to solve aspects connected with the Quaternary for- the Aeolian Formation. The “ISPIF SA” data were processed and
mations, we used the materials originating from three sources. The centralized in an Excel table that included the coordinates of dril-
first is represented by our geological studies in outcrops and lings, the thickness of the Aeolian and Danube Formations, and the
quarries (Enciu and Dumitrica , 2013a, 2013b; unpublished reports; isobaths of the lower limit of the two formations. The table was
Enciu et al., 2013). used to generate an ArcGIS database for the studied region. In 2013,
The lithostratigraphic columns of coal strata prospecting drillings a first set of results was used in the project “Technical requirements
from the Dacian e Romanian formations have been obtained from for the Implementation of the Project for Upgrading the Nuclear
“GEASOL SA” Trade Company. Diggings were made by continuous Capability of the Nuclear Power Plant Kozlodui e Bulgaria” signed
mechanical coring to depths of 25e300 m; the network of squares between the National Research e Development Institute for Land
had sides of 3.6 km and 1.8 km. The first author of the article Reclamation “ISPIF SA”, Bucharest and “Risk Engineering Ltd”, Sofia,
participated, as the representative of the Geological Institute of Bulgaria (Enciu and Dumitrica , 2013a, 2013b).
Romania, in the field study of drilling cores dug in the Romanian Plain
(Enciu, 2007, 2009). Description of drilled strata and the content of 4. Results
mollusk associations identified therein proved valuable in working
out the lithostratigraphic columns for some 87 drillings. On the basis A synthesis of published works, the processing of original
of these columns, a correlation of drilled strata from one to the next archive data, as well as field-work mapping proved useful in:
drill could be made. The geological cross-sections helped separate
the formations deposited in the Pliocene e Holocene interval. 1. The characterization of the lithology, specific faunal associa-
Another category of drillings were performed by Bucharest tions, extension of pre-Quaternary formations situated at the
National Research e Development Institute for Land Reclamation base of the Danube Formation;
P. Enciu et al. / Quaternary International 357 (2015) 58e69 63

Fig. 5. Isopach Map of Aeolian formation.

Fig. 6. Some stratigraphic well-columns with two stacked alluvial sequences.

64 P. Enciu et al. / Quaternary International 357 (2015) 58e69

Fig. 7. Main faults.

2. Insight into the rock composition and internal make-up of the rocks (up to 35 m-thick fine-to-medium sands, clayey sandy silts)
Danube Formation and determining the lower limit of the were identified over the LMDF rocks (Fig. 5).
Danube Formation; Subsequently, in the Middle PleistoceneeHolocene, the Danube
3. Zonation of the six rough alluvia strata thickness in the Upper River downcut the Miocene-Lower Pleistocene succession of the
Member of the Danube Formation, present in all the drillings Balacita, Salcuta and Leu-Rotunda High Plains. As a result, the
made in the study-area; higher relief of the Romanian Plain underwent repeated down-
4. Thickness zonation and insight into the overlying Aeolian For- cuttings of the five-eight stepped terraces and the floodplain. The
mation; and Upper Member of the Danube Formation (UMDF) is very much
5. Working out a structural sketch with the main faults of the extended in the Lower Danube Valley. As coarse sediments prevail
basement, some of which are active today. in this formation, beds are usually devoid of mollusks. There are
few macromammalia fossil-bearing sites: Drobeta-Turnu Severin
and Plenita (Ghenea et al., 1963), Sadova, Cilieni, Dobresti, Obarsia,
4.1. Stratigraphy of Quaternary formations Caciulatesti, Caracal and Macesu de Sus (Bandrabur, 1971). Skeleton
fragments of Dicerorhinus merki Jager, Mammuthus meridionalis
During the Lower Pleistocene (~2.6e0.78 Ma), Danube recurrent Nesti, Mammuthus trogontherii Pohlig, Mammuthus primigenius
overflows formed an extensive fluvial plain contributing decisively Blumback, Coelodonta tychorinus Blumback, Coelodonta antiquitatis
to the Dacian Basin infilling. As a result, the Lower Member of the Blumback and Megaceros giganteus have been identified.
Danube Formation (LMDF), consisting of coarse and extensive beds
of alluvium, accumulated. LMDF, up to 25 m-thick, are present 4.2. Thickness of the Upper Member of the Danube Formation
everywhere on the Balacita, Salcuta and Leu-Rotunda High Plains.
The lower limit of the LMDF dips WeE, occuring at ~þ230 m in the Using the geographical criterion, here is a west-to-east
Balacita High Plain, ~þ125 m in the Salcuta High Plain and ~þ 80 m description of UMDF thickness (Table 1).
in the Leu-Rotunda High Plain.
Table 1
In the LMDF, remnants were found of Mammuthus planifrons Main thickness classes.
Falconer, Mammuthus meridionalis Nesti, Plesippus athanasiui
Range (m) Percent % Range (m) Percent %
Samson, Stephanorhinus etruscus Azzaroli, Alces gallicus (Azzarolli),
Leptobos cf furtivus Duverney, Pliotragus ardeus (Deperet), Castor 0e5 12.2 15e20 13.9
plicidens Major and Ursus etruscus Cuvier (Popescu, 2004). Brown- 5e10 36.0 20e25 5.6
10e15 33.3 25e30 1.0
reddish silty clays (8e10 m) and different grain-sized aeolian
P. Enciu et al. / Quaternary International 357 (2015) 58e69 65

Fig. 8. West-to-East geological cross-section in the Bailesti Plain.

1. The Jiana Plain, the westernmost subunit of the Lower Danube settlements, the bedrock is represented by the Upper Dacian-
Valley, is built up of Danube terrace five beds (Savu et al., 1966), Romanian coaly-clayey Formation (þ30 to þ20 m elevation).
each having about a 10e15 m-thick upward-fining sequence. The Quaternary alluvium is < 5 m thick in the Pisculet-Tunarii
Gravel beds, occurring on the Danube River tributaries, were Noi sector and 5e10 m thick in the eastern area.
built both by the low gravel sheets developed during high- 5. Along the Danube floodplain, in the sector situated between the
discharge events and by the migration of gravel bedforms. Baboia River in the west and the Jiu River in the east, maximum
2. In the Burila Mare sector, beds become thicker (20e25 m) due to alluvium bed thickness is 17e20 m. The bedrock is represented
two stacked upward-fining sequences built by the Danube. by the Lower Dacian Berbesti Formation (up to 100 m-thick
Eastwards, where confined valleys of the Orevita and the Blah- deltaic sands, Fig. 4). The area has the necessary structural and
nita tributaries emerge from the Getic Piedmont passing into hydrogeological conditions for the development of the Bistretu,
the Lower Danube Valley, an alluvial fan was formed. The wells Carna, Nasta, Nedeia, Marmorele and other large lakes. Large
intersected three stacked upward-fining sequences within the areas of the alluvial sequence are overlain by up to 6 m-thick
first 25e30 m from the surface. The high upward leakage, from organic mud.
the confined aquifer of the Berbesti Formation, into the thick 6. East of the Jiu River, between the localities of Bechet and Ianca,
alluvium of the Jiana Plain favoured the scores of lakes and, the bedrock over the Dabuleni-Bals positive morphostructure is
around them, clayey peat beds occur at the top of the UMDF represented by Sarmatian sandstone and limestone. The Qua-
formation. ternary alluvium is 5e10 m-thick around Ostroveni and Bechet
3. In the Punghina Plain, the 5e10 m UMDF-thick interval occupies settlements and is < 5 m-thick north of Da buleni commune
most of the surface (Fig. 4). There are two 20e25 m-thick sec- (Enciu et al., 2013).
tors. The first is developed in the Drincea Mica and Drincea Mare 7. Between the localities of Ianca and Corabia, UMDF becomes
inter-stream (has two stacked upward-fining sequences of the steadily thicker, up to a maximum value around 20e25 m. The
Danube and, overlying them, a sequence of the Drincea River, wells crossed two stacked upward-fining sequences in Garcov,
~4e5 m thick). The second sector (>25 m) is located on the left Vartop, Vadastrita, Celei and other sectors. The subsiding
hand side of the Danube floodplain, around the Timok River movement of the compartment between the Ianca-Amarasti
mouth. and Celei-Bucinisu faults explains the large space available for
4. The main UMDF thickness classes in the Bailesti Plain are 5e10 deposition (Figs. 4 and 7).
and 10e15 m. Along the Golenti, Basarabi and Bailesti WeE 8. In the Danube floodplain, near Corabia, the alluvium layer
strips, the UMDF is up to 15e20 m thick. On the WeE strip, (>23 m) is the result of conjugate erosion and deposition by the
connecting Pisculet, Rast, Coveiu, Catanele and Bistretu Iskar right hand side tributary and the Danube.
66 P. Enciu et al. / Quaternary International 357 (2015) 58e69

4.3. Characterization of the Aeolian Formation at the Danube outlet of the Iron Gates (Clauzon et al., 2005) as a
Pliocene transgression following the Messinian lowering of the
All over the western Romanian Plain, the Danube Formation is Dacian Basin, could be correlated with the W-to-E dipping
overlain by the silty-sandy Aeolian Formation, thickness 1e30 m. clinoforms.
Its main role is to protect the groundwater resources of the Danube Thanks to our studies of the rocks recovered from continuous-
Formation against human-induced pollution. The grain-size, in- coring drill-holes made for coal on the Getic Tableland and the
ternal architecture, and thickness of the youngest formation, westernmost part of the Lower Danube Valley, thick alluvial beds
deposited during the Middle PleistoceneeHolocene, show signifi- were identified (30e35 m thick of gravels and fine-to-coarse sands)
cant west to east differences. as the fills of a major river within the clayey-coaly Jiu e Motru
Formation (Enciu, 2007, 2009). In the upper part of the Jiu e Motru
1. In the west-east elongated sector, between the settlements of Formation, in the raw material quarries investigated in 2012 and
Deveselu and Plenita, which correspond to parts of the Jiana, 2013, we identified pebbles of Carboniferous slates and anthracite,
Punghina and Bailesti Plains, over the old terrace, the Aeolian Permian quartz-porphyries, and other lithologies exposed in the
Formation is 20e23 m-thick. In the south of the above plains, Almaj Mountains (Southern Carpathians). The main lithoclasts
over the lowermost terrace, the same formation, represented by sensitive to source-areas in the Lower Pleistocene Danube Forma-
clayey sandy silts, is 10e15 m-thick (Fig. 5). tion are andesites and dolerities (originating in the Timok catch-
2. South of the Bailesti Plain (Calafat area), the Aeolian Formation ment area) and quartz-porphyries, peridotites and serpentinites
(clayey sandy silts a.o.) on the lower terrace is 10e15 m-thick. frequently occurring in the Danube Gorge.
Around Poiana Mare, Ciuperceni and Desa communes this for-
mation is built of fine-to-medium sands. Southwards, in the
Danube Floodpain, thickness decreases progressively to <2.5 m 5.2. Main features of the Danube and Aeolian Quaternary
(due to repeated Danube washing during high overflows in formations
3. In the WeE elongated sector, between the Danube River in the In the studied area of the Danube Valley, in 649 of 1055 total
west and the Balasan Brook in the east, around Pisculet, Piscu drillings used in the elaboration of this study, one-to-two mainly
Nou and Piscu Vechi settlements, the Aeolian Formation incomplete upward fining sequences pertaining to the Upper
(5e10 m thick) over the lowermost terrace, t1, is dominated by Member of the Danube Formation overlay the Upper Miocene-
medium-to-coarse yellow sands. Pliocene formations. Each alluvial sequence starts with boulders
4. East of the Balasan River, on the flat surface of the lowermost and gravels, or gravels and sands, and is completed by coarse-to-
terrace (t1), and especially over the Danube Floodplain (t0), the fine sands, sandy clays, or clays (Fig. 6).
Aeolian Formation is < 2.5 m-thick, or is missing altogether The 2.5e5.0 m thickness class of Upper Member of Danube
(reworked during major floods). Formation represents about 12% of the area, and is present mainly
5. Near the Bistretu, Ca ^rna, Nedeia and Potelu lakes, on the large in locations with a pre-Quaternary erosion-resistant basement
surface of the Danube floodplain, the Aeolian Formation was (Sarmatian limestone and sandstone), or in areas affected by pos-
rewashed during major flood events. itive crustal movements (lower basin of the Jiu River).
6. East of the Jiu River, Aeolian Formation thickness increases. The dominant thickness of an upward fining sequence of the
During the Middle PleistoceneeHolocene, as some geological Upper Member of the Danube Formation is in the range of 5e10 and
and climatic factors converged, a dust-generating process was 10e15 m, with a cumulative share of some 69% of the entire area
favoured. The Aeolian Formation on the old Danube terrace studied.
is > 20 m-thick. It is formed exclusively of sand layers (21 m- The 15e20 m thickness class covers about 14% of the area and is
buleni North Monitoring Well) and of sands and silty
thick in Da present in the western third, where the Danube was supplied with
clays (22 m-thick in Ocolna Monitoring Well). large amounts of alluvia by the right hand side tributaries from the
7. In the easternmost part of the studied area, on the common Miro ci Mountains and Tableland (Fig. 4).
terraces of the Olt and the Danube, the Aeolian Formation, There are two sectors of the Upper Member of the Danube
consisting primarily of loess, is 10e15 m-thick (Fig. 5). Formation, 20e25 m, featuring two overlapping alluvial sequences,
8. In the Boian High Plain in the eastern part of the studied area, one in the northern Bailesti Plain, and the other in the eastern
the Aeolian Formation is the thickest (over 35 m-thick). Dabuleni Plain (Fig. 4).
Highest thickness values (25e30 m) are found in the Jiana and
5. Discussion Punghina plains. An alluvial sequence, built by the Blahnita and
Drincea rivers, overlaps two alluvial sequences deposited by the
5.1. Recent results concerning the Paleo-Lower Danube River Danube (borehole 157H Vanju Mare and 2009H Punghina, Fig. 6).
The Aeolian Formation situated above the Upper Member of the
The ancient hypothesis (Cviji c, 1908) implies that the Danube Danube Formation is composed of medium-to-clayey sands (Jiana
Valley though the Iron Gate gorges existed already in the Pontian, Plain, western Bailesti Plain, western and southern Dabuleni Plain)
as a heritage of a narrow Middle Miocene valley. A recent regional with subunits of fine grain-size rocks (clays, silts, and silty clays of
seismic sequence stratigraphy supported by bio- and magneto- macroporous texture). The Aeolian Formation is thickest where it
stratigraphic data consolidated this hypothesis of the fluvial overlies older Quaternary formations, namely the Lower Member of
connection between the Pannonian and Dacian basin since the the Danube Formation, in the Leu-Rotunda High Plain (30e35 m)
Pontian (Leever et al., 2009, 2011). Sudden base level fall in the and the old terraces (t5, t4, in: Mihaila et al., 1968) in the northern
western part of the Dacian basin in the Pontian was attributed to Bailesti Plain (20e25 m).
the Messinian lowering of the water level in the Black Sea (5.6e5.3 Above the newest alluvial terraces (t1, Bandrabur et al., 1966;
Ma). Savu et al., 1966; Mihaila  and Patrulius, 1966; Mihaila et al.,
The subsequent Upper Pontian e Dacian sequence shows the 1968), the Aeolian Formation is 2.5e5.0 m-thick. The thinnest
well-developed clinoforms, dipping W-to-E, arranged into pro- Aeolian Formation layers are in the Blahnita, Drincea, Desantui, Jiu,
grading bodies (Leever et al., 2009). The Gilbert fan delta described Olt and the Danube floodplains. The major sources of wind-borne
P. Enciu et al. / Quaternary International 357 (2015) 58e69 67

sands are the Danube floodplain between the localities of Batoti 6. Conclusions
and Calafat and the Jiu floodplain between Craiova and Bechet.
The Danube Valley studied (170e20 m elevation) is the outcome
5.3. Some geodynamic data of part of the Upper Miocene-Lower Pleistocene formations being
eroded and deepened by 150e120 m and of the Danube migrating
The characteristic Danube Valley features and configuration are from the center of the Romanian Plain (N) to the limit with the
the outcome of regional endodynamic processes that took place Prebalkan Tableland (S). The age of pre-Quaternary rocks, overlain
during the Middle Miocene-Quaternary interval. The western discordantly by the Danube Formation alluvia, decreases from
neighbourhood of this area, the southwestern Carpathians, in- north to south conformable with the progressive dipping of the
cludes outcrops of the Supra-Getic, Getic and Severin Nappes valley, being Upper Pliocene in the Central Romanian Plain (on the
formations (Sandulescu, 1984). During the Late Cretaceous- high fields) and Upper Miocene over a large part of the floodplain.
Paleogene, these younger and more mobile Carpathian units At the OlteDanube confluence, Senonian limestone is present at
collided with the Moesian Platform western boundary. The the base of the floodplain alluvia. In the Middle Pleistoce-
compression occurred against the background of their south- neeHolocene, the Danube and its tributaries deposited the Upper
north-directed drift and continued north of the Danube by a Member of the Danube Formation, consisting of five-to-eight layers
clockwise rotation movement around the Moesian Platform of terrace alluvia and a layer of floodplain alluvium.
(Ratscbacher et al., 1993; Krezsek et al., 2013). The resistance of In the Lower Danube Valley, the 1055 drillings used in the
the Moesian Platform to the SeN-directed displacement of the elaboration of this study intersected one-to-two upward fining
Alpine units changed the tectonic-mechanical regime of the latter. sequences (consisting of boulders, gravels, sands and sandy clays)
The compression stage was then followed by one of rupture, with and reached Upper Pliocene-Upper Miocene formations. Out of all
unequal movements along the southenorth direction. The dextral the drillings that fully traversed the Danube Formation, only 16%
strike-slip displacement was less extended (~60 km) along the met two or three levels of alluvial sequences.
Porec e Cerna e Jiu fault than along the Timok e Balta e Targu Jiu The dominant thickness of an upward fining sequence of the
e Calimanesti fault (~65 km), at the contact with the Moesian Upper Member of the Danube Formation is in the range of 5e10 m
Platform (Berza and Draganescu, 1988;; Kra €utner and Krstic, 2003; and 10e15 m, with a cumulative share of some 69% in the entire
Tarapoanca et al., 2007). area studied. The morpho-stratigraphy of the Upper Member of the
With the exception of the Batoti-Pristol sector (~70 km long), Danube Formation is very difficult to decipher, due to the Danube
developed over the buried compartments of the South-Western Formation alluvial beds being covered by the Aeolian Formation
Carpathians, the central and eastern parts of the studied area (fine-to-coarse sands, primary loess, loess-like deposits), up to
(230 km long) were moulded over the Moesian Platform basement, 25 m-thick above the old terrace and over 35 m-thick on the Leu-
affected by S-to-N differential movements along the strike-slip Rotunda High Plain). In addition to the fact that the scarp of ter-
faults system. On tectonically predetermined blocks with tectonic races is obscured by the Aeolian Formation, understanding the
lines, the mainly isostatic movement was reactivated during the initial pattern of the alluvial strata is made difficult by recent crustal
Subcarpathian Nappe emplacement (Sarmatian) and during the movements of the Moesian Platform along the active faults, with the
Wallachian phase (Lower Pleistocene). Two roughly orthogonal VartopeGaliceaeBailesti reverse fault being particularly involved.
normal fault systems are mapped (Visarion et al., 1988). The E-W-
oriented one has the largest offsets at the basin bottom and is Acknowledgements
mostly Mid-Cenozoic in age. The second one is NeS-to-NE-SW-
oriented and originates from the Permo-Triassic (Tarapoanca et al., One of the authors (Enciu) wishes to extend his gratitude to the
2007). Some of these faults were slightly rejuvenated during the geological specialists of “GEASOL SA” Craiova Enterprise of
Middle Miocene-Quaternary. Geological and geophysical research Geological Prospecting and Explorations, who participated in field
carried out in the studied area (Dumitrescu et al., 1962; work for coal drillings in the Getic Piedmont and the Romanian
Straszewska, 1971; Sandulescu et al., 1978; Dumitrescu and Plain between 1983 and 1992. Thanks are also due to Eng. George
Sandulescu, 1981; Visarion et al., 1988; Filipov et al., 1988, 1990; Varbanov, the representative of the Bulgarian “Risk Engineering
Zugravescu et al., 1998; Enciu, 2007; Dinu and Raileanu, 2008; Ltd” Company, Sofia for fruitful collaboration in solving the struc-
Raileanu et al., 2008; Georgiev and Shanov, 1991) indicates the tural pattern of the Moesian Platform formations found at 25 km
existence of at least nine disjunctive structures at the pre- around the Kozlodui Nuclear Power Plant.
Quaternary datum-level (Fig. 7). The authors are also indebted to Dr. Danut Maria, Dr. Coman
Inside the study area, the active character of the Batoti-Gogosu, Mihai and Eng. Traian Ghibus, the management of the National
Rogova-Gruia, Motatei, Gramada-Seaca de Camp, Desnatui and Research e Development Institute for Land Reclamation “ISPIF SA”
Celei-Bucinisu faults is betrayed by the existence of the Hinova, for having kindly agreed to our processing archive data for ~1055
Bregovo, Cetate, Bistretu, Bucinisu and other epicenters (Angelova, short wells dug over 1965e1990 interval. The lithological columns
2000; Lungu et al., 2004). The last recorded earthquake of the drillings enabled us to understand the lithology, internal
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settlement along the Desnatui fault on March 23, 1987 (Georgiev thors are grateful for the sincere help received from Dr. Stefan
and Shanov, 1991; Enciu et al., 2013; Enciu, 2013). Shanov, who offered new references, valuable criticism and sug-
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